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August 15, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-15

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#A~n TWO

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UM-PDAY, AtrC. 15, 19431

- - - - - - - -- - - -

.ush Foreseen
As Gas Coupon
Value Declines
Midwestern Motorists
Accept Rationing Cut
With Mixed Peelings
CHICAGO, Aug. 14. -(RP)- Mid-
western miotorists, facing the knowl-
edge that each of their gasoline cou-
pens will provide one less precious
gallon, beginning at 12 :01 a.m. Mon-
day, accepted news of the cut today.
with mixed feelings.
A preliminary survey here showed
fio concerted rush to buy gasoline be-
fore the coupons are devalued from
four gallons to three, although scat-
tered reports showed some extra pur-
chasing activity.
Predictions Were prevalent, how-
ever, for a speedup in business to-
night and tomorrow by motorists de-
manding "fill 'er up."
"It's pretty much business as usual,
so far," said B. H. Provis, pi'esident
of the Gasoline Retailers' Associa-
tion. "Most motorists are in the
habit, since gasoline rationing, of
kbeping their tanks full. Since most
automobiles have some supply of
gasoline, to fill up the tank doesn't
take as much gasoline as might be
Major oil companies, with adequate
supplies to meet emergency demands,
felt no unusual drain by service sta-
tions seeking to replenish depleted
supplies, the survey showed.
Instructions for enforcing the new
regulations have been issued to the
OPA's regional enforcement staff,
Rsegional Administrator Raymond S.
McKeough said today. They were
transmitted to district offices in Ili-
nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, North and South Dakota.
Speech 31 Contest To
Re Held Tomorrow
The Speech 31 contest will be held
at 7:30' p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
Science Auditorium under the aus-
pices of the speech department.
One student selected from each
of the five sections will give a short
Judges for the contest are Royal
R. Henline, principal of the Neligh
Iigh School in Neligh; Nebr., Edd
Miller, instructor of speech at the
University of Texas and William
Schrier, head of the speech depart-
ment at Hope College.

Making Hay While the Sun Shines and the Bomber Rests

Guest Stars To,
Conduct Band
At Interlochen
Special To The Daily
INTERLOCKEN, August 13.-Five
guest conductors will direct the Na-
tional Music Camp band and orches-
tra at the afternoon and evening
concerts today.
In the afternoon concert at 3:30
p.m.. Composer Dominco Savino will
conduct the band in the performance
of his "Marche Symphonique" and
"Marching Along" and the orchestra
in "World of Tomorrow." The com-
bined high school and college choirs
will sing in the latter numbers.
"Mississippi Suite" and "Ode to
Freedom" will be conducted by their
composer Ferde Grofe while Percy
Grainger will direct his "Lincolnshirej
Director of Wayne University band,
Graham T. Overgard will direct the
band in the performance of "Deep
Purple" by DeRose, "Nocturne" by
Giselle, and two march numbers of
his own composition, "The Hills, the
Devil and MacArthur," and "The Air

While Women Swoon

Soewhere in England a crop is harvested by civilian men and women besides members of the Air
Force who fly by night and harvest by day. The huge bomber resting in the background is just part

of the scenery while the business
for needed crop production.
Job Holders
T o e Drafted
(Continued from Page 1)
those contributing least to the war
effort" were:
1. All jobs in the manufacture- of
soft drinks, alcoholic beverages,
amuseMent machines and novel-
ties, or in the operation of race
tracks, pool halls, anusement ar-
cades and ticket agencies, travel
ageneies and clubs, or in the whole-
saling or retailing of games and
toys, soft drinks, musical instru-
ments and artists' supplies.
2. Such jobs, without regard to the
type of business in which they are
held, as sales clerk, floorwalker, ho-
tel, apartment or club desk-clerk;
ticket. taker, literary or actor agent,
theatrical or film managing agentt,
book 'or' periodical agent, window
trimmer or display man, sign writer
or painter, and sight-seeing or hunt-
ing and fishing guide.
Unless fathers in these jobs change
immediately to other work, they are!
to be classified to 1-A as quickly asI
their boards can. get around to it
and to 'be inducted as soon as the
boards run out of non-fathers with-
out deferment rights, regardless of
how soot that o.ccjrs.

of a food supply is taken care of. The edges of flying fields are utilized

Banks To Close
Later for Drive
Hours Changed To
Facilitate Bond Sales
In order to convenience prospec-
tive bond buyers the Ann Arbor and
State Savings Banks and the post
office will remain open after regular
business hours, Fred E. Benz, City
Ward Bond Committee chairman,
said yesterday.
The extension of hours will be only
for the sale of bonds and not for
regular post office and banking bus-
iness. The placement service of the
CDVO will supply the volunteer
Next Saturday the Ann Arbor
Bank's downtown office will be open)
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and from 7
p.m. to 9 p.m. On the following
Saturday the State Savings Bank
will be open the same hours.
From Sept. 1 until the end of the
bond drive the post office window
will be open until 6 p.m.
Series E bonds will be delivered
immediately to their purchasers. Or-
ders for F and G bonds will be taken
now and delivered later.

Union May Ask
To Take Plant
Muskegon Officials To
File Request, Strike
Notice Under Labor Act
MUSKEGON. Aug. 14. - UP) -
United Automobile Workers (CIO)
officials representing employes of
the Campbell; Wyant. a 4 annon
Fcundry, where approximately 1,500
workers are idle in a wage. dispute,
said in a formal statement today the
union may ask the War Department
to take over and operate 'the plant.
The union leaders said members of
the local union meeting' here Sunday
would be asked to authorize such a
request, and to authorize the filing
of a strike notice under the. Smith-
Connally Labor Disputes Act.
Cempany Makes No Statement
A work stoppage in the company's
No. 1 plant Friday, the fifth ina~s
many days, halted war production.
Company officials who described it
as a wildcat strike and said they had
had no negotiations with the union,
could not be reached today for com-
ment on the union officials' state-
The statement, signed by Linwood
Smith, Saginaw, Regional Director;
Leonard Woodcock, Muskegon-Grand
Rapids international representative;
Edward, T. Schrader,. UAW-CIO Lo-
cal 539 president, and Charles Rog-
ers, chairman of the plant bargain-
ing committee, said the principal is-
sue "is the great inequalities in wages
and the lack of consistency on the
part of the management in admin-
istering whatever wage policy they
may have." It added:
Blame Company
"It is the application of the incen-
Live system in Muskegon that is
breeding all the work stoppages and
causing the reputation of this coln-
munity to be ruined in the eyes of
the nation."
Clothes Donations Needed
For Russian War Relief
"Clothes contributions for the Rus-
sian War Relief Qrganization are
badly needed," Mrs. J. H. Glass, Ann
Arbor chairman, announced yester-
"The garments may be left at the
salvage center in West Hospital on
East Catherine Street across from
the Red Cross Production Center, Qr
call 24676 and arrangements to pick
them up will be made," Mrs. Glass
"Persons to work at the Salvage
Center to prepare clothes for shin-
ment are also needed;" Mrs. Glass
added. Arrangements of working
hours may be made for the conveni-
ence of people having other 'jobs."


Hayden StudiesNegro Past, Culture

In an attempt to prove' that the-
Negro past reaches beyond slavehood
and that the black man's culture is
typically American, Robert Hayden,
University lecturer, has collected
samples of Negro history and folk-
lore in connection with the Federal
Writers' Project.
Travelling throughout Michigan
visiting libraries and museums, Hay-
den has come into contact with ex-
slaves in Detroit. From them . he
learned old Negro stories and folk-
lore dating from the Civil War and
Restoration period.
Soorthern Negro Was Intelligent
"Contrary to published history,
colored men who helped revise the
South after the war were intelligent
citizens, and Negroes did not domi-
nate the Reconstruction Era," Hay-
den said yesterday.
"No worse than our present Con-
gressmen, these Negroes achieved
civil' rights for colored people, new
educational facilities, county and
state- reorganization and tax revi-
Hayden's research has led him to
the belief that the common idea of

Negro poetry is wrong. "We have
American poetry written by Negroes,"
he stated.

Hayden's latest book, "The Black
Spear," to be published shortly by
Doubleday, Doran & Co., deals with
Negro life during the slaverty period
and the Civil War.
Book To Be Published
"James Weldon Johnson first no-
ticed my poetry," Hayden said.
"Stephen Vincent Benet, author of
'John Brown's Body,' was also very
interested in my work," he added.
Hayden wrote .the script and acted
as commentator for the series of
broadcasts given over CKLW during
the exhibition celebrating 75 years
of Negro progress which was held
in Detroit in 1940.
Hopwood Award Won
A graduate of Wayne University,
Hayden began the study of English,
play production and creative writing
at the University in 1938. He won
a major Hopwood award for poetry
in 1942 with his work, "Christopher
At present Hayden acts as music
and drama critic fori The Michigan
Chronicle, a Detroit Newspaper.
Hayden Will Lecture on
Negro Fiction Tomorow
Robert Hayden will continue his
discussion of American fiction writ-
ten by Negroes in the sixth of his
series of lectures on Negro history
and culture in Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building at 8 p.m. tomor-

SUNDAY, AUG. 15, 1943
VOL. LIII, No. 36-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle.
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by1
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Dcctoral Examination for Stanley
Levey, Biological Chemistry; thesis,
"The Metabolism of Phenoxyacetic
Acid, Its Higher Homologues, and the
Monochlorophenoxyacetic Acids,"
Monday, Aug. 16, 313 West Medical,
3:15 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
All men on campus are invited to
the final rehearsal of Men's Glee
Club at the Varsity Glee Club rooms,
3rd floor Union, Monday, Aug. 16, 7
to 8 p.m. Men interested in joining
the University of Michigan Glee Club
in the fall semester are especially
invited. -David Mattern
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations.
The United States: Policewoman,
$2,200 per year; Junior Library Assis-
tant, $1,620 per year base; Under Li-
brary Assistant, $1,440 per year base.
State of Michigan: Graduate
Nurse, $125 to $145 per month; Farm-
hand, $100 to $115 per month; Guard
Attendant, $125 to $145 per month;
Janitor, $110 to $125 per month;
Steam Fireman, $145 to $165 per
month; Telephone Operator, $100 to
$115 per month. t
City of Detroit: Junior Medical
Technologist, $1,820 per year base;
Assoc. City Planning Analyst, $4,650
per year base; Junior Clerk, $1,424
per year base; Messenger, $1,094 per
year base; Intermediate Typist, $1,-
754 per year base; Junior Typist, $1,-
424 per year base; Intermediate Clerk,
$1,754 per year base; Junior Stores
Clerk, $2,018 per year base; Traffic
Checker, $1,716 per year base.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Ap'point-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: A meeting will be held Mon-
day, Aug. 16, at 7:30 p.m., in Room
1213 East Engineering Building.
Prof. H. C. Carver of the Mathe-
matics Department will speak on
"Practical Air Navigation.," I.Ae.S.
members and other interested per-


sons are invited to attend.
School of Business Administration:
Courses for the second block begin-
ning Aug. 23 have been scheduled as
follows: Course No. 1, MTWTHFS 8;
Course No. 21, TTh 3-5; Course No.
42, MWF 3-5; Course No. 110, WF
8-10; Course No. 112, MWF 1-3;
Course No. 121, TTh 10-12 (2 hours
to be arranged); Course No. 153,
MWF 11 and 1; Course No. 161, TThS
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, Aug. 21. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier, after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Saturday, Aug.
21. Petitions for extension of time
must be on file in the Secretary's
Office before that date.
-A. H.' Lovell, Secretary
English II, Section 3: There will be
conferences.Monday and Wednesday,'
Aug. 16 and 18. -Kenneth Rowe
Physical Education-Women Stu-

Barbara Hale (above), 21,
trown-eyed and shapely, leaps into
the air to demonstrate her feelings
after landing the job to play
Frank Sinatra's sweetheart in the
film musical "Higher and Higher."
dents: Registration for physical edu-
cation classes for the last eight weeks
will take place in Room 14, Barbour
Gymnasium on Friday, Aug. 20.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music, and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of. this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end of
the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
-Robert H. Williams
Assistant Registrar
All-Brahms Program: Students of
Fer i Roth and Mabel Ross Rhead in
the Violin and Piano Sonata Litera-
ture Course will present a sonata re-
cital at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 16,
(Continued on Page Four) f


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