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August 15, 1943 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-15

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SUNDAY, AUG. 15, 1943



Medics Score
8-2 Victory
Over Moose
Kolesar's Arm, Bat
Pace Winners; Rubber
Game Next Saturday
Bob Kolesar pitched the Victor
Vaughan softball team to an 8-2 vic-
tory over the Mooses of Company C
yesterday in revenge for the 1-0 loss
the Medics suffered a week ago at
the hands of the Mooses.
A rubber game is scheduled be-
tween the two teams Saturday.
The cavorting Mooses, championed
by their pitcher Moose Kalombato-
vich did not let the fear of defeat
keep them from their antics. In an
attenpt to sabotage Kolesar, they
gave him a hot water bottle filled
with ice to warm his pitching arm.
When Kolesar's fireball started
burning in, the Mooses rushed out
with a hose to quench the fire on the
plate, while Wesley Farbach, first
baseman, played the game in shorts.
One joke backfired, however. When
K0lombatovich pulled the Dizzy
Dean act of calling the hit for Kole-
sar, the Medic pitcher promptly
clouted out a home run and paved
the way: for his victory.
"Something new has been added"
to the Mooses uniforms. They ap-
peared, not with the regular numbers
1,2, 3, 4, and so on, but with 1, 1/2,
1% 4nd 00. Kalombatovich took the
ane' in sportsmanlike fashion, but
vowed he would get revenge next
Wee- 4
Missouri Cancels Game
GRFAT LAKES, Ill., Aug. 14.- (P)
--viissouxi, the Big Six Conference
LogtbalI champion whose coach, Don
,'atIrot,.will pilot the Iowa Seahawks
this. season, has requested to be
@oppo" fiom the Great Lakes grid
sghectule because of lack of playing
The Blue Jackets are seeking an
pponent to replace Missouri on Oct.
;3 ,and also opponents for Oct. 2
end Nov. 6, dates left open when
Michigan State decided to abandon
hitercollegiate athletics for the dura-










Reds Stay in Second by
Beating DodgersTwice

BROOKLYN, Aug. 14.- (l)-- El-
mer Riddle and Bucky Walters
pitched and batted the Cincinnati
Reds to a double win over the Dodg-
ers today, 9 to 2 and 4 to 3.
Riddle won his 15th game in the
opener and his single with the bases
full in the sixth inning climaxed a
four-run uprising and drove in what
proved to be the winning runs.
Cincinnati ... .000 004 005-9 9 0
Brooklyn .....010 000 100-2 9 2
Riddle and Mueller; Head, Web-
ber (6), Sayles (8) and Bragan.
Cincinnati ....011 000 002-4 6 0
Brooklyn .....000 110 001-3 14 2
Walters, Shoun (9) and Mueller;
Lohrman and Owen.
* * *
Cards, Giants Split
NEW YORK, Aug. 14.- (P)-After
taking an 11 to 1 pasting from the
first place St. Louis Cardinals, the
Giants turned around today and
shut out the Cards, 8 to 0, in the
second game of a doubleheader.
George Munger had an easy time
winning his fifth game for the Cards
in the opener as Whitey Kurowski
and Stan Musial connected for hom-
St. Louis ....220 000 304-11 14 0
New York ..000000 010- 1 9 4
Munger and O'Dea; Wittig, Mun-
go (2), East (8) and Lombardi.
St. Louis.....000 000 000-0 8 0
New York ....100 020 50x-8 13 0
Dickson, Krist (7) and W. Cooper;
Melton and Mancuso.
Braves Beat Cubs, 3-2
BOSTON, Aug. 14.- (A)- The
Boston Braves went, into .fifth place
today as they made it four in a row
by- beating the Chicago Cubs 3 to 2.
Manny Salvo held the visitors to
six hits,' all singles excepting Bill
Nicholson's 17th home run of the
The Braves sewed up the game in
the fifth when Salvo singled and
Connie Ryan bunted. Phil Cavaretta
made a wild throw on which Salvo

made third and Ryan second and
both scored on Tommy Holmes'
Chicago......010 010 000-2 6 1
Boston......001 020 00x-3 9 01
Hanyzewski, Prim (8) and McCul-
lough; Salvo and Kluttz.
* * *
Pirates Win Two
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 14.- (P)~
The Pittsburgh Pirates ended the
seven game victory string of the
Philadelphia Phillies today with 8-2
and 2-1 triumphs in a swing shift
twin bill.
Lefty Al Gerheauser was coasting
along for a no-hitter in the nightcap
behind a 1-0 lead until the Buccos
staged a two-run uprising in the sev-
enth inning on Tom O'Brien's single,
two walks and a single by Elbie Flet-
The Bucs had easier going in the
first game, pounding three pitchers
for 14 hits, including a home run byI
Bob Elliott.
Pittsburgh . . .003 131 000-8 14 0
Philadelphia . .000 002 000-2 5 2I
Klinger and Lopez; Kraus, Karl
(5), Eyrich (7) and Moore.
Pittsburgh . . .000 000 200-2 5 11
Philadelphia . .000 010 000-1 7 0

Betz Beaten
By Osborne
In Net Upset
RYE, N.Y., Aug. 14.- (/P)-Nation-
al champion Pauline Betz was elim-
inated in the semi-final round of the
Eastern Grass Courts Tennis Cham-
pionships today, bowing to fourth
seeded Margaret Osborne of San
Francisco, 1-6, 6-3, 6-3.
Doris Hart of Miami, defeated A.
Louise Brough of Beverly Hills, Calif.,
7-9, 7-5, 7-5, for the right to play
Miss Osborne for the title.
Francisco Segura of Ecuador, and
Lt. Joe R. Hunt of the U.S. Navy, will
contest the men's cup. Segura elim-
inated Seymour Greenberg, Chicago,
5-7, 6-2, 6-3, 6-3, while Hunt side-
lined Charles W. Oliver of Perth Am-
boy, N.J., 6-2, 6-1, 6-1.
Jerry Evert, Elaine Passow
Win Chicago Net Tourney
CHICAGO, Aug. 14.- (A)- Jerry
Evert and Elane Passow of Chicago
won the mixed doubles champion-
ship of the Chicago Metropolitan
Tennis Tournament today by defeat-
ing Bob David of Chicago and
Joanne Dunn of Des Moines, Iowa,
6-4, 6-1.

Backs Star
In Th ird of
Six Battles
Winding up its third week of prac-
tice, Michigan's football team yester-
day held the third of six scrim-
mages allowed it during the four
weeks of summer drills.
Coach Fritz Crisler used practical-
ly all his players in the battle of
the "Blues" and "Reds," repeatedly
switching the backfields and lines
as the "Blues," the team on offense,
tried plays from all parts of the
With Jack Wink absent the start-
ing backfield consisted of Hugh Mack
at quarter, Paul White and, Elroy
Hirsch at the halvec, and Bob Wiese
at full, with Bill Daley alternating
at half and full, and George Kiesel
changing off with Mack. After Wiese,
Daley, Hirsch, and White, all of
whom stood out, had broken away
for several touchdown sprints, Crisler
used Bob Stenberg at full, and Howie
Wikel and Bob Nussbaumer at the
In the line Crisler used Farnum
Johnson and Art Renner at the ends,
Bob Hanzlik, Johnny Greene and Pat
Boyle alternating at the two tackle
posts, Ralph Amstutz and Johnny
Gallagher, in the absence of Julie
Franks, at guards, and Merv Pregul-
man and Fred Negus changing off at
center on what might be called the
first team.
The Wolverines will top off their
last week of the summer drills with
scrimmages Tuesday and Thursday
and what will be the closest to an
intra-squad game that they have had
since last spring, next Saturday.
Then they will take a week off be-
fore starting Fall practice for their
opener Sept. 18..
As yet no game has been arranged
for the opening in the schedule left
when Michigan State dropped foot-
ball, but Crisler hopes to have a tilt
set by next week..

DETROIT, Aug. 14.- (P)- The
Washington Senators staged a three-
run ninth inning rally today to de-
feat the Detroit Tigers, 7 to 4, for an
even break in the four-game series,
and lefty Hal Newhouser thus
suffered his sixth successive setback.
Bothered with a lame arm for sev-
eral weeks, Newhouser fanned 11
Senators to boost his season total to
104, but in between Washington
gathered nine hits and the .Tigers
committed five errors. That all add-
ed up to a defeat that dropped De-
troit back to the American League's
fifth place.
The Tigers came from uehind
three times before the fatal ninth. In
the seventh they got rid of Alex Car-
rasquel, but Early Wynn came on the
scene to stop Detroit cold and gain
his 13th victory. It was Newhouser's
1th defeat against seven triumphs.
Detroit will try to climb back into
the first division tomorrow in a
doubleheader with the Philadelphia
Athletics. Virgil Trucks and Tommy
Bridges will face Jesse Flores and
Luman Harris of the A's on the
There were three errors behind
Newhouser in the ninth. Angelo
Giuliani was safe Qn Pinky Higgins'
boot and advanced on a sacrifice.
George Case walked and Mickey Ver-
non singled sharply to right to drive
in the winning run. An error by Ned
Harris permitted the runners to take
an extra base.
With Jake Powell at bat, the
speedy Case broke for the plate and
probably would have beaten the play
for a clean steal, but Powell took a
swing at Newhouser's toss and sin-
gled to left field,, scoring. both Case
and Vernon. That gaye Powell four
runs batted in for .thergame.
In the seventh Dick Wakefield got
his second of three singles, stole sec-
ond and beat the throw- to- third on

Washington Scores Three in
Ninth To Beat Tigers, 7-4


Butcher, Gornicki (8) and Baker;
Gerheauser, Kimball (8) and Finley.

Draft-Rule Changes Leave All
Sports But Racing Untouched

Rudy York's sacrifice. With first
and third occupied and none out,
Wynn came into the game. Higgins
bounced into a double play, Wake-
field remaining on third, and Harris
was passed intentionally to get at
Jimmy Bloodworth, who flied out,
* * *
Yanks Nip Browns
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14.-(A')-Bill
Zuber held the Browns to two hits
today as he pitched the New York
Yankees to a 2 to 1 victory. Nick
Ettenkhomered fortthe Yanks in. the
second inning and scored the win-
ning run in the seventh on an in-
field out.
New York......010 000 100-2 9 2
St. Louis ...001 000 000-i 2 0
Zuber and Sears; Muncrief, Caster
(8) and Hayes.
* * *
Indians Down Athletics
CLEVELAND, Aug. 14-(A')-Ham-
mering out 17 hits, including seven
doubles and one homer, the second-
place Cleveland Indians decisioned
Philadelphia's Athletics 12 to 9 at
League Park today to sweep the five-
game series and boom"their winning
streak to seven.
The game was finished under a
protest by Earl Mack, acting mana-
ger of the A's, of an umpire's deci-
sion in the seventh inning.
With one out and Frank Skaff on
second, Irv *Hall hit a fly to right.
Roy Cullenbine caught the ball and
sought to make a double play by
throwing to second. The ball dropped
out of his hand as he cocked his arm
to throw.
Hal Weafer, the first base umpire,
ruled Hall safe, but Manager Lou
Boudreau's protest brought a con-
ference of Weafer and his mates,
George Pipgras and Ernie Stewart,
and the decision was reversed.
Philadelphia . 001 042 011-- 9 12 2
Cleveland .. . .021 600 30x-12 17 0
Fagan, Ciola (4) and Wagner;
Dean, Naymick (5), Salveson (6),
Heving (6) and Rosar.
White Sox Beat Red Sox
CHICAGO, Aug. 14.-(P')--South-
paw Thornton Lee shuttout thesBos-
ton Red Sox 2 to 0 today as the
Chicago White Sox made it four'
victories in six games in the series.
Luke Appling doubled in both Chi-
cago runs off Yank Terry in the third
Boston .........000 000 00-0 3 0
Chicago ........002 000 00x-2 7 2
Terry, Ryba (8) and Partee; Lee
and Turner.
are a specialty with us. We wel-
come you to try us. Today!
Between State and Mich. Theatres

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14-(P)-De-
spite recurrent rumors and gloomy
predictions in sporting circles, base-
ball and all other sports except rac-
ing escaped unscathed in the new
draft-rule changes tonight.
Generally, professional athletes got
a break that should at least keep
them operating as usual a little long-
er provided they have children born
before Sept. 15, 1942.
The big news for baseball players
and.most other professional athletes
was that the list of non-deferrable
activities and occupations was ex-

tended without touching them. If a
man's job lands on this list, he must
switch to more ''war-useful" work
or risk speedy induction, even if he
has children.
All jobs connected with "race
tracks and courses" were declared
non-deferrable, but no definition was
sent out to draft boards to show
whether that included jockeys and
trainers, who aren't tied to track op-
erations-if that's what the draft of-
ficials had in mind.
The only sports-connected job out-
side of racing that landed on the new
list was "hunting and fishing guide."

.. ... . ................_._..._.

Dorothy Ger main Beats Mary
Wall in Golf Final, 5 and 4'


Major League Standings ...

$ >4 per 15-word insertion for
one. or two days. (in-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (in-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MIMOGRAPHING -Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
3S. State. -

LOST-Silver identification bracelet.
Pvt. Stanley D. Lazarus. 401
Greene House, East Quad.
LOST-Light raincoat on campus
some time last week. Call D. F.
Rendinell, 7142.
FOUND-$25.00 on StateStreet Sat-
. urday the 14th. Must identify.
Sylvia Saven, 3779.
LOST Tuesday, Sunglasses with pre-
scription lens in leather case.
Finder phone 4089. Reward.
MAKE MONEY-on your used clo-
thing by phoning Claude H.
Brown. 2-3736, 512 S. Main.
Film Loads-For 36 hour service
come to 335 E. Ann 6:30-7:00



New York .......
Cleveland .......
Washington .....
St. Louis.......

64 39
54 48
57 51
54 50
52 50
50 55
45 57
40 66



St. Louis ........
Pittsburgh .......
Brooklyn ........
Boston ..........
Philadelphia .....
Chicago .........
New York .......

68 34
56 49
56 49
54 52
47 53
50 58
47 57
39 65



EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 14-(AP)-
Dorothy Germain, 19-year-old play-
ground supervisor from Philadelphia,
Pa., who because of a drouth of golf-
ing activity in the east decided to
keep her woods and irons hot in this
summer's women's Western Golf As-
sociation tournaments, today won the
W.W.G.A.'s Amateur Championship.
Becoming the first Eastern cham-
pion in the history of this 43-year-old
amateur event, Miss Germain de-
feated Mary Agnes Wall of Menomi-
nee, Mich., 5 and 4, over the 35-hole
championship route of the Evanston
Golf Club.
For Miss Wall, 24-year-old vete-
ran of seven summers in the Wom-
en's Western wars, the loss was a big
disappointment, especially since she
was right in the scrap up to the start
of the final nine hole round. Two
years ago she also was a finalist in
this meet, only to lose to Mrs. Russell
Mann of Omaha, Neb.
At no time up to the final blow-off
on the last five holes did either play-
er hold more than a two-up lead
today. Miss Germain had that much

of an advantage 4t one time during
the first nine of' the morning round,
but the two girls came to theturn all
Never ahead during the first nine,
Miss Wall'had her turn on the sec-
ond nine, twice going into a one-up
lead only to have Miss Germain over
take her. But she won the 18th hole
and went to lunch with a one-up
On the outgoing nine of the after-
noon tour, Miss Germain evened
things at the 20th, went one up at
the 21st, saw the match squared at
the 23rd and regained the .one up
edge at the 24th. She made, it two up
at the 26th but dropped the 27th to
Miss Wall to lead one up going into
the back nine.

Results Saturday
Cleveland 12, Philadelphia 9.
Washington 7, Detroit 4.
New York 2, St. Louis 1.
Chicago 2, Boston 0.
Games Sunday
Philadelphia at Detroit (2).
New York at Chicago (2).
Washington at Cleveland (2).
Boston at St. Louis (2).

S. . . . . . Clip Here And Mail To A U..M. Man In The Armed Forces---------- -

bring my socks down!"
plaintively cried a private
stationed in the East Quad,
as he rememebered that
he would have to darn his
own socks with the usual
*tress and strain . . . The
Faculty Women's Club and
a' group from the Red
Cross have been saving
the campus soldiers from
many a stabbed thumb
and knotted thread by
moving over to the Quad
every Thursday and Fri-
day afternoons to mend a
mountain high heap of
accumulated, torn and but-
tonless garments ... Feel-
ing that they are darning
absent husband's or broth-
er's socks by "remote con-
tiol, these East) Quad
"moms" get a big kick out
of talking to the boys,
who welcome their sav-
iours from agonizing hours
with the needle with en-

Ear A-tr4igttn 3a'tllj


Results Saturday
Boston 3, Chicago 2.
Pittsburgh, 8-2, Philadelphia 2-1.
Cincinnati 9-4, Brooklyn 2-3.
St. Louis 11-0, New York 1-3.
Games Sunday
St. Louis at Brooklyn (2).
Cincinnati at New York (2).
Chicago at Philadelphia (2).
Pittsburgh at Boston (2).
Lambeau Predicts
Good Packer Team
GREEN BAY, Wis., Aug. 14.- (P)
--Coach E. L. (Curly) Lambeau took
time out from his job of checking
in candidates for his Packer football
team today and came up with the
prediction that Green Bay would
have another strong contender for
National League honors.
Despite the loss of many veterans
to the armed forces, Lambeau ex-
pects to have 13 members of last
year's squad and 12 new men in uni-
form when practice begins tomorrow.
Cecil Isbell recently signed to
coach at Purdue after five years with
Green Bay in which he helped Don
Hutson, the Packers' great end, set
several National League passing rec-

Heavy Winter Place
Mats Take a Back Seat

'V' V
1 1.
~ .

"seep," kid brother of the
famous jeep . . . Demon-
strating its prowess when
the Military Police battal-
ion invades Ann Arbor
Aug. 23 for the sham bat-
tle, it will feature the "in-
vasion" of the town . . .
As students are none too
familiar with the jeep it-
self, the seep is expected
to take the town by storm
as ambitious BMOC's fig-
ure how nice it would be
to use buzzing to Ypsi in
every Saturday night.
sical unit is the 87-piece
Navy-Marine band which
was formed last week un-
der the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli, Univer-
sity band conductor . . . A
marching unit, the band
is making public appear-
ances Saturday mornings
leading Navy and Marine
battalions to drill practice
at Ferry Field .. . Former
University band drum ma-
jor Lynn Stedman twirls

last to crawl into G.I. issue
A SURPRISE fire drill at
the East Quad Thursday
night caught the men nap-
ping, with the result that
startled residents along
East University were treat-
ed to the hilarious spec-
tacle of soldiers attired in
everything from the pink
pajamas of one six-footer
to G.I. shorts or just plain
towels, as the scantily
garbed Army lined up at
rigid attention, after com-
pleting their evacuation of
the Quad in one and one
half minutes flat . . . The
alarm brought out every
man, officers included, just
as they were dressed for
the 'hot night . . . Rumor
has it that several men
lost their towels during the
mad dash from shower to
** * *
500 GRADUATES will be
honored at the convoca-
tion today, which takes the
nlace f the usiual raid-

students are high school
FIRST outdoor concert
for the pre - meteorology
cadet band was held last
night, with the "Army Air
Corps Song" as the first
number on the program.
So far the 33-piece band,
which was formed eight
weeks ago, has confined its
activities to civic parades.
* * *
A BOOTH for the enlist-
ment of aviation cadets in
the Army Air Force was
set up in the Union yester-
day, manned by local Civil
Air Patrol members . .
These CAP officials have
a very definite function to
perform flying on errands.
While on a recent vacation
trip out west, Mrs. W. Carl
Rufus, CAP officer, Ann
Arbor "flying grandmoth-
er" and wife of Prof. Rufus
of the astronomy depart-
ment, flew into Cheyenne,
Wyo., just in time to rush
an Army doctor carrying
blood nlasma on an emer-



Order an ex
Lo the Hotel Al



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