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July 17, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-17

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SATURDAY, JUY 17, 1941'

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JAG 11th Officers Class
To Receive Diplomas Today
With Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, the Judge Advocate General of the
Army, presenting the diplomas and welcoming them to duty with, the De-
partment, the 11th Officers Class of 67 graduated this morning at the Judge
Advocate General's School.
In addition to Gen. Cramer, other speakers on the program include
Brig.-Gen. Thomas H. Green, Assistant Judge Advocate General, Col.
Edward H. Young, Commandant, and E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the
Law School.
Approximately twenty percent of the graduates will have assignments
for foreign duty. Other assignments will be to the Judge Advocate General's
Office in Washington, D.C., various

Advance Through Sicilian Orchard

Army headquarters, ports of em-
barkation, service commands and
troop units. Many of those going to
Washington will be there temporar-
ily for office training before pro-
ceeding to other assignments.
Twelve Majors Are in Class
Graduating officers range in rank
from second lieutenant to major,
there being 12 of the latter rank, 25
captains, 17 first lieutenants, and 14
second lieutenants. Twenty-three
officers commenced their military
careers as privates by induction or
enlistment, and received commis-
sions by direct appointment or
through officer candidate schools of
other branches of the service.
In the 12 weeks of their train-
ing, the officers received a mili-
tary legal education in military
justice, government contracts,
claims by and against the govern-
ment and military affairs. On the
military side they studied staff
functions, weapons, which includ-
ed small arms and rnachinegun;
chemical warfare and use of the
gas mask, map reading in the
classroom and practical exercises
in the field; minor infantry tac-
tics, and close order drill.
In addition to 8 hours of class and
drill during the day, they devoted
three hours in the evening to com-
pulsory study for the morrow's les-
Four University Men Graduate
In civilian life over one third of
the graduates held public office.
Seven were district attorneys, three
state court judges, five legislators,
three mayors, and two state attor-
neys general. Maj. Norman D. Lat-
tin,. JD '24, was a Professor of Law
at Ohio State.
Other Michigan law graduates
in the class include Maj. Cedric W.
Clark, '22E, former judge and
prosecuting attorney of Meigs
County, 0.; Capt. F. Roland Sar-
gent, JD '31, Saginaw City Attor-
ney, and first assistant prosecut-
ing attornety of Saginaw County;
and Lt. Marvin G. Goodwin, '28L,
member of Tennessee Legislature,
and Mayor of Lenoir City, Tenn.
for seven years.
A farewell banquet, a regular func-
tion of a graduating class at the
School, was held last night at which
Gen. Cramer, Gen. Green, Col. John
M. Weir, Executive Officer of the
Judge Advocate General's Depart-
ment, Col. Robert M. Springer, Mili-
tary Personnel Officer, Col. Young,
Col. Frederick C. Rogers, command-
ing the 3651st SU ASTP-ROTC here,
Capt. Richard E. Cassidy, USN, and
Mean Stason were honored guests to-
gether with faculty members.
International Group
Gives Social Sunday
A special Sunday evening snack
and social hour will be held at the
International Center at 8 p.m. to-
morrow at which the Chinese Stu-
dents' Club will be hosts to Dr. B. A.
Liu of the Chinese News Service,for-
eign students and friends.
The first hour will be devoted to
informal discussion with Dr. Liu,
who is visiting the campus from his
New York office to do work with the
School of Education. Following the
discussion refreshments will be
served, for which there will be a
slight charge.

Tries To Jo il
Marine Reserve
Isaiah Walton, eight-year-old Ne-
gro lad, stole the show in West Quad
yesterday as he walked into head-
quarters and declared, "I wanna'
join the Marines."
The potential recruit, home un-
known, informed Marine officers he
was "just passin' through" on his
way to Detroit and decided he want-
ed to "join up."
"He breezed in as if he owned the
place," an executive officer said yes-
terday, "and was a little disappoint-
ed when we told him he was just a
bit too young. But he stayed around
long enough to entertain the boys
with a few Negro spiritual dances,"
the officer added.
Isaiah's fun wasn't over as he left
the Chicago House office. Outside
the Quad, he met some of the sailors
and marines. He entertained an
audience of approximately 50 ser-
vicemen with a play-by-play de-
scription of the "conference in the
big office."
"It looked like a USO party," the
officer remarked, "with little Isaiah
as the belle of the ball."
M issionaryTo
Give Speech on
Post-wWar China
Dr. George Shepherd, a missionary
to China for twenty years, will speak
on "Which Way China in the Post-
War World?" at 8 p.m. Thursday in
the Rackham Building under the
sponsorship of the Post War Council.
Known as one of the closest friends
of Generalissmo Chiang Kai Shek,
Dr. Shepherd has served as one of the
first co-directors of a rural recon-
struction unit in devasted Kiangsi at
the request of Chiang.
Dr. Shepherd has also served as
an adviser to the liberal, cultural, re-
habilitation movement known as the
"New Life Movement." In this capac-
ity he has assisted in evacuating'
thousands of women workers and
families and in moving China's uni-
versities from the coast to the interi-
Dr. Sheperd contends that mis-
sionaries are "true scientists in the
realms of human relations." and
that they' are providing the world
with unmistakable proof of the rele-
vancy between the main factors in
our several cultures."
L ane Hall Invites Students,
Servicemen ito Coffee Hour
All students and servicemen are
invited to the weekly Coffee Hour
held from 4 p.m. till 6 p.m. today in
Lane Hall.
Available at that time and all dur-
ing the week from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. is
one of the most complete collections'
of religious music available, The
Lane Hall Library of religious books
is also open to students and service-


Creeping along on their stomachs in the shade of an orchard, U.S.
paratroopers advance on the enemy as they carry out their missions
during the opening phases of the invasion of Sicily.
Captains Turn Corporals as
JAG Class Stagyes Moot Court

WAC Officer
Program To
Be Established
Civilian Committees
Are To Recommend
Candidates for School
Preparations for the establishment
of a WAC officers candidate program
to train civilian women as officers for
the Corps was announced recently by
Capt. Edith M. Davis, officer pro-
curement representative of the Sixth
Service Command. '
Capt. Davis was in Ann Arbor
Wednesday working with Lt. Barbara
Bethell, local recruiting officer, to
establish finding committees among
civilians here which will recommend
qualified persons as candidates for
the WAC officer candidate school.
Prof. To Head Committee
Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the
German Department and Mrs. 'Wilma
Donahue, of the psychology depart-
ment will head the University finding
The purposes of the committee wilJ
be to recommend specially qualifield
women to Lt. Bethell. Women accept-
ed for the training will be given four
weeks basic traing, followed by eight
weeks officer training, and then will
be commissioned as second lieuten-
Women who are interested may
apply directly to Lt. Bethell in the
League or they may write to WAC
headquarters at 631 Federal Building
in Detroit.
OCS To Be On Iowa
After being, accepted by the re-
cruiting officer, the applicants must
pass a reviewing board in Detroit.
Training for the officer candidates
will probably be given at Des Moines,
Women are needed as command
officers, as executive and staff of-
ficers and as operational officers,
Capt. Davis explained. Women with
a good background in handling peo-
ple, with supervisory ability and ex-
perience in public relations are being
sought for the positions.
Special Skills Valuable
Special skills such as photography,
will also be valuable to applicants,
Caut. Davis said.
This is the first opportunity given
to civilian women to apply as officers
in the WAC, Capt. Davis pointed out,
as in the past all officer material has
been selected from the ranks.

Jap Submarine Will Receive
Military Escort from Station
The now famous Japanese suicide submarine that was seized at Pearl
Harbor will receive a military escort from the United States Army when it
arrives at Michigan Central Station about 3:30 p.m. today.
First in the line of march from the depot is the Air Corps Band, fol-
lowed by a platoon of engineers of the ASTP on campus.
The infamous submarine will then fall in line, followed by a platoon
of Company A, 3651st S.U., marching to the skirling tunes of bagpipers
Pvt. Nick Carter and Pvt. William Elmendorf, both of Company A.
Parade Will Go Down Main
Leaving the depot on Huron, the parade will march down Main St. to

"Pvt. James E. Coffin, charged
with desertion with intention to
shirk important service, embarka-
tion for foreign duty at an un-
known destination, is convicted of
being AWOL, and is sentenced to
five years at hard labor, given a
dishonorable discharge and must
forfeit all pay and allowance!"
bellowed the voice of Maj. Winfield
K. Denton, president of the Moot
Court presented by the Eleventh
Class of the JAG School Thursday
Such was the conclusion of the
mock trial in which captains pin-
ned on corporal stripes and lieu-
tenants turned major.
The mock court martial was pre-
sented in all seriousness by the ap-
pointed court of the Eleventh Class
as part of its graduation program.
This seriousness, however, left the
witnesses plenty of leeway for hilari-
ous remarks.
Orchids for the prize acting of the
evening go to Capt. Keith F. Dris-
coll, alias Lt. William H. Florenzo,
MP, handwriting expert witness.
Prosecution: "Lieutenant Flor-
enzo, you are a handwriting ex-
Lieutenant Florenzo, very coyly,
"I'm an expert on handwriting as
well as many other things!"
Defense: "I object to a witness'
being an expert on anything!"
"Objection overruled!" roared
the president.
Not to be outdone, Lieutenant Flor-
enzo said sweetly, "I admit I'm pretty
good. I might say that I feel that I
could say with reasonable certainty
The prosecution interrupted
rudely, "Have you studied the pa-
There was profound silence as
Lieutenant Florenzo minutely scru-
tinized the script---for at least one
"Yes, sir," he said ponderingly,
"I've studied them. I might add
that's the least amount of study-
ing I've done in this school! Yes
sir," getting hack to the question
at hand, "those signatures are one
and the same."
"Oh, yes, sir, I've had lots of ex-
perience. I took an ICS course once
G roups To Make
Post -War Plans
'U' Extension Service
Sponsors Movement
A concerted drive to enlist Uni-
versity students and Ann Arbor res-
idents into active post-war planning
groups was announced yesterday by
the University Extension Service.
This war is a conflict of ideas, the
announcement said, and democracy
must be strengthened while fascism
is defeated.
An appeal is made for a discussion
group to be started in each com-
munity. Those interested are re-
quested to contact representatives of
various organizations; for example,
luncheon clubs, labor unions and
church groups, and to start a dis-
cussion group through them.
The groups will discuss both do-
mestic and international problems.
Additional information concerning
the discussion groups may be ob-
tained from the Extension Service,
Room 107 Haven Hall. The Service,
pointed out that University librar-
ians are prepared to help discussion
groups on sources of material.
Army Personnel Sees
Movie 'Prelude to War'

and then over again 12 years later.s
"Oh, yes, sir, I've studied all
types, but I kind of like the Spen-
cerian type best. ,
"Why, sir? Well, I just can't help'
it, I kind of like the Spencerian.
"Noooo, sir, I wouldn't call this
pure Spencerian.
"You mean this little curlycue
here? Well, sir, I'd just call that a
slip of the pen. It happens lots of
times, you know. One goes up and
one goes down, and that's the way
it is.
"Do I have trouble reading it,
sir? It's my bifocals, sir," apolo-
getically, "I've only had them a
As in every good play, clever char-
acter contrast to the self-assured
Lieutenant Florenzo was provided
by Lt. Calvin L. Rampton, alias Pvt.
James E. Coffin, the frightened andi
timid accused.
Prosecution, in criminatingly:
"Private Coffin, did you or did you
not sign this safe arrival card stat-
ing the conditions of being on the
alert and the penalties involved
for leaving the post when on the
"Well, sir," hesitatingly, "I guess
I signed it, but I didn't have time to
read it. I've signed lots of things
since I've been in the Army-I was
on KP and that mess sergeant we
had, he was right on us to get back
to the kitchen."
"Yes, sir, I knew we was on the
alert, but I thought all it meant
was that we could get locked up
for a couple days.
"Yes, sir, I wanted to see m'wife.
"Yes, sir, we was having a little
trouble. Well, sir, it ain't really
my wife, it's her mother. She
didn't like me and so my wife, she
was going to get a divorce.
"Did I patch up my difficulties?
Oh, yes, sir, but now I'm here,"
tearfully, "they've flared up all
over again!"
The only consolation this layman
reporter could see for unfortunate
Private Coffin, the victim of mali-
cious circumstance, was that perhaps
his mother-in-law would depart from
this earth before his term was served,
and his matrimonial difficulties
would iron themselves out.
1'o lie Of feredi
Because of the increased demand
for men trained in plastics, the De-
partment of Chemical Engineering
in the Engineering College has
opened to senior engineers with spec-
ial premission a graduate course in
this field.
The course covers all the work in
plastics required by industry today.
The older forms of plastics, such as
bakelite and cellulose products are
Also included in the program is
work in the production of synthetic
rubber, and the newer types of plas-
tics as rubber substitutes from a soy
bean base.
("'omlpny A (14 X is
To Broad~icaTr oday
"Concordia Latitia" will be the
opening song on the broadcast to be
given at 10 am. today by the soldier
chorus of Company A, 3651st S.U
Also scheduled for the all-soldier
program are a fourteenth century
Latin hymn, "Roll Jordan Roll,"
"Bones Come A-Knit tin' " and "Away
to Ris," a sea chantey.
Pvt. Robert Kuks will play a violin
solo, 'Air on a G String" by Bach, ac-

The thread is qff the floor;
The policy: open door.
The button's on the shirt,
The basin free of dirt.
The lights are all aglow.
My chin is wrinkled? No!
The shoes are fully laced,
The hangers neatly spaced.
Mly buckle has a shine;
My posture, sir, is fine.
Yet I'm certain, sure as sin
-Candidate Theo. N. Colohan, Jr.
Judge Advocate General's School
W AB Sponsors
First Rec-Rally
Sports and dancing and plenty of
hostesses will be on hand to greet
servicemen and students at the first
Rec-Rally of the summer to be held
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. today on
Palmer Field and in the Women's
Athletic Building.
Sponsored by the WAA, the Rec-
Rally was instituted last semester to
provide the campus with a new type
of entertainment, Betsy Perry, '46 A.
chairman of the project, said yester-
Equipment for archery, softball,'
tennis, volleyball and horseshoes will
be provided on Palmer Field. After
dark, there will be dancing and in-
formal games in the W. A. B.
JAGs Start Volleyball.
The Officer's Candidate Class of
the Judge Advocate General's School,
taking advantage of the long summer
evenings, has organized a volleyball
tournament. One faculty and five
sttdent sections will play each week
for five weeks beginning Thursday.

Williams, then proceed east to State
Street. From there the well-escort-
ed sub will go north on State to
Huron, west on Huron to Fourth,
and then to the corner of Fourth and
Ann Streets, where the sub will be
Because of the outstanding record
made during the recent bond drive
the usual admission charge of war
stamps and bonds will not be charged
to examine the sub after the parade.
There will be booths near the sub
for the sale of stamps and bonds
while it is on display from 4 p.m. to
10 p.m. today. While it has been
touring the country it is credited
with selling more than $22,006 worth
of War Bonds for every hour it has.
been on display.
The 81-foot suicide sub carries
out its mission by pulling along-
side a target and setting off an
explosive charge. The sub also
carries two torpedoes which are to
be fired into the target before the
'suicide' blow is struck.
Sub Designed for One Way Trip
Power by storage batteries which
cannot be recharged, the submarine
is designed strictly for a one-way
mission. Its thin shell offers no pro-
tection against shell fire and it is
capable of submerging only 15 feet,
too little to avoid depth charges. ,t
Since it can dive only when in
motion it rises helplessly to the sur-
face when the batteries are exhaust-
ed. On its mission, it is towed near
its target area by a "mother" ship;
Five Cent Bounty Offered
For Yanker Ragweed
HOLLAND, July 16.--t)-The wo-
men's literary club, seeking to alle-
viate hay fever suffering next month,
offered a bounty of five cents for
every hundred ragweed plants yanked
up by the roots. The club set aside
$25 for the project.
Four hundred youngsters tore up
approximately 800,000 plants, send-
ing the club members into emergency

State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
11:00 a.m. Church Service with Rev. Robert
Zoerheide, minister of the Universalist
Church, Hoopeston, Ill., preaching on:
12:00 M. Pot-luck Dinner with Students and
Servicemen invited.
3:30 p.m. Folk Dancing led by Mr. Hans
423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore Schmale. Pastor
9:00 A.M. Service in German.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning worship with sermon by
the Pastor.
409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00
Sunday morning service at 10:30
Subject: "LIFE"
Sunday School at 11:45
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington
St., open every day except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 A.M. until 5 P.M., Satur-
days until 9 P.M.
120 South State Street
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, Ralph G. Dunlop
Music: Hardin van Deursen, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
9:30 a.m. Class for University Students. Wes-
ley Foundation Lounge.
10:40 a.m. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments where young
children may be left during worship service.
10:40 a,.m. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares'
subject will be "Religion and Health."
4:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting for Univer-
sity age young people. Discussion on
"Health," leaders, George Liechty and Olin
Oeschger. Fellowship hour and supper 'at
5:30 p.m. '
512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister


(Missouri Synod)
Alfred Scheips, Pastor for Students
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor for Students and
Sunday, at 11:00: Divine Service in the Michi-
gan League, Chapel. Sermon by the pastor,
"The Christian Youth and His Marriage."
Sunday at 3:00: Outing of Lutheran Student
Club, Gamma Delta, meeting on the steps of
the Rackham Bldg., including picnic supper.

. .
..,, ' /

This message is directed to you!
We all are doing our part but we
must do more than our share to
win the war. Save for the future
now. Invest in war bonds and
you will be saving for the future.
Buy your bonds at the Ann
Arbor Bank and deposit them in

sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church - E. Washington St. and
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service.
Sermon b& E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church - E. William St. and
S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service
Sermon by Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Lutheran Student Assn. Meeting.
4:30 p.m. Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,
309 E. Washington St.
Group will leave from the Parish Hall for the
Fred Wiedman home, 1912 Austin Ave., where
the meeting is to be held.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Willard V. Lampe,
Franklin Mitchell, Director of Music
and Organist
10:45 a.m. Church School Summer Session. The
Nursery will be held as usual. Beginners will
be in charge of Mrs. N. J. Prakken assisted
by Mrs. Jack Hogan. Primary Department
conducted by Mrs. H. Colvin. The Junior
Church for Juniors and Intermediates will be
held in the Piggot Parlor directed by Miss
Elizabeth O. Brown.
4:00 p.m. Westminster Student Guild Forum.
Dr. Lemon will speak on the topic. "The Gen-
tile Problem - and the Jews." Open discus-
sion will follow. The Vesper will close with
a social hour and refreshments.
306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. Robert M. Muir; Student Chaplain
Nancy Plummer Faxon, Musical Director
,Philip Malpas, Organist
R -O .m. T-Hly Commun ion.


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