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July 31, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-31

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:ATIJ!$fAY, JULY 31, 194 '


Fifty-Third Year



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all pews dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
licEtion of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Of fic.- at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
geond-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
dier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff

Marion Ford
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
MrM Anne Olson

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Women's Editor

nary iine .v . vac. i. 4
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . . Business Maueger
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Mapager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



MacArthur Should Not
Try for Presidency
EN. DOUGLAS MAC ARTHUR had the right
idea when he curtly said, "Let's get on with
the war," when admirers told him that the war
would prohibit him from running for the presi-
Why the good general should be preidept
on grounds of his successes in the South Pacif-
ic is difficult to ascertain. True he has seen
success, but fighting the Japanese is no char-
acter qualification for the presidency.
MacArthur was the first great hero of the war,
and clubs arose to perpetuate the glory of his
name. It was suggested that the general should
te rewarded with this top political job for his
excellent work in the Pacific. But not to be dis-
paraging let us glance at his work in the Pacific
and what do we find?
WE FIND a general who fought brilliantly and
well when on the defensive. - We find a gen-
eral who had to fight because his own lack of
foresightedness had left the Philippines woefully
unprepared. He had been hired by that govern-
ment to build up the defenses of the islands, and
he promised that the defenses he built up would
hold off an invasion of 500,000 men.
However, 300,000 swept over the Islands and
captured them, leaving the Allied armies in a
pretty bad spot.
That he underestimated the Japanese
shouldn't be held against him; plenty of peo-
ple have underestimated the Japanese for sev-
eral years. But the idea that a general who
has been out of the country for years could
run the United States is ridiculous.
It's much wiser and a whole lot safer to con-
fine our admiration to the naming of locks after
MacArthur. - Margaret Frank
Martpower Corps Was
rest ' ' Project Yet
T HE MANPOWER Mobilization Corps died last
It died because its work was done. It was
created to supply the urgent need for a labor
source for this community. It found the an-
swer for supplying vital labor by -recruiting
men students for farm work, factories, dormi-
tories, and hospitals.
A mass immigration of more than 200 men
registered by the Corps saved the sugar beet crop
in the Thumb district. Another contingent went
to the aid of farmers in Milan and Mount Clem-
Early Sunday mornings Manpower members
left a sleeping college town to pull the carrot
crop in neighboring districts.
A competitive Manpower scrap - o - meter
stripped Ann Arbor of 42 tons of salvage copper,
tin, and iron scrap for resmelting in war plants.
Last spring the musical "Singtime, a Sym-
°phony in Song," was produced to secure funds
for the Bomber Scholarship.
FORESEEING the decreasing number of male
students, the Manpower Corps last- spring
presented the idea of a high school manpower
before the Student Council of one of the city
high schools. Enhusiastically the pre-college
group organized their own corps using the equip-

Republican Chairman Harrison E. Spangler
ought to be nominated for G.O.P. presidential
candidate in 1944.
And, for any dull moments he'll have between
now and election time, we recommend him read-
ing Thomas English who wrote:
"LeRs good from genius we may find
"That that from perseverance flowing;
"So have good grist at hand to grind
"And keep the mill a-going."
of course, Chairman S. may have come across
this stanza already. Certainly he has put it into
Just yesterday, after a week of "md-slinging,
Spangler denounced "genius" as "a bold bid for
the vote of our soldiers and sailors who are risk-
ing their lives for freedom." He referred, of
course, to President Roosevelt's speech last
Wednesday in which FDR gave America a broad,
encouraginpg picture of the war, and, most impor-
tant, outlined a specific six-point plan for taking
care of members of the armed forces after the
war and converting the country to a peacetime
This to Spangler was only a fourth-term
bid. Mustering-out pay, a chace for a job,
unemployment insurance, opportunity for ed-
iwation or trade training, coenpezlsaion al-
pwaxpces, and pensions for the disabled all
s ell one thing to Spangler-POLITICS, in
capital letters.
W E SER IOU§, constructive plans for re-
#turning soldiers, sailors, and marines have
behind them only humanitarian objectives. Any!
president or national leader would do as much.
Yet the 0.0.P. chieftain and many of his co-
horts have failed to understand this. Everything
to them is interpreted in terns of votes, elections,
and a Republican victory it 1944. To them
every action of the government is merely good
grist for the political mill.
The 9o s1 constructive action that Republi-
can leaders, not only on the G.O.P. national
clRwiwttee bpt also in Cougess, could make
would be to discriminate a little bit more
among the "New Dealisms" they attack. In-
stead of "ust scoffing at everything, good or
bad, that the Administration has proposed,
they shquld offer something constructive at
Where is the Spangler plan for soldier rehabil-
itation? In truth, the Spangler-ites have thus
far shown that they can't see beyond the end of
a 1944 Republican ballot. - Bud Brimmer
I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, July 31.- The way I make it
out, it is going to take a great deal of hard plan-
ning to avoid having a better world after this
We're not going to get out of this thing with-
out improvements unless we're awfully careful.
After all, you can't just sit around and hope
for an impractical peace. If you want an im-
practical peace, you have to go out and work for
Consider the young people of England who
are (says an article in the July issue of "For-
eign Aoairs") on fire for reform and progress.
And there are the young people of French Af-
rica, cheering de Gaulle and democracy. Here
are all the important political groups in
France, Catholic, Socialist, peasant, Comm-
nist, coming together on a program for a
Fourth Republic.
These are alarming signs that the world makes
sense. We must face them like men. Those who
want the world to make nonsense have a big job
on their hands. They cannot hope to succeed
without the most careful planping.
And then there was that ominous Gallup
poll, which showed that 74 per cent of the
people in England and 74 per cent of the peo-
pie in America (exactly the same figure in

both countries) want a world police force.
Gentlemen, this means order!
I know that some of you have been trying to
block this menace by making optimistic speeches
about how the peoples of this world are always
going to be opposed to each other, and how wars
are inevitable, etc. Mr. Pegler has even said that
rake antagonism is an old American custom.
But,-gentlemen, I put it to you that this is
mere idealistic dreaming. You will not save the
situation by printing romantic essays in the Chi-
cago Tribune about how everybody in the world
hates everybody else. The hard, practical fact
of the matter is that people are beginning to like
each other.
What we need are not dreamy-eyed liberals
like Mr. William Randolph Hearst. He's been
hating everybody for fifty years. And what
do we have? A United Nations. Is that a
system? No, it is time for those who believe
in lack of progress to be practical, or, we may
as well face it, this peace is going to work.
Of course, we do have one or two people who
really know how to plan against improvements.

. . While We Watch . .
ile iteMet, What Now ...
now. The waters lap upward, the dictators
stand knee deep in the flow, and some of them
have gone under, like Mussolini.
I wonder what the remainder of the strutting
little men are thinking about, watching the earth
beneath them being washed away. Take Franco
of Spain. A very uneasy gent, I'll bet.
I read where all is not well in Spain. They
grumble for more bread, even those who fought
the bloody war for Franco. They are finding
that Fascism leaves things undone, things
vital to satisfaction of the human soul, like
enough to eat, a decent place to live, and a w
decent standard to live by. It must be small
solace for Spaniards to see hundreds of thous-
ands of their own people still in Nationalist
prisons, still not "conditioned" enough to the
Franco philosophy to be set free safely.
There have been rumblings in Italy for some
time also. They were getting hungry too, they
were finding out that the Duce and Fascism
were less interested in the rehabilitation of the
individual Italian than in their own pompous
schemes for another Roman Empire. Franco
has had time to watch the Duce sink in the
Italian estimation until Ire was finally pushed
out as dead wood by a worried monarchy-fascist
set that had been propping him up since the
Italian armies turned tail in North Africa.
THESE THINGS must be making a worrisome'
impression on Franco. Already he has an-
nounced that Spain is ready for a return to roy-
alistic forms. What he might have said, if he
were given to honest statement, is that Fascism
in Spain is proving as tenuous as in Italy. Rather
than be pushed out by the Royalist group which
has played ball with him all along in the common
front against the Loyalists, he is taking Musso-
lini's fate as a portent. He is now willing to con-
cede that Fascism is so well established in Spain
that a return to the Royalist forms can be effec-
ted safely. Perhaps to add-a color and ancient
grandeur to the new Spanish Empire, General-
issimo? Or'is the dictator's chair too big for
such a little man. even one with such grandiose
When Italy and Germany have been crushed,
Franco's Spain will be a pitiful and ludicrous
little figure, clinging desperately to the branches
of Fascism as the tree is hurtled downstream.
Eventually Fascism in Spain may fold up. But
why must we nurture it now, when we are slowly
but very surely crushing the system we hate be-
neath our military weight?
Why do we treat Franco as a dictator apart,
favor his monstrous little world with the usual
diplomatic bows and trade concessions? While
we are doing the job, we should clean up all the
filth, which means going into the corners, not
merely sweeping the dirt under the bed.
We should clean out all the Fascists, or those
who winked at the fascists in the countries we
conquered. We should boycott, diplomatically
and economically, as part of the expression of
our revolt against Fascism. When Spanish people
see their false world bog down, it is reasonable
to believe that they can do the rest, even as we
are counting on the Italians to do now. They
won't be likely to disown Fascism, however, when
they see that we still kiss its black hand.
WASHINGTON, July 31.- Inside fact is that
President Roosevelt's fireside radio talk was sent-
to Churchill in advance for his OK and approval.
Churchill's talk before the House of Commons,
however, was not sent to Washington in advance.
If it had been, tactful suggestions might
have been made to tone down the "seared,

scarred and blackened" threats, since U.S. pol-
icy is not to be harsh with the Italian people
now that they have kicked out Mussolini. Ital-
ians, unfortunately, are extremely suspicious
of England, think she wants to keep certain
Mediterranean islands, Pantelleria, perhaps
The man who prompted Roosevelt to rebuff
the OWI for calling Victor Emmanuel a "mor-
onic little King" was Admiral Leahy. He hot-
footed it over to the White House immediately,
warned the President there was no use heaping
abuse on the new Italian government until it
had a chance to act.
Trouble was that OWI's broadcasts have been
perated by a group of well-meaning Italian ex-
iles who are so close to the situation they don't
see the over-all, long-range picture.
Move lTowrds Democracy
Long-sighted U.S. officials regard this Italo-
American move as one of the most broad-gauged
steps taken so far toward early peace and to-
ward healing European wounds. They recognize
that we are in a unique position regarding Italy.
With several million former Italians here, in-
cluding many U.S. government leaders, this
country can appeal to the people inside Italy
much more effectively; also can help nurse Italy
back to a democratic government without the
mistakes of France.
Long under despotism, Italy's transition from
the sick-room back to healthy democracy must
be careful and perhaps slow. Leading Americans

APetteri 10 the &iitor
I Re: Ann Arbor large percentage of property owners in dealing with the sucker public;
will not rent their places to anyone the charge is always whatever the
THIS COMMENTARY on the fair the shape of whose nose does not traffic will bear. Incidentally, Prof.
city of Ann Arbor is prompted by meet with their approval. They will Slosson goes far afield to explain the
the complaints, mostly justified, of say that 'the place is rented even high per capita purchase of war
the servicemen and by Prof. Slos- though the "For Rent" sign is plain- bonds on the grounds of patriotism.
son's solution of the problem. ly visible or some will have the per- Ann Arbor residents may or may not
To begin with, if it will make, verse kind of honesty which will sim- be patriotic, but the explanation is
servicemen any happier,=they can ply prompt them to say, "We don't simpler, than that. Ann Arbor is a
be assured that the unfriendly at- rent to Jews." All we can say is that rich man's town; there is money here
titude which they find Is not aimed Prof. Slosson's definition of cosmo- and bonds are a good investment.
exclusively at them. Ann, Arbor is politanism must be peculiar indeed! The purchaser of a war bond isn't
unfriendly to anyone who has an Ann Arbor is a boom town; it giving anything away!
income under $3,000 a year (we was a boom town before the war. Going to church, as Prof. Slosson
believe this would include service- Ann Arbor never experienced a suggests, is a fine remedy for the
men). In Ann Arbor, a friendly depression similar to that experi- situation. No doubt, "if ye'll bide a.
attitude can be bought but nobody enced by other cities of equal size. wee," somebody will shake your hand
goes around giving slices of it Even in the depths of the econom- (maybe even the kind soul' who
away. ic slump there was always a steady charged you 20 cents for that dish of
The first word which we think of flow of income through the Uni- ice cream). We repeat, it's a fine
when we think of Ann Arbor (any- versity and merchants and land- remedy; the only catch is that it
way, the first printable word!) is lords always had a consumer group will remedy the situation only for
"Greed." Servicemen have seen with cash. As in all boom towns, Sunday, between the hours of 11 and
enough examples of this character- the characteristic of Ann Arbor 12 a.m. What about the rest of the
istic judging by letters in The Daily, merchants and landlords is a de- week, Prof. Slosson? Do you think
but since housing is provided for sire to make lots of money and to shaking hands with a merchant on
them, "they ain't seen nothin' yet." make it fast. Whereas in normal Sunday will change him enough so
To know Ann Arbor in all its ugli- towns merchants and property that he will charge you a fair price
ness, one must look for an apart- owners are satisfied with a fair for his merchandise on Monday? Or
ment for several days; or, if one is return on their investments, Ann will shaking your landlady's hand on
really an earnest student of avarice Arbor merchants and property Sunday keep her from gouging you
and plans to write a dissertation on owners (oh, we suppose there ARE when she collects her next month's
it, this apartment-hunting period exceptions here and there) want rent? If going to church will accom-
should be prolonged to a week or exorbitant profits or "they won't plish all these things, why then, we'll
even a month. play." see you in church, Prof. Slosson!
First of all, one would discover Nor is there any sense of fairness -M.J.K.
that beneath the veneer of shrub-
bery and trees, practically every
other multiple-dwelling unit is its GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty
own private little slum. /7
Secondly, an apartment in this ~ '-
fair city, is anything with a two-
burner gas plate in it. In Ann Arbor,
you can be shown two or three rooms
furnished with the owner's cast-offs,
no bathroom (you share a bath on
another floor with three other fam-
ilies), an old /wooden ice-boxmand h,, fuc £alw4c
you are asked to pay $65 a month, ~T a
and pay your own utilities. In many PA
"apartments" there is no sink at all,
no water; you go to the bathroom for 2 1.1
your water supply. ,--
In Ann Arbor, you ring a bell
where there is a "For Rent" sign G ; b' d
and the first question fired at you
by the old woman who opens the
door is, "Can you pay60 dollars?"
No "hello," no attempt to show you
the place so that you can at least
see how much less than 60 the i f " '
place is worth; just, "Can you pay
60 dollars?" If anyone thinks this
is an isolated incident, we invite
him or her to hunt for an apart-
ment. And if Prof. Slosson be-
lieves all this to be due to shyness
on the part of the landlords and
landladies, it certainly is a queer
manifestation of shyness and
should be looked into by competent
NE ITEM in Professor Slosson's
letter which evokes a certain ' 4) s' -
amount of bitter laughter is his de-
scription of Ann Arbor as a cosmo- ).c a
politan city. We strongly advise fur- I B
ther research by Prof Slossn on the 'It's practically impossiole to ge compeLeni yes men' any more,
subject. In Ann Arbor, a deplorably -men that say 'yes yes! like then heart was in it'

VOL. LIII, No. 25-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
1:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no -
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc-
tions: All persons upon the Univer-
sity Payrolls for services rendered
after June 30, 1943, are notified that
under the federal "Current Tax Pay-
ment Act of 1943" there will be de-
ducted from each salary payment
made an amount equivalent to 20 per
cent of such payment above legal
elected, under Federal authority, to
base this. deduction, after legal ex-
emptions, upon 20 per cent of the
salary payment to each individual
calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev-
ery employee of the University, in
whatever capacity, should secure, at
the Business Office, or at other of-'
fices at which they will be available,
a copy of the Government withhold-
ing exemption certificate, Form W-4,
and should promptly fill out and
mail or file this exemptioncertifi-
cate at the Business Office at which
the certificate was obtained. The
burden of filling out and filing this
form is under the law exclusively
upon the employee and if it is not
filed in time the deduction of 20 per
cent must be taken upon the basis of
the employee's entire earnings with-
out benefit of the exemption to
which the employee would be en-
titled if he or she filed the certifi-
-Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Graduate Outing Club: Members

Academic Notices
Engineering Seniors: graduating in
October, and all NROTC men in
eighth term: The Senior Class Offi-
cer elections have been postponed,
and petitions may be handed in until
Aug. 2 at the Office of the Dean of
the College of Engineering. Elec-
tions will be held Ag 5 and 6.
Students who wish to enter a com-
bined curriculum at the beginning of
the fall term must make application
on or before Aug. 1 in Room 1210
Angell Hall. There will be a $5 fee
for late registration.
History 347s. Seminar in Hispanic
American History. There will be a
meeting of this group on Wednesday,
Aug. 4, at 2 p.m. in Room 119, Haven
Hall. -Arthur S. Aiton
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, Aug. 3, at 4:15 p.m., in 3017
Angell Hall. Dr. Rothe will speak on
"An Eigen-Value Theorem for Non-
Negative Transformations" and Prof.
Coe will speak on "A Diaphantine
Graduate Students in Speech: A
graduate symposium in interpreta-
tion and history of the theatre will
be sponsored by the Department of
Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Students in Speech: William D.
Boutwell, Chief of the Information
Service, United States Office of Edu-
cation, will speak at the Assembly of
the Department of Speech at 2:15}
p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. A demonstration
radio broadcast also will be present-

Schubert's Trio in B-flat major.
Other programs in the series will
be presented Aug. 5 and 10.
Due to the limited seating capacity
of Pattengill Auditorium, admission
will be by card, obtainable in the
office of the School of Music.
Record Concert at Horace H. Rack-
ham School: Another of the weekly
concerts will be given Tuesday eve-
ning at 7:45 p.m. The program will
consist of the following recordings:
Weber's Overture to Oberon, Moz-
art's Quintet in C Major, Mendels-
sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A Major,
Strauss' Don Juan and. Gershwin's
Rhapsody in Blue. Servicemen are
cordially invited to join the Grad-
uate Students for these concerts.
Rackham Galleries: Exhibition of
Paintings from ten Latin-American
Republics. From the collections of
the Museum of Modern Art, New
York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily,
except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14.
Events Today
Comprehensive Examination in
Methods and Materials i equired of
all who will receive a Master's degree'
in Music Education this summer.
This morning, 10-12, Room 506, Bur-
ton . Tower.
Dr. R. H. Jones of Oxford Univer-
sity, Director of the Workers' Educa-
tion Association, will give an open
lecture on "England Today" at 10
o'clock this morning in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, under the auspices of
the Summer Session.
Delta Tau Delts on Campus: The
Delta Chapter is giving awelcoming
party for all Delts who are stationed
here in the service.' At the Shelter !

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