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July 31, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1943-07-31

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8ATURDAY, 3UL 31, i943,



T f ~ ~ ~ r 1 c A 77- P f V U W

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Tigers Split with Red
Sox, Stay in Third Place

Full of Misery for Their Opponents

Dislikes Belittling of Navy Athletes


Rally in Ninth of Nightcap To Win, 4-2;
Opener, 4-2, for Fifth Straight Loss

BOSTON, July 30.-(P)-One put-
out from losing both games of a
double-header, the Detroit Tigers
staged a four-run rally in the ninth
inning today to defeat the Boston
Red Sox, 5 to 2, in the nightcap after
dropping the opener, 4 to 2.
Although they lost the series, three
games to one, the Tigers kept from
sliding down from their third place
spot in the American League.
By taking the second game so spec-
tacularly, the Tigers smashed a five-
game losing streak before moving
into New York to tackle the Yankees
tomorrow in the opener of a five-
game series.
* *
Yanks Lick Indians
NEW YORK, July 30.-UP)-With
Nick Etten driving in three runs and
Ernie Bonham hurling six-hit ball
for his tenth victory, the New York
Yankees made it three out of four
for the series with the Cleveland In-
dians today with a 5 to 4 triumph.
In chalking up their 21st success
m 31 starts during July, the Yanks
got only seven hits off Jim Bagby in1
seven innings and none off Joe Hev-
ing in one but they made the blows
Reds Split with Braves
CINCINNATI, July 30,-(P)-El-
mer Riddle for Cincinnati and Char-,
les "Red" Barrett for Boston turned
in a pair of three-hit shutout per-
formances today as the Reds and
Braves divided a series-closing twin-
bill,.2-0 and 3-0, in that order.
Elmer iNeman's two-run homer in
the first inning of the nightcap start-%
ed the tables turning for Casey Sten-
gel's men after Riddle coasted to
his 14th victory against five defeats
in the opener. They added another
in the third on a walk, stolen base
and Phil Masi's double.
Giants Swamp Pirates
PITTSBURGH, July 30.-()-The r
New York Giants went on their big-
gest scoring spree of the season to-
day as they Pounded 12 runs across
the plate in the second and third C
innings and then added another in
the ninth to whip the Pittsburgh,
Pirates, 13 to 7.
The New Yorkers jumped on Bob
Klinger, usually a giant killer, for
seven runs in the second, blasted
Hank Gornicki for five more in the
third and picked up the 13th run
at the expense of Max Butcher in
the last frame. The Giants, however,
had to call on Ace Adams to stop
the Pirates in the sixth after Harry
Feldman had failed as a relief for
Cliff Melton, who received credit for C
the victory.
* * P
Senators Sink Chicago
WASHINGTON, July 30, -- () - N
Early Wynn hurled a five-hit game
as the Washington Senators turned
back the Chicago White Sox, 4 to 1,
to salvage the finale of a four game
series. Thornton Lee was the losing
The Senators, defeated in the first
three games of their series with the
White Sox, went to work early on
Lee. They tallied a score in the third
on two blows, added two in the fifth
on Wynn's single, an error, a stolen
base and Gene Moore's one-baser.
Gerry Priddy's double and a single
to center accounted for the final
Washington run in tie sixth.
Chicago's run came in the eighth i

when Joe Kuhel singled to right and
Wally Moses sent him home with a
double off the right field wall.
Dodgers Lose to Cubs
C1TCAGO, Jaly 30'.°- (/P) - The
Brooklyn Dodgers muffed a chance
to regain secod place.'in the Na-
tional League today, dropping their
third -in a..row to-the Cubs; 12 to 3,
while the Giants walloped Pittsburgh.
After getting off to a shaky start
Hiram Bithorn was effective in the
pinches 'to chalk up his fifth in a
row and 13th victory of the season
for the Bruins. -Rube Melton started
for the Brooks, but failed to retire
a man. Johnny Allen, who replaced
Melton; was credited with the defeat
when Phil Cavarretta and Bill Nich-
olson connected for successive home
runs in the third to break a 2-2 tie.
* * *
A's Knock Over Browns
Dick Siebert's eleventh inning single
brodght- Johnny Welaj home from
second with the run that gave the
Philadelphia Athletics a.3 to 2 vic-
tory over the St. Louis Browns before
7,429 fans at Shibe 'Park tonight.
* * *
Phillies Flatten Cards
ST. LOUIS, July 30.-(A)-Mort
Cooper trying for his -15t pitching
victory of the season for the Cardi-
nals was flattened by the' Philadel-
phia Phillies tonight 3 to 2 on an
11th inning single by pinch-hitter
Jimmy Wasdell which scored Buster
Adams. St. Louis took the five-game
series 3 to 2-.
Major League


The intent backs above, shown charging past the cameraman "at
Northwestern summer grid practice, are just three reasons why Michi-
gan coaches are pointing to the Wildcat game as the first big test for
the Wolverines.
.Line May Be Thin in Capable
Substitutes; Ends Promising

New York ...........
Chicago .............
Washington ..........
Cleveland .........
Boston '.. .......... . .
St. Louis .............
Philadelphia .........



Yesterday's Results
Boston 4-2, 'Detroit 2=.5
New York 5, Cleveland 4
St. Louis' 3, Philadelphia 2
Washington 4, Chicago 1
St. Louis.............59 31
Pittsburgh ............50' 40
Brooklyn .............52 43
Cincinnati ............47 45
Chicago - ..............44 47
Philadelphia ..........41 53
Boston.............37 50
New York ............ 35 57
Yesterday's Results
Cincinnati 2-0, Boston 0-3
New York 13, Pittsburgh 7
Chicago 12, Brooklyn 3
Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2


This year's Michigan football team
may very well end up like many re-
cent Wolverine squads : deep in the
backfield, but thin when it comes
to capable line replacements.
Last year, in game after game,
Maize and Blue linemen played six-
ty-minute football. Less than a doz-
en men did most of the work in that
forward wall, dubbed the "Seven Oak
The forwards this year will prob-
ably be more numerous, but Michi-
gan will certainly not have the two
or three almost interchangeable big
lines, characteristic of usual Minne-
sota teams, for instance.
End Coach Bennie Oosterbaan has
quite a bunch of prospects. In his
words, "It's a fine, promising. crop
of ends." Among those playing end
are Petoskey, former reserve, Bau-
man and Renner from the 1942
freshmen, Johnson from Wisconsin,
and Mroz, Cooke, Hilkenne, Cavieth,
Oslanski, Payton and Rennebohn.
The rest of the line, the domain
of Coach Clarence Munn, is quite
unsettled, with players being allowed
to try out for any position they want.
Playing tackle at present are Hanz-
like and Boyle, Wisconsin lettermen
converted from end and guard, re-
spectively, former reserve tackles
Bryan and Greene, Kraeger, 1942
freshman guard who is out for both
guard and tackle, and Wheeler.
Guard candidates include 'M'-men
Franks and Ametutz, and Davis, Gal-
lagher, Fisher, Trump, Rohrback,
Siglin, Bohn and Wells.
At center are Negus of Wisconsin,
due to eturn to 'uniform' in a few
days after a succession of injuries,
Michigan's Pregulman and Brieske,
former freshman Crandell, and Cour-

Yesterday afternoon, the last drill
of the first week of summer prac-
tice, the backs and ends started. off
with ball-handling drill. Then the
men added more plays to their grow-
ing repertoire of practiced ones. In-
cluded in these are many which
Coach Fritz Crisler has made famil-
iar to followers of Michigan football
fortunes.'The men from other schools
seem to be falling in with the Crisler
system with dispatch and gusto.
Red Wing~S tar
Sentenced to
Prison Term
DETROIT, July 30- -/P)-Convicted
by a Federal Court jury on two
counts of violating the Selective
Service Act, James V. Orlando, De-
troit Red Wings hockey player, today
was sentenced to four years in prison
and fined $2,000 by Judge Edward
J. Moinet.
Orlando. 27-year-old native of
Montreal, was convicted on two
counts of an original five-count in-
dictment returned by a Federal
Grand Jury. Judge Moinet sentenced
him to four years on each count, the
sentences to run concurrently.
The two counts on which the ath-
lete was convicted had to do with
submission to his draft board of false
letters from Montreal engineering
firms alleging that he had been em-
ployed by them as a machinist or
mechanic in the years 1934-38.
He had been granted a 2-B draft
deferment as an essential worker at
the Lincoln Tool and Die Company,
a Detroit war plant.

NEW YORK, July 30.-(/P)-Mel
Moorhouse of Lehigh University is a
little skeptical of these schools with
access to Navy V-12 students for
football which complain the materi-
als soadded is strictly rummage-sale
goods and will not be of much bene-
fit in fielding winning teams.
Moorhouse is the Lehigh publicity
man.. Lehigh is not a Navy school,
possibly,;because there is a Drown
Hall on the campus. It is an Army
school and to.date the Army, has not
agreed to let its students take part
in varsity athletics.
However, Moorhouse is not a fel-
low who wouldn't like to see some-
body else :eat an apple just because
he couldn't eat it himself. and he
wishes these Navy schools the best of
luck. He just doesn't like the belit-
tling of the value of the service ath-
Army Wouldn't Have Time
He doesn't see how the Army men
would find time to play, anyway, if
they were permitted, as the boys
really are in for a tough scholastic
schedule, with the smallest class load
for the basics calling for 33 hours a
week in classes. They will be busy
from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday
through Fridays at Lehigh, and from
8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday.
If they could find the time, and
were permitted to play, Moorhouse
thinks the Army men at Lehigh
would aid no little in giving the
school a good football team.
"I think Lehigh with its 730 sol-
dires here under ASTP is a typical
situation," he explains.
Soldiers Played Football
"'I made a survey of the soldiers
with football experience, and found
134 of the boys had played football.
I think this would help a little when
contrasted with the fact it looks as
if we may have a squad of 15 men.
"Keep in mind that most of our
soldiers are basic men, having just
finished high school. Here's the
breakdown of the grid material:
"Of the 134 experienced men, 113
3 White Youths
Confess Part it
Recent Riots
(Continued from Page 1)
said to his companion, 'Give me the
gun' He leaned out of the car and
fired. They saw Kiska grab his chest
and topple over. They drove away
and then separated."
Mastantuono was inducted into
the United States Army two weeks
after the riot and was AWOL when
Lt. Charles Muckholdt of the hom-
icide squad said the four youths held
were "typical of young hoodlum
gangs. They are utterly vicious and
depraved. I have been in police work
a long time and never have heard of
a homocide so utterly vicious and
without provocation."
Tipton was arrested through the
work of two Negro investigators. He
had the title of Assistant Manager
and Public Relations Executive of
the Forest Social Club, where he al-
legedly shouted the exaggerated ac-
count of the Belle Isle disorders into
the microphone.
A complete report on the riots is
being prepared, Dowling said, and
would be placed in the hands of Gov.
Harry F. Kelly next week,
Announcement that the report is
under preparation caused the City
Council to defer action yesterday on
Mayor Edward J. Jeffries' proposal
for a one-man grand jury to investi-
gate the riot. Dowling has said that
he is opposed to such an inquiry.

Yost Is at Funeral of
90-'Year-( )h :MothIier
FAIRVIEW, W. Va., July 30.-(/P)-
Fielding H. (Hurry Up) Yost, whose
name was linked with winning foot-
ball teams in the first three and a
half decades of this century, came
here today from AnnArbor, Mich.,
to attend the funeral of his 90-year-
old mother Mrs.. Elzena Yost.
Services will be held here tomor-
row, with burial in a family plot near
where the 73-year-old retired col-
lege coach was born.
Senior Engineers' Office
Petitions To Be in Monday
Petitions for engineering school
senior class officers must be turned
in at Dean A. H. Lovell's office by
Monday to place names on the bal-
lot for elections Thursday and Fri-
All NROTC, V-12 and civilian stu-
dents who will have finished eight
semesters in October are eligible for

played in high school; 69 won letters
and most of these were from large
high schools where the going is
tough. Eighteen played college ball
and 13 of this group won letters.
They come from such schools as
Tennessee, Princeton, Syracuse, Vil-
lanova, Georgia, South Carolina,
Dartmouth and several less-known
schools. Three men said they had
played ;pro football.
Would Make Difference in Team
"I dare say that this grid material,
if it were available, would make a
-slight difference in the caliber of
the team Lehigh will field this fall.
"We now are going to have to fall
back on freshman. Of the 144 fresh-
men in the new class which started in
June, 121 are 17-year-olds. Oh, yes,
we have 40 IV-F men who could be
put on the bench for the psychologi-
cal effect.
"A grid game between Lehigh and
an eleven studded with Navy talent
would, to say the least, be a farce if
(Continued from Page 2)
to attend the 11 o'clock assembly
Monday in University High School
Auditorium. Meet in Room 1203.
Michigan Outing Club: will meet
at 2:30 at the Women's Athletic
Building Sunday afternoon, Aug.1.
A bike trip to Delhi Falls for a swim
is scheduled. .Rent your bike early.
For further information call Bar-
bara Fairman, 24471.
Lutheran Student Club, Gamma
Delta, will have a joint outing with
St. Paul's Walther League Sunday
afternoon. Meet at the Rackham
Building at 3 o'clock. Supper in-
cluded. Lutheran students and ser-
vicemen cordially invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have its regular Sunday evening
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Haas on Plymouth Road.
The group will leave the Zion Luth-
eran Parish Hall at 4:30 p.m. After
supper Mr. Nicholas Davila will speak
on "The Church in Mexico." All
Lutheran servicemen and students
are cordially invited.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days, (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield 308
S. State.
LOST: Brown leather billfold at NY
depot Saturday. Contents valu-
able. Please return to Health Ser-
vice, or dial 24531. Reward.
LOST: "Croton" wrist watch with
black strap near Health Center.
Contact Daily. Reward.

from 1 P.M.


Last imes Today

not actually dangerous to the ,par-
ticipants. Many of-these Navy train-
ees are former college players, be-
cause they joined the Navy reserve
group while in college, were activated,
and then shipped back to the cam-
"Don't get me wrong. This is not
sour grapes-and no one here at Le-
high is complaining. I only wanted
to point out what a tremendous dif-
ference military strength on the
gridiron will make this fall."
Percy Grain ger
Will1 Appear,
At Interlochen.
Special to The Daily
INTERLOCHEN, July 30.--- Percy
Grainger, pianist, will be the featured
soloist when the :National Music
Camp orchestra, directed by 'Warrant
Officer Thor Johnson, former con-
ductor of the University of Michigan
symphony orchestra, plays here at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The 200 piece :combined camp and
University of Michigan clinic band
will present' the. Sunday afternoon
concert at 3:30 p.m. under the baton
of Walter Welke.
Guest conductors will include com-
posers Frede Grofe, who will conduct
his "Mardi Gras," and George F. Mc-
Kay, who will direct his "Western
Youth March."



- 'tezc t i,'t w4n Mode enCo&.-o



Officials Fear
mpty Schools
Educators Concerned
With Student Workers
LANSING, July 30.-(/P)-Express-
ng fear that good wages in industry
will keep; many youngsters out of
chool' this fall, the State Depart-
ment of 'Public Instruction reported
oday that more than twice as many
Michigan school boys and girls went
into the labor market this summer
han last year.
A total of 22,841 working permits
were issued in June, compared with
0,530 a year ago, according to How-
rd C. Prine, of the department's fi-
ance an accounting division.
Asserting "an unusually large
.umber of these permits are for boys
nd girls 14 and 15 years of age,"
[rine said, "once they get these good
obs, we think many of them won't
vant to go back to school."
He said 9,655 full-time, out-of-
chool working permits were issued
n June to 16 a W' 17 year olds, corn-
ared with 4,7337a year ago. Renewal
;his year amounted to 3,052, com-
ared with' 736 a year ago.
.Limited or vacation peirmits were
ssued to 4,803 youngsters over 16,
?rine said, compared with 2,748 a
ear ago.
He reported 436 permits were issued
or full-time employment under 16,
ears of age, while 176 of that type
'ere issued in June last year. Fifty-
;wo renewals this year compared with
even last year and 4;843 vacation
ermits for youngsters under 16 were
sued, as 'against 2,130- last. year.
Lord Halifax Is Grounded!
Ls Mayor Moves Off Fast
SPOKANE, Wash., July 30.-P--
luring a visit to Nelson. B. C., Lord

LONDON, July 31.-UP)-Britain
will have no Willkies, Brickers, or
Deweys waiting at the gate of 10
Downing Street in 1944. Britain plans
no general election until Germany is
defeated. Churchill is in for the dura-
The Prime Minister himself has
suggested 1945 as the probable year
of victory in Europe and the nation's
first parliamentary election since
1935. But any Churchill aspirations
for continued authority have already
been rejected by some of his mast
loyal wartime supporters, including
sections of his own party, the Con-
servatives. Neither they nor the prin-
cipal opposition, the Laborites, haveI
chosen a candidate to succeed him,
but three men stand in the forefront
of prospects. Foreign Minister An-
thony Eden, Laborite Herbert Stan-
ley Morrison, and Sir Stafford
Cripps, an Independent.
Eden May Be Churchill's Heir
Eden, a Conservative, has been
called by the left labor weekly "Trib-
une" the "leader designate of the
Tory party and heir designate to Mr.
Churchill's prime ministership." His
presence at the final strategy con-
ference at Algiers before the Sicilian
invasion spotlighted his position as
second man in the British Govern-
Morrison, at the moment without
official position in his own party, still
is recognized as the chief spokesman
for socialist ideas of post-war plan-
Cripps, who for a brief hour early
in 1942 was the symbol of all Brit-

Britons Will Hold No General
Elections U 1i' Germin Defeat

ably resemble those of President
Roosevelt. Both menhave an indis-
putable majority of public opinion
behind their military and foreign
policies but there is noticeably less
enthusiasm for their domestic ad-
It is commonplace in Britain to
hear Churchill praised in one breathI
as a dashing generalissimo and dis-
missed in the next as too tempera-
mental for tasks of peace. Words
used are virtually the same as those
of a visiting editor of an anti-New
Deal newspaper who begins: "Of
course we support Roosevelt's for-
eign policy but ..
Home Front Work Delegate
Absorbed in world strategy,
Churchill has delegated home front
administration to subordinates like
Ernest Bevin, Hugh Dalton, Baron
Woolton of Liverpool and Cripps.
Through nearly three years of
rousing, incomparable rhetoric he
made only one major speech on home
affairs, and the belief spread that
Churchill is blind to domestic prob-
lems, particularly those of peace.
Popular enthusiasm for the Bever-
idge universal social security plan
contrasted with the government's
penny-counting caution brought
complaints of inattention to peace
problems into focus.
But Churchill sat down at the mic-
rophone one Sunday night in March
and outlined for the nation a four-
year plan for transition between war
and peace-a plan for compulsory in-
surance, national health service, ex-



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