WEDNJESDAY, AVG1. 19, 1949
T TT V, Ul"t e ITT i-I A IV ' TI'A Tt V
T -
Last Week of
Summer Drills
Gets Under Way
Intra-Squad Game
Saturday; Fall Practice
To Start August 30
The fourth of the six scrimmages
allowed during the summer session
took place yesterday with the Reds
and Blues playing in° real football
weather for what looked like blood
during a full hour's practice.
With the opener with Camp Grant
but a month off the squads were
playing with plenty of pepper. Elroy
Hirsch, former Wisconsin star, big
Bill Daley from Minnesota, and
Michigan's Bob Wiese, stellar sopho-
more performer from last year, pro-
vided some of the best play of the
Wink, Bauman To Return
Injuries that have handicapped
some of the men seem to be healing
satisfactorily, and the coaches expect
the players to be in good condition
soon. Jack Wink, former University of
Wisconsin signal-caller, was around
today, but as yet had on his Marine
uniform instead of the jersey. Clem
Bauman, who won the Chicago
Alumni award last year, could not
take part in practice either, but, like
Wink, is expected to return soon.
Battles for line positions are con-
tinuing. Line Coach Clarence Munn
stated that the men are fighting it
out on a nearly even keel. Both Merv
Fregulman, center in Michigan's line
of "seven oak posts" last year, and
Fred Negus, all-conference center
from Minnesota, look particularly
Intra-Squad Game Saturday
Fall practice starts on Aug. 30th,
and following Thursday's scrimmage
session and Saturday's intra-squad
game the men will be given a week
of rest.
As yet Coach "Fritz" Crisler has
not been able to fill the hole in this
year's schedule left/ when Michigan
State; cancelled' its game with the
Wolverines. The vacancy, however,
will probably be filled by the end
of this week.
w:T TC rA V14 ,Ta .1 +l, Ir R. tL l 13 /.A!r PAGE THRE
Daily Sports Editor
Favorite Berlin Date
THAT GRAND OLD MAN OF MICHIGAN, Fielding H. Yost came up to
The Daily offices Monday and asked to see The Daily files for Nov. 26,
Now when anybody asks to see papers that old it is bound to arouse
curiosity, so we went over and asked "Hurry-Up" if there was anything
special that he was looking for, and if we could help him.
He starts to explain, "Well there was a story about a football game
played on that day in one of the national magazines recently . .
Here we are two jumps ahead of him for we have seen this story by
Clark Shaughnessy about the 1910 Michigan-Minnesota grid battle in
this m6nth's Esquire as we happened to sean through the magazine last
week. Yost was the Michigan coach then.
"And," Yost continues, "I just wanted to check on my memory." With
this, he starts rummaging through his coat pocket and finally pulls out a
short piece of paper with some names on it.
"These were the men on the Michigan team then, as I remember it,"
he says, pointing to the list, "and I wanted to check with your files to
see how close I was."
However the files were locked at the time and nobody in the building
had a key, so we copied this list down and promised to check on it for him.
It read something like this:
Cornwell at center, Bogle and Benbrook at guards, Conklin and
Edmunds at the tackles, Wells and Borleske at the ends, MacMillan at
quarterback, Magdisohn and Pattengill at the halves, and Lawton at
"NOW LET'S SEE if I can remember who the subs were," he ponders,"
there was Quinn, no, Quinn was a regular. I guess he alternated with
Bogle at guard that game. And there
was Cole, a tackle, and Greene, a
back. And finally there was Thom-
ba"Thomas was our regular half-
back, you' know. He was ineligible
t for the game, though; I can't re-
member exactly why. There was
'' .. something wrong with his entrance
credits, and they weren't accep-
table to the Big Ten. Of course,
we weren't in the Big Ten then but
. Minnesota was, and the Confer-
ence wouldn't let them play if
Thomson did. He became our cap-
tain for the next two years,
"They hadn't been scored on that
year," he says starting to grin just a
little bit, "and they were hailed as
the champs of the Midwest. O'
f course we weren't too bad. We had
just played a scoreless tie with Penn-
sylvania, the powerhouse of the
FIELDING H. YOST About this time we put in with,
"Didn't they score once, but have
the touchdown called back." Then we quickly resumed our silence as
from 1 P.M.
ti;. , -
he answers.
"Sure, but what good is that. The ball was dead when it hit the ref-
eree." And warming up, "Why I could pick up the ball in. between plays and
run for a touchdown but it wouldn't count."
"You know how we scored?" he queries. "This boy Wells pulled
out of the line and passed to Borleske on Minnesota's three-yard line.
Then MacMillan called the identical play with Wells carrying the ball
twice in a row, and Wells made just about the same yardage each time,
scoring on the second try."
By this time it appears that the person who has the key to the files will
not be in for some time so Yost remembers something else he has to do so he
starts to leave. Just before going, however, he says something that seems
to stick in our minds.
"You know Lawton is the only one from that team who is dead,"
he says, "all the rest are still alive and very prominent citizens." And
he proceeds to state the home town of each.1
WELL, HE LEAVES, and five minutes later the person with the key to the
files comes in. So we haul out the issues of 1910, and see for ourselves.
There it is in black and white, the Michigan lineup exactly as Yost has
remembered it after 33 years. And since he had coached some 20 odd teams,
we consider the remembering of this one no small feat.
Also in the cover of the game it tells all about the passing and run-
ning of Wells, and describes the scoring of the Wolverines' touchdown
just as Yost had a few minutes earlier. Besides this, it tells in glowing
terms of the fine play of Michigan's captain, All-American Al Benbrook.
We go to class that day and think a lot about this man "Hurry-Up."
Then later when we return to The Daily we get a call from the Grand Old
Man, and feel very flattered.1
"Did you hear about Benbrook?" he asks in a quiet voice.
We answer in the negative, so he goes on.I
"I just got a long distance call from Thomson," he says, "and he t
told me that Benbrook died today. The news that he died was a dis- N
tinct shock to me. He was a potent factor in Michigan football history. r
He was captain and All-American guard in 1910, and a loyal alumnus of
A grand tribute from a grand guy.r
Personnel of Bergstrom Army
air field at Austin, Tex., chose
Marguerite Chapman (above),
movie star, as the girl with whom
they'd like to keep a date in Berlin.
(Continued from Page 2)
Course No. 121, TTh 10-12 (2 hours
to be arranged); Course No. 153,
MWF 11 and 1; Course No. 161, TThS
Music of Beethoven,. Haydn and
Brahms will be heard in the second
recital by students of the String
Quartet Class conducted by Oliver
Edel, at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug.
19. The program will be given in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham Buil-
ding and will be open to the public.
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will present the final program
in the summer series of carrilon re-
citals at 7:15 p.m.. Thursday, Aug.
19, when he will play University of
Michigan songs and compositions for
carillon by Michigan students.
Printed programs of the entire
summer recital series can be ob-
tained in the office of the School of
Events Today
Hispanic Club: The last meetiig
of the Summer session tonight will
be completely informal. The pro-
gram will include games of various
sorts. In addition, there will be
music from Latin American records
and group singing led by Srta. Mary
Santos of Bogota, Colombia. All
servicemen and students interested
are invited and urged to attend.
Coming Events
All Sigma Chis in the service are
invited to a reunion picnic, Saturday
Aug. 21, 2 p.m. at 1912 Geddes.
Michigan Outing Club will go on a
hostel trip to Saline Valley Hostel
this Saturday, Aug. 21. The group
will meet at 2:30 in front of the Wo-
men's Athletic Building and bike to
Saline. We will return in time for
Sunday dinner. There will be swim-
ming. For further information, call
Barbara Fairman, 24471.
The bell chamber of Burton Tower
will be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m., Thurs-
day, Aug. 19, at which time Prof.
Percival Price, University Carrillon-
neur, will present an informal pro-
Stason Speaks
On Technology
At Convocation
Tells 450 Graduates
'We Need More Than
Technical Education'
If we are to carry out the ideals
we have formulated for a political,
social and economic post-war world,
we must have, more than a mere
technological education, Dean :E.
Blythe Stason of the law school de~-
clared in his address on "Technology
and Education" given at the Convo-,
cation Sunday in honor of,, the 450
graduating students who are to re-
ceive their advanced degrees at the
end of the summer session.
The place liberal education will
take in the future'can be ascertained'
by the record, Dean Stason said.
From the Four Freedoms we have
formulated the doctrines of "freedom,
of expression, freedom to worship,
freedom from want, freedom from
Other principles or ideals cited by
Dean Stason that make up the "rec-
ord" include the Atlantic Charter's
eight points, the Lend Lease Act as
passed by Congress, and the report
of the National Resources Planning
Liberal education, indeed will have
a greater task at the end of the war,
he asserted, for if we are to carry
these principles out, we need a back-
ground in philosophy and the hu-
More than 450 students were hon-
ored at the Convocation.
Tigers Beat A's, 4-3
Gain Tie for Third
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-(AP)-The De-
troit Tigers stamped out'a ninth in-
ning rally today to defeat, the Phila-
delphia Athletics, 4 to 3, for a sweep
of the three game series, and the-
victory boosted the Tigers into a tie
with Cleveland .for the American
League's third place.
After pitching, a one-hitter for
eight innings, Paul (Dizzy) . Trout
was shelled from the mound in the
ninth but Johnny Gorsica came in
to retire pinch-hitter Bobby: Esta-
lella for the final out. That preserved
Trout's fourth successive victory and
14th of the season against nine de-
Fortunately for Trout, the Tigers
gave him a four-run lead in a 13-
hit attack off Jesse Flores that in-
cluded home runs by Ned Harris and
rookie Dick Wakefield. Trout and
Pinky. Higgins likewise each drove
in a run.
Robert Hayden
Discusses U.S.
Negro ction
"The roaring twenties stimulated
the nationalist outbreak and in-
creased, literary expression among
Negroes," Robert Hayden said in the
sixth lecture of, the- inter-racial series
Monday in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
To support his point he quoted and
interpreted the wrks of the out-
standing:Negro fiction writers of the
period:. Zora Neale Hurston, Arna
Bontemps, and Richard Wright.
"Richard Wright in his most fam-
ous book "Native Son" has dealt with
the psychoses.arising from race prej-
udices and the narrow ghetto world
ini which the. Negroes have been
forced to live," Hayden declared. He
concluded his lecture by saying that
i "Bigger Tom" the leading char-
acter can only be explained in terms
of the psychological content of the
book5. ' , ,
Major League
New York ............67 40
Washington .......... 59 52
Cleveland ............ 55 50
Detroit ..............55 50
Chicago...............55 53
Boston ............... 5356
St. Louis............46 60
Philadelphia ..........40 69
Tuesday's Results
Detroit 4, Philadelphia 3.
St. Louis 4, Boston 1l
New York 4, Chicago 2
(Only games scheduled)
St. Louis ............ 70 36
Cincinnati ............60 49
Pittsburgh ............60 50
Brooklyn .............56 54
Chicago .............. 50 58
Boston .................48 57
Philadelphia ..........51 61
New York...........39 69
Tuesdays Results
Pittsburgh 8-4, Boston 0-3
Chicago 7, Philadelphia 5
Cincinnati 10, New York 4
St. Louis 7, Brooklyn .3
Speech Contest
Won by Acton
'Do As 'ISay' Is Topic;
Kennedy Places Second
Robert C. Acton, '46, of Spring-
field, O., was awarded first place in
the Speech 31 contest sponsored by
the Department of Speech Monday
evening in Natural Science Auditor-
ium for his speech "Do As I Say, Not
As I Do."
Second place went to Mavis F.
Kennedy, '46, of Rochester, who
spoke on "What Are You Going To
Chairman of the contest was Prof.
Kenneth G. Hance of the Depart-
ment of Speech, and judges were
Winton H. Beaven, Instructor in
Speech, Union College, Lincoln, Neb.;
N. Edd Miller, Instructor in Speech,
University of Texas, and William
Schrier, head of the Department of
Speech, Hope College.
_ _ 31 N ' r s ci
1 ( c~a Nis i~leue
1 .,1SS
Yong' con
Yost To Present
All-Star Award
CHICAGO, Aug. 17.-(A)-Fielding
H. Yost, retired athletic director and
football coach at the University of
Michigan, today' accepted an invita-
tion to present the All Star Most
Valuable Player Award Aug. 25 when
the All Star football team opposes
the Washington Redskins. The an-
nual charity game will be played at
Northwestern's Dyche stadium.
The award will go to Bruce Smith,
former Minnesota halfback voted by
newspapermen the most valuable all
star in last year's contest. George
Frank, another Minnesto player(
was the 1941 winner.
Dressings Unit
To Finish Work
The Surgical Dressings Unit wil
end its summer activities this wee;
by inviting every coed on campu
to participate in rolling bandages.
Jean Whittemore, chairman of th
unit, especially invited the following
houses to attend today: Betsy Bar
bour, Pickerill Cooperative, Pi Bet
Phi, University House, Chi Omega
Theta Phi Alpha, Zeta Tau Alpha
and Rochdale Cooperative.
The houses invited tomorrow ar
Helen Newberry, Alumnae House
Lester Cooperative, Collegiate Soro
sis, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Gamma
Delta and Kappa Alpha Theta.
See our collection of
College - Clicker mix-
ups all geared for ac.
tive duty wardrobe
from 8.95
from 5.00
from 5.00
from 8.95
Swea te rs
from 4,00
a ;
u N:;:': !:
y t ti'{Jl.: .
' .+
' k ± w
\ ,
4 U
} u
v. i'v' :.
" \ 4
} ... ,
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. tin-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.
ILOST-Silver identification bracelet.
LOST Tuesday, Sunglasses with pre-
scription lens in leather case.
Finder phone- 4089. Reward,' D.
Film Loads-For 36 hour service
come to 335 E. Ann 6:34-7:00
ROOM and board available next
semester for male students at Al-
pha Tau Omega house. 1415 Cam-
bridge. Phone Al Bek at 22.05..
WANTED: Ten male students who
are interested in boarding by
month for rest of summer session.
$45 per month. Call. Al Bek, ATO
House. 23205. -
LOST: Tan gabardine raincoat left
on stone bench behind Stockwen.
Anyone having .information re-
garding it, call Jordan 366.
PERSON finding two headed dime
Pete Smith "Sky Science"
LOST-Sil.+ .._.+veridntifatinbacl.
Pvt. Stanley D. Lazarus. 401
Greene House, East Quad.