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August 18, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1943-08-18

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1942


Van Deursen
Rates Concert
'One of Best'
'Indicates Good Job
On Sawyer's Part in
Blending Men's Voices'
"Company A's concert Sunday was
one of the best I have every heard,"
Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, acting
conductor of the Unisversity Musical
Society, said last night.
"It certainly was indicative that
Bill Sawyer has done some-excellent
work, especially in blending the
men's voices," he added. "The lyric
flexibility in their execution was su
More than 4,000 students and
townspeople turned out for the All
Soldier Concert, probably the first
of its kind ever to be presented by
an Army chorus.
"The wide variety of selections
from sacred numbers to popular
tunes, the use of the band and the
solos all added up to make an excel-
lent concert," Prof. Van Deursen said.
"Although I had never heard the
chorus before, I expected that it
would be good, but their work far
surpassed anything I had imagined,"
he concluded.
Plans are being made for a simil-
ar concert by the All-Soldier Choir
to be given sometime in December.
58 Members
Of Air Corps
Are Decorated
eight young men of the Army Air
Corps, who played a major part in
saving Guadalcanal in the dark days
of last October-even though they
shot down no Japanese planes-now
have received recognition for their
They are members of the 13th
troop carrier squadron of the 13th air
Last October Guadalcanal was
dangerously close to falling. Ameri-
can forces were down to only a few
planes, and little gasoline. It was im-
possible to get materials in by ship.
For 10 days, every plane operating
from Henderson Field depended upon
gasoline flown in by this Army
squadron and the two Marine squad-
rons engaged in similar work.
They also transported ammunition,
torpedoes, bombs and other supplies,
keeping the men on Guadalcanal go-
ing until they came out of the dark-
ness of near defeat.
Ten months later they have re-
ceived individual medals and mass
recognition from Major General
Rush ,B. Lincoln, commanding Army
forces at this base.
Among those from Michigan dec-
orated were Capt. Robert D. Bruce
Jr., Blissfield, and 1st Lt. Marion F.
Sprout, Battle Creek.
Needed: 1 Camera
For '44 Yearbook
Wanted: by the 'Ensian staff a
good 35 mm. camera.
Strangely enough the staff has
more than enough film, and the
missing link between the photogra-
phers and the finished pictures is a
camera. John DeBoer, photographer
said -yesterday that they needed a
camera desperately and their pho-
tographers were interested in bor-
rowing a camera from someone on

If you have a 35 mm. camera th
'Ensian would be happy to hear about
it. Call either the Student Publica-
tions Building or John DeBoer.
Gov. Kelly Names
Local Man to Board
LANSING, Aug. 17.- (IP)- Rosco
0. Bonisteel, Ann Arbor lawyer, wa
appointed by Gov. Kelly to the Boart
of Commissioners of Uniformity o
Legislation in the United States, re-
placing the late John C. Bills, De
troit, it was announced today by th
executive office.
Mr. Bonisteel was the former pres.
ident of the State Bar of Michigat
Local Resident Dies
From Accident Injuries
Harry Graves, Ann Arbor resident
died at 2:30 p.m. at St. Joseph's 1105
pital yesterday of injuries sustainer
when the automobile he was drivin
crashed into a tree.
Exact nature of the events leadin
up to the accident were unknown b
sheriff officials who reported tha
the accident occurred at 4:15 a.m

Air Leaders Take Time Out for Medals

Rep. Stenson
Says He Was
Offered Bribe
Statement Supports
League Demand for
Jury Investigation
LANSING, Aug. 17. -(P)- The
charges of William C. Stenson,
Greenland Republican member of the
State House of Representatives, that
he had been offered a $1,000 bribe to
influence his vote in that chamber in
1942, brought support today for de-
mands of Detroit Citizens League
members for a grand jury investiga-
tion of the legislature's handling of


Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris (left) and Maj.-Gen. Ira C.
Eaker, USAAF, shown at the presentation of 29 medals to Allied airmen
at U.S. Army Eighth Air Force headquarters in Britain.
l o
Lt,-Co.Gf as Gv h


"When you are abroad give the
soldier a break every time you can
honestly do so," Lt.-Col. Abe Goff of
the War Plan Division of the Judge
Advocate General's office, advised at
the Judge Advocate General's School
Monday, as he described experiences
as Judge Advocate with a United
States North Africa Miliatary Mis-
sion with which he served 18 months
in Africa and the Middle East.
"On any kind of foreign mission
you will have to do things you never
thought of. As a lawyer at home you
will be able to help officers and men
with their problems," he added. "Re-
member General Sommervell's advice
that a common sense decision is bet-
ter than a perfect answer that wastes
valuable time."
Colonel Goff referred in detail to
his dealings with Haile Selassie
which ended successfully with the
purchase "at a price" of mechanical
equipment from the Lion of Judah
which the British had been unable to
prevail upon him to sell. When the
Italians began their African cam-
paign they' cached much excess
equipment in Ethiopia, the where-
abouts of which became known to the
natives, and it was to obtain such
manufactured articles that Colonel
Goff was sent to Ethiopia.
Country Fertile
"We found that the country was
fertile, ribboned with streams, witl
much farm land, rolling hills, wood-
ed, on high plateaus," Col. Goff said.
Hornell Hart
Will Lecture
Ofn Christianity
Discussing the ultra-scientific ap-
proach to Christianity, Dr. Hornel
Hart, professor of sociology at Duk
University, will speak on "The Na
ture of Liberal Christianity" at 8:1
p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Am
phitheatre under the auspices of th
Student Religious Association.
Dr. Hart who was appointed t
study social trends by Presidgnt Hoo-
ver in 1931, is a ember of the British
Society of Psychical Research. Au
thor of a book called "The Sceptic'
Quest," he has contributed to a num
ber of periodicals, including The Neu
Republic, the Forum, the New Yor
Times Magazine, and the Americar
e Journal of Sociology.
t Other lectures to be sponsored b
- the Student Religious Association i:
September include a discussion c
the neo-orthodox approach to Chris
tianity by Charles Clayton Morrison
and a speech by Rabbi Salo Baror
on "The Jew of the Post-Wa


"and it was easy to understand why t
Mussolini coveted it." t
He noted that improvements of f
modern buildings and roads con-
structed by the natives' neglect and X
After making an appointment withv
the foreign minister, who spoke per- Y
fect English, Vo see the King, laterr
in the afternoon Col. Goff met in
American worhan missionary as he
was taking a sightseeing tour. Upon1
her recognizing him as an American
officer, he was invited to a special
repast of strawberry shortcake, choc-
olate cake, fried chicken and greenI
vegetables, raised in the missionary's
"The vegetables were a treat," he
said, "as ordinarily they are not eat-
able in that section of the world.'
Some vegetables kill you, and others'
keep you feeling miserable for years."
In their interview which ended sat-
isfactorily both from a business and
photographical point of view-Colon-
el Goff had his picture taken with
the King and his Great Dane-Haile
Salassie conversed only through an
interpreter although he had spent
much time in England. According to
Col. Gaff, that may have been be-
cause the King was a bit peeved at
the English and also because it gave
him him more time to think of his
His impression of the Ethiopians
was that they are a very proud race
who look down on white men and
who don't take to law and order very
well. They are fairly intelligent.
Attending Arab and other notive
banquets Col. Goff found to be a
chore, the guest must eat or be dis-
courteous. "I ate so much at some of
them, I don't know how I survived,"
he remarked.
British Tommy a Great Fighter
When Rommel and the Axis forces
1 made their advance to El Alamein,
e many people expected the fall of Al-
exandria and Cairo. At that time Col.
5 Goff was in Coiro and had an oppor-
tunity to see the English troops in
e action. "There is no better fighting
man than the British Tommy," he
o declared, "and the Colonials were
- good. The main problem was one of
1 military leadership similar to that of
- the Union in the Civil War. Present
s results seem to bear out that idea."
As Rommel drew closer all white
v people in Cairo- were organized into
k militia, and a good part of the for-
a eigners were evaculated. Refugees in-
cluded a troupe of cabaret dancers
y and American- missionaries.
n Despite his interesting and at
f times exciting life abroad Colonel
- Goff was more than glad to return to
, American shores. "I had talked so
n much about kissing American ground
r that when I landed in Miami I felt
I had to keep my word," he laughed.

nti-branch banking legislation.
D. Hale Brake, state treausrer, who
s a state senator in 1941 lead a
ight in behalf of the bill in question,
aid he would lend his support to any
ffort to induce attorney General
lerbert J. Rushton to institute grand
jury inquiry.
o Bribe Passed
"Personally," Brake said, " I know
of no instance where any bribe was
passed. I know there were rumors
hat money was being spent among
egislators to defeat the bill. I'm sure
no money was spent by the group
with which I worked in behalf of the
"I presume a grand jury investiga-
ion would be a good thing to clear
the atmosphere, and settle once and
for all whether money was a "bribe"
Vernon J. Brown said there was am-
ple money in the emergency appro-
priations fund to finance a state-
wide grand jury, the cost of which
he said probably would run into
many thousands of dollars.
Finds Money in Pocket
Stenson said that on the day the
bill to restrict branch banking was
voted upon, a man inquired how the
Ontonagon county legislator would
vote upon it. Stenson said he replied
he had not decided, and subsequently
discovered an envelope containing
either $250 or $350 in $50 bills in a
pocket of his topcoat, hanging in the
house cloak room. He said no mes-
sage was enclosed, but that he as-
sumed the person who had inter-
rogated him had placed the money
there as a bribe.
$1,000 Left
He said he replaced the money to
to his coat, expecting the man would
return and interpret that as a re-
fusal. Instead, Stenson asserted, the
envelope was taken and a new one
placed in the pocket, containing
$1,000 and a note on a scrap of pa-
per advising him, "vote no on No. 1
(the number of the anti-branch bank
Stenson said he feared someone
might steal the money, so he took it
to his seat while the bill was debated,
then voted for it "partlynbecause
that was the way, I felt and partly
because I didn't want to vote the way
that not told me to."




T R A V E L I NC ' P X' FOR ALASKA B O Y S - To serve U. S. soldiers working on the
Alaska Railroad, this traveling post exchange rolls along 500 miles of track every fortnight.

S I N C E R - New heart throb
among the feminine song fans is
Perry Como (above), handsome
radio baritone. Following several
stage appearances, Como will
tenter the movies.

Council Asks
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-UP)-A sec-
ond Detroit group demanded a grand
jury invesigation of the state legis-
lature today, referring specifically to
the circumstances of the passage of
the milk control act of 1939.
The greater Detroit Consumer's
Council, proposing an "immediate in-
quiry" in the interests of "confidence
in the integrity" of the legislature,
made its demand in a letter to At-
torney General Herbert J. Rushton.
War Plants Efficient
DETROIT, Aug. 17.-(P)-Peter
Masefield, writer for British Aero-
nautical journals, observed after a
war plant tour here today that Amer-
ican factories were "astounding" for
their orderliness and efficiency.

SWIM-SUIT TWOSOME - Janet Douglas (left) "f
Kansas City and Mary Jane Wallace of Denver make a couple of-
attractive bathing suit models as they emerge from the pool of,
4 the Ambassador Lido club in Los Angeles.

Exam Schedule

Hour of
Time of
Hour of
Time of





Friday Thursday
8-10 2-4





All other




Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual
agreement between student and instructor, and with the approval of the
Examination Schedule Committee.

Keep A-Head of Your Hair
If your hair isn't becoming to you-
you ought to be coming to us.
Between State and Mich. Theatres



1 I4


:::: :.



it's easy to
Seea 1944
and buy one at
Burr, Patterson
J I~l


I T A L I A N R A I L R O A D C E N T E R-Bologna, a panoramic view of which is shown above,
is an important railway center in northern Italy which has been the target of Allied air raids,

Brazilian Arrives in U.S.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(P)-
Major General Eurico Gaspar Dutra,
minister of war of Brazil, arrived by
Army bomber today for conferences
ran,- vr411 nlay, tn sendfrAnn over-

Take no chances on your money being lost or stolen, change your cash
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