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July 08, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-08

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Thge Summer Daily is published every morning except
Mongday and Tuesday
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press }is exclusively entitled to the
tuse for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
, College Publishers Representative
cRncAao - BostoN . Los ANtelES * SAN FRANCISCO
Menbr, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

WASHINGTON-It was not so very long ago
that John L. Lewis on the floor of an Atlantic
City labor convention clenched one of his sledge-
hammer fists and sent it full force against the
jaw of his enemy, "Bully" Hutchinson, head of
the AFL Carpenters Union.
Despite that quarrel-which continued fo
some time-John L. Lewis seems about to be
enticed by Bill Hutchinson back into the arms
of the American Federation of Labor-from
which he departed seven years ago screaming
vengeance and recriminations.
Some other strange bedfellows are lined up
with the New Deal-hating Hutchinson in beckon-
ing John L. back to the AFL, namely New Deal
supporter Dan Tobin, head of the Teamsters
Union, and AFL vice president Matt Woll, who
never has gotten over his thwarted ambition to
be AFL president.
The Tobin-Woll-Hutchinson scheme, accord-
ing to insiders, is to sneak John L. into the AFL
-by the back door route, namely by a vote of the
Executive Council, in which they are potent
big-shots, and which has the power to expel or
welcome back.
This back door route would avoid an embar-
rassing debate on the floor of an AFL conven-
tion. when certain uncontrolled delegates might
sound off against Lewis and jar the atmosphere
of joy with which his allies want to welcome the
prodigal son home.
Two Motives
Insiders attribute two motives to the Tobin-
Hutchinson-Woll combine.
Tobin is said to want Lewis back because that
would be the most effective way to bring the
,,AFL and CIO together. The teamster boss long
has been a sincere advocate of unity, and in the
days of bitterest AFL-CIO squalling he main-
tained amicable relations with both. Also, he
and Lewis are personal friends of many years'

Hutchinson and Woll are credited with a dif-
ferent motive. They bitterly hate the CIO, and
insiders say they see Lewis' return to the AFL as
a body blow to the CIO. They want no peace
except a complete CIO surrender.
Inyer Qralm -
Meanwhile the prospect of having stormy-
petrel Lewis back in their midst is causing some
other AFL chiefs sleepless nights. They are far
from enthusiastic about it.
Chief among the sleepless is Wiliam Green,
whom Lewis made president when he couldn't
muster the votes to get it himself. In recent
years they have called one another every name
in the book.
Green is so uneasy about having John L. re-
turn that he secretly asked CIO President Phil
Murray to intervede with Tobin to lay off.
So when the showdown comes in the AFL Ex-
ecutive Council, the Tobin-Hutchinson-Woll
combine, powerful as it is, may not find their
coup so easy. Lewis, personally, is liked in the
AFL no better than in the CIO.
They know his penchant for shoving others
around. Plenty of themi still nurse bruises. If
they should get together it is possible that Lewis
won't be able to stage a "prodigal son" act.
Note: Years ago, when their national head-
quarters were located in Indianapolis, Lewis.
Tobin aitd Hutchinson were known among la-
borites as the "Indianapolis gang."
He Silences Icles
Lacey Reynolds, smart young correspndent
of the Nashville Tennessean and the Chicago
Sun, was received with open arms when he called
at the office of Secretary Harold Ickes after
writing a story which gave the Interior boss a
big boost.
"That was a swell story," beamed Ickes. "I
have been attacked so many times that your
words of praise almost rendered me speechless."
To which Reynolds replied:
"I guess I am about the only one in Washing-
ton who ever accomplished that result, Mr. Sec-

Hymer Swander . . . . Managing Edi
Will Sapp . City Edi
Mike Dann . . .Sports Ed
Hale Champion. John Erlewine. Robert Mantho.
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel


Edward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Staff
Business Manager-
Associate Business Manager
Publications Manager

The editorials published ii The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Chiselers, Cheats, Crooks,, Riders
Sabotage American War Effort:. .

HJRE ARE enough cheap chiselers,
crooks, riders and self-seekers in
the war effort to turn even a semi-honest
ma'n's stomach..,
They don't classify easily, but the types are
there and no matter what their classification
they deserve the scorn and disgust of the Ameri-
can nation.
Some of them are so professional that they
chisel. and cheat out of habit. Anything new is
an opportunity for them. They counterfeit war
bpnds, they solicit for mythical war relief agen-
cies, they do any and everything that will con-
tripute to their making a dishonest dollar. In
the past we have been tolerant of these men
who live by their so-called wits, those swindling
fly-by-nights who really are sleight-of-hand
saboteurs. They are no longer victims of eco-
nomic dislocation and disillusionment. They are
now petty saboteurs injuring the war effort of a
nation which has tolerated their childish play
too long. They should be treated as such, and
every judge who sentences a war-bond counter-
feiter should remember that he is sentencing a
conscious thief turned conscious traitor. He
should give him help-the full penalty of the law.
Then come the amateurs, the opportunists who
wave a flag on high and disrupt the same na-
tion whose flag they wave. They hinder here,
delay there, obstruct someplace else, all with just
one hope: that there's a dollar in it for them, or
for their relatives, or for their bosses.
MOST OF THEM are petty chiselers, cheat-
ers, and in order to get away with it,
chronic liars. They are the sugar hoarders,
the congressional X' card holders, the guys
Congress won't give Henderson the money to
deal with. They're too small for the FBI, too
clever for the ration boards, and proud of it.
They're the war workers who throw rubber
around in long trips knowing that others must
sacrifice in order that they may have retreads.
They are the junk dealers who are waiting for
the big price. They are the landlords who have
ceiling prices, but aren't averse to having a
little fiver on the side now and then-not
averse to kicking a guy out who doesn't pro-
duce, They are the Detroit Real Estate Deal-
ers whose slush fund of a million bucks backs
a demand for lifting of rent control. They are
the guy next door, and the guy down the
street, and the guy who flew the flag on the
Fourth of July but sold firecrackers on the
side. They are the guyin all of us who is look-
ing out for the old No. 1. They rationalize, but
they know, and you know, and I know that
they're on the wrong side of the fence, and
had better hop back before someone important
gets sore about them. I'm not important
enough, but when enough people get to hear
about them, some important guy will go to
work. I hope Henderson is the one. He's tough
enough to talk turkey, and tWere won't be any
back talk.
Those are the little guys, now for the big
stinkers. They are big and little business men
who delay con' ersion, lay in big stocks to beat
priorities, sell steel on the side for black market
prices, keep rubber patents secret. They are the
industrialists who serve as dollar-a-year men
and at the same time serve the interests of the

over a million dollars. They are all the things
that the Truman Committee and Thurman Arn-
old, and PM have called them; they're a few
more things besides. They are unequivocally
conscious saboteurs, and we ought to have
learned by now how to handle saboteurs.
THERE WE HAVE THEM: the important indi-
vidiual and thej unimportant individual, the
big business man and the little business man.
But we've got some others left who fit into our
little picture of the rotten part of America at
war. We've got Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, poten-
tial Senatorial candidate from our own state
whose magazine, The Cross and the Sword, be-
longs with Social Justice in scrap-paper bales.
We've got lots of smaller fry, little one-stand
subversive prints that are worse, and the men
who run them worst of all.
We've also the riders, the guys who hide be-
hind the war effort and at the same time at-
tempt to smash half of what's decent in America.
Specifically I mean guys like Martin Dies and
every other reactionary, clock-turner-backer
that haunts Washington talking about a subject
that he knows all about; to wit, the un-Am can
activities of which he is guilty.: There are no
words to describe my feelings on the subject. I
think that a man with the record of Martin hies
ought to be summarily ejected from a Congress
as lousy as our present one. He has destroyed
the meaning of the word un-Ameri.can with his
campaign of groundless hate against any liberal
or progressive in the United States. No one is
safe from his calumny. Doctors from the Uni-
versity of Michigan Hospital know the sting of
his cries thrown 'to the four political winds, cries
of "Red" and "Communist" and "Radical." They
heard them because they contributed to the
medical relief of soldiers of loyalist Spain, the
first fighters in the war against Fascism. No
employe in Washington that utters sentiments
even in direct accord with New Deal policy is
safe from the snake-I prefer the adjective to
eagle-eye of Mr. Dies. He and his reactionary
partners belong in the group that by riding on
the war effort creates disunity and therefore
sabotages an America at war. There ought to
be a law against them instead of an appropria-
tion for them.
M US -reads an incomplete but still impres-
sive lineup of our national rogues' gallery.
There they are. Every rman-jack of them is
sabotaging what you and I and John Doe be-
lieve in and are working for. They are the
Dies, the Bards, the Fords, the Farishes, the
Big Steels and the Little Steels, the Rankins,
the Hoffmans, the Reeds.
If America has the guts, the courage and the
heart that I hope and believe it has, it will rid
itself of the new American racketeer, wash it-
self clear of its impurities. If it doesn't, it's
not the America that I fervently want to win
this war a- Hale Champion
Love Goes Mathema cal
Basic English, which reduces the vocabulary
to something more than 800 words, may have
encouraged the War Department to epitomize
human experience with something over 100
numbers for inexpensive cable messages between
soldiers abroad and their families, relatives,
orrnfh ..rs M" ..In a re 'h r -n rhnn -m m : i




A Day Of Remembrance
To the Editor:
T OPAY marks the beginning of the sixth year
of the Chinese gallant fight against their
aggressors. We Chinese students in this country
feel shameful, and a little humiliated, on this
solemn day to think that all we have done in
this fight is to stand by and count the number
of the dead.
Thousands have fallen in the battlefield in
the past five years, thousands others have been
captured and made prisoners, and countless in-
nocent women and children have been driven
from their homes and been starved and raped
and tortured to death; millions of men and
women in this country have generously opened
their pockets to contribute to this cause, and
American aviators and soldiers have bidden
farewell to their fanilies to pledge their energies
and blood to this gigantic struggle. What, we
are led to ask, are we iighting for? What is the
final objective, and whither are we going?
ARE WE fighting for freedom? Yes. But free-
dom is not the only objective for which we
fight. For existence? But that too is not enough.
We are fighting not only to save our own skin,
or the skin of any other nation whose interests
are dependent on the existence of a politically
free China.
We are-or should be-fighting for a cause
covering the whole world, comprehending the
welfare and equality of all peoples and all races
of the earth, and nothing short of such an objec-
tive can ever justify the bloodshed and human
sacrifice thus far made.
OR SOME PEOPLE this day may stand as a
token that machines are not always infallible,
that human will and morale proves sometimes a
mightier sword than steel and iron. For others
it may serve as a reminder that nations today
are no longer isolated units, but are mutually
depende It and indispensable and that when one
nationfalls, all others are necessarily weakened.
Fqr a few who always think in terms of ends and
means and feel that they work most efficiently
when the final end is clearly envisaged, this is a
day that calls for a re-formulation and re-
evaluation of war aims and peace programs.
The Four Freedoms outlined by .President
Roosevelt, the Atlantic Charter, the seven points
listed by Herbert Hoover in his new book-all
these are worth fighting for, and can be won,
provided that one condition be fulfilled: that
people's minds be re-educated and old habits of
thought be discarded.
8 LONG as their "patriotism" is confined to
the good and welfare of one nation. as long
as their "peace" remains a prerogative accessible
to the privileged few, to the suppressioI of the
rest of the world, there can be no real peace,
there can be no good and welfare for, whatever
nation in whatever sense of the word.
International peace and security is not some-
thing that can be achieved overnight; it is not a

VOL. LII. No. 16-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notice.s should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received the following in-
formation concerning United States
Civil Service Examinations.
General Amendment to all An-
nouncements isued prior to July 7.
1942, and pending on that date:
1. With the exceptions listed below.
all announcements issued by the
Central Office of the United States
Civil Service Commission prior to
and pending on July 7, 1942, are
hereby amended to provide that there
is no maximum age limit.
The age limits for the following
examinations will remain as stated
in the original announcement:
No. 106 of 1941-CoalMine Inspec-
No. 142 of 1941-Graduate Nurse
(Panama Canal).
No. 202 of 1942-Junior Aeronau-
tical Inspector (Trainee).
No. 211 (1942)-Physician (Pana-
ma Canal).
No. 232 (1942)-Junior Investiga-
No. 239 (1942)-Junior Custodial
2. By previous amendment issued
September 8. 1941, Application Card,
Form 4006. Is required to be filed
with all other application material
specified in the original announce-
ment, for all unassembled examina-
3. By previous amendment issued
December 19, 1940, photographs are
not required in connection with civ-
il-service examinations. By this
amendment also fingerprints are tak-
6n at the time of the written test for
assembled examinations as well as
at the time of appointment.
This amendment incorporates and
supersedes the previous general
amendmentso issued September 8.
1941. at December 19, 1940.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Stae of Michigan Civil 'Serv-
ice Examinations. Last date for fil
ing applications is noted in each
Child Guidance Social Worker II,
August 1, 1942; $200 to $240 per mo.
Residence in Michigin not required
for this. At present there are three
Law Compilation Executive I,
July 22, 1942, $155 to $195 per mo.
Sanitary Engineer I July 22,1942,
$155 to $195 per mo.
Sanitary Enginee' II, July 22,
1942, $200 to $240 per mo.
Sanitary Engineer III, July 22,
1942, $250 to $310 per mo.
Sanitary Engineer IV, July 22, 1942,
$325 to $385 per mo.
Announcement No. 726 AC, dated
June 24, 1942, for Obstetrician V and
VIII. is hereby amended as follows:
Envelopes containing applications
for these examinations must be post-
marked not later than July 15 1942.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the notices which are
on file at the office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Notice to Property Owners: If you
have purchased improved property
on a land contract and owe a bal-
ance in the proximity of 60 per cent
of the value of the property, the In-
vestment Office, 100 South Wing of
University Hall, would be glad to dis-

cuss the possibilities of refinancing
your contract through the. medium
of a mortgage. There are advan-
tages to be had in this manner of
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
campus deliveries. Service of the
janitors is available to collect the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardonj
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: No
courses may be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 11, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
rule. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Fducation, For-
estry and Conservation, Music and
Public Health. Students enrolled in
the Summer Termi, who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this

Aeronautical Engineering Seniors:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing, for the fall and spring terms of
1942-1943, two Frank P. Sheehan
Scholarships. The selection of can-
didates for these scholarships is
made very largely on the basis of
scholastic standing.- Applications
will be received up to August 1, 1942.
Students wishig to make applica-
tion should address them to Dr. A.
M. Kuethe, B-47 East Engineering
Building, and should give a brief
statement of their qualifications and
experience in regard to both their
scholastic work and any outside ex-
perience they may have had. A state-
ment should also be made giving
their plans for further study in Aero-
nautical Engineering.
A. M. Kuethe, Acting Chairman
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
cafeteria beginning June 29 for the
duration of the Summer Session.
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively.
All students of German, faculty
nembers and others interested in ac-
quiring practice in spoken German
are cordially invited.
Students, Summer Session College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances courses dropped after the
third wek, Saturday, July 18, will be
recorded with a grade of E.
E. H. Walter
Phi Lambda Upsilon. Will all mem-
bers of P.L.U. not on campus last
semester please leave their name and
Ann Arbor address with the Secre-
tary in Room 264 Chemistry Build-
ing. The Michigan chapter extends
a cordial welcome to members from
other chapters.
John Wynstra, Chapter Secretary
Academic Notices,
Make-up Examinations in Ger-
man will be given to students entitled
to take them by their individual in-
structors. Such students should im-
mediately report to the Department-
al office, 204 University Hall.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion or the Summer Term should
make application at this time at the
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Margaret S. Whitesell, Recorder
Senior Engineers: Mr. T. W. Prior
and Mr. Gillespie of the Goodyear
Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio,
wish to interview Senior Engineers
in the following groups for prospect-
ive'positions with their organization:
Mechanicals, Aeronauticals, Civils
and Engr. Mechanics. They are par-
ticularly interested in men for struc-
tural design work.
Interviews will start at 9 a.m.,
Friday. July 10th in room 218 West
Engineering Building.
R. S. Hawley, Chairman-
Dept. of Mech. Eng.
Cryptanalysis Study Group: Be-
cause of the Mathematics Tea, the
next meeting of this course will be
Friday, July 10th from 4 to 6 p.m.,
in 3010 Angell Hall. The remaining
meetings will be on Thursdays, from
4 to 6, as agreed.
A. H. Copeland.
Make-up examination for Geology
11 final will be given Monday, Ju1'
13. All students interested please
register with Geology Secretary in
Room 2051 Natural Science Build-
ing not later than Thursday noon,

English Literature. Beginnings to
1550, Aug. 1.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations should notify Professor
N. E. Nelson, 3223 Aigell Hall, by
July 15.
Events Toddy
Women in Education. First week-
ly luncheon for Women in Educa-
tion will be Wednesday. July 8. in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan
League from 11:45 to 1:00. Our
guests will be Mrs. Brl Bacher. Dean
of Women in the Summer Session
and Dr. Margaret Eliott Tracy, Pro-
fessor of Personnel Management and
Professor of Economics who will dis-
cuss some aspects of the problem,
"Women in auCountry at War."
Come when you can and meet Dr.
Tracy. Mrs. Bacher, and other wo-
men interested in Education.
Mabel E. Rugen.
Men's Education Club will meet In
the Union at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday.
Professor A. D. Moore will entertain
with a Juggling act and Col. William
A. Ganoe of the R.O.T.C. will talk
on the subject "Wither.." Refres-
ments will be served.
Co-recreational softball game or-
ganization. All interested are invit-
ed. 7:30 p.m. Terrace of W.A.B.
Kay Buszek, W.A.A. Publicity.
Wesley Foundation: Tea and in-
formal open house for all Methodist
students and friends this afternoon
from 4:90 to 5:30 in the student
lounge at the church. Come in and
get acquainted.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends this afternoon at Har-
ris Hall, 4:00 to 5:15. Evening Pray-
er will follow at 5:15 in Bishop Wil-
liams Chapel. Tom Johnson will be
in charge.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Commun-
ion' Thursday morning at 7:10 in
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris HW1.
Informal Coffee Hour, Wednes lay,
July 8 at 4:30 p.m. given by the
Graduate Student Council. All Fac-
ulty members, Graduate students and
their friends are cordially invited to
"The Rivals," initial offering of
the fourteenth season of the Michi-
gan Repertory Players of the depart-
ment of speech, opens tonight at 8:0
and continues through Saturdy
evening. Six distinguished plays will
be offered by the Players this sum-
mer and season tickets as well s
tickets for individual performances
are on sale daily at the box office,
Mendelssohn Theater.
Speech Students: The Designer's
Contribution to Production- will be
the subject of Mr. Howard Bay
talk at the second departmental as-
sembly on Wednesday at 3 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
speech students should attend.
Mr. Eldon Mason, Field representa-
tive for the JuniorRed Cross of St.
Louis will give a lecture in the Un-
versity High Schol Auditorium,at
4:05 on Wednesday. The public is
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
will hold the first of its series of
four meetings Wednesday, July 8 at
the Rackham Lecture Hall, at 7:15
p.m. All those interested in regis-
tering for -positions of any type are
asked to be -present. There willbe
speakers at this meeting who 'will
discuss the opportunities in Govern-
ment services, defense jobs, and oth-



"Yeah!-I pledged to buy ten thousand bucks worth of war bonds,
/warden-I'm gettin' out on parole next week, ain't I?"



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