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August 15, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-15

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StTNDAY. "AUO. i$. iM,

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Fifty-Third Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published, every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
iioation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offics at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-03
Editorial Stafff
Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Ed Podliashuk . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
aeanne Lovett . . Business-*nager
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily.
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Donilnie Says
N HER SUPERB BOOK, "Reaching for the
Stars," Nora Waln has the old professor ob-
serve, "It is possible for, two incompatible ideas
to slumber side by side in the subconscious reg-
ions of the intellect." She illustrates it among
the Germans. Here is the ground for a neurosis,
the cure of which is a function of high religion.
Smouldering. hatreds must be overcome by faith.
It is the office of religious persons to bring faith
to bear; faith that the love of nature on the part
of the enemy may triumph over his hatred of
other men,-that his kindness may come to frui-
tion in spite of the seeming necessity of brutality
in war,-that his regard for life may rebuke his
cunning for death.,
The mystic holds that it is your office and
mine, as religious persons, to lift toward the
Deity in dedication, the souls of our own fight-
ing men, in the firm faith that the good in
them will triumph over the evil; that these
men may believe more deeply in commonalty
of men than in the surface diversions in social
organization which force them to battle,-and
that eventually righteousness willacover the
earth as the waters cover the sea. As religious
persons, it..isfor us to believe that truth
crushed to earth shall rise again, that, "though
the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is
strong,"--that there are powers within beauty
which can transcend ugliness so long as lovers
of beauty persist,-that the very universe it-
self, by the drive of growth in those Ukranian
fields again devastated by armies, for example,
builds the superior value; and that God's ben-
evolent ways, whereby the rains fall alike on
the just and the unjust, will guarantee peace
for men true to His law.
-Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in
Religious Education

Green, A. F. of L. Executive Council Vote
To Maintain Tradition of Excluding Chinese

MR. WILLIAM GREEN knows a Chinaman
when he sees one.
And Mr. Green also believes in tradition
yes, even the good old racial tradition of pro-
hibiting Chinese immigrants from becoming cit-
izens of the United States.
Of course, should the Asiatic exclusion act
be modified-but it won't be if the executive
council of the AFL has anything to say
about -it-why then this "glorious land of op-
portunity" would be overrun with Chinese;
in fact, there might be as many as 150 enter-
ing every year under the quota system.
Oh, now it's not a question of excluding them
from labor unions-because the Amerrican Fed-
eration of Labor does have Chinese members. No,
the real problem says President Green is a
social one.
You see, the Chinese just don't assimilate
into our social life. When people from Europe
come over here they become like the rest of
us after three generations, but not a China-
man-why he still has slant-eyes and yellow
skin; he's still a Chinaman.
Maybe he is Mr. Green, but that's not reason
to assume that he cannot be an American. We
would like to know what you mean by an "Amer-
S HE A white man with dark curly hair who
earns $50 a week at an office or. &. factory?
Is he the fellow who belongs to your Union? Is
he the chap who goes to a movie on Saturday
night or drops in at Joe's for a few beers?
Tell us, Mr. Green, do social customs make
an American an American? Does the good old
game of follow the leader and .everybody's
doing it decide irrefutably who shall be con-
sidered an integral part of this nation?
Or is it a man's attitude, his ideals, his ambi-
tion that make him a citizen? Surely there is no
people today who have sacrificed so much or en-
U. S. Action Points Way
To Self-Determination
THE FILIPINOS have been reassured by
Roosevelt that the provisions of the Ty,
dinds-McDuffie Act, giving the archipelago its
complete independence by 1946, will be carried to
realization before that date.
It was in a recorded radio broadcast to the
Philippines on the occasion of the 45th anni-
versary of the American occupation of the is-
lands, that the President stated bluntly that"the
Republic of the Philippines will be established
the moment the power of our Japanese enemies
is destroyed."
Although the speech was well-timed to
counteract Premier Tojo's reported pledge to
the Japanese-seized islands that they will be
made an independent nation by the end of
this year, the American statement has added
significance. It is another important mile-
stone of the integrity of benevolent- American
colonial policy in its sincere effort to make
its dependencies politically self-sufficient.

dured such trials as our Chinese allies.. And what
people have as uncorrupted an ideal of freedom
and democracy as these same Chinese? Sun Yat-
Sen's democratic ideals are still China's The
Chinese still believe in an equality of all races
and peoples-which is more than you, Mr. Green,
will agree to. They still hold that all people have
-a right to a livelihood; they still maintain that
initiative, referendum, election, and recall are
the people's rights.
Tell us, Mr. Green, are we to say to our
Chinese friends in the post-war world, "Well
you got us out of some tight spots a few years
ago-yes, you did a good job an Japan, but
we just can't have you coming over to America
You'll upset our social order. You're not ab-
Mr. Green, could you stand before real Ameri-
cans and real Chinese who are citizens of the
world and unashamedly, unblushingly utter
those words s-V irginia Rock
Ieterm to 14e c/jjiq0r
18-Year-Old Vote?.. .
RECENTLY, The Daily has joined in the pop-
, clamor for the lowering of the voting
age to 18 years, and devoted much space to this
issue. I should like to contribute my humble
opinion to this discussion.
The key slogan of the supporters of this
measure seems, to be the argument to the effect
that "if they're old enough to fight, they're old
enough to vote." While the logic of this catchy
phrase is somewhat dubious, one certainly can
see the viewpoint of the 18-year-olds who #re
serving their country in the armed services.
They have been asked to make great sacrifices,
and many will even give their lives.
Therefore, it appears only fair and sensible
to let these boys have an active and effective
say as to the running of their country; they
should be given the opportunity to elect. the
men who will largely be responsible for the
kind of world these fellows will be coming
back to. For it is almost certain that the poli-
ticians elected in the coming elections will
bear the responsibility for a peace upon which
imiuch is at stake.
Yet I cannot help but wonder why this voting
age lowering should cover all 18-year-olds. Or,
for all practical aspects,. this matter,.is reduced.
to the following question: Why should girls be-
tween the ages of 18 and 21 be allowed to vote?
With exceedingly few exceptions, girls of 18
do not know "beans" about politics. I believe
that hardly anyone will contradict me on this
point. Such girls would be the answer to a dem-
agog's prayer, and their voting right would do
more harm than good. Why not merely intro-
ducing a legislature whereby the suffrage is
extended to all men in the armed services who
have reached their 18th birthday? A similar
measure was adopted in England during the
last war.
In conclusion, I should like to emphasize
(and anybody who knows me will back up this
contention) that I am by no means a woman-
hater. But I am terrified at the prospect of

61 hip4
PROGRESSIVE. ideas have been beaten time
and time again. Reaction has triumphed in
battle after battle all over the world. Yet if you
ask progressive leaders for the reason for their
defeats they will not stress the power of the
forces of reaction but the passiveness of the
liberal elements among the people.
You have perhaps considered yourself-a
Communist, fascist, liberal, progresse, reac-
tionary, or radical-but if you have, not a-
tively supported your ideals by use of the
press, discussion, voting, and other means you
have no right to call yourself anything but a
conservative. For whatever your views are,
they have had no influence in molding the pol-
itics of your community, your state and your
nation. They have served only to preserve
the status-quo and enhance the powers of
those already in office,
inAdemocratic system of government is based
on the will of the people, and that will is mold-
ed by the most active and influential groups in
the nation. It is therefore the duty of every per-
son to fight for his views strongly and unrelent-
ingly. If he, does not do this he gives away one
of his most fundamental rights-the right to
try to mold society in his image.
There are many excuses you can give for
inaction. You may say that your humble ef-
forts would mean little, but in a democracy
every voice, every letter, every vote counts.
Your opinion, and yours and yours and that
fellow you have just convinced on the corner
are going to count. They will determine and
change the views of your community.
THERE ARE even more subtle and rational ex-
cuses that have been worked out by intelli-~
gent people, in an effort to have a clear con-
science and at the same time suppress their own
freedom of expression. These excuses have been
worked out because for many people their jobs,
their homes, their very success would be menaced
if they permitted themselves to think clearly
and express their conclusions. Especially if these
conclusions happened to disagree with those of
the powers that be.
One person l met a year ago was so far
developed in his excuse theory-that every
fact must be considered before any action is
taken-that be was opposed to the removal
of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in May
of 1940-because he felt all the facts were not
before the Members of Parliament when, after
what I think was disastrous delay, they fin-
ally kicked the umbrellaman out.
That is why I think that it is far better if the
youth of this country and the world had a little
more confidence in their own ideas and theories,
and a little more emotional fighting spirit to
carry them out instead of dull dejected attitude
of who-knows-what's-right-anyway, and what
in blazes can a guy like me do?
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.--It is being hushed
up backstage, but vigorous criticisms of govern-
ment handling of the lumber industry has been
seething inside the War Production Board and
the Department of Agriculture.
The Forest Service has just tipped its hand
by issuing a report that with the nation des-
perately hard up for lumber, 9,740 sawmills were
idle in May, with worse conditions expected this
summer. This is 27 percent of the nation's

Af terissuing this report, the Forest Service
suddenly hushed it up, and today this data is
supposed to be strictly confidential.
Reason for the hush-hush is that serious
charges have been made that big lumber deal-
ers are throttling smaller mills, and that Gen.
Eugene RIeybold, Chief of Army Engineers,
has played into the big lumber dealers' hands.
He has issued orders that Army purchases
must come only from the lumber associations,
which comprise the big mills. This leaves the
little mills out in the cold and unable to sell
lumber to the Army.
In the South for instance, about 750 mills be-
long to the Southern Pine Association, one of
the most powerful of the lumber associations,
while 15,000 small southern mills do not belong.
The Southern Pine Association was prosecuted
by the Justice Department for monopolistic
practices and was forced to sign a consent de-
cree. Nevertheless, Army engineers have ruled
that Army lumber purchased in the South must
come from the Southern Pine Association, thus
leaving 15,000 smaller mills out in tne cold.
This policy together with the "defeatist" and
"go-slow" policy of various lumber officials has
been under severe criticism by WBP official El-
lory Foster, former director of the Minnesota
Forest Service.
Lumbermen Rebuked.,..
Foster has written a sizzling memorandum
criticizing both the lumber industry itself and

Santuel Grafton's
I d Rather
NEW YORK, Aug. 15-These are
bad days for almost anyone who in-
sists on having his own way to the
bitter end. I am thinking of the
Hearst editorials which denounced
General de Gaulle as a Communist,
or the stooge of -Communists. The
Hearst press was for Giraud, instead.
But, to and behold, Giraud has ac-
cepted de Gaulle.,
By this act, General Giraud has
stepped out of one camp and into
another; he has left the camp of the
irreconcilables and entered the family
of man. It is a lusty, thriving family,
too, gaining members right along.
The real division in democratic
politics today is not between left
and right, but between the ir-
reconcilables and the reconcilables.
The New York Herald Tribune is
right-wing on domestic issues. So
is the Chicago Tribune. Yet there
is sharp, diference between them.
The Chicago Tribune is an ir-
reconcilable, while the New York
Herald Tribune has a suspicion
that we are all going to have to
live together for a long time to
Thus it is somewhat more interest-
ed in furthering a sound postwar
plan than in throwing a convulsion
because a ballet dancer has been dis-
covered in a government post.
If Henry Clay were to make a
miraculous reappearance among us
with a plan for composing differences
between right and left so that we
could get on with the war, the recon-
cilables would cheer, while the ir-
reconcilables would have him in-
vestigated by the Dies Committee.
They would probably leave Henry
talking to an empty hall, anyway,
while they went down the street to
hear a thrilling speech on how when
the soldiers come back home, they
are going to be mean as dirt to the
men who made the planes and tanks
for them.
The irreconcilables want what they
want when they want it. At the pres-
ent moment, they are talking again
of an investigation of Hollywood.
Just what sense an investigation of
Hollywood would make at this par-
ticular moment in the tragic epic
of man is not clear. It doesn't seem
to go with Sicily.
But the irreconcilables ' were
against Hollywood in 1941, and so
they are still against it. Their comic
opera probe of Hollywood as a
war-monger collapsed in 1941. Now
they want to try it again. Since
1941, war has come, wantonly made
against us, and defeats have come
too, and victories. Everything has
changed, but the irreconcilables
are still left, well, irreconcilable.
They want to win the war, sure
enough, yet they show much livelier
spasms of interest at a chance to win
the argument.
But, as I say, the family of man
is growing. General Eisenhower calls
on the people of Italy to rise, and de
Gaulle does join with Giraud, and
the leading Republican newspaper in
New York does say that maybe we
do need an Office of War Informa-
tion to help us win. Mr. Thomas
Lamont works for Russian War Re-
lief, and the great majority of work-
ing men and women do not strike.
All. these, taken together, and
many more, form the camp of recon-
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ,

(Continued from Page 2)
in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
Dale Hallack, Tenor, will present a
program of compositions by Handel,
Schubert, Schumann, Carpenter and
Campbell-Tipton at 8 :30: pan., Tues-
day, Aug. 17, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Mr. Hallack is a pupil of
Arthur Hackett and is giving the
recital as .a requirement for the de-
gree of Master of Music. It will be
open, to the public.
Music of Beethoven, Haydn and
Brahms will be heard in the second
recital by students of the String
Quartet Class conducted by Oliver
Edel, .at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug.
19, The program will be given in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham Buil-
ding and will be open to. the public.
Events Today
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will offer its regular Sunday program
this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fire-
place Room of Lane Hall. All stu-
dents are invited to .attend these
Summer Student Convocation:
Students and the public are.-cordially
invited to attend the convocation
this evening at 8 o'clock, Aug. 15,
in Hill Auditorium. E. Blythe Stason,
Provost of the University, will give
the address. Music will be furnished
by the Methodist Church Choir and
Navy Unt Chorus, under the direc-
tion of Prof. Hardin Van Deursen.
Prof. Palmer Christian ant the organ.
Graduate Outing Club: Members
willneet at-the club quarters at
2:30 this afternoon, for a hike out
Sunset Blvd. Bring your lunch
The Lutheran Student Club, Gam-
ma Delta will have a picnic supper
this afternoon at 5:30 at the Big
Fireplace at the Island. Lutheran
students and servicemen are asked to
meet at the, Rackham Building steps
at 4:30, or if they preferJo go direct-
ly to the Island. Return by 7.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at 4:30 o'clock. If the wea-
ther permits the group will leave
from the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,
309 E. Washington St., for a picnic
near the Island. Lutheran students
and servicemen are welcome.
A reception will be held at the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 6-8
p.m., in honor of Company A, 3651st
Service Unit of the United States
Army. The evening will include a
buffet supper.eServicemen, students
and townspeople are welcome.
Coming. Events
Sound films from the Film Library
of the University Extension Service
will be shown Monday afternoon at
4:10 under the auspices of the
School of Education: "Mexico Builds
a Democracy" and "Colombia-
Crossroads of America." The films
will be shown free at the University
High School auditorium. ;The pub-
lic is invited.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship-I0:45a.m. .. "The Gos-

pel of Integrity" subject of sermon
by Dr. Lemon.
Sunday Afternoon Forum- 4:00
p.m. "God and the Religions" will
be conducted by Dr. Lemon. This
will be the last of the Forums. Weath-
er permitting, the supper will be held
out of .doors at the Council Ring.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Morning Worship. There will
be a special program of music by the
choir under the direction of Wilson
4:30 p.m. Congregational students
and their friends will meet at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard Street,
for a trip to Riverside Park for games,
picnic supper and a vesper service.
Students in service are especially in-
Memorial-Christian Church (Disei-
ples): 14:45 Morning Worship. The
Rev. Harold Hamlin of the Butler
School of Religion, Indianapolis, Id.,
will be guest speaker.
4:30 p.m. Disciple students and
their friends will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard Street, for a trip
to Riverside Park for games, a picnic
supper and a vesper service. Students
in military service especially invited.
Unitarian Church: State and Hur-
on Streets, Edward H. Redman, Min-
ister. 11:00 a.m. Service of Worship
with Mr. Redman preaching on:
Franz Werfel, Novelist of Crisis.
3:30 p.m. Student program with
folk dancing.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 am. Holy Communion; 11:0
a.m. Junior Church (Nursery-4th
Grade), Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.;. 5:00 p.m.
Canterbury Club for Episcopal stu-
dents and servicemen. Swimming,
picnic supper and guest speaker at
the Giefel Residence in Barton Hills.
Miss Maxine Westphal, formerly a
teacher in Zamboanga in the Philip-
pine Islands, will speak on her ex-
periences there and the conditions
in the Islands just before the inva-
sion by Japan. Please meet at Page
Hall (Catherine and Division Streets)
not later than 5 p.m. Transportation
will lie provided. Note: The Wednes-
day morning services of the Holy
Communion will be discontinued for
the next three weeks.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul." Sunday School at
Free public reading room at 106
E. Washington St., open every day
except Sundays and holidays- from
11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation:Student Class with Dr.
Blakeman on the subject "How the
Personality Principle Aids Religion."
Sunday Morning Worship Service.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "Cause and Effect." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 4:30 p.m. Topic
for discussion "Housing in the Post-
war World." Supper and fellowship
hour following the meeting.
Lutheran Student Chapel: Divine
Service Sunday at 11 in Michigan
League Chapel. Sermon by the Rev.
Alfred Scheips, "The Christian Youth
and His Church."



far . . . Elimination con-
tests are coming up and
the campus in general is
still taking it easy, accord-
ing to Doris Barr, League
chairman for the Vanities.
Time will tell whether the
campus has given up to
the energetic service groups
or if it is still full of vim
and vigor.
informal and packed to the
rafters, went over like hot-
cakes last night, as the
first, last and only big
dance of the summer, even
if ik was geared to the war
with, ordinary everyday
dress the rule for all . . .
Swinging out with his "new
music," Shep Fields took
the campus by storm on
his first appearance here.
* 4 *
OTHER campus attrac-
tion last night, Bill Sawyer
held forth as usual at the
League with the special at-
traction of the All-Soldier
Choir of Company A as
guest stars for the evening.
The proved abilities of
Company A went over with
their usual " ease as that
nart of the c'ampus not at-

versity Prof. Elmore S.
Pettyjohn, now a Com-
mander in charge of the
repair and maintenance of
landing barges for, the am-
phibian forces of the, Navy
at an advance South Pa-
cific base, sent the piece
along ,with a few others
taken from a bomber shot
down near his base . .
Included in the collection
of plastic glass wind-
shields, metal gasoline
tank covers and an emer-
gency daylight bomb, was
the twisted metal tail fin
of a bomb dropped by the
plane only 200 yards from
Comm. Pettyjohn's base,
according to the note past-
ed on the fin.
S * 4 *
A NEW AND original
helicopter, unique in its
design, that really flies, has
been turned out by two
local engineers who have
been working on the plane
at the Ann. Arbor airport.
Although neither .Corwin
Denney, '43, nor Karl
Schakel, '42. Purdue, had
ever seen a helicopter, they
went right ahead and built
a plane from .theories and
ra ci4ani.Q .,rh4 it'.T"n n a,,AP;.

ters ever built . . . Less
than half the horsepower
of its single engine is nec-
essary to lift it from the
ground, and it is expected
to have a cruising.speed of
100 miles per hour, 40 miles
faster than the known
speed of any other heli-
copter . . . Bristling with
unique features and safe-
ty-angles, the exact new
features of the plane are
a military secret as the
boys expect an Army Air
Corps contract in the fu-
* * *
FINAL PLAY Production
offering of the season, the
opera "Hansel and Gretel,"
was acclaimed by students
and townspeople at its ini-
tial performance last
Wednesday, despite a blast-
ing orchestra and fourteen
angels with "rotating hips"
who marred the otherwise
excellent production.
* * *
AT LONG last Lutheran
students of the Missouri
Synod will have a building
of - their own for worship
and social activities when
the Michigan district of
the chuirch.'tas overn ,.the

Blue are at present with-
out a home opener on the
fall schedule, due to MSC's
recent cancellation of all
games and ban on the pig-
skin for the duration .
The cancellation of the
Sept. 25 game breaks a
gridiron tradition which
has lasted since the first
Michigan - MSC game in
1898 . :. Juggling of foot-
ball schedules is necessary
for the fall now, to provide
the team now shaping up
under Coach Fritz Crisler's
able direction with an op-
ener ... Likely candidates
for the vacancy are Great
Lakes, Iowa Seahawks and
Purdue, according to Coach
Crisler, who expects to
have a substituting .team
on the docket shortly . .
Although Great Lakes has
the Sept. 25 slug already
filled, the Great Lakes
team looks the most prob-
able choice, as Big Ten
schools are committed to
help service teams in mak-
ing schedules whenever
possible .. .Juggling would
enable the opener to be
played here and leave an
opener for the second
game, likewise broken by

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