Four Law Graduates From
University Attend JAG School
RAF's Typhoon Fighter Given New Destructive Power
Lt. Jacoby Relates Trip From
Shangri-La' to University
Judge Advocate General's School
Four graduates of the University
of Michigan Law School are among
the 70 members of the 11th Officer
Training Class at the Judge Advocate
General's School, a recent survey re-
Major Norman D. Lattin, who re-
ceived his JD here in 1924, was pro-
fessor of law at Ohio State before en-
tering the Army. Another University
graduate is Capt. F. Roland Sargent,
JD '31, who was Saginaw City At-
torney and first assistant prosecuting
attorney of Saginaw county.
Clark, Goodwin Here
The other two University men in
the class are Major Cedric W. Clark,
'22L, and Lt. Martin G. Goodwin,
'28L. Major Clark formerly served
as judge and prosecuting attorney of
Meits County, Ohio, while Lt. Good-
win was a member of the Tennessee
legislature and Mayor of Lenoir,
City, Tenn., for seven years.
Among law schools, Harvard is
far in front with 11 representa-
tives while Michigan and Fordham
tie for second place with four each.
Other legal institutions which
boast two or more include Cornell,
Georgetown, Ohio State, Stanford,
University of Texas, Louisiana State
University, Western Reserve, New
York University, and Yale.
One officer is a graduate of Dal-
housie University, Halifax, Nova
Scotia, and later earned law degrees
at Oxford University, England, and
Yale. Three others hold degrees of
doctor of jurisprudence.
Captains Hold Majority
In the matter of rank, captains
hold a majority with 26. First lieu-
tenants and second lieutenants num-
ber 16 and 14 respectively. There are
13 majors in the class.
Two members 'of -the class con-
fess to service outside the conti-
nental limits of the United States
in this war, and 11 to service:in
World War I, one in the Navy.
One was an air corps pilot in
France and another was wounded
at 6 a.m. on Armistice day 1918.
Public offices formerly held by the
student officers are numerous and
range from village trustee to state
court judge. In addition to the trus-
tee, there are three former mayors,
a city councilman, a city attorney,
an assistant city attorney, seven dis-
trict attorneys or assistants, an as-
sistant United States attorney, and
asistant state court clerk, and a
state bar examiner.
Five Congressmen Present
On the legislative side are five
former state representatives or sena-
tors. State judges are three in num-
ber, and there are one county judge
and one court reporter. Two officers
were formerly assistant state attor-
neys general, and three other held
important legal positions with gov-
ernment agencies.
Eight different service schools
are listed among those attended
previously, led by the Infantry
School and Air Corps Administra-
tion. Others are the Adjutant Gen-
eral's School, Quartermaster
School, Tank Destroyer School,
Armored Force School, Counter In-
telligence School, and Army Ad-
ministration School.
Among undergraduate educational
institutions Fordham, Louisiana
State University, and University of
Alabama lead with three followed by
Auburn, University of North Caro-
lina, University of Washington, Uni-
versity of Texas, Ohio State, New,
York University, and Yale with two.
Altogether 49 different colleges and
universities are represented including
one graduate of the United States
Military Acadamy at West Point.
Navy Represented
The membership of the class does
not possess a 100 per cent Army.
tinge. A salty atmosphere is added by
the fact that two officers attended
the United States Naval Academy at
Annapolis for two years, one attend-
ed a naval course at Newport, R. I.
Giving physicals to 1317 Navy blue-
jackets and marines in West Quad
may be a far cry from action on the
high seas, but Lt. Jack Jacoby, '38M,
medical officer for the V-12 program,
has seen plenty of it.
Stationed aboard a heavy cruiser,
Lieutenant Jacoby sailed with an es-
cort fleet to "Shangri-La" in the
South Pacific, scene of Jimmy Doo-
little's takeoff for his immortal April
1942 raid on Tokyo.
Japs Attacked Ships in Pacific
"From 'Shangri-La' we went to
Australia but our action really be-
gan in Feb. 1942 when the Japs at-
tacked the Marshall-Gilbert and
Wake-Marcus island strings." Lieu-
tenant Jacoby said. "Jap pilots came
at our ships. They chased us during
the days, dropping .bombs all around
us. We were hit twice but not much
damage done.
"In the middle of October that
year our cruiser joined a Marine fleet
just before the battle at Guadal-
canal," Lieutenant Jacoby continued,
"and soon after encountered some
more Tokyo lead. At night we came
upon a fleet of Jap ships off Guad-
alcanal. In the little battlethat
followed, our fleet sank two of their
transports, four cruisers, four de-
stroyers and several planes. Our ship
was hit several times-shell hits, not
torpedoes-and we were forced to go
to Pearl Harbor for repairs.
Lt. Jacoby Cares for Jap Prisoners
"Before leaving the Guadalcanal
area, we picked up ten Jap prisoners.
A lieutenant commander and an avi-
ator were hurt; I had to give medical
attention to them," Lieutenant Jac-
oby continued. "They are the same
as anyone else under treatment," he
added, "but their psychology and
philosophy of life are different. It's
like watching a new puppy, you can't.
figure out what they are thinking.
"At Pearl Harbor, I left the ship
and did some work in the hospital
there," he said, "and then we shipped
back here."
Lieutenant Jacoby was graduated
from the University School of Medi-
cine in 1938 and spent the next three
years interning in Detroit. He Was
a member of Sigma Chi, Phi Rho
Sigma, Galens, and secretary of his
sophomore class.
Great Lakes Awaits
It may be Great Lakes for any
number of bluejackets of the V-12
unit at the end of five weeks of the
summer semester.
Any freshman in the training unit
receiving a "D" in any course at the
five-week report will be sent to "boot
training" as an apprentice seaman
at Great Lakes Training Station.
Unscholarly attitude in class and
disobedience of naval regulations will
also disqualify members of the pro-
gram from continuing their courses
NROTC cadets and upperclassmen
not receiving five-weeks grades will
be held to the "D" ruling at semester
Bombs for typhoons-the RAF's fast Typhoon fighter now can carry two 500-lb. bombs., one of which
is shown being fitted to the plane. Note two cann on in wing.
By Edw. Percy and Reginald Devham
TONIGHT thru Saturday, 8:30 P.M.
Box Office Phone 6300'
Prices: 88e - 66e - 44e (inel. Fed. tax)
(in Michigan League Building)
and another served in the Navy dur-
ing the First World War.
As to residence, 25 states, two-
thirds of which are east of the Mis-
sissippi plus the District of Columbia,
are named. New York with nine,
Ohio with eight, California with
seven are closely bunched at the top,
trailed by Texas and Massachusetts
with four each and Alabama, North
Carolina and Louisiana with three
each. Two residents are claimed by
Oklahoma, Maryland, Kansas, Mis-
-souri and the District of Columbia.
As it the usual case with ques-
tionnaires, facetiousness was not
entirely absent. One humorist, in
answer to a query re hobbies,
states "outgrowneallrreportable
ones, some others." Another re-
plied to athletic experience: "Par-
lor varieties recently." And as to'
unusual experiences, a third fell
back on his knowledge of the law,
"I -plead -self incrimination," he
Twenty-three of the officers either
enlisted or were induct-ed as enlisted
men and were thereafter recipients
of commissions by appointment or
as a result of attending officer can-
didate schools in other branches of
the service. In addition to the Judge
Advocate General's Department, of-
ficers assigned to the Signal Corps,
Transportation Corps, Infantry and
Air Corps are members of the class.
Lt. Col. Visits JAG's
Lt.-Col. Wm. C. Gaud, G.S.C., head
of the'International Division of Civil
Affairs of the War Department in
Washington, is visiting the Judge
Advocate General's School today.
He will address a combined group
of the 11th Officer Training Class
and the 00S on the topic "Lend
Lease Supplies to Civilian Popula-
Is fitted to your facial features. Let
us be of service to you. You're wel-
Between State and Mich. Theatres
Henry C. Cassidy, chif of the Asso-
ciated Press Bureau in Moscow has
watched twice while the (ermianis
tried to hammer down the Russian
Army without success. Planning his
own return to Moscow, he says he will
get there-hut that the new Nazi drive
NEW YORK, July 6.--(/)-The
Germans' third summer offen ive
against Russia, although later than
its predecessors and more limited in
scope, can still present a strong
threat to the Soviet Union and to
the United Nations.
The dangers are double-mili-
tary and political.
Militarily, the Wehrmacht can
make a powerful effort to drain at
least some of the offensive strength
out of the Red Army before the Ger-
mans are confronted by a second
land front in Europe.
Political StrainE PuIramount
Politically, the new strain imposed
upon the Soviet Union is renewing
Russian anxiety over the absence of
that second front, and may well bring
to a head a fresh crisis among the
United Nations.
The military target is a tremen-
dous one. On the basis of Soviet
estimates, the Red Army has al-
ready lost 4,200,000 men, dead or
missing. But, on the basis of a
potential mobilization of one-tenth
of the population, or 19,300,000
men, the Red Army still has 15,-
100,000 men, almost four times as
many as have been lost, a huge
reservoir of defensive-and offen -
The political question can not be
reduced to figures, but the editorial
clamor for a second front, already
arising in Russia, may exceed last
year's polemics which brought Prime
Minister Winston Churchill to Mos-
cow. The victory in Tunisia, in Rus-
sian eyes, can not compensate for
another year of waiting, so far in
vain, for another front in Europe.
Drive Is Belated
The drive which the Germans op-
ened yesterday on the Orel-Kursk-
Belgorod front comes just two weeks
later in the year than the first gen-
eral invasion of the Soviet Union
War Bond Meeti
To Be Held rooday
A mass meeting for all women on
campus interested in selling war
stamps and bonds will be held at
5 p.m. today in the League, it was
announced yesterday by Marcia
Sharpe, '45, chairman of the drive.
Graduate students are especially
urged to come, Miss Sharpe stated,
as their services are needed as well
as those of undergraduates. An op-
portunity will be provided at the
meeting for the women to sign up on
the various committees to sell stamps
and bonds this summer. Among the
committees are booths, league houses,
dormitories, and sororities, and rep-
resentatives from each will explain
their respective duties.
Registration for men
in EnIgine Arch
8- 12
June 22, 1941, and the move last year
against Stalingrad.
The loss of those two weeks of
summer campaign represents the
price the Germans had to pay for
their late winter counter-offensive
which retook Kharkov, but which
forced a change in the original
German plans, concentrations and
movements for this year.
The offensive, however, is not too
late to be serious. Two full months
of hot, dry, weather-the conditions
most favorable to German operations
-lie ahead before the September
rains come. That is time enough for
the still-potent Wehrmacht to do a
lot of damage.
The fighting follows a pattern
made familiar by last year's cam-
paign. The Soviet communique last
night, announcing the start of the
battle, carried the customary phrases
reporting attacks by large enemy
forces and acknowledging wedges in
the Red Army lines.
The immediate German objec-
tive, as it was a year ago, appears
to be a break-through on a com-
paratively narrow front, followed
by a swift, knifing thrust into the
depth of the Red Army defenses.
Days or weeks. of. fighting would
be required to force a. path through
the Russian defense lines, if such
a path can be made.
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