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August 04, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-04

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Showers and Warmer

VOL. LIII, No. 27-S



Allies track Etna Line, Encircle Cat.


800 Militar y



Ann Arbor for


Opening Net6 Offensive


Nazis Begin Italian King with New Military H ad
tit.:.... . . .'*

Allies Blast in

Police To Be
Here Aug. 23
Miniature Camp Will
Be Made at West Park;
Sham Battle Planned
The invasion of Ann Arbor will
bcur Monday, Aug. 23, when a spe-
cial military police battalion, 800
Strong and fully equipped to effect
a blitz, arrives to give civilians a
full-day exhibition of how the Army
A miniature Army camp will be
set up at West Park when the bat-
talion arrives at approximately 10
,aim. A sham battle between two
onbat groups, a parade and retreat
age scheduled as part of the all-day
program saluting Ann Arbor agri-
culture, industry and labor.
Civilians will have a chance to
4observe all the pleasantries and un-
easantries involved in soldier's mess
apd, KP, for as soon as the tents are
n place at West Park and the equip-
mient unpacked, the noon-day meal,
prepared enroute, will be served.-
Following the meal the soldiers will
sit up exhibits of arms and equip-
' nient at West Park and detachments
will be on hand during the after-
noon to demonstrate items exhibited.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the men
will tour war plants throughout the
At 6 p.m., the parade to the sham
battle field will begin. Accompanied
b: its 45-piece band, a detachment
of WACS and various local organi-
zationq, the battalion will proceed to
t#*e Ann Arbor Municipal Golf course,
#te of the battle. Units stationed at
the Unriversity, may also participate
in the parade. Supplemental heavy
armament units from the 20th Ar-
inored Division at Camp Campbell,
Cy., will also be in the visiting task
: Approximately 500 men will clash
in the sham battle, using blank am-
nunition and light, medium and
heavy weapons.
Besides two of the 33-ton, so-called
"medium" General Sherman tanks,
the battalion will have two 14-ton
light "Honey" tanks of the latest
design, four 25-ton tank varriers,
three amphibious jeeps and an as-
sortment of regular jeeps, scout cars
Turn to Page 4, Col. 1
Prof. Decker
To Speak Today
American interests in the Pacific
area which have brought us in con-
flict with the Japanese will be dis-
cussed by Dr. John Decker, of the
history department and an expert on
Far Eastern Affairs at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Decker taught in a Chinese
school in Shantung province and was
a, professor on the Floating University
which toured the world in 1928 and
1929. The University made a de-
tailed study of the Far East and
spent one full semester at anchor in
Asiatic ports.

Retreat on
Oret Front
Soviet Trip-Hammer
Blows Inflict Heavy
Losses on Germans
LONDON, Aug. 4, Wednesday--P)
-General German retreat appeared
to be underway today at Orel where
trip-hammer blows of Soviet forces
carried the Russian offensive within
five miles of the besieged city and
sent the Germans reeling back with
tremendous losses in men and arms.
South of Orel the Russians drove
into Stish and Pilatovka and from
the east they occupied the railway
station of Domnino, seven miles from
the city, Moscow announced in a
special communique.
Heavy Fighting North of Orel
The heaviest fighting came in the
muddy wheatfields northwest of Orel
where the Germans fought insanely
to stave off complete encirclement.
German tanks and infantry were
hurled out again and again in inces-
sant counterattacks against the ad-
vancing Red Army units, the mid-
night . communique said later.
But the Russians repelledrall the
Nazi blows, killing more than 2,000
Germans and destroying 13 tanks,
12 big guns and many trucks, said
the bulletin recorded by The Soviet
About 1,500 Germans fell before
the Russian columns moving in from
the southwest where a. number of
populated places were retaken from
the Germans. More than eight tanks,
four self-propelled and 18 field guns,
ten mortars and eight machineguns
were destroyed and 19 guns, six radio
transmitters and an ammunition
dump were captured.
Russians Capture Supplies
In other sectors of the blazing Orel
front the Russians captured great
quantities of ammunition and food.
Fifteen guns and several 60-ton Tiger
Tanks also fell to the victorious Rus-
sians, indicating the Germans were
retiring in haste.
The Russian air force brought
down 76 German planes in yester-
day's battles, the communique said.
At the same time the Russians
gained a notable victory to the south
where the desperate German offens-
ive in the Donets basin ceased com-
pletely without gains on the fifth
Prom Dress To Be
Determined by Poll
An all campus poll to determine
whethe the Summer Prom will be
formal or informal will be held from
9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m.
today and tomorrow at the Engine
Arch and in the center of the diag-
onal, Dean Munson, publicity co-
chairman for the dance, announced
yesterday. #
Ticket sales for the Prom will open
at noon tomorrow at the Union, the
League, and at Wahr's and Follett's
book stores, according to Rupert
Straub, ticket chairman.

....:..:...... . . .

Miazzor -~San
--. -'Giovanni
San - BarcellonaM*ES9A Reggio
-Stefano \±"Calabria
San Fratello
Castel di..... Mistretta
Lecio - MT. ETNA
= TroinaT - Taormina
- 1
Zj.--Ag a-- --
- egaIbuto Acireale
- Ian an
Pont ~~ Augusta"
-Gela +BiscaI - ~ SYRACUSE'
-.Com so -, -_
Vittoria N-
Allied Armies have launched a strong offensive to crush the Axis
remnants in Sicily. The Americans are smashing hard at the Nazi
right wing while the British Eighth Army was making a big push
against Catania. Flags indicate disposition of U.S., Canadian and
British forces.

Nazis Facing
Tra asU.S.
T a aTakes Troina,
Fresh Divisions Poured
Into Drive; Canadians
"Cut Western Defenses
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 3.-American
and British troops have cracked the
enemy's Mount Etna line at two
points and tonight surged forward to
draw a ring of steel around Sicily's
volcanic bastion where many Ger-

This picture, sent by radio to New York from Bern, was described
as having appeared on the cover of the Italian picture magazine Novella
of Milan, showing King Vittorio Emanuele of Italy (second from right)
and Marshal Pietro Badoglio (right) reviewing troops following Badog-
lio's appointment as "head of a military government with full powers."

Yanks Reach
East End of
.Munda Base
Hard Fighting Forces
Make General Advance
On Jap Air Stronghold
By The Associated Press
4, Wednesday- The east end of the
Japanese air base of Munda on New
Georgia Island has been reached by
hard fighting United States invasion
forces in their yard-by-yard battle
against cave-entrenched enemy jun-
gle e defenders, Gen. MacArthur an-
nounced today.
The slow progress against this key
objective of the central Solomons
campaign was a part of a general
advance, the second such reported
in as many days. Yesterday's com-
munique had told of advances of
from 500 to 1,200 yards which placed
the Americans in some instances
within 700 yards of the bitterly de-
fended air strip.
Planes Destroy Barges
At the other end of the 700-mile
battlefront in the Pacific, Allied
planes in the New Guinea-New Brit-
ain sector destroyed or damaged 29
barges, bringing to nearly 200 the
number of such supply boats of the
enemy wrecked in the past 10 days,
and one bomber scored a bomb hit at
night on an enemy ship, believed to
have been a destroyer, in Dampier
The barges hit were foundconcen-
trated In Borgen Bay. Heavy explo-
sions set off on some of them indi-
cated they carried ammunition. Bor-
gen Bay is the Cape Gloucester area
of New Britain. Twenty barges were
attacked there and the other nine
near Fischhafen.
Enemy Suffers Losses
The commu~nique, in announcing
the 10-day toll of barges, said "many
were undoubtedly used as troop car-
riers, some being 145 feet in length."
"The total destroyed was estimat-
ed as capable of transporting a divi-
sion of troops if used solely for that
purpose," the communique added.
"The enemy's losses both in per-
sonnel and material cannot fail to
have been heavy."
Molly Pitcher Bond
Drive Is Scheduled
To honor the Revolutionary War
heroine, a nation-wide Molly Pitcher
tag day will be held on Friday and

Allies Will Bargain with Police Hunt
- Eden IEscaped Nazi,
Italy AnthonyEma Lt. Peter Krug
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 3.-- Foreign Secretary Anthony,'Eden told.the-House of German Airman May
Commons in a surprise debate tonight that the Allies would be "only too
ready" to adopt a "reasonable attitude" toward Italy if the Allies got what Have Swum Detroit
they wanted for fighting Germany. River from Canada
Eden, replying to a question, said that with the departure of Benito
Mussolini and the Fascist Regime, Italy took on a different status. WINDSOR, Ont., Aug. 3.-()-
"We are, as a War Cabinet, anxious to see Italy accept the uncondi- Police on both sides of the Canadian-
tional surrender she was offered and anxious to see facilities given to her so United States border today were in-
that we can turn the war even more U vestigating the possibility that Lt.
vigorously onto Germany," he said. , Peter Krug, who has again escaped
"We are anxious to see a peace in from a Candaian prison camp, had
which Italy can play her part as a , swum across the Detroit River this
respectable nation once again." morning.
Answering questions which ndi- Submfitsto W ar Krug, German airman whose pre-
cated fears that the Allies might deal vious escape led to the conviction of
with Italian Quislings Eden said: Labor oard treason of Max Stephen, Detroit
"If we accepted unconditional sur- restauranteur, escaped yesterday
render from anyone I would not re- from an officer's prison camp at
gard myself as thereby recognizing WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. - (R) -- Gravenhurst, Ont. -
them in the least. I would be ex- Quiet and self-effacing, in contrast The search at Detroit began after
tremely pleased to accept uncondi- to months of roaring defiance, John special Constable T. Cody of the
tional surrender from Hitler tomor- L. Lewis submitted to War Labor Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a
row. Board (WLB) authority today and guard at thefAmbassador Bridge here
The German radio, joined by sougd to c ethe od it reported he had fired a warning
Rome, publicized a seven-point arm- should approve a new contract be- shot into the air when a tall man in
istice proposal which it said had been tween his United Mine Workers swimming trunks and a white shirt
submitted to Italy by President (UMW) and Illinois soft coal opera- failed to halt at his command. He
Roosevelt, but this was without con- tors. said the man dived into the water
firmation from any Allied quarter. He argued that portal-to-portal and swam hurriedly toward Detroit.
pay would only bring the compen- The escaped prisoner is 5 feet 8%/
Maj. Vollrath Will Leave sation basis of American miners up inches tall.
Ann Arbor for Field Duty to the standard universal in civilized-
An ro o il uycountries. U LE I
Maj. Bernard H. Vollrath, Post Ex- Soft spoken and so retiring that BULLETIN -
ecutive Officer, will leave Ann Arbor he did not even enter personally into BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 3.-(")-
today for field duty elsewhere after the discussion until direct questions Argentina announced tonight that
serving as a member of the ROTC were addressed to him, Lewis made she had decided to disregard the
staff since January 1941. his first appearance before the Board sranefn b sregor h
Head of the Signal Corps unit here, an anti-climax to the months in German-defined blockade of the
Major Vollrath was also the Public which he has ignored WLB orders North American Atlantic coast
Relations Official. No one has been and criticized the panel as "packed which she has been recognizing
named to take his position. against labor. since its application two years ago.

man troops now face entrapment.
The crushing American attack
threw back the whole German north-
ern flank. Lieut. Gen. George S. Pat-
ton, Jr.'s, Seventh Army occupied
Troina yesterday, it was disclosed,
and rolled on to witihin 40 miles of
the east coast behind Catania.
Fresh American and British di-
visions were poured into the driv.e
late tonight bringing fresh energy for
the final push. One American outfit
which had 23 days' hard fighting,
much of it at night, waswithdrawn
Sunday and replaced by another
group, veteran of the Tunisian cam-
paign. The British 78th division also
entered the fray.
Americans Threaten Nazi Positions
By breaking through along the
Troina-Taormina road on the north
side of Mount Etna, the Americans
threatened the German positions on
the western slopes of the volcano,
including those at Bronte.
Canadians from Regalbuto and
the men of the British 78th division
-the heroes of Tunisia's long stop
hill-from Centuripe shattered the
Germans' westernedefenses in the
Catania plain in one of the best "left
hook" blows of Gen. Sir Bernard L
Montgomery's career.
Severed by the Americans to the
north and the Eighth Army to the
south, a big chunk of the Nazis'
Mount Etna line was left dangling.
The Allied offensive which got un-
derway Sunday in accordance with
plans, achieved all its inital major
objectives on time and continued to
sweep on.
Germans Withdraw
The shortest American route to the
eastern Sicilian shore runs inland
through Cesaro-virtually at the
Seventh Army's fingertips-often
bombed Randazzo, and Castiglione.
The Americans also swept tri-
umphantly onward along the steep
bluffs of the north coast, and the
Germans were expected to withdraw
toward San Fratello.
Senior Engineers To
Vote Tomorrow
Senior class elections in the en-
gineering school will be held from 9
a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. tomorrow, and at 8 a.m. to noon
on Friday on the second floor of
the West Engineering Building above
the Arch.
Eight seniors in engineering school
will run for positions of president,
secretary and treasurer. Only Octo-
ber graduates will be eligible to vote,
and they are asked to bring identifi-
cation cards. Navy men who do not
have their cards yet are requested
to bring some other means of identi-

Claribel Baird To Open Today
In Broadway HitRPapa Is All',

Claribel 'Baird, the Ellen Creed of
,Ladies in Retirment" will take the
leading role of Mama when the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
,Department of Speech present "Papa
Is All" at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A recent Broadway hit, "Papa Is
All" tells about the problems of a
Pennsylvania Dutch family that fi-
nally rebels against a tyrannical
father. The scene of the drama is
north of Lancaster, Pa., the heart of
the Pennsylvania Dutch country.
Papa and Mama Aukamp are strict
adherents to the Mennonite faith,
but Papa, unfortunately misuses the
religious tradition for his own selfish
:.Although Mama accepts his word

Tickets for the production which
willy run four days, today through
Saturday, may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre boxoffice
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

British Bomb Hamburg for Ninth Time



By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 4, Wednesday-
A force of British bombers so great
it took hours to pass the coast
droned out toward the continent
last night apparently in the direc-
tion of northwest Germany where
flaming and desolate Hamburg
still shuddered from a new attack
Monday. '
The air ministry said "a great
weight of high explosives and in-
cendiary bombs were dropped" in
the last raid by the vast avenging
armada striking through smoke-
laden clouds which partly obscured

ing that 200,000 were killed in
Hamburg before last night' in
the most concentrated air raids
in history, frankly aimed at blot-
ting Europe's greatest port off
the map. The estimate was re-
garded with skepticism in Lon-
don, although the air ministry
has said that virtually every part
of Hamburg's 50 square miles
has been pocked with sprawling
The air ministry said that before
the latest crushing assault, seven
square miles of the city were dev-
astated. Much of the city's area is

cast on the city of 1,600,000 con-
verting it into a fantastic heap
of rubble. Stockholm reports
said the Nazis had ordered sur-
viving Germans to evacuate
Hamburg after the Thursday
Stockholm dispatches from Co-
penhagen quoted the Danish con-
sulate secretary just arrived from
Hamburg as saying: "All obliga-
tions to work are suspended." This
indicated that major war produc-
tion, including a third of Ger-
many's submarine output, had

lin, half an hour as the bombers
The raiders last night flew
through a violent thunderstorm
and encountered strong ground
fire. The attack broke a two-
night lull in the intensified Allied
experiment to at least soften Ger-
many for invasion, or knock her
completely from the war as Prime
Minister Churchill suggested.
The RAP also pounded unspeci-
fied targets in the pummeled Ruhr
industrial valley. They attacked
other targets deep in northwest
Germany, only Cuxhaven and the

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