WERDNF t.-fVAAY, JULY '""7,1942
Tigers Beat Senators 4-3 In
16 Innings, Threaten 2nd Place
Gunder Tails Dodds, u,,t Not For Long
DETROT, July 6.-- (A)- Mana-
ger Steve O'Neill of the Detroit Ti-
gers celebrated his 52nd birthday to-
day, and the best gift of all was a
16 inning decision over the Wash-
ington Senators, 4 to 3, that boosted
the Tigers half a game from the
American League's second place.
The Tigers got two early runs off
unbeaten Milo Candini, seeking his
eighth victory, but these were can-
celed by Bob Johnson's two-run
homer off Tommy Bridges in the
fourth. Then the marathon began.
In the top half of the 16th John-
son doubled with one out and scored
on Gene Moore's first hit of the
game, R single to center. That made
it 3 to 2.
Don Ross, batting for Dixie Par-
sons, started the Detroit counter-
offensive with a double to left. Gor-
sica beat out an infield hit, "Ross
holding second. + J. P. Wood was
sent in to run for Ross and was
picked oiI second base for the first
out. Cramer then forced Gorsica
for the second out. Then things be-
gan to happen.
Henry (Prince) Gana, Hawaiian
pitcher, batted for Joe Hoover' and
singled sharply to right, Cramer
stopping at second. Dick Wakefield
hit an easy grounder to Gerald Prid-
dy, who let it slip through his legs,
Cramer scoring the tying run. Scar-I
borough worked carefully on Hig-
gins and walked him, filling the
Scarborough had escaped trouble
in the 13th and 14th innings with
the bases loaded, but this time he
couldn't get the ball over to Ned
Harris. With a 3 and 1 count, he
pitched a wide one that forced home
the winning run.
W .000 200 000 000 000 1-3'12 2
D ..110 000 000 000 000 2-4 14 1
times before a man was out in to-
day's tussle with the Phillies and
went on to win 4 to 0 on a masterful
three-hit pitching performance by
Harry Gumbert.
It was the fourth straight triumph
and sixth of the season for the vet-
eran righthander, who allowed no
hit longer than a single and let only
one runner get as far as second base.
St. Louis ...-. 300 000 100-4 9 2
Philadelphia .000 000 000-0 3 1
Gumbert and W. Cooper; Kraus,
Mathewson (9) and Livingston.
raues Beat Reds, 1-0
BOSTON, July 6.- (P)-Al Javery
notched his second shutout of the
season today and made sure of the
victory by driving the game's only
run across the "late as the Boston
Braves defeated the Cincinnati Reds,
The tally came in' the second inn-
ing whei Clyde Xluttz, the first bat-
ter, doubled to left field. After the
next two batters went out in order,
Javery slapped a single into left cen-
ter to send Kluttz home.
Cincinnati .. .000 000 000-0 6 01
Boston.......010 000 00x--1 6 1
Starr and Mueller; Javery and
Gill Dodds, Boston divinity student, had his brief moment of fame
in Chicago when early in the special two mile race he led Gunder Haegg
(right), star Swedish runner, during their duel at Soldier Field. Dodds
fell back later and Haegg won the event with 20 yards to spare in 9:02,8
Aryll an To DecideGCollege 11 (Kid ball
Candini, Scarborough
Early; Bridges, Gorsica
Richards, Parsons (13).
Cards iLn, PhIJsu
6.- (IP)-
The St. Louis Cardinals scored
Organist To Present
Recital iomorrow
Organist Mary Alice Power, Grad.,
will present a concert at 8:30 p.m._
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Power is working under Pal-
mer Christian of the University
.School of Music for her, degree of
M erof Music. She began her
oran rstudies with lFrederick Alex-
ander, director of the conservatory
of Michigan State Normal College
until his retirement in June 1941.
Eighth Army in Iraq
LERN, Switzerland, July 6.-(A)-
A Sofia dispatch quoting the Gior-
nale d'1talia said today a great'por-
tion of the British Eighth Army now
was concentrated in Iraq, Iran and
Syria, and said that Gen. Sir Ber-
nard L. Montgomery, its head, was
repo rted to be in Baghdad.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 6. - Unless
the Army quickly reverses its field,
and that appeared highly unlikely
today, your best bet to see football
played this frill is your nearest (by
bus or streetcar) high school stadium.
Representative Weiss (Dem.-Pa.),
former Duquesne star and profes-
bional grid referee, declares that only
the Army can save collegiate foot-
ball by permitting its trainees in
schools to participate in intercol-
legiate games. But apparently the
Army does not intend to relax its
Army Hasn't Time for Football
A spokesman declared today there
-is absolutely no change contemplat-
eda in the War Department's policy
which declares men in the Army
Specialized Training Program have
no time for intercollegiate sports.
Weiss was admittedly gloomy as
to the outlook, but as chairman of
an informal committee that has bee"
urging that the War Department
allow Army college trainees to get
into the game, said he had "dis-
cussed that time factor with num-
erous Army officers and they say
the boys could devote an hour or
two a day to football without inter-
fering with class room work."
Officially, however, the Army
holds otherwise. While permitting
intramural sports, the Department
stands on an answer given in reply
to a question in a student training
booklet issued April 1st with a
foreword by General Marshall.
Question 46 was: "Will trainees be
permitted to engage in intercollegiate
Answer: "No. This is a war.
These soldiers are being trained for
specific Army duties at Army ex-
pense. Successful completion of these
courses requires great concentration
and effort on the part of the soldier-
trainee. The time required for in-
struction and training and supervised
study does not allow sufficient leeway
for participation in varsity sports."
But, says Weiss, "What I can't
understand is how West Point and
Annapolis and Navy Pre-Flight
and Navy trainees can play, yet
the Army trainees can't, as yet."
To this Army officials here say
that what happens at West Point!
is up to the superintendent. He is
Major L eague
in command of the Military Acad-
emy, they say, and the sports pro-
gram is his to determine.
Men Get Stiff Schedule
The Army booklet cites that the
weekly schedule of the college-train-
ees calls for about five hours of mil-
itary training, six of physical con-
ditioning, a minimum of 24 hoursI
in classes, and a minimum of 24
hours of supervised study. Their day
starts with reveille at 6:30 a.m.,
breakfast at 7 a.m.. classes or pre-
scribed study at 8 a.m.. tonoon, din-
ner at 12:15 p.m., classes or study
1:20 to 5:20 p.m., supper 6:30 p.m.,
study 7:40 to 10 p.m., taps 10:30 p.m.
With that lineup, declare Army offi-
cials, there's not much time to kick
the pigskin around and no time to
take tri;)s to play games.
The Navy, on the other hand, is
a bit more lenient. A spokesman -
for that service said today that
"the object governing the college
progra i is to make it as nearly
lik e no rmal college life as is con-
sistent with the needs of the
He interpreted this to say that
the Navy has placed no ban on par-
Iicipat'ion by its trainees in inter-
collegiate sports and does not object
if the mcn can find the time outside
their studies.
Southwor.h To
Pilot Al-Stars
In New Fashion
Annual PDrearn Gaie
Manager Will Not
Denand TopH urlers
Iy The Associated Press
NEW YORK, July 6.-In his first'
crack at managing a major league'
all-star team, Billy (The Kid) South-
worth is planning to try a different
procedure from most of the pilots
who have preceded him at the helm
of the National League representa-
tives in the annual "dream game."
In the first place he does not in-
tend to ask any of the pitchers
selected for his squad be saved
especially for the game with the
American League stars at Phila-
delphia next Tuesday night, and
in 'the second place he will make
rio particular effort to get all the
National League players into the
"Championship games come first
with me," the lithe little manager of
the world champion St. Louis Cardi-
nals declared, "and if a manager
thinks he has a chance to win a
regular league game on Saturday or
Sunday by using one of the all-star
pitchers, I wouldn't think of asking
him not to use him.
Although he is not asking that
other pitchers be saved, South-
worth said that the trio of hurlers
selected from his own St. Louis
staff probably would have ade-
quate rest.
"Mort Cooper worked Saturday
and both Howie Pollet and Max La-
nier pitched Sunday at Brooklyn.
With one start for each of them this
.week, my schedule probably will work
out just right for them to be ready
for the All-Star game," he explained.
"The pitching schedule for some'
other club might not work out that
Slosson Talks
'OnWar Plans
The recent renewed activity of
American cruisers in the South Pa-
cific and the bombing raids over Eur-
ope are indicative of the fact that
the Allied inactivityasince the Tunis-
ian campaign is at a end, Prof.
Preston Slosson of the History De-
partment said yesterday in his week-
ly lecture on current events at the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Concentrated raids made over the
continent in recent months are a
part of a greater plan for Allied in-
vasion of the continent which will
become more apparent within the
next month, Professor Slosson pre-
While we have good news from
the battlefronts, the news from the
"Washington front" is not so en-
couraging, he said in referring to the
recent quarrel between Jesse Jones
and Vice-President Wallace.
This lecture on current events is
the second in a series of eight which
are given at 4:15 p.m. every Tues-
day at the Rackham Building.
MerZ To Direct Zeta
Psi Residence Hall
The Zeta Psi house, now operated
as a freshman University Residence
Hall, is under the direction of Resi-
dent Advisor E. H. Merz, with She-
wood Jackman as Staff Assistant.
'Joseph Klingensmith is president
of the house, and Richard De Mark
is vice-president. Other officers are
Robert Dolph secretary-treasurer;
Don Rendineh, social chairman;
Bruce Jackman, judiciary chairman
and James Baird, scholarship chair-
Red Cross, War Department
Begin Recruitment Campaign
An urgent appeal for more nurses Hays pointed out. The Army a
to care for American men wounded Navy rely entirely on volunte
in combat was made yesterday by Nurses who qualify are given offi
the American Red Cross and the ratings in the Army Nurse Corps
United States War Department the Navy Nurse Corps with salar
The appeal marks the beginning starting at $150 a month, plus qu
of a concerted nurse recruitment ters, subsistence and one uniform
campaign in Washtenaw County Nurses Urged To Return to Duty
which began yesterday and will last Registered nurses not now act
through July 16. in their profession are being urg
Qualified Nurses Vitally Needed by the Red Cross to return to di
"Husbands, fathers and mothers in their own communities to t
of qualified nurses, as well as the the place of' those who have g
nurses themselves, must realize the into service.
vital need for nurses to leave their Red Cross nurse's aid and ho
civilan duties for their country's nursing training programs are be.
service, J. G. Hays, chairman of the stepped up in a further effort
Washtenaw Red Cross chapter said. strengthen the depleted nursing
Nurses are not being drafted, Mr. sources in communities from wh
registered nurses have gone to t
front, Mr. Hays said.
Lctlus ky To 3,000 Nurses a Month Needed
"A full appreciation of the ni
Add es M e 'sfor nurses is necessary on the p
of eeryone," he added, "if we are
CTifurnish the 3,000 nurses a moi
which are needed by the armed f
ces. It is the responsibility of peo
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of here in Washtenaw County to h
the University psychology depart- fill the need. The Red Cross will
ment, will speak to the members of glad to furnish full information."
the Men's Education Club on "An Red Cross campus headquart
Amateur Bureaucrat in Washing- are located in North Hall.
ton" at 7:15 p.m. today in the Un- Nurses who apply for .duty w
ion, Dr. Claude Eggertson, faculty the armed fmorces may specify w
advisor of the club, announced yes- ther they prefer the Army, Navy,
terday. Army Air Force. Because rese
Newly elected officers of the club for the Army and Navy Nurse Co
are, Forrest Averill, Supt. of Schools are depleted, both urgently n
in East Grand Rapids, chairman, and nurses, the Red Cross announced.
Walter McIntosh, Supt. of Schools Must Be High School Graduates
at Rockland, vice-chairman. Wil- Candidates for either corps m
liam A. Nelson, principal of Bendell be graduates of a high school and
Junior High School in Flint, will act approved school of nursing, re
as secretary. Wayne S. Huffman of tered, physically fit, of good char
Bowling Green Normal College in ter and general suitability. Mari
Bowling Green, 0., and J. Myron women are eligible for the A
Patridge, instructor of physical edu- Nurse Corps and the top age is
cation and economics at Blissfield, The Navy Nurse Corps maxim
will serve on the executive commit- age is 40 and its members must
tee. - unmarried, widowed or divorced
The Men's Education Club, spon- must have been citizens of the Ui
sored by the School of Education, ed States for at least 10 years.
will meet at 7:15 p.m. on Wednes-----....- ----
days throughout the summer ses-
sion. Lectures and discussions will
cover a variety of current day topics
as well as those concerned with edu-t on in Mdern
cational problems. &6 , /%* ,,er
Bandage Unit
To Open'Today
Coeds Urged To Work Btt
Two Hours a Week III[
The Surgical Dressing Unit will be Xrg
open from 1 to 5 p.m. every Wednes- srg*
day and Thursday, during the sum- -n10] mi
mer session, Jean Whittemore, chair-
man of the unit, announced yester-
day. Csar
"Every woman on campus is urged O E.
to spend two hours a week at the -
unit," Miss Whittemore said.
Women who wish to become in-
structors may take the necessary
test within the first two weeks, she
pointed out. A minimum of six hours
experience is required.
Freshman women do not have to
wait until their second semester to
work at the unit, she said. Graduate
students are reminded that they are
also welcome at the unit.
"There is always a demand for the
dressings," Miss Whittemore said,
"which are sent to our fighting men
1 Carillon Open to Public 'MIISILVERS
Modred ~Walter-Lang
The bell chamber of Burton Tower = P Ad°«tb"wn " Pcaa"we
will be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon Cartoon and News
from noon to 12:15 p.m. each Thurs- Mats. 25c Eves. 40c
day until Aug. 19.
New York
Chicago ..
St. Louis.
. .. . ... . ..37
. .. .. .. . ..37
......... .32
.... .... 3 1
Tuesday's Results
Detroit 4, Washington 3
New York at St. Louis
(16 inn-
Philadelphila at Cleveland (incom-
Boston at Chicago (postponed)
St. Louis ............
Brooklyn . ..........,
Pittsburgh ..........,
Cincinnati ...........
Philadelphia .........
Boston ..............
Chicago .............
New York ...........
Tuesday's Results
s " t
" G
w [l
44 24
44 32
36 32
33 35
33 37
31 35
30 41
28 43
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days, (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 0
Boston 1, Cincinnati 0
Chicago 9, Brooklyn 4 (twilight)
(Only games scheduled.)
Hostesses Will Direct
Hillel Mixer Saturday
All service men and students are
invited to attend the opening mixer
the Hillel Foundation is holding
from 9-12 p.m. Saturday.
As a service organization Hilleli
Foundation will offer a full program
for the summer. At the first mixer
Saturday there will be dancing, re-
freshment and entertainment, and
hostesses will be present to meet and
introduce the newcomers.
(Conurm fir (1Page 4)
Conference Roon of' te Rackham
interinational Center: A reception
for foreign i d ent sfaculty mem-
bers, inter es ted American students,
and frienads will be held at the In-
t ernational Center Friday, July 9, at
8 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Esson M. Gale
aid specially invited guests will re-
ceive the visitors. Opportunity for
getting a iuainted will be provided
newcomers, and refresl1ments will be
Foreign Langwnage 'Tables: At the
regular International Center Tea or
Thursday, ,JuIly 8, from 4 to 6 p.m
three tables will be reserved for those
desiring to speak French, Spanish
or Portuguese. Prof. Julio del Tore
and his Spanish conversation group
will join the Spanish table, and Pro-
fessor Charles Koella will preside a
the French Table. The nuclei of the
tables will be foreign students whc
speak these languages. Faculty mem.
hers and foreign language student.
are cordially invited to attend.
Contract Rates on Request
SCOTT with
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.
BOARD BY WEEK 620 Forest Ave.
Mrs. P. M. Keusch.
STATIONERY, for your new address.
Individualized-no samples- de-
sign your own-select your style of
type - fraternity and sorority
crests available-one week service.
Stewart Howe Alumni Service, Inc.
232 Nickels Arcade, Allen Ray-
mond, Mgr.
SINGLE ROOM available on second
floor east front for girl under-
graduate. 6543.
WANTED Student Relief Cook for
Tapestry Handbags
will be closed from
thru Wednesday, July 1
Wp will a-Of)It Iiu s edy 10
AX/c b-ojpc thatthIIis will tiISY YOU HO
r I
Carry them now and on 'n1 "1 aL Good gift idea!
Roomy, light-weight, fashioned of decorative cotton
tapestry pieces with handsome frames of wood or wood
and plastic. Neutral, slow-to-soil beige backgrounds
with colorful patterns. Lined, fitted with coin purse.
i1y 22.