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August 18, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-18

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Fifty-Third Year

I'd Rather Be Right

More Muddle on Russia

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively. entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offica at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
gecond-class mail matter.
, Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

Press, 1942-43

NEW YORK, Aug. 18.- Marshal Badoglio's
foreign policy is a deliberate quest for ambiguity.
He wants Italy's role to be uncertain; he is
vague, but vague on purpose; he seeks to play a
kind of out-of-focus part in the war. His goal
is an Italy left alone, left out of the conflict by
both sides.
Badeglio's declaration that Rome is an open
city is partial progress toward this aim. He
seeks to make Rome a speck of neutrality in
the heart of a belligerent Italy. He has tried
to seize for Rome the immunity which he
would like to obtain for all of Italy. And so
he says, preposterously, that Rome is not de-
But Rome is defended. It is defended by the
rest of Italy. It is defended by Italian and Ger-
man armies. A city is usually declared to be an
open city only in the final, desperate stages of
land warfare; the customary purpose of such a
declaration is to prevent the destruction of a
city by abandoning its defense. The defense of
Rome has not been abandoned.
This, in little, is exactly what Badoglio is try-
ing to obtain, in big, for all of Italy: defense
against us, yet immunity from us; a dubious
state of peace without surrender; security from
the war without abandoning the war.
I am for international law as much as the
next man. But there is no reason why we
should abanden common sense because a dic-
tator has uttered the sacred words. We must
remember that this same Badoglin. the Duke
of Addis Ababa, who has now wrapped himself
in the mantle of international law, once used
mustard gas against naked Ethiopians. Now
that legality serves his purpose, he is being as
legal as he can be. His respect for interna-
tional law is new. and convenient.
One wonders what the Greeks will think of
this sudden Italian respect for international law,
and the Albanians also. There is an old axiom
of Anglo-Saxon law to. the effect that he who
asks equity must do equity. It would be inter-
esting to play with the thought of asking Italy,
through neutral negotiators on the question of

Rome, to renounce all claim to Greece and Al-
bania. We might ask that Italy order the imme-
diate return of all Italian troops from both coun-
tries where, in accordance with international
law, they have no right to be.
Otherwise; we are going to have Rome as an
island of law in an ocean of lawlessness..
Italian soldiers will be helping to starve and
execute patriotic Greeks in Athens, while enjoy-
ing the benefits of more civilized conceptions of
warfare back at home.
The ultimate decision, must be left to Gen.
Eisenhower. If he accents the declaration
that Rome is an open city, that decision will
be supported by good Americans in the name
of international morality. But there is no
reason why we should= not make the conditions
as hard as possible. For example, we might
include as one condition a requirement that
Italy ship no more American prisoneV of war
to Germany. We must seek fo'r conditions
which will help to knock Italy out of the war.
Badoglio is trying to separate the question of
Rome from the question of the war; he is trying
to make us think of Rome as an isolated prob-
lem, a thing-in-itself.


Marion Ford
tIud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson .
Ed Podliashuk
leanne Lovett
Molly Ann Winokur


.f Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
ss Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Stalin Should Have Been
Invited to Conference
TOE STALIN isn't necessary at the big-wig con-
ference between Roosevelt and Churchill,
presumably about the war in the Pacific, so he
isn't asked to attend.
Furthermore, the argument runs, he probably
couldn't have come to Canada anyhow, and a
representative would have little power without
referring his decisions to his boss for approval,
so why ask Russia to sit in and voice an opinion
on the Far East?
There are a number of good reasons why
Russia should sit in, if possible, or should at
least, have been asked to the party.
The theory that Russia is concerned only with
European aspects of the war is an oversight that
could have very serious consequences for Eng-
land and the United States. Russia may be
fighting a war in the West, but what happens
The wind that blows from the Kremlin is a
chill one right now. Russia knows what she ,
wants, and no considerations like cooperation
with Britain and America are going to keep her
from following her own path if the route of the
United Nations looks a trifle rocky for the Sov-
iets. Stalin proved that fact long ago when he
made the famous non-aggression pact with Hit-
ler that gave American and British leaders such
a headache.
As far as the war in the Pacific goes, Russia
is strategically located in a better position to
attack Japan than either the United States or
Britain. Vladivostok is nearer to Japan proper
and to Manchuria, Korea and the Jap holdings
in China than either American or British pos-
sessions are at present.
AFTER EUROPE is mopped up, a three flank
attack by England, America and Russia
would give the Allies that much better chance of
ending the Jap war short of the years that now
seem inevitable.
What is more to the point, is the fact that
Stalin wouldn't kick at the prospect of taking
over a slice of Manchuria. Unless he is counted
in with Roosevelt and Churchill as Allied bigwig
number 3, he isn't going to let little 'considera-
tions like who is his ally and who isn't keep him
from taking over just what he wants.
A Russia inimical to British and American
interests would sound the death knell of Al-
lied hones for a satisfactory post-war peace.
And Stalin is no altruist. If his is left out in
the cold now, we may expect to he left in the
same situation later when Stalin decides on
his own peace and peace settlements.
Only self-deception can hold that we don't
need Russia's help now and later. We need
Russia beating Germany. Later we shall need
'Russian help against Japan.LAnd we shall need
to cooperate with Russia now if we expect her
to cooperate with us later in the final mopping
up of Europe and the Far East.
W HETHER OR NOT Russia could attend the
Roosevelt-Churchill conference, the ges-
ture of asking her was a vital one. Once Stalin
feels that he is to have little voice in the fight-
ing and the settling of the war he will follow
his own oath toward the outlook of greatest
benefit for Russia.
Once before he did this, when the United Na-
tions backed down and left Czechoslovakia to
her fate The result was the Russo-German
non-aggression pact in 1938.
The results of this pact: the attack on Poland
by the Reds, should be ample proof that Stalin
is no man to try to hoodwink, now above all
other times.
Stalin is a realist, and Russia is his prime con-

But Rome cannot be separated from the
war. Badoglio cannot even sneeze without
affecting the war, and his move in regard to
Rome is full of meaning for the w r. It is
designed, to keep northern Italy unrest from
seeping southward. It is designed as the first
move toward- a bizarre neutrality. It is de-
signed to provide a safe, neutralized base in
which the House of Savoy may luxuriate while
trying to deal with both sides.
So. since Badoglio has invented a new and
unheard-of concept of the "open city," let us
invent new and unheard-of conditions. Let us
mix a little justice with our law. Let us set up
conditions so hard that Badoglio cannot meet
them without leaving the war. Let us make
Rome safe by insisting on terms that will knock
! Italy out of the war and help make the whole
world safe.
(Copyright. 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

EVERYBODY says that, of course,
E we've got to get along with the
Russians, but the fact remains that
our relations with Moscow today are
steadily getting worse and there are
no: signs whatever that either we or
the Russians are doing anything
about it.
Take the latest little flare-up over
whether Stalin was invited to attend
the Churchill-Roosevelt conference
in Quebec. The Soviet news agency,
Tass, says Stalin was not invited.
Both the White House and the State
Dept. skate all around the subject,
but never come clean as to whether
he was or he wasn't.
OnFriday there was no comment
at the White House on the Tass story
except a reference to FDR's press
conference earlier in the week which
had left the specific question hang-
ing in the air.
And Secretary Hull, with one of
those involved answers that say
nothing, told his press conference
that he had not checked closely
into the question because the Pres-
ident usually gave personal atten-
tion to such matters. He didn't
seem the slightest bit aware that
he was convicting himself of an
extraordinary degree of ignorance
in a matter which ought to be
keeping any American Secretary of
State awake half the night.
But herdid say indclassic phrases
that there was no doubt FDR and
the heads of the other United Na-
tions were keeping one another in-
formed on all phases of their respec-
tive situations and attitudes.
To which the answer is nonsense,
and why can't people say what they
have to say without beating about
40 bushes in which to say it?
MAYBE there was no reason to ask
Stalin to this conference. May-
be Churchill and FDR have enough
problems of particular interest to the
U.S.A. and Great Britain to warrant
a wholly British-American meeting.
But why let the entire business be-
come clouded in a fuzzy, hair-split-
ting contest in semantics that is
simply one more useless hindrance
to solution of a problem that is diffi-
cult enough at best?
And the problem seems no near-
er solution than it did a year ago.
sMilitarily, the Russians still are
calling for a second front in Eur-
ope. We say we've already opened
a second front, that what the Rus-
sians are talking about is a third
front. More semantics, this time
arithmetical. Perhaps we're doing
the best we can. There is good
reason to think that we are and
that we'll soon be doing lots more.
But we've failed to convince the
Russians, and, when you argue

with them, all they'll answer is:
"We're fighting 200 German divi-
sions, you're fighting two or three."
Eventually, this military problem
will solve itself as we really get roll-
ing, but there still are vast political
problems that are not being ap-
proached by either side with the can-
dor that is essential. The Russians
start a free Germany movement
about which we know nothing, de-
spite Hull's assurances that both
sides are keeping each other in-
formed. And we follow a policy of.
placating a Badoglio government in
Italy that arouses a whole new train
of Russian suspicions all over again.
EVEN NOW the anti-Soviet, isola-
tionist cress in the U.S.A. is in full
cry 'against Russia with a boldness
that its editors manfully curbed when
they weren't quite so sure that we
would win the war. In the last few
weeks, we've had accusations that
Russia is going to make a deal with
Germany; that Russia wants to com-
munize all of Europe; that Russia
wants to keep us out of Europe,

though God knows how this squares
with the cordial invitations the Rus-
sians have been giving us for the
past year and a half to come in. Now
the latest is that the Russians want
to pull some kind of a deal in the
Far East that .will squeeze us, the
British and the Dutch out.
It's silly to stop and argue now
as to whose fault it is that neither
we nor the Russians have been
making any progress in getting to-
gether. If FDR and Churchill and
Stalin don't seem to be able to get
together then, at least, some of the
smaller fry ought to. Russia has
had no ambassador in Washington
since May 10; we have in Moscow,
Adm. Standley, who, at best, is no
heavyweight. The least we can do
is get our respective ambassadorial
relations on a sound basis.
If there is any one job that FDR
and Churchill need to tackle at Que-
bec, it is the horrible mess into which
our relations with Moscow are get-
ting. Because if we don't solve it,
we're headed for a first-class disas-
ter. -PM









WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.- Certain govern-
ment officials who deal with the liquor industry
strongly suspect that a multi-million dollar boot-
leg operation has developed in the United States.
They began to smell something when got
the latest figures, which show that the amount
of liquor being withdrawn from warehouses
for sale to the public is only 55 percent of last
year. And there is every evidence that actual
consumption of liquor not only has not
dropped to 55 percent, but is even greater than
last year.
America learned the tricks of bootlegging some
years ago, when bootlegging was really beset
with difficulties. It was illegal, during prohibi-
tion days, to distill liquor, to bottle it, and to
sell it. Today, however, none of these processes
is in itself illegal.
Temptation to carry on bootleg operations
is very strong because of the vast quantities of
alcohol available, and the tremendous profit
in marketing this alcohol as a beverage. In-
dustrial alcohol costs only 90 cents a gallon.
Add five cents for "cleaning" the denatured
alcohol, another five cents for bottling, and
you have a 190-proof 7allon of "beverage"
which, after adding water to reduce the
"proof," is marketable at $38 a gallon.
The difference between a cost price of $1 a
gallon and the retail price of $38 is apparently
more than some producers can resist.
NOTE: Alcohol Tax Unit inspectors are as-
signed to distilleries, but not to plants using
industrial alcohol, as in the manufacture of
paints or anti-freeze mixtures,
More Meat
A Washington housewife walked into a chain
store market with 35 red points and a hunger
for ham.
She said to the butcher, "Could I get half a
ham? I have only 35 points."
The butcher produced a six-pound piece. The
lady did a little mental arithmetic. Nine points
a pound, times six pounds, equals 54 points. "But
I don't have 54 points," she said.
"That's all right. Lady," said the butcher.
"You can take it anyway. We have more hams
around here than we know what to do with."
This is the first twitter of what will soon
become a welcome chorus. Pork products are
coming onto the market with a rush. In fact,
marketings of both hogs and cattle are shoot-
ing upward, and this trend will continue
through the late summer and fall.
Total U.S. meat production for 1943 is offi-
cially estimated at 23% billion pounds-nearly
two billion pounds more than 1942, and by far
the largest meat production in the history of the
United States.
This staggering figure is so much greater than
the 4.8 billion pounds required for the armed
forces and Lend-Lease that there will be a com-
fortable quantity left over for civilian consump-
Nevertheless, there is no plan to raise the
-4- 11-.x. - .nvfa ncm t l i- a a it

tioning-will produce more of the irregular
marketing which the Washington housewife
encountered at the local store.
Rubber Deluge
Officials in the office of the Rubber Adminis-
trator are beginning to wonder what they can
do with the hundreds of thousands of tons of
synthetic rubber which will come from the new
plants next year. It seems a little late, but they
are now facing the elementary question of whe-
ther or not the tire companies can handle the
vast quantities of synthetic rubber.
The greatest amount of rubber ever processed
by the nation's rubber companies in one year
was 540,000 tons. But next year we shall have
nearly one million tons to deal with. Obviously,
the present facilities will be inadequate.
But the problem is aggravated by the fact
that tire manufacturing machinery has been
knocked down and stored away so that rubber
companies could convert to production for the
war. Instead of tires, they have been making
rubber boats, balloons, tank treads, and life
Thus we have the problem of finding new
plant space in which to bring that machinery
back into production, and the further problem
of creating entirely new productive facilities to
take care of the increased quantities of rubber
which will be available for manufacture.
Note: The problem of synthetic rubber tires,
as previously noted in this column, is quality,
not quantity. There will not be enough natural
rubber to mix with synthetic to insure a high
quality in heavy duty tires.
Badoglio Stymied
State Department officials believe that Badog-
lio took office with the definite intention of
getting Italy out of the war and that he cannot
turn back from that purpose. But if he had
proceeded directly, the Germans would have
stepped in and Badoglio would have stepped out
before he could catch his breath.
It must be remembered that tht German
force in Italy is not merely a, military force.
German civilian officials are in control of
practically all railroad, telegraph, and other
communication facilities, as well as holding or
supervising important municipal and provin-
cial government posts. Thus it becomes im-
possible for the Italian government to take
any step without the Germans being fully
According to this view, the Badoglio "coopera-
tion" with the Nazis is no indication of what he
may hope to do, or try to do later. Likewise, the
subsiding of civilian protests against the Badog-
lio government should not be regarded as indi-
cating that Badoglio has resorted to the same
suppressive measures as Mussolini.
State Department officials point out that
liberal civilian elements have now shown their
hand and thus become vulnerable to Nazi re-
prisal. Thousands of men have signed mani-
fncnu ln c-nr.- of piaal ri eters have

"See? That's all the deduction you're allowed-presuming that you're
single, of course!"



WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 37-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Change in University Year Salary
Payments in 1943-1944: During the
'year 1943-1944 salai'ies for those on
the academic or university year basis
will be paid as follows:
Summer Session
Summer session staff will be paid
in two equal installments on July 31
and Aug. 31, 1943.
Summer Term
(a) Those teaching the first half
only will be paid in two equal install-
ments on July 31 and Aug. 31, 1943.
(b) Those teaching the second
half only will be paid in two equal
installments on Sept. 30 and Oct. 31,
(c) Those teaching the entire
term will be paid in four equal in-
stallments on July 31, Aug. 31, Sept.
30, and Oct. 31, 1943.
Fall and Spring Terms 1943-1944:
Salaries will be paid in eight equal
installments on Nov. 30, 1943 and on
the last day of each succeeding
month through June 30, 1944.
Annuity and Insurance and Group
Surgery and Hospitalization Deduc-
tions: For those teaching through
the fall and spring terms, whether
during the summer or not, one-
eighth of total annual requirements
for annuity anti insurance premiums
will be deducted from each of the
eight checks received during the per-
iod from November through. June.
For group surgery and hospitaliza-
tion, two monthly premiums will be
deducted in November, one will be
deducted from each payment from
December through May, and four
monthly premiums will be deducted
from the June payment to cover the
summer months.
The above arrangements are for
the year 1943-1944 only and are oc-
casioned by the change in the aca-

lowing Civil Service Examinations.
The United States: Senior Horti-
culturists with the Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs, place of
duty- various Central American
countries. The salaries are $4,600
per year plus overtime (approxi-
mately $5,000).
Further information may be had
from the notice which is on file in'
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Prof. H. B. Calderwood will speak
this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock on
"Postwar International Organization
-Global Aspects." The lecture will
be in the Rackham Amphitheatre
under the auspices of the program in
Regional Administration and Con-
Dr. Clifford Woody of the School
of Education will speak at 4:10
o'clock this afternoon in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium on
"Achievements' in Arithmetic by
High School Students."
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music, and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end of
the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
-Robert H. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, Aug. 21. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier, after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College' of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-

without E grade after Saturday, Aug.
21. In administering this rule, stu-
dents with less than 24 hours of
credit are considered freshmen. Ex-
ceptions may be made in extraordin-
ary circumstances, such as severe or
long-continued illness.
-E. A. Walter
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: Registration for physical edu-
cation classes for the last eight weeks
will take place in Room 14, Barbour
Gymnasium on Friday, Aug. 20.
Seniors: August and October 1943:
College of L. S. and A., Schools of
Education, Music, and Public Health.
Tentative lists of August and Octo-
ber 1943 graduates have been posted
in Rm. 4, U. Hall. Please check the
list and notify the counter clerk of
any discrepancies.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music; and
School of Public Health: Class lists
for use in reporting SUMMER SES-
sion grades of undergraduate stu-
dents enrolled in these units, and
also graduate students in the Schools
of Forestry and Conservation, Music,
and Public Health, were mailed Mon-
day, Aug. 16. Anyone failing to re-
ceive their lists should notify the
Registrar's Office, Miss Day, 'phone
582, and duplicates will be prepared
for them.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
English II Section 3: There will be
a conference today.
-Kenneth Rowe
Dr. Paul C. Hodges, Professor of
Rbentgenology at the University of
Chicago, will give the annual Alpha
Omega Alpha initiation lecture on
"The Role of Radiography in Medi-
cine" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 31,
in the third floor amphitheatre in
the Horace H. Rackham Building.
All interested persons are invited to

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