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August 04, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1943-08-04

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'1 DNEDAY, ATI4x. 4, 1049'

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All-Star Game
Unaffected by
Na Ruligs
Mid-Western Football
Plans Are Unchanged
By Territorial Limit
CHICAGO, Aug. 3.-(IP)-Football
in the Midwest, particularly the an-
nual All-Star Game, will not be af-
fected by the Navy Department's rul-
ing which sets a territorial limit in
which teams representing naval sta-
tions and bases may play.
Neither will schedules of the near-
by Great Lakes Naval Training Sta-
tion or the Iowa Pre-Flight School
at Iowa City, Ia., be disturbed.
The Iowa Pre-Flight schedule,
which includes games with "Big Ten"
schools, Notre Dame and Marquette,
was arranged to comply with the 48-
hour absence-from-post rule and also
to obtain the best possible competi-
tion for the Cadets. Lt.-Comm. Har-
vey Harman, athletic director of the
Iowa Seahawks, reported he was go-
ing ahead with plans to carry out
the schedule.
Great Lakes has scheduled all but
one of its games within the Ninth
Naval District and six of them at
home. None of the Great Lakes
games will require the sailors to be
absent from the post for even 48
hours. Work is being rushed on com-
pletion of a football stadium at Great
Lakes to seat 35,000.
Arch Ward, sports editor of the
Chicago Tribune, which annually
sponsors the All-Star Game, said the
game between the collegiate all-stars
and the Washington Redskins at
Northwestern University's stadium
Aug. 25 would not be affected by the
Navy regulations that read: "Indi-
viduals who are or have been promi-
nent in sports will not engage in
contests away from their stations ex-
cept as members of a team repre-
senting that activity."
Major League

Tigers Split Double Bill
With Yanks, 4-0, 4-12

Temporary Tent City

Houses U.S. Forces on Attu Island

NEW YORK, Aug. 3.- (W)- The
Detroit Tigers blanked the New York
Yankees 4 to 0 today on the three
hit pitching of Virgil Trucks and Roy
4{enshaw, but the American League
leaders hammered out 16 hits to win
the nightcap, 12 to 4, and split the
double bill before 15,337 spectators.
The Yankees thus" took a 3 to 2
series edge over the Tigers who con-
cluded their eastern invasion with a
record of seven victories and ten de-
Detroit got superlative pitching in
the opener while gaining its tenth
shutout of the season and second
over New York. Only four Yankees
reached first base and none ad-
vanced any further. Trucks had a
one-hitter when an old arm ailment
forced him out 'in the sixth, and
ienshaw pitched two-hit ball the
rest of the way.
Meantime the Tigers smashed out
11 hits off Ernie (Tiny) Bonham,
who shut out Detroit last time he
faced them, before Bonham was lif-
ted for a pinch-hitter in the eighth.
It was Detroit's first triumph over
Bonham since 1941.
In the nightcap it was much
different. The Tigers gave Hal New-
houser, lame armed southpaw, a
three-run second inning lead, but
Newhouser departed in the third
after Charley Keller belted a three
run homer, his 16th of the season.
Johnny Gorsica and Henry (Prince)
Oana were unable to halt the Yankee
attack that included Keller's 17th
* * *
Gin~ts Wit over Reds
CINCINNATI, Aug. 3.- (P)- The
New York Giants ended their three
game losing streak today by clubbing
a pair of pitchers for 13 hits and a
5 to 3' victory over the Reds, behind
the combined five-hit pitching of
Harry Feldman and Rube Fischer.
New York ....010'021 001-5 13 1
Cincinnati ... 200 000 1 -00-3 5 1
Feldman, Fischer (7) and. Loin-
bardi; Riddle, Shoun (9) and Muel-
Indions Take Soxt
BOSTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-The Cleve-
land Indians and Boston Red Sox,
struggling to break a fifth place tie
in the American League standing,
staged a slugging bee today with the
Indians emerging 11-9 victors.
At the end of six innings Cleveland+

had the Sox down 8-0 and appar-
ently were coasting home but the
Sox finally got to Jim Bagby to score
nine times in the last three frames.
Allie Reynolds relieved the faltering
Bagby, forcing Tony Lupien to pop
out to end the game.
Cleveland sluggers blasted out
three home runs, two of them being
contributed by Ken Keltner who re-
ceived word just before the game
that his wife had presented him a
second son.
Cleveland .. .030 041 021-11 15 4
Boston ......000 000 126- 9 16 2
Bagby, Reynolds (9) and Rosar;
Terry, Ryba (5), O'Neill (6) and
* * *
Senators Take Twin Bill
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. -P)-_
The Washington Senators stretched
their winning streak to seven games
by defeating St. Louis in both ends
of a double-header, 7 to 4 and 3 to 0,
tonight before 18,280 fans. The Sen-
ators moved into second place in the
American League race.
Braves Defeat Pirates
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 3.-OP)-- Na-
than Andrews staved off a ninth inn-
ing Pittsburgh rally today as the
Boston Braves beat the Pirates, 6 to
1. He held the Bucs to three hits
until the ninth when they scored
their lone run.
Boston .......100 005 000-6 7 0
Pittsburgh ... .000 000 001-1 5 1
Andrews and Masi; Rescigno, Pod-
gajny (6), Brandt (9) and Baker.
.*' *. *
Cards Coast to 7-4 Win
St. Louis, Aug. 3.-(IP)-The St.
.ouis Cardinals, bombing Max Macon
out of the box with fiye first-inning
runs, coasted to a 7 to 4 victory over
the Brooklyn Dodgers tonight before
a near capacity crowd of 29,638. Big
Mort Cooper, the Cardinals' ace
pitcher, notched his 15th triumph of
the campaign.
The victory gave the Cardinals a
clean sweep of the four-game series.
St. Louis .....000 000 000-0 4 0
Washington ..000 012 00x-3 8 0
Muncrief, Sundra and Hayes;
Candini and Giuliani.C

Stockwell Hall
Invited To Make
Bandages Today
Tri-Delts, Zeta Tau
Alphas, Five League
Houses Asked To Help
Stockwell Hall, Delta Delta Delta,
Zeta Tau Alpha, University House
and Carney, Oskan, Simmons, and
Pray league houses have been in-
vited to attend the surgical dressing
unit today, it was announced yester-
day by Jean Whittemore, chairman
of the project.
Stockwell has also been invited to-
morrow as have Kappa Alpha Theta,
Theta Phi Alpha, and Lewis, Shau-
man, Cook, Zimmer and Wood league
houses. The unit will be open from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow
in the League and anyone may at-
"The unit will only be open for
eight weeks," Miss Whittemore stat-
ed, "so we would like every coed to
contribute at least two hours every
week to help us meet our quota."
The houses that topped last week's
competition were Lester cooperative
and Pi Beta Phi. Lester cooperative
had 47per cent participation, "thb
largest percentage of any house so
far," Miss Whittemore said and Pi
Beta Phi put in a total of eight hours.
"The total number of hours volun-
teered this summer does not begin
to equal that of last semester," she
added. "Some of the larger dormi-
tories have sent fewer representa-
tives than the smaller houses, and
we are way behind our quota."
Miss Whittemore said that many
of the coeds seemed reluctant to come
to the unit, because they were afraid
their efforts would prove in vain.
"Actually, it is very simple, and after
you finish the first dressings, the
rest are easy."~

With a snowcapped mountain in the background, a tent city, forerunner of a permanent base now
under construction, houses U.S. forces on Attu Island.


EMano f Year Boxintg g Award'
Earned by ApooiQuigrg Says

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3.- (,')-
Red headed Ensign John Mitchell
Quigg, just back from a southwest
Pacific battle zone, hunched his 185-
pound frame forward and said:
"Mister, if anybody deserves the
'man of the year in boxing award'
this year it is Fred Apostoli who was
a gun captain aboard my ship. Apos-
toli, as you know, is the former
world's middleweight boxing cham-
pion and from your city, right here.
"He's a boatswain's mate, first
class, and has been through the thick

New York
Chicago ..,...
Boston ......
St. Louis ....

....... 58
......... 49
.......... 53
..... . ..,. 47



Tuesday's Results
Detroit 4-4, New York 0-12
Cleveland 11. Boston 9
Washington 7-3, St. Louis 4-0


Former Pigskin Rivals Beco me Teammates on 'U' Squad

St. Louis ............ 63
Plttsburgh ............52
Brooklyn .............52
Cincinnati ...........50
Chicago.. .........45
Philadelphia ..........44
Boston ...............40
New York..........36
Tuesday's Results
New York 5t Cincinnati 3
Boston 6, Pittsburgh 1
St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 4



Philadelphia at Chicago (post-
er tn. it modern Cooin ,
It's the talk ofAmerical

of fighting in eleven months out
there. From the standpoint of brav-
ery under fire Apostoli may be de-
scribed as a hero like all the rest.
"But I'm not proposing him as the
'man of the war in boxing' for mili-
tary fighting reasons so much as for
his value as a morale builder-upper.
His influence on the seamen in the
entire task force has been remark-
able and this uplift in spirits has
been transmitted to the officers.
"Apostoli is the chief boxing in-
structor of the force. In port he
trains the seamen on the foc'sl, aver-
aging fifty to a class. He is really
selling boxing to the kids. When the
shipsreturn from sea duty, a smoker
is arranged, each ship contributing
"Fred referees all the bouts and
ends up boxing an exhibition. He
boxed three Marines in succession
one night. The Marines, you know,
are rough, tough fellows. One of
them got ambitious and was punch-
ing for keeps. Apostoli had to drop
him to show who was boss.
"As athletic officer, I had Apostoli
under me since he was boxing in-
structor at Norfolk, Va. He wanted
action, applied for and got it and
stood up under it better than I can
describe to you. With the single ex-
ception of Sgt. Barney Ross of the
Marines, I think more kids of the
Navy have heard of Apostoli than
they have of any other enlisted man
in the service. The boys have writ-
ten home to their folks about learn-
ing to box with him. I saw a reply
from one boy's mother. It concluded,
'God bless Fred Apostoli."
]Iethodi s t Choir
Will Present
Cantata Sunday
The first performance of a sum-
mer cantata will be given at 8 p.m.
Sunday when the adult choir of the
First Methodist Church presents Al-
fred R. Gaul's composition, "The"
Holy City."
Guest soloists for the performance
will include Margaret Martin, so-
prano; Joyce Haines, contralto; Ar-
thur Hackett, tenor; Hardin Van
Deursen, baritone; and Mary McCall
Stubbins, organist.
Professor Van Deursen, who is con-
-ductor of the choir, is also professor.
of voice and director of the Choral
Union and May Festival.
The choir is now the largest in the
history of the Methodist Church and
is augmented by students attending
the summer session.
The public is invited to the can-
tata; there will be no admission
Boutwell Will Speak at
Speech Assembly Today
William D. Boutwell of Washing-
ton, D.C., Chief of the Information
Service, United States Office of Edu-

F enner Fails
To Sue State
Silly To File Claim,
Detroit Attorney Says
LANSING, Aug. 3.- (A)- The
threat of Clyde V. Fenner, former
state senator from Detroit, to sue
the State of Michigan to compel it to
buy liquor tax stamps from the com-
pany he represents collapsed today.
Fenner's attorney, George T. Cart-
wright of Detroit,.conferred with the
State Board of Auditors before an-
-nouncing that "it would be silly" to
file such a suit, and declared none
would be filed.
Fenner is a salesman for the Amer-
ican Decalomania Company, which
submitted the low bid three weeks
ago for printing a two year .supply -of
liquor tax stamps. The board of
auditors awarded the contract to a
higher bidder, the American' Bank
Note Company, another Chicago
firm. The'liquor control commission
had recommended such an award,
objecting to doing business with the
Decalomania Company on grounds
Fenner had perpetrated a hoax upon
it more than a year ago as a sales
promotion stunt.
Officials of the Decalomania Com-
pany, in submitting the bid, had told
the board of auditors Fenner had no
connection 'with the proposed tran-
saction. Cartwright said he repre-
sented Fenner "and nobody else" at
today's meeting.
Interlochen Begins
Final Rehearsals
Special To The Daily
INTERLOCHEN, August 3.-Final
rehearsals began today at the Na-
tional Music Camp for the annual
operetta, "The Headless Horseman."
George Rasely, Metropolitan Opera
Co. tenor, is directing the production
that will be presented Saturday. The
cast includes more than 100 students
and faculty.
Pollock Appointed
To Labor Committee
Prof. James K. Pollock, political
science department, has been ap-
pointed the public representative on
a committee working under the Fair
Labor Standards Act and will leave
for New York in the near future.
The committee will determine
minimum wages for wholesaling,
warehousing and, other distributive
industries. It consists of representa-
tives from labor, capital and the

FOR, im
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aa" a~
p.pub .'

from 1 P.M.




Onetime rivals but now in the same school, Jack Wink of Wisconsin, Bill Daley of Minnesota, Elroy
Hirsch of Wisconsin and Paul White of Michigan (le ft to right) make up a backfield as University of
Michigan begins :football practice.


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one -or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)

Slosson Claims Italy Will Be
inactive Partner in Axis Camp


$1 .b

per 15-word insertion for
three or tnpte days. (Gn-
crease o $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)

Italy will never recover in this war
to serve as an active aide in the Axis
camp, and she may even end up as
an ally to the United Nations, Prof.
Preston Slosson said yesterday in his
weekly lecture on "Interpreting the
War News."
"I do not believe that the King or
Badoglio, as representing the Italian
government, care so much how the
war comes out as how Italy comes
out of the war," he declared. "In
fact, a victory by the United Nations
does not even mean peace for Italy."
In discussing the terms of peace
which have reputedly been offered to
Italy, Prof. Slosson pointed out that
what Italy would like is to be con-
sidered a neutral, with both the Al-
lies and the Nazis withdrawing all
troops. "That, however," he main-
tained, "will not happen. The day
that Italy entered the war she made
herself a battleground, and so she
will remain until peace terms are
agreed upon."
The strategy of the present war
will be aimed at gaining control of
northern Italy, Prof. Slosson said. If

we once establish ourselves there, we
may be able to form a shuttle service
between Italy and Germany and thus
to bomb all the southern Nazi muni-
tions centers, which will certainly
have a marked effect on the progress
of the war.
"One of the most hopeful phases
of the war is that if Italy had to
choose the side she would fight on-
although she wants nothing at pres-
ent but peace on any terms-she
would undoutbtedly join the United
Nations," Prof. Slosson concluded.
Kelly To Hear
Report on Riots
LANSING, Aug. 3.--- (A)-- Gover-
nor Kelly is to take time out from
his Mackinac Island vacation tomor-
row to receive personally a fact find-
ing committee's report of its studies
of recent race riots in Detroit.
The executive office said Kelly
would reach Detroit by train tomor-
row forenoon and receive the com-

Contract Rates on Request

Janes CRAIG " Marsha HUNT
MR. v.. NATC " 1...... 1'%RIZT

ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.
Film Loads-For 36 hour service
come to 335 B. Ann 6:30-7:00
MAKE MONEY-on your used clo-

SThe Michigan Repertory Players
by Patterson Greene
A tremendously funny Mlay




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