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July 08, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-08

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A it

Chislers, Cheats, Crooks, Riders
Sabotage American War Effort



2:15 A.M. FINAL

_ -_ _ i

FBI Launches
National Drive
Against Nazi
Bund Leaders
Convict Kuhn, Successor
Under Fire As U.S.
Moves To Wipe Out
Un-American Group
Members Accused
Of Draft Evasion
NEW YORK, July 7.-W)-Federal
agents launched a coast-to-coast
drive today to put the German-
Ameri an und "out of business."
A 1. gal attack was aimed at 54 of
the Bund's highest officers, including
Fritz Kuhn, foriner National Bund
leader nowin prison and his succes-
sor, Wilhelm Kunze, arrested in Mex-'
ico and returned to the United States
It reached into the states of ?ew
York, New Jersy, Pennsylvania, Illi-
nos, Minnesota, Indiana, Washing-
ton and California,
Twenty-six men were named in in-
dictmernss charging conspiracy to
evade the Selective Service Act and
conspiracy to counsel Bund members
to resist "service in the armed -forces
of the United States, and conspiracy
to conceal Bund affiliations in filling
out alien registration forms. Three
. more were acused of only the Se-
lective Service violation. All 29 were
In Feleral custody, P. E. Foxworth,
assistant FBI chief, said.
Kunze Indicted
Guarded by 25 FBI agents, eight
of those indicted or both counts (in-
cluding Kunze) pleaded innocent
when arraigned before Federal Judge
George C. Sweeney, who fixed bail
aggregating $95,000. He named July
28 for the trial.
The remainder-among them na-
tional an sectional officials and
principal leaders of the Bund-were
the object of denaturalization pro-
U.S. Attorney Mathias F. Correa
said that althwiuh the Bund was
nominally defunct since, the out-
break of war, numerous singing so-
cieties in the Yorkvlle section of New
York and- elsewhere had taken over
Bund activities and continued to fos-
ter Nazi beliefs. Such organizations'
would be investigated further, he1
Advance Reih Aims
The U.S. Attorney aid that under
the name of "a 'militant organiza-
tlon of free Americans" the Bund
sought to advance the political and
propaganda aims of the German
The government move struck1
Kuhn, who is serving a termfor
larceny, through denaturalization
Kunze, arraigned yesterday on a
charge of violating the Selective
Service Act for failure to report his
address, pleaded innocent today an
was held in bail of $50,000 by Federal
Judge George C.\Sweeney.
Prof. Pollock
Will Consider1
OrSoviet PlightE
our'attitude towards Russia and
her place in the world to come will

be discussed by Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science depart-
ment at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
In his' University lecture, "On Un-
derstanding )Russia," Prof. Pollock
will emphasize the necessity for our
acceptance of the Soviet Union as a
vitally important force in the world
adjustment to the present situation.
Main point of the talk will be the
fact that now that Russia is our ally,
and now that we have recognized
that country's vitality and impor-
tance, there is no reason why we can-E
not cooperate to form a better world,
despite ideological differences.-
Tomorrow's lecture will be the
fourth in the University summer lec-
ture series.
Post-War .Council '
Will Hear Brumm
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-3
nalism department and William1

FDR Warns Of Possible
Requisition Of All Tires
Hopes That Extreme Measures May Be Avoided
But Remains Determined To Save Nation '

Nazis Sustain Enormous Losses'
But Drive Deeper Into Don Basin;
Battle Rages Over VitalRailroad

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 7.-President
Roosevelt said today it might become
necessary to requisition .all the auto-
mobile tires in the country, if war-
time conditions grow more acute, but
made it clear that he was hope-
ful that such exertene action could
be avoided.
Scrap rubber collections had im-
proved, he said, but it was still too
early to estimate their effect upon
the situation. The drive teas enab-
ling officials to find out more def-
initely just what rubber stocks they
could count upon, he added, and it
was already apparent that scrap was
not a cure-all.
Mr. Roosevelt spoke at hiis first
press conference. since June 16, be-
fore Winston Churchill's recent visit.
He seemed rested and refreshed de-
spite the heavy burdens of the Presi-
dency in war time, and in high and
amiable'spirits. He leaned back in
his chair, tipped his cigaret holder to
its characteristic jaunty tilt and ex-
Annual Foreign
Students' Fete
Set For Todav
International Center Plans
For Summer Reception;
Dr. Liu To Be Honored
The International Center's annual
Summer Reception will be held from
8 p.m.-to 10:30 p.m. today at the
Center, it was announced by Robert
Klinger, acting counselor to foreign
Honored guest at this year's Re-
ception is Dr. B. A.. Liu, research as-
sociate and assistant to the Director
of the China Institute in America,
the foundation interested in Chinese
students in America which has re-
cently been granted a large endow-
ment by the Chinese and United
States governments for scholarships
and fellowships for Chinese students.
Given in honor of foreign students,
the Reception is the only social event
of the summer in which a large num-
ber of foreign students have the op-
portunity to meet members of the
faculty, American students and
The occasion is of particular in-
terest this year because the percent-
age of the students born outside con-
tinental United States in relation to
the total sumhner enrollment is
greater than in any other term in the
Race Committee
To Meet In Union
The Race Relations Committee will
hold an organizational meeting at
8 p.m. today in the Union for the
purpose of electing officers, deciding
on publicity methods and planning
the summer program.
Arrangements will also be under-
taken for an address by Rev. Horace
White of Detroit on "Fifth Column
Activities Against the Negro" to be
delivered next Wednesday.

changed banter with the correspond-
This buoyant mood left him at one
point, however, when the reporters
questioned hir closely on the rubber
and gasoline problem and he 'an-
swered, with unconcealed sharpness,
that he was trying to save the na-
tion, not gasoline and rubber.
It was at this point that he added
a statement' that if the war should
grow worse it might be necessary for
the Government to commandeer pri-
vately owned tires. The Nation, he
said, was ready to make any sacrifice
in this emergency period.
There was no discussion as to what
provision might be made for the
motorist whose car would become
virtually worthless at present if his
tires were removed, or of other prob-
lems which would arise from such a
The President repyrted that no
decision has yet been reached on the
question of nationwide gasoline ra-
tioning as a tire conservation meas-
ure and said he still was hopeful
that it might be possible to separate,
the gasoline problem from the rub-
ber problem.
As for gasoline rationing, he re-
marked that if he lived near an oil
well and had a car with good tires
and needed it for his business, he
would not be able to see why he
should be forbidden the use of the
readily available gasoline.
At the War Production Board,
officials who have cohsistntly fav-
ored gasoline rationing as a rubber
saving device would make no com-
ment on Mr. Roosevelt's remarks.
Belated Farm
Move Passed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 7.-Congress
belatedly passed and sent to the
White House today stop-gap legisla-
tion giving the Agriculture Depart-
mentabout $56,000,00 for July oper-
ations and permitting the sale of
government-controlled grain at sub-
parity prices this month pending the
enactment of a fixed policy on this
controversial issue in the regular ap-
propriation bill.
The Department technically had
been without funds since the.new fis-
cal year started last Wednesday but
quick Presidential approval of the
stop-gap was expected in time to en-
able the Department to meet pay-
rolls due tomorrow for 9,000 odd em-
ployes here.
The House passed the legislation
first and the Senate, before acting
on it, passed another measure to
authorize government loans on six
majors farm crops at full parity. If
the loan bill becomes law, farmers
could borrow 38 cents more on a
bushel . of wheat than the present
market price of about95.7 cents, and
15 cents more on corn, which aver-
aged 81.9 cents June 15. The Sen-
ate's vote on this bill was 28 to 24.
House farm bloc spokesmen pre-
dicted it woud be vetoed if finally
-passed by thr House. In any event,
they said, it would not affect the de-
partmental supply bill.

Funeral Services To Be Held
Today For Professor Reeves

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Funeral services for Jesse S.
Reeves, the University of Michigan's
former chairman of the political sci-
ence department and a distinguished
scholar in internatibnal law, will be
held at 2:30 p.n'. foday at St. An-
drews Episcopal Church.
Dr. Reeves died a 2 a.m. yesterday
at his home following an illness of
two yeats. He had resigned his post
on the University faculty last Febru-
He was 70 years old.
Born in Indiana in 1872, Dr. Reeves
attended college i Indiana, Ohio
and Massachusetts, receiving his un-
dergraduate degree from Amherst
College. He began teaching in 1891
at Johns Hopkins University in
Maryland where he received his doc-
torate degree three years later.
In 1897 Dr. Reeves wa admitted
to the Indiana bar and practiced law
in his home town until he returned
to Johns Hopkins as a lecturer in
1905. He joined the faculty of Dart-
mouth College in 1907 as an associate
professor and served there until he
was called by the University of Mich-
igan to fill the chairman's post of
the political science department in
Dr. Reeves held an American mem-
bership to the Pan-American Com-
mission of Jurists in 1925. In 1930
he was made technical adviser to
the American delegation to The
Hague Conference for the todifica-
tion of international law.
Dr. Reeves was first initiated to
international law as it worked in
action when, in 1920, he srved as a
member of the board of advisers to
Spaatz Named
For Command
'Flying General' To Head
Airmen In Europe
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 7.-Major General
Carl (Toughie) Spaatz, a flying gen-,
eral who was a hero of the fledgling
American Air Force in the World
War and who piloted the"Question
Mark" to its historic endurance rec-
ord in 1929, has been appointed Com-
mander In Chief of the United
States Army Air Forces in the Euro-
pean theatre of war.
General Spaatz, a Pennsylvania
redhead who has been an Army ca-
reer man for 32 of his 51 years, has
been in charge here since June. His
appointment was announced only to-
day as he conferred Distinguished
Flying Crosses on three of the Amer-
ican airmen who participated in the
Fourth of July bombing of German-
held Holland.
Those he decorated for the war's
first American raid on German-held
Western Europe were Second Lieut.
Randall M. Dorton, Jr., of Long
Beach, Calif., and Sergeants Robert
L. Golay of Fredonia, Kan., and Ben-
nie C. Cunningham of Tupelo, Miss.
They were the crew of the, Douglas
Boston bomber piloted by Capt.
Charles C. Kegelman of El Reno,
Okla., who already has been awarded
the Distinguished Service Cross for
bringing his plane home despite
damage from German anti-aircraft
fire so heavy that the machine actu-
ally fell to the ground.
General Spaatz' headquarters to-
day also announced the names of the
20 other participants in the raid,
eight of them missing since two of
the six American-manned planes
were shot down.
No 'Daily' On Monday,
T uesday-Believe Us
Contrary to the stated beliefs of
some 500 million needle-voiced
complainants, The Daily does not
publish on either Monday or

There is no intentional slight on
the part of the carrier who does
not deliver a Daily to the Kappa

German Tanks, Infantry Hurl Russian
Forces Back To Defensive Positions
Near Staryi Oskol, Moscow Reports
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Wednesday, July 8.-The German army, despite stubborn
Russian resistance, has driven still deeper into the Don Basin southwest of
Staryi Oskol, the Soviet midnight communique said today.
Red Army forces in this sector "retired to previously prepared defense
lines" after a smashing attack by 200 German tanks and a large infantry
force, the communique acknowledged.
Another violent battle was said to be continuing west of Voronezh, on
,the vital Moscow-Rostov railway,


the Institute of Politics. Delegates
from all parts of the world met at
Williamstown, Mass., during 4that
A former lecturer at the Academy
of International Law at The Hague,
Turn 'To Page 3, Col. 4
Sheridan Play
Opens Theatre
The Michigan Repertory Players
will ring up the Lydia Mendelssohn
curtain at 8:30 p.m. today on the,
initial offering of their 14th season,
"The Rivals," nearly a century and
a half after its author, 24-year-old
R. B. Sheridan, penned his first and
perennially popular play.
Sheridan's witty satire on English
society contains a whole gallery of
characters which 'have become house-
hold words. Cast as the tangle-/
tongued Mrs. Malaprop, whose "de-
rangement of epithets" is a never
failing source of amusement, is Clar-
ibel Baird, professor of speech in the
Oklahoma College for Women, ap-
pearing with the R epertory Players
for her sixth seson. Mrs. Baird,
slated to direct "Letters to Lucerne,
fourth play of th* 1942 season, was
star of last year's "George Washing-,
ton Slept Here."
William Altman, '42, fresh from
successes in "The Contrast," "Under
the Gaslight" and "Jim Dandy," and
William Kinzer, Grad., lauded for
performances in Margin for Error,"
"The Critic" and "What a Life," ap-
pear as the irate parent Anthony and
the blockhead Bob Acres, respective-
ly. Jim Bob Stephenson, '43, star of
"The Bluebird," plays the hero, Capt.
Turn To Page 3, Col. 2

British Force
Southern Flank
Back In Egypt
Rommel's Move Changes
Qattara - Mediterranean
Front To Huge Curve
CAIRO, July 7. -(AP)- The Axis
front in the Qattara-Mediterranean
corridor was bent back on the south-
ern, flank under Allied pressure to-
day while the weary ground forces
left it to the cannoneers to keep the;
battle aliye in the 120-degree desert
heat anf to Allied Air Forces strik-
ing deep on the enemy supply lines.
The tactical nature of the new
Axis position was not entirely clear,
but it was surmised that the wily
Marshal Erwin Rommel had pulled,
his harried southern forces back to
the westward to form a great are of
defense extending from his left flank
on the seashore.
The net result was that the front
facing squarely to the east had been
somewhat shortened and curved to
prevent British tanks from cutting
into Rommel's rear as they did in
saving El Alamein last week in the
first phase of the battle to save Alex-
andria, some 70 miles distant.
The battle of El Alamein had died
down and the ground forces were en-
gaged only sporadically.
Personnel Needs
To Be Discussed
Norbert A. McKenna, assistant pro-
curement director of the Army Quar-
termaster Corps Motor Transport
Service, will speak at 7:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall,-giving
information about the civilian per-
sonnel needs of the Motor Service
and the opportunities for employ-
ment in government work.
The talk is sponsored by the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, which is
helping the government to recruit
employes necessary for the war ef-

northeast of Staryi Oskol.
There was no indication in the
communique that the Germans had
advanced in the Voronezh sector, but
a supplement issued by the Soviet
Information Bureau said "our artil-
lery and infantry for two days de-
fended one village against superior
enemy forces." This appeared to in-
dicate the village had been given up.
1,0Q0 Germans Killed
At the approaches of this village,
the supplementary communique said,
the Germans lst more than 1,000
men in killed alone and in another
sectorsof the Voronezh front 700Ger-
mans were killed in a combined tank
and infantry attac.
Commenting on the violence of
the fighting in the Staryi Oskol sec-
tor, the communique said:
"Eighty German tanks were dis-
abled. Enormous losses were likewise
sustained by enemy infantry. Our
nen mowed down the Hitlerites by
point-blank machine gun, automatic
rifle and rifle fire."
Nazis Claim Voronezh"
(The German High Command said
the city of Voronezh had fallen in a
drive 130 miles east of Kursk and 60
miles beyond the high-water inark
of Germany's 1941 advance. From
Voronezh, the German command
said, the advance was continuing
ioward Povorino on a secondary
Moscow-to-Caucasus railway con-
nection 140 miles farther east.
(The official French News Agency
reported in Vichy that the Red Army
had launched a violent counterattack
against the ,southern flank of the-
Nazi wedge, striking toward Kharkov
from Izyum and Kupyansk, and
pushing the Germans back across
the Krasnaya River.)
Bloody Fighting
The Russians announced officially
that their Don River defense line
had been rolled back west of Voro-
nezh by sheer weight of Nazi men
and metal in some of the bloodiest
fighting of the war.
"Our troops evacuated a number
of populated places," a communique
Grad Cournil
Opens Social
kSeason Toda y-
A joint graduate student-faculty
coffee hour at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Building will open the
summer social program of the Grad-
duate Student Council.-
'Open to all grduate students and.
faculty in both Summer Term and
Summer 'Session, the weekly coffee
hours are planned to acquaint grad-
uate students with the faculty and
students from other departments.
.No admission fee is charged.
First in a series of bi-weekly dances
will be the Graduate Student Mixer,
to be held in the Rackham Ballroom
and Terrace, 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday.
Refreshments will be provided and
game rooms will be available to stu-
dents who do not wish to dance.
Students are urged to come ,singly
or in couples. Admission will be 25c
per person, with a special discount
rate of 40c a couple.
Noted Scenic Artist
To Discuss Design
Howard Bay, newly-inaugurated
president of the Scenic Artists Union
of America and a Summer Session
faculty member in the speech depart-

Good News On The Diamond:
Wolverine Nine Cops Summer
Season Opener With 5-0 Victory

Fetch Me My Garand!
American Leaguers Smother
Service Stars In 5-0 Victory

Michigan's baseball nine, summer
version, inaugurated their new sched-
ule a as they trounced a fast-
stepping King-Seeley nine of the lo-
cal hardball league by a 5-0 count.
Coach Ray Fisher's lads left little to
be desired in their opener, consid-
ering the short time in which the old
Vermont Wizard and his aide-de-
camp Chief Andrews had to work.
Once more, however, Fisher has pro-
duced a snappy ball club which
should develop with experience. ,
Spotlight honors of the evening
went to pitcher Jack Retinger, who
by Fisher's own admission is not
yet in shape. Retinger, a graduate
student, not only shut out King-
Seeley, but he set the hard-hitting
industrialists, down with only five
hits, four of which were of the scratch

Rossbach for seven hits and five
runs. The Maize and Blue salted the
game away in the first inning with
a three run rally as Schupe walked
the first three men to face him. A
double by Bob Chappius, who played
a bangup game behind the bat, and
a long fly by Bob Vernier drove in
three tallies. In the second frame
Michigan added another marker on
a walk, an error, and a fly. In the
sixth Tommy Higgins, John Mikul-
ich, and Howard Wikel successively
singled off Rossbach to produce the
Varsity's final score.
On offense the big guns in the
Varsity attack were Mikulich with
two hits in two trips as well as a
pair of passes and Higgins who had
two bingles in three tries. Defensive-
ly the Wolverines performed excep-
tionally well as the team, inexperi-

July 7.-(P)-The American League's
mighty All-Stars refused to be awed
even by the Army and Navy tonight
and smothered the baseball stars of
the two services 5 to 0 before a crowd
of more than 62,094.
Jim Bagby, Feller's former team-
mate with the I1ldians, was Manager
Joe McCarthy's selection to open for
the American League and he received
credit for the victory.
The American League's first blast
The meeting of all advanced
ROTC members will be held in
the Natural Science Auditortym
instead of the Union as originally
All freshmen and sophomores
interested in working on the ad-
ministrative staff of the Student
Senate are requested to attend the

against Feller came with one out in
the opening frame. Tom Henrich
singled, Ted Williams waited out a
walk and then Joe DiMaggio, after
receiving a mixed chorus of boos
and cheers, cracked a hot single on
the ground into center to score Hen-
rich and send Williams loping to
third. Rudy York hit a great arching
fly to Grace in deep right and Wil-
liams hurried home after the catch.
Feller, wno looked gaunt and ten
pounds under his weight before he
enlisted in the Navy, squeezed ott of
the jam by getting Bobby Doerr to
pop a foul to Andres.
But his respite was brief because
Ken Keltner boomed the first pitch
in the second inning over Pat Mul-
lin's head in deep center for a triple
and Warren (Buddy) Rosar, the
Yankee catcher, singled to left.
Rigney then came in, put out the
fire, held the American Leaguers to
three hits in five innings Firann vr

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