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July 31, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-31

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'Nips in
Soldiers To
Enact First
Part at Fete
Event Will End with
Community Singing
Of Michigan Songs








To ight


Yank Soldier Greets Sicilian Child

The opening scene from "Nips in
the Bud," by members of Co. A,
3651st Service Unit, will be featured
at the JGP July Jamboree at the
Women's Athletic Building and on'
Palmer Fieldfrom 7 p.m. to mid-
night today.
The "Script Writer's Scene" will
feature the original players from
"Nips in the Bud," Pvts. Al Acerho,
Gordon Cotler, John Boucher, and
Al Yudkoff. Pvt. Allan Beach will
sing two hit songs from the show, "A
Soldier's Goodnight" and "GI Need
Prizes To Be Awarded
From 7 to 9 p.m. carnival booths
will be open and a variety of mer-
chandise from local shops will be
handed out as prizes for games'of
skill' and chance. Phonograph rec-
ords, books, servicemen's writing kits
and other equipment, stationery,
cologne, ash trays, cigarettes, playing
cards, wallets, compacts, candy, di-
aries and many other articles have
been donated.
Later in the evening, there will be
. tap dance by Rae Nita Larsen, '44,
a surprise hula number by Jeanne
Paty, '44E, a song by Mickey John-
son, '46, and a tango exhibition by
Hiram Albala, .Grad, and Peggy
Weiss, '44. The Jamboree will end
with community singing of Michigan
songs. Bunny Crawford, '44, will be
'Mixer. Games To Be Held*
There will be dancing in the WAB
and on the terrace featuring "mixer"
games. During the evening a $25
war bond will be raffled off from
numbers sold during the past week
by representatives in the houses and
dormitories and in the stamp booth.
Admission to everything on the
grounds will be a coupon issued with
each purchase of a war stamp. Rain
will move the carnival to Barbour-
Waterman Gymnasiums.
Liquor Control
-Will Canvass
Beer Dealers
Commission Suspects
Misrepresentation of
Reported Empty Cases
LANSING,, July 30. -(P)- The
State Liquor Control Commission
said today it would canvass beer
dealers throughout the state to de-
termine how many beer cases are in
disuse as a step towards coping with
reported widespread discrepancy in
distribution of the beverage.
The commission met with tavern
lincensees and dealers in a third of
a series of conferences with groups
affiliated with the beer industry. Pre-
vously, the agency had conferred
with brewers and distributors.
R. Glenn Dunn, commission chair-
man, said that while thousands of
empty beer cases and kegs remain
uncollected in stores and taverns,
breweries are complaining of a short-
age of containers.
He said the survey would attempt
to establish what breweries or distrib-
utors were failing to collect empties
and that the Commission would
make an effort to force collections.
The dealers generally complained
they were victims of inequitable dis-
tribution of beer. Fred W. Chlopan,
executive secretary of the Michigan
table-top licensees congress, recon-
mended that the commission estab-
lish an appeal board to hear com-
plaints of unfair delivery practices.
Sawyer To Feature New
Tune at League Tonight

Servicemen and coeds will gather
for dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight
today in the League ballroom when
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra swing
out with the latest melodies.
As a special feature of the evening,
Sawyer has. promised to play a new
song entitled "And Russia Is Her
Name" by Jerome Kern. The tune is
from the MGM picture, "Russia,"
which was recently, released. Billy
Layton will handle the vocals.
The dance today will be strictly
informal, Sawyer stated, with shirt
sleeves and open collars quite in

A Yank soldier has a friendly chat with a little girl somewhere in
- r
Three Law School Graduates
Study in First OCS Class

Three members of the 1st Officer
Candidate Class at the Judge Advo-
catehGeneral's Schoolcarehgraduates
of the University of Michigan Law
School, and two more studied here
previously, a survey of personnel rec-
ords shows.
Candidate John M. Pikkaart, '36L,
besides being Kalamazoo County Cir-
cuit Court Commissioner, was an in-
structor of law at Western Michigan
Candidates Cornelius Wiarda,
Grand Rapids, and Neil B. Hayes,
Detroit, are the other law graduates
while Candidate Herbert L. Hart re-'
ceived his A.B. degree here and Can-
didate Abraham Pinsky attended
summer school in 1921.
The class numbers two warrant
officers, three master sergeants,
two first sergeants, two technical
sergeants, twelve staff sergeants,
fourteen sergeants, and seventeen
corporals. While working for their
commissions all chevrons and in-
signia of rank of the candidates
are removed, and all wear the
"0CS" oval on the shirt front.
Among law schools, as has been
usual with officers classes also, Har-
vard is in the lead with nine, North
Carolina and St. John's (NY) are
next with four, followed by Michi-
gan, Marquette, Columbia, Califor-
nia, and Georgetown with three.
Schools having two include New Jer-
sey Law, Indiana, George Washing-
ton, Dickinson, Yale, Kansas City,
Washington, Chicago, Ohio State,
and Albany Law (NY). All told 45
institutions of legal learning are
Undergraduate preference goes
to Michigan with three, and ten
colleges or universities are repre-
sented by a pair: Notre Dame,
Washington and Lee, Emory, Cali-
fornia, Washington University of
St. Louis, George Washington,
University, Missouri, West Vir-
ginia, Union, and Marquette. In
all 62 institutions are named.
When it comes to enumerating ac-
tive hobbies, the class splits widely.
Among the most popular are hunting
and fishing, although one confirmed
specialist insists upon "trout fish-
ing." In the sports line are found
Army Forums
To Be Offered
Army men will have a chance to
discuss current and post-war prob-
lems when Hereward T. Price of the
English department opens a weekly
series of forums sponsored by the
Post-War Council at 3 p.m. tomor-
row in the East Quad dining hall.
Prof. Price will speak on "Post-
War Germany," and Elizabeth Haw-
ley, '44, chairman of the Council, will
lead the discussion afterwards.
The talks, which will be given every
Sunday are being sponsored partic-
ularly for men in the Army Air Force
Technical Training Command, al-
though anyone interested may at-
Robert Fisher and Bruce Cook are
organizing the series for the East
Lt. Spence Wants
Abducted Dummy
Whoever removed the Joe, the JGP
Jamboree dummy, from the Diagonal
lamp post is now obstructing the war
,;ff .f F. 4A c rv o "A !in . A

horseback riding, exhibiting show
horses (three gaited), sailing, ski-
ing, golf (very popular) and motor
As a reminder of the good old
days, one diehard lists "steak bar-
becue and outdoor picnics," while
two revel an easy adaptability to
wartime conditions with "hiking"
and "bicycling."
The candidate who boasts cooking
as a hobby may have been a mess
sergeant and the one who writes
"bar activities" leaves a doubt as to
Another from the wide open spa-
ces finds that "farming, trees, and
breeding fine hogs" are equally
pleasing for spare time, and photog-
raphy, symphonic music, book col-
lecting, gun and pistol collecting,
cryptanalysis, dramatics, wood work-
ing, nature work, amateur movies
and genealogy all receive attention.
One hardy soul dares to confess to a
liking flor poetry.
Brownell Ends
Dry Food Tests
Blames Cessation on
Lack of Grad Students
When Indians dug their potatoes,
they spread them out to dry and then
had a tore of dehydrated foods to
use during the long winters.
It was not until the last war that
engineers took up the problems of
drying their potatoes and a project
of this war has recently been discon-
tinued because of a lack of graduate
Prof. Lloyd E. Brownell of the en-
gineering research department yes-
terday told of the end of his project
to find the drying rate coefficient for
potatoes and other vegetables. While
a series of graphs showing partial
conclusions have come out of the
project, the big problem is still not
Engineers have not yet designed a
dryer to control temperature and
humidity so that they can predict the
time needed to take the water out of
a vegetable.
Prof, Brownell says that discovery
of new methods will open a huge field
to engineers, a field which is little
known now..He hopes to obtain more
funds to continue his project some-
time in the future.
Meanwhile, drying of foods will
still be on the Indian system.

Co. A Plans
Concert for
August 13
Last Program of All
Soldier Chorus Will
Include Spiritualsf
The final program for the Co. A
concert to be given by the All-Soldier
chorus August 15 in Hill Auditoriuml
under the direction of Bill Sawyer is
now being whipped into shape.
Presenting a wide variety of selec-
tions ranging from Negro spirituals1
to sea chanteys, the Chorus will in-
clude several religious songs among
their numbers.
Religious songs to be featured are
"Benedictus" by Carton, "Concordia
Laetitia" and Tschesnikoff's "Salva-
tion is Created." The 50-man Chorus
will also sing "Drink to Me Only
With Thine Eyes," "Gaudeamus Igi-
tur," and "Song of the Plains."
Bill Sawyer's orchestra will join
the Chorus for the final numbers:
"The Drum," "A Soldier's Good-
night," hit song of "Nips in the Bud,"
and "Begin the Beguine" in a special
concert arrangement by Sawyer as
the grand finale.
Tenor Arthur Flynn, a veteran of
Carnegie Hall and wide operatic ex-
perience, will present two solos at
the concert. Pvt. Joseph Running,
former Stanford Univtrsity music in-
structor, will play an organ solo.
The last movement of a violin so-
nata by Brahms will be given by Pvt.
Robert Kurka with Pvt. Otto Graf,
former University professor of Ger-
man, as accompanist.
As a unique attraction, Co. A will
also present a reading from Shakes-
peare's "Richard II" by Pvt. Robert
Cohn of Oregon, who has spent most
of his 'life in England. The reading
will be accompanied by the chorus
singing "God Save the King."
$75,321.75 in
Gifts A cce pted
By Uruversity
(Continued from Page 1)
school; Dr. Russel C. MacKensie, in-
structor in dentistry; Lieutenants
Melvin C. Flegal and Louis LaBella,
assistant professors of military sci-
ence; Lt.-Comm. Edward F. Scott,
associate professor of naval science;
Mrs. Stella M. Pagan, instructor in
mathematics; Miss Ollie L. Backus,
acting manager of speech clinic; and
Professors W. C. Olson and R. L.
Wilder to the Executive Board of
Graduate School.
Other appointments are:
James A. o. Crowe,assistant to
director of the International Center;
Miss Helen Gleason, head 'of Grand
Rapids office of Extension Service;
Miss Florence Harvey to Executive
Committee of nursing school; Miss
Margaret Shaw, Health Service med-
ical technician; and Mrs. Harriet S.
Smith, Board of Patronesses of Al-
umnae House.
Leaves of absence were granted to
14 men and women. Leaves of ab-
sence were granted to the following
persons for service in the armed for-
Dr. Joshua McClennen, instructor
in English; Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell
of the forestry school; Museum Cur-
ator Dr. Emmet T. Hooper; Leonard
S. Gregory, music school instructor;
and Dr. Frederick N. Hamerstrom,
Jr., curator of the Edwin S. George

Other leaves were granted for vital
war work and for illness.
Most leaves-of-absence extensions
were granted to persons now engag-
ing in vital war work or in the armed
services. They numbered 28.

Army Softball
Team To Open'
Season Today
Kolesar Will Pitch for
Vaughan House Against
Co. C-3 at Palmer Field
The first game for the newly
formed softball team composed of
Army medical and dental students
stationed in Victor Vaughan House
will be played at 4 p.m. today at
Palmer Field with Co. C-3, 3651st
Bob Kolesar, Michigan grid star,
will pitch for the Vaughan House
team, and Morrie Bikoff, of basket-
ball fame will act. as catcher. Other
men playing for Vaughan House are:
James Nering, short center field;
Alex Weinberg, first base; Clayton
Konas, second base; Irving Levitt,
third base; Ziggy Zawacki, short-
stop; Joe Picard, left field; Ed Ban-
ta, center field; and Bob Ideson,
right field.
Utility men for the team are Joe
Rogers, Don Brown, Nelson Bach,
Richard Walker and Howard Eddy.
Co. C-3, which has already won
games played with other Co. C units
from Fletcher Hall and the Pi Lamb-
da Phi House, has a starting line-up
consisting of Wesley Farbach, first
base; Jack Steppling, second base;
Bus Burdett, shortstop; Chuck Mar-
kell, third base; Bob Cope, catcher;
Moose Kolombatovich, pitcher; John
Swanson, right field; Duke Rex, cen-
ter field; Mickey Mickilosky, left
field; and Bud Marr, short center
Substitutes for Co. C-3 are Jack
Emlach and Bob Potash.
Co. A, All-Soldier Chorus
To Broadcast over WJR
Skits on the theme, "The Army
Goes to College" will, be given by
members of Co. A on. their half-hour
broadcast at 10 a.m. today over sta-
tion WJR.
The All-Soldier chorus, stellar at-
traction of the weekly broadcast, will
sing "Salvation is Created" by Tsch-
nesnikoff, "The Little-Red Drum,"
and "A Soldier's Goodnight," which
originally appeared in the Co. A pro-
duction "Nips in the 13d."

Plane To Hunt Camouflaged
Machine Guns in Arboretum
"An Army plane scheduled to fly over the Arboretum next week will
seek out a 105mm. Howitzer gun and two machinegun nests concealed by
the camouflage department," declared Prof. Harlow I. Whittemore, head of,
the Camouflage Department and Chairman of the Department of Landscape
A former Air Force photographer now in Co. A, 3651st S.U. will fly the'
plane. Photographs in black and white, natural color, and infra-red will be
Infra-red makes objects visible through fog. Foliage photographs
white and if false green is used as in camouflage it will show up dark

Bureau Needs
Additional Men
'Cooperation of Coeds
Greater Than Males'
"We wish all of the lonesome serv-
icemen without week-end dates and
with no prospects in sight would reg-
ister at the Acquaintance Bureau
from from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Monday or Tuesday,"- Mary June
Hastreiter, '44, chairman of the proj-
ect said yesterday.
So far the bureau has arranged
over 70 coke dates, Miss Hastreiter
stated, and more are being planned
daily. To answer some of the skepti-,
:cal soldiers," she said, "some really
swell girls have registered."
"In fact," she added, "the coeds
have done a better job of cooperating
by signing up than the servicemen
have." A recent apeal for graduate
students to sign up brought an im-
MOdiate response, and Miss Hastrei-
ter expressed the hope that more of
the officers would take advantage of
the opportunity to meet people.
Betsy Barbour Residents
To Entertain JAG School
Members 'of ,the' Judge Advocate
General school 'will be entertained'
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today at
an informal open house sponsored by
the residents of Betsy Barbour House.
The graduate students are plan-
ning dancing; 'bridge, and ping-pong
for the soldiers. Some impromptu
entertainment may also be presented

on the films. Therefore the cam-
ouflage laboratory has used a spe-
cial paint on the guns.
"In order that the new Ann Arbor
Airport may be skillfully concealed
from enemy planes the student cam-
ouflagers have built a scaled model
of the airport and concealed it with
unsuspecting farm land," Prof.
Whittemore said.
The planes will be flagged in'
during the day and at night lights
will illumninate the runways. Tihe
model is so constructed that a: per-
son standing on a balcony in the
laboratory is the same distance as
a plane 20,000 feet up.
The camouflage lecture course was
started last fall :and a laboratory
was added in the spring. Studeits-
enrolled are mostly servicemen Iut
the course is open to all.
Bater Appointed
To War Board
Appointment of Prof. L. A. Bair,
of the department of Naval Architec-
ture and Marine Engineering, as
chairman of a board of consultants
on shipbuilding, .was announcedre-
cently by the War Department.
This board meets once or twice a,
month at Washington, reviews tie,
shipbuilding program, and plans for
improvements in design, construction
and standardization of ship°types
The board has contributed to toe
increase in speed and deadeight
capacity and the elimination of' uni
desirable features in numerous ves
sels now under construction.

Everyone Invited!

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