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August 04, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-04

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101, TWO

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________________________________________________ U ~------..-.. ~ '--.--------..----

Fifty-Third Year

Edited and managed by students of the University o'
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Of fic at Ann Arbor Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.,'
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Bud BGrimmer . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . iy. . . . Editor
Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . .Business Manager
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
Inter-Racal Assocaion
Demands Jury Probe
POSITIVE STAND toward the "blundering
attempts of city officials to bring coherence
out of confusion" in the recent Detroit race riots
has been taken by the Inter-Racial Association.
In telegrams to Prosecuting Attorney William
E. Dowling and Mayor Edward J. Jeffries, Jr.
and in an open letter to the Detroit papers, the
Association demands a grand jury investigation
of the causes of the riots. They attack Mayor
Jeffries' "weak, vacillating position in his refusal
to condemn the dangerous assertions of Dowling
as having no foundation in supporting evidence
and his half-hearted support of a grand-jury
Dowling, key figure in the investigation of
the riots, has persistently accused the Negro
people of Detroit, the NAACP, the Negro press
and leadership as the instigators of the riots.
Ate has taken no steps to prove the truth of his
assertions, but has ranted in blind prejudice
against the Negro people, the true victims of
the riots.
Dowling's stand on the law enforcement dui'-
ing the riots is directly contrary to the facts.
There was no law and order until the troops took
over. Dowling refuses to admit that the Detroit
police were negligent and frightened.
The dangerous consequences of these riots in
arousing a storm of hatred and prejudice
throughout the country is evidenced by the
outbreak in Harlem between Negroes and po-
licemen. The failure of Detroit officials to
meet the'situation adequately has paved the
way for a tide of lawlessness that may sweep
the country.
County's Prosecuting Attorney must be pos-
sessed of a remarkable naivete if he believes any
thinking man or woman in the City of Detroit
today has confidence in the integrity and compe-
tence of the City Police Department."
Evidence indicates that the police could have
quelled the disturbances in the early stages if
they had taken a firm hand in dealing with the
first outbreak. Police Commissioner Wither-
spoon inexcusably feeling that the situation did
not warrant an iron hand, realized too late that
this was more than a Sunday evening skirmish.
When he did get around to taking strong
measures the disturbances were "completely out
of hand and he had to call for help.
The initiative taken by the titer-Racial
Association in demanding a grand jury probe
and making a study of the causes of the riots
indicates that a sloppy and slipshod analysis
and discriminatory treatment of the arrested
rioters will not be tolerated in the greater
democracy that is rising inevitably out of this

THESE STUDENTS of the Inter-Racial Associ-
ation have pledged themselves to the ideal of
a true racial equality, but have not been lost in
visionary clouds. They have taken concrete
steps to see that prejudice, discrimimation and
ignorance concerning the Negro minority in the
United States is wiped out, through the excellent
lectures of Robert Hayden and their demand for
a grand jury probe of the riots. They are deter-
mined that racial problems here shall be dealt
with intelligently and quickly.
With the backing of the campus, the steps
taken by the Inter- tacial Association toward
the meting out of justice to the true instigators
of the riots can carry real weight. Not only

WASHINGTON. Aug. 4.- One amusing side-
light on Congress was its sudden loss of interest
in legislation broadening the powers of the War
Food Administrator the minute Judge Marvin
Jones, then ex-colleague, was named to the job.
Farm blocers in both Houses were clamoring
for action on legislation giving the food ad-
ministrator supervisory authority over prices
as well as the production and distribution of
farm commodities. This was while Chester
Davis, seetly in league with farm bloc efforts
to rig price ceilings at inflationary levels, still
held the job..
Representative Hampton P. Fulmer of South
Carolina, chairman of the Agriculture Commit-
tee, had the stage all yet for the bill enlarging
Davis's powers. He even announced, after un-
successful efforts to get White House approval,
that he was going before the Rules Committee
and demand a "rule" to bring his measure to the
Rouse floor.
Jones Was Fulmer's predecessor as chairman
of the Agriculture Committee, and everyone in
Congress knew he was i tough hombre. So
the last thing the fart bloc wanted was for
Jones, a stalwart supporter of the President's
-ant-inflation policies, to have the powers
which had been tailor-mnade for Davis in the
Fulmer bill.
Also, there may have been, a personal motive
in Fulmer's case. Friends say he never has quite
forgiven Jones for holding on to the Agriculture
Cominittee chairmanship for six months after
his appointment to the Court of Claims in 194Q.
Fulmer withdrew his request for a Rules Com-
mittee hearing and hied himself to Myrtle Beach,
S.C., for a summer vacation a week before Con-
gress recessed. To Capitol newsmen, he ducked
comment on his about-face but said frankly to
colleagues: "What's the use of pressing for action
on my bill now?"
Officials here are crediting Alfred P. Sloan,
chairman of General Motors, with reviving the
old Liberty League under another name. He
has just sent a round-robin letter to a large
number of businessmen-including some of his
own automobile dealers-urging that they raise
a fund of $1,300,000 to be spent for educating
the American public on "the problems of indus-
Since this fund is for 1943 alone, and since
$1,300,000 is no small amount to spend on
propaganda i any year, Administration lead-
ers draw the natural deduction that it is chief-
l3 'another Liberty League war chest aimed at
the New Deal.
Joining Sloan in this appeal are other one-
time Liberty Leaguers and anti-Roosevelt men,
including: J. Howard Pew,bf Sun Oil, one of the
GOP bosses of Pennsylvania; Colby Chester,
chairman of General Foods; Ernest Weir, chair-
man of National Steel; A. W. Eames, president
of the California Packing Corporation; and
James S. Adams, president of Standard Brands.
They operate under the new name of "National
Industrial Information Committee;"
After attacking "the trply deplorable per-
formance of Government bureaucracy" and
praising "the truly magnificent performance of
American industry," Sloan, in his letter, pro-
poses a propaganda campaign to educate the
public on the problems of industry.
"We must not be too general," Sloan cautions.
"We must not be too specific. But we must get
across as effectively as we can our story . . . I do
hope you will see fit to send me a subscription
representing your company's proportionate share
of our 1943 goal of $1,300,000."
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)

SHOULD a teacher of history take up the chal-
lenge laid down in Mr. Chips' statement that
"the Soviet Union has consistently stuck to an
honest and pro-democratic foreign policy"? The
statement, unhappily, is not true to the facts as
I know them (and it is my business to know),
but, on the other hand, one is reluctant to criti-
cize either a brave ally or a generally very sound
and intelligent commentator.
So let me begin by admitting that Russian
foreign policy has been in recent years less
menacing than that of any of the Axis Powers
and more resolute, on many occasions, than
that of any of the democracies. Russia has
borne, and borne well, the heaviest burdens of
the present war, and ought rightfully to play
a great part in the future world. Russia was
right about Munich; France and Britain were
wrong. Russia was right in joining the League;
we were wrong in refusing.
But to represent Russian policy as altruistic,
or as anything but pro-Russian. is to lead to
dangerous self-deception. Such a thesis would
run up against the following facts: (1) Russia
refused nearly all forms of international cooper-
ation from 1917 to about the middle of the 1930
decade; (2) Russia's pact with Germany in 1939
gave the signal for the present war; if Russia
had not agreed to it the war might have been
postponed; (3) Russia seized half of Poland-a
disputed region, I admit, but still a cruel thing
to do at the time when Poland was being wrecked
by Germany; (4) Russia seized, without any real
consent of the people, Estonia, Latvia and Lithu-
ania, three independent republics; (5) Russia at-
tacked Finland in time of peace, when (so far
as any evidence goes) Finland merely wanted, in
common with ALL the other small nations of
Europe, to remain neutral and keep out of the
war; (6) Russia did not enter the present war
until directly attacked, and did not even give as
much indirect aid, during her neutrality, to the
hard-pressed democracies as we did ourselves;
t7) the Communist party in France, Britain and,
above all, in the United States always trying to
keep the Russian "party line," denounced the
war of the democracies, demanded that the work-
ing class hold aloof froit "the second Imperialist
War" and showed no sympathy at all with the
crusade against Fascists and Nazis from 1939 till
the summer of 1941, when Russia was attacked.
On our campus, here at Michigan, the commu-
nists and their sympathizers were by far the
most active of the "Yanks - are - not - coming
crowd" of isolationists.
I repeat, the Russian record is no worse than
the average Great Power record. It does not
preclude the possibility of hearty cooperation
with Russia now and afterwards. But I am tired
of those whose Russian sympathies are so strong
that they weigh Russia in a different pair of
scales from the "capitalist nations." What is
right is right, what is wrong is wrong, no matter
who does it. If it was a crime to sacrifice Czech-
oslovakia to the timidity of Britain and France;
Why does it become a virtue to sacrifice Poland a
year later to the interests of Russia? If Russia
needed "time for rearmament" in 1939; did not
Britain need it in 1938? If Russia has a good
claim to her annexed territories because they
used to form part of the old Russia (though
often against the will of the people), why not
justify the similar historic claims by other coun-
tries? If Russia was right in annexing other
peoples' land for strategic reasons of defense,
why not admit the same plea when made by
"capitalistic imperialists"? If democracy was
in danger when Germany attacked Russia in
1941, why were the American Communists so
cynically indifferent when France, Holland, Bel-
gium, Norway, Denmark (all with democratic
constitutions) fell in 1940, and Britain barely
saved herself, Europe and America by a brave
resistance? - Preston Slosson

Straight from the Shoulder
...By CHIPS.
pROF. SLOSSON in the adjoining Slosson that had we followed them, world put together, by forcing the
column has attacked my views on we would have headed straight for Germans to concentrate millions of
Soviet foreign policy in which he national disaster. But the policies of men and thousands of tanks and
implies that anyone who does not the local Communist parties are not planes on her frontiers, could not
share his views on Soviet foreign pol- the foreign policy of the Soviet Un- trust a Britain in which the Nazis
icy is a Communist or fellow-tray- ion-that at least, I thought, would had also placed their faith.
eller. be recognized by a historian.
Russia did not follow a policy of
Now, I have always been a pro- nN THE QUESTION of Soviet altruism, but an honest forthright
gressive and have never been. an. sympathy for the gallant de- foreign policy in the selfish interests
isolationist or Communist. I was fense of Britain, Prof. Slosson has of its people. In contrast, the poli-
in favor of United States interven- evidently not read the heroic ac- cies of Britain and France, and to a
tion in favor of Loyalist Spain in counts of Britain's valiant battle imuch lesser degree the United States,
1936, in favor of our participation in Pravda and Izvestia during the were not policies in the selfish inter-
in collective security in 1938, in critical period in 1940. But how ests of the British, French, and
favor of our active support, even to could Prof. Slosson expect the Sov- American peoples but were policies
the point of war, of Britain, iet Union to give direct aid to a pursued in the selfish interests of
France and Poland in their strug- country which had for so long op- British, French, and American Rus-
gle agast Nazi Germany. I was posed collective security, a country sia-hating industrialists.
an active member n the student which even German intelligence The selfish-interests of. the Amen-
groups advocatig intervention In thought so anti-Soviet that it sent can people, had 'they been clearly
the "European" war and have Rudolph Hess to conclude an anti- understood, without any sentimental
ie d my a ance to Soviet alliance with it during the altruism, would have led us to a
President and his New Deal poli- war in 1941?poiyfcletvesciyaoiy
Iauesrpolcy of collective secuty, a polio
-when I say that Soviet foreign It is obvious that Russia, who was that Russia vainly tried to sell the
policy was a more honest and pro- indirectly aiding Britain far more world during the critical period of
democratic foreign policy than that than all the other countries of the fascist aggression, 1935-39.
of the other great powers, a policy
based on collective security and the GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty
preservation of the independence of
small democratic states, I speak as a
progressive and pre-war interven-
As Prof. Slosson well knows the
Soviet Union was forced into the
Soviet-Nazi pact of 1939 only after
persistent attempts in -crises such
as Ethiopia, Czechoslovakia, China,
and Spain, to create a system of
collective security. He well knows
that the announced policy of Brit- -
ish conservatives and French in-
dustrialists was to have Germany
go to war against the Soviet Union. I
IT WAS ONLY for national security
that Russia took over the three
Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia,
and Lithuania, republics that were
little fascist states. s,"; r
Also conveniently forgotten by
rof. Slosson is the fact that Nazi
Germany had already obtaooed osnithfatta
territorial concessions from Lithu-
ania in the Memel agreement; that
Colonel Beck and the Polish Gov-
ernment were fleeing across the
border into Rumania when Rus-
sian troops finally marched into ~
Poland; that Russia offered Fin-
land twice as much non-strategic
territory for the few bases that
they asked for; that the control- .
ling influence in Finnish foreign
policy was pro-Nazi Baron Man- '
As to the question of the policies "If you're really determined to work in a war plant, Bridget, we can't
of Communist parties in the dem- stop you--but first, write us a nice reference in case We
ocracies, I definitely agree with Prof. set anothercook "

Id Rather Be Right

NFkW YORK, Aug. 4.-- After a six-day breath-
ing space, Gen. Eisenhower did not seem, to be
nearly so sure as some other Americans that soft
words were-going to open the door into Italy.
He turned, and strangely enough, placed his
reliance for dealing with the Badoglio govern-
ment on the same weapons he had used against
the Mussolini government, bombers and naval
After having given American commentators
and columnists a week in which to conquer Italy
by writing articles sympathizing with 'the prob-
lems of Badoglio, Gen. Eisenhower found that
he had to go back to'the good old way which has
given us our only successes to date.
The Allied Command's Sunday warning to
Italy 'did not call King Victor Emmanuel any
But it did say : "The Germans . .. have used
that breathing space to strengthen their own
position. And for that, full and sole responsi-
bility rests with the new government in Rome.
IHad that government acted speedily, the Ger-
mans by now would be in full retre't."
The Allied statement could hardly have come
closer to saying that the new Badoglio govern-
meit had protected the Germans, that it had
prevented a German retreat.
Some sections of American opinion became so
tender toward the Badoglio regime during its

Peace may be made with Italy soon, even per-
haps before these words appear. If so, it will
stand imperishably on the record that Italy sur-
rendered only after the Allies had resumed aerial
bombardment and coastal shelling.
And the true test, in the scale of war, of the
difference, or lack of difference, between the
Mussolini and Badoglio governments, is that the
same methods were needed to subjugate both.
To those commentators who applied violent
epithets, such as "stupid" and "ill-informed"
to those of us who did not fall on our faces
when Mussolini resigned, it must be said with
all firmness that, in wartime, we cannot afford
to rely on subjective tests to distinguish be-
tween one regime and another. We cannot
say that one regime is different from another,
or better, because, in its secret heart, it may
harbor sentiments which are, perhaps, morally
superior to those of the regime it has replaced.
The important difference in regime, in war-
time, is that which shows itself in difference of
policy, in actual difference of behavior, in overt
acts. We need objective differences before we
can be convinced that a major change has taken
place. Subjective differences are not enough.
This is not a psychological drama. This is war.
These are questions of direct importance to the
lives and safety of our soldiers. For the Ger-

VOL. 111, No. 27-S -
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. if the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 <a.m.
The American Red Cross is re-
cruiting for the Michigan area in,
Detroit for the week of Aug. 2
through Aug. 6, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Women between the ages of 25 to 45
are urgently needed for social work
and for executive work. Men 'be-
tween the ages of 30 to 50 are needed
for executive work, counseling, and
recreation. The recruiting. is 'for
both domestic and overseas. If in-
terested, call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9:00-12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Change in' University Year Salary'
Payments in 1943-1944: During the
year 1943-1944 salaries for those on
the academic or university year basis
will be paid as follows:
Summer Session
Summer session staff will be paid
in two equal installments on July 31
and Aug. 31, 1943.
Summer Term
(a) Those teaching the first 'half
only will be paid in two equal install-
ments on July 31 and Aug. 31, 1943.
(b) Those teaching the second
half only will be paid in two equal
installments on Sept. 30 and Oct. 31'
(c) Those teaching the entire
term will be paid in four equal in-
stallments on July 31, Aug. 31, Sept.
30, and Oct. 31, 1943.
Fall and Spring Terms 1943-1944:
Salaries will be paid in eight equal
installments on Nov. 30, 1943 and on
the last day of each succeeding
month through June 30, 1944.
Annuity and Insurance and Group
Sfrgery and hospitalization Deduc-

from the June payment to cover the
summer months.
The above arrangements are for
the year 1943-1944 only and are oc-
casioned by the change in the .aca-
demnic calendar due to -the war emer-.
geney and the various features of-the
Federal Withholding Tax.
At 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
the Rackham Building Amphitheatre
Prof. J. A. Decker will speak on "Asia
and the Aims of the United Nations."
The lecture is under the auspices of
the Program in Regional Adminis-
tration -and Construction.
Dr. Clark Trow, Professor of Edu-
cational Psychology, will address the
School of Education afternoon lec-
ture series audience at :10 this af-
ternoon in the University High
School Auditorium. His topic will
be "Regional Study for Education."
The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug.
7, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regula-
tions may be made only because of
extraordinary circumstances, such as
serious illness. -E. A. Walter
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of 'Education, Forestry, Music, and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end of
the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar

cording to the following schedul.e
A through K, Thursday, Aug. 5.
L through Z, Friday, Aug. 6.
-Arthur VanDuren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
School of Music Assembly: The
second concert of the chamber music
program will be presented at .8:30
p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5, in the Patten-
gill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High
School, at which time Oliver 'Edel,
cellist; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist;
John Kollen, pianist, and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, will be heard in
Brahms' {Trio in C minor and De-
Lamarter's Sonata in E-flat major.
Due to the limited seating capacity
of Pattengill Auditorium, admission
will be by card.
Rackham Galleries: Exhibition of
Paintings from ten Latin-American
Republics. From the collections of
the Museum- of Modern Art, New
York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily,
-except Sundays. July 26-to Aug. 14.
Events Today
VHispanic Club: Meeting. 8 p.m.,
Michi an League. The program will
include a discussion in dialogue fbrm
by Dr. Alberto Aguilar -and Dr. Ro-
berto Masferrer from El Salvador on
various.aspects of their country. 'Mrs.
Melvena McDonald will sing several
popular Latin American selections
and Srta. Mary Santos of Bogota;
Columbia, will lead the group sing
ing. Records of the latest Latin
American tunes will be played. All
servicemen and students interested
in Spanish are invited to attend.
*Students in Speech: William. ).
Boutwell, Chief of the Information
Service. United States Office of Edu-
cation, will speak at the assembly of
the Department of Speech at 2:15
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. A demonstration radio

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