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August 04, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-04

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WEbNEMAY, AUG. 4, 1944


Lonely Leatherneck Gazes out to

Sec at Outpost

in Cuba

Separate Negro Culture in 20's
Was Undesirable, Hayden Says

"The Black Renaissance or New
Negro Movement of the early 20's
which tried to establish a separate
Negro culture was neither desirable
or possible," Robert Hayden said in
his lecture on Negro poetry entitled,
"I Too Sing America" at Rackham.
Amphitheatre Monday.
Before "The New Negro Move-
ment" a well-informed group of poets
existed but their work was of minor,
interest. The best known of these-
was the transitional poet James W61
ton Johnson. He wrote not only' as
the old Negro writers, but also in the
spirit of the changing, new, chal-
lenging poets. His "Saint Peter Re-
lates an Incindent of the Resurrec-
tion Day" is a satire on American
professional patriots. In "Gods
Trombones" Johnson reaches the
"zenith of artistry." "In these poems
the imagery and beauty of Negro folk
speech is exemplifield," Hayden said.
The social background of the -Negro
movement led by Marcus Gravy was
characterized by violent ferment in
the black world. "Since the Negroes
shared in the filth of ,the trenches
and in the endless hardships land
frequent heartbreaks of World War
I, they felt they should have the
rights of citizenship," yden said.
Some advocated " back to Africa"
for equality and freedom.
Harlem was the center of the
Negro culture movement. "Opportun-
ity" and "Crisis," two Negro publi-
cations were the media for artists c
and intellectual expression. "The, New
Negro" by Lock was the bible of this
movement announcing to America
the artistic coming age.
Instrumental in winning audi-
ences for "The New. Negro rMove-
ment" was William Stanley Praith-

waite, noted anthologist. He wrote
lyrical; mythicism with no concern
for race.
"An outstanding lyrist of the
Movement and at the same time a
notable figure in poetry without re-
gard to race was Countee Sullen,"
Hayden emphasized. His most recent
book for juveniles is "The Lost Zoo.
In the next .lecture to be held at'
8 p.m. Monday in the Amphitheatre,
Hayden will discuss fiction written
by Negroes,
John ,Finger
Is, Promoted
Capt. John Finger of the Staff anal
Faculty of the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's School has been.promoted from
the rank of first lieutenant, it was
announced today by Pol. Edward H.
Young, School Commandant.
Capt. Finger was inducted into the
Army ,in 'March 1942 and received
basic trainir)g at 'the Presidio, San
Francisco, wlere he remained on
duty until commissioned a second
lieutenant in tbe Judge Advocate
engeral's Department in September.
Attending School here as a mem-
-ber .of the '5th Officers Class, Capt.
Finger was Assigned .to the staff and
faculty in Noveber, as instructor
in: the bDepartinent of Military Jus-
.tice.In January he was promoted
to the rank o ffirst lieutenant.
He ,is a graduate of the University
of California Law School. Capt.
Finger was engaged in the private
practice of law in San Francisco axd
Oakland, Calif. prior to his induction.

Up-to-the-minute news Qn
what we're showing around



With his eyes on the horizon, U.S. Marine Serge ant Edward Dearduff of Hartford City, Ind., stands
a lonely guard on an outpost at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.4

Congress May
Challenge New
Draft Dectston
Congressional comment indicatedf
today that legislators may take issue
with Manpower Commission Paul V.t
McNutt's decision that when pre-
Pearl.Harbor fathers are drafted af-
ter October 1 no consideration shalll
be- given to whether they have one,1
two, three or more children.-
Too few members were in the capi-
tal to permit an overall sounding of
congressional sentiment, but from
those here there was general criti-7
cism of McNutt's instructions to;
draft boards that fathers should be,
inducted "without distinction re-
garding the number of their depen-
dent children."
It directed that no fathers be
drafted until all single men within
a state had been exhausted, and that{
fathers - of only one child should be
taken before: fathers of two, fathers
of two before fathers of three, etc.
Pending in Congress now is a mea-
sure which would increase allowances
to dependents of fathers serving in
the armed forces. This would keep
the basic allowance to a wife at $50
a month, but would raise the pay-
ment for the first dependent child
from $12 to $18 a month and for each
additional child from $10 to $11.
Stockwell Hall To
Have Open House
Stockwell Hall will have an "at
home" for servicemen stationed on
campus 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.
Dancing, ping-pong and refresh-
ments. will be the orders of the day,
or plain conversation if the soldiers
desire. The men will be able to signl
up in their barracks from this noon
until Friday.
Chairmen of the committees are
Phyllis Bresler, entertainment; Helen
Anderson, refreshments; Barbara
Fairman, music; Joyce Manurreto,
songs; Ann Singer, posters; and
Frances Popkins, publicity.
All students who worked on the
Student Directory can pick up their
pay checks at the Student Publica-
tions Building today, June Gustaf-
son, business manager, said yester-

County Minute-Men Are Asked
To Divert Energies to Defense

LANSING, Aug. 3.-(A')-State de-.
fense authorities today awaited con-
firmation of their expressed belief
that they have arranged amicably for
members of the Berrien county min-
ute men-self-trained in commando- I
type warfare-to divert their energies
to some authorized phase of the de-
f ense ef fort..
Capt. Donald S. Leonard, State,
Director- of Civilian Defense, said he
and other officials had conferred
with'Probate Judge Malcolm K. Hat-
field .of Benton Harbor, head of the
minute men, and that "misunder-
standings" had been cleared. Brig.
Gen. Thomas Colladay, commander
of the .1Michigan State Troops, and
Capt. Harold W. Mulbar, Chief of
the State Police DetectiongDivision,
participated in the meeting.
Leanord said Judge Hatfield was
informed. that while state officials
had highest confidence in the pa-
triotisn' and good intentions of the
minute .men;, there was no place for
them in the .civilian defense set-up,
that there, was no authorization for
such a group to function, and that in
event of enemy action the minute

men would not be allowed under mil-
itary law to bear arms.
He said he suggested that the
members individually join whatever
branch of the defense services was
most attractive to them, and that
he believed Judge Hatfield would
recommend this be done. He empha-
sized to the judge, he said, that he
had not ordered the minute men to
disband, despite themembers' belief,
and had no authority to issue such
an order. He said he disapproved of
unauthorized independent training
for gerrilla warfare.
Hispanic Club To Feature
Discussion of El Salvador
Dr. Alberto Aquiler and Dr. Rober-
to Masferrer of El Salvador will dis-
cuss their country when the Hispanic
Club meets at 8 p.m. today in the
Mrs. Melvena McDonald will sing
several Latin American songs and
Mary Santos of Bogota, Colombia
will lead group singing.
All servicemen and students in-
terested in Spanish are urged to at-


I ______________ - I


2-Pc. Cotton
Casual favorites! Flower-bright cotton prints
gay gingham checks... seersucker stripes.
Styled with easy-to-wear tuck-in shirt tops,
separate skirts you can wear with other
blouses. Sizes 10 to 16.

Continuing $.through .Saturday
Spri~ng 'Su~amr Fasions
Dra~ica1 B Rduced!
The clearance you've been waiting for. Terrific mark-
downs on summer's smash hit fashions.
COATS that go over everything, cool double duty suits,
fresh cottons,- flattering prints, exciting dark sheers.
All 'are fashion plums- and all at drastic reductions.
Come pick yours for mid-summer into fall wear.
DRESSES, SUITS, COATS at reductions from 1/ to V2
of original price.
DRESSES . . . cool cottons, spun rayon, prints, jersey,
mesh and many dark sheers. Originally priced 7.95
to 35.00, sizes 9-17, 10-44, 1612-2412.
12 FORMAL and DINNER DRESSES, sizes 10-40.
SPRING and SUMMER SUITS of rayon, gabardine,
shantung and rayon-crepes. A few wools sizes 9-20,
were 14.95 to,29.95:
25 MATERNITY DRESSES 5.00 and 7.00 in sheer
prints and Bembergs, sizes 9-20.
25 SPRING COATS and TOPPERS, black, navy, colors,
sizes 10-42.
SHORTIE COATS of corduroy and velour at 7.00 and
8.95, cottons at 3.95.


Keep those locks looki
lovely all the time with ;won-
derful JEWELITE prush, comb
and mirror sets. They come ip
such dainty colors as pink, t4-
paz, blue, ruby, andk r-ytal.
tures all Jewelite products.
The sweater, seasonetra
soon with a bang-up variety: at
'the BUDGET SHOP. Pastels,
darks, and all the colors that
autumn features in. her' fall
attire. Cardigans,'slipovehS"and
long- and short-sleeved swet-
ers that are always buget
Finish out your summer
sport and social season with an
array of . blouses, from THE
stripes, and whites. A new -
blouse makes, a new outfit.
They are indispensable the year






(Continued from Page 2)
French Tea today at 4 o'clock in
the Cafeteria of the Michigan
Coming Events
The French Club: The sixth meet-
ing of the club will take place tomor-
row at 8:00 p.m. at, the Michigan
League. Miss Elise Cambon, of New
Orleans, will talk on: "Les Francais
de la Nouvelle-Orleans." Group sing-
ing and social hour. Saturday, Aug.
7, picnic. -Charles E. Koella
Pi Lambda Theta Tea: Xi Chapter
of Pi Lambda Theta will sponsor a
tea in honor of members who will
graduate at the end of the six-week
summer session. The tea will be
held in the West Conference Room


of 14

Spring and summer styles . .. several you can
wear into-Fall! Rayon jerseys . . . rayon
crepes . . . filmy nets . . . marquisettes . .
cottons. Pastels, dark colors, white; prints.
All excellent values. Misses' and junior sizes.

SKIRTS ... butcher linen,
dinesat 2.95 anS 35.
at 2.00 and 2.95

Luona cloth, cotton gabar-
Sizes 24-30. A few culottes

Your last chance to get suin-
mer lovelies in cottons, silks,
crepes, and jerseys. MAD M-
OISELLE SHOP is having a
Clearance Sale on sulMAO
dresses. Tailored for school atd
fussy for dates. Buy the dresses
you need now.
All Trin ed with

For the tonvenience of
defense workers, we open
Monday at noon and close
at.8:30 P.M.; Tuesday
through Saturday at
S9:30 4ntil 6:00 P.M.




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