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Edited and mlnaged by students of the University of
[ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
f Student Publications.
The Summer Dalyis published every morning except
onday and Tuesday.
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Jenber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
I Editorial Staff -
WASHINGTON-On March 13, this column
warned that in addition to aluminum shortage
No. 1, the nation might face aluminum shortage
No. 2 through inability to get bauxite (the raw
material for aluminum) from Dutch Guiana be-
cause of submarine sinkings.
It hasn't leaked out yet, but On Aug. 7, WPB's
Arthur Bunker appeared before a WPB materials
meeting and yelled to high heaven because the
aluminum industry was not getting enough baux-
ite. Too many ships are being sunk.
It also never leaked out, but one year pre-
viously Arthur Bunker had flatly opposed any
other source of bauxite except Dutch Guiana.
When WPB's Bill Elliott warned him of a ship-
ping shortage in the Caribbean, Bunker replied:
"As long as my brother can ship sugar from
Cuba, I'm going to ship bauxite from Dutch
Arthur Binker, former vice-president of Leh-
man Brothers, long has been stamped as a good
friend of the Aluminum Company; as favoring
its process of making aluminum from high grade
Guiana bauxite rather than from low grade
bauxite or aluminum clays which are plentiful
inside the U.S*A.
For weeks, competitors of the Aluminum Com-
pany camped in WPB offices trying to persuade
Bunker, William Batt, and Z. Jeffries of Gen-
eral Electric that the United States should not
put all its aluminum eggs in one "basket"-the
high grade bauxite imported from abroad, but
should also use the German, French, Russian
lime soda process by which aluminum is smelted
from low grade ores.
The Royal Run-Around
However, Alcoa's competitors got the royal
run-around. Professor Grenville Holden, now
with OPA, longtime friend of Alcoa, frankly said:
"If you want a hat you go to a hat store. If
you want aluminum you go to the Aluminum
Company of America."
However, inside fact- is that the Aluminum-
Company is now frantically asking Jesse Jones'
Defense Plants Corporation for $54,000,000 with
which to convert its plants to low grade bauxite,
as proposed by Alcoa's competitors several
months ago. This $54,000,000 is to be used for
Arkansas and Georgia ores.
So far Alcoa has been very careful not to get
into the smelting of aluminum clay. This is
found all over the United States and is so plenti-
ful in some areas that widespread development
probably would break Alcoa's hitherto airtight
monopoly on the aluminum business.
However, Secretary Ickes, no lover of the
Aluminum Company, has his Bureau of Mines
working on pilot plants to smelt aluminum clays
in the Far West. And it may be that even the
reluctant big business friends of Alcoa in WPB
eventually will come around to the aluminum
clay urged on them months ago.
Note: The aluminum shortage is one reason
why Henry J. Kaiser is given the run-around
in building giant cargo planes. Aluminum short-
age No. 1 was caused when Alcoa experts
blandly assured Ed Stettinius that the country
needed no more aluminum facilities. Shortage
No. 2 is being caused by Alcoa's earlier insis-
tence on using only high grade bauxite from
Dutch Guiana across the submarine infested
Capital Chaff
Naval Lieutenant Barry Bingham, publisher
of the Louisville Courier-Journal, will go to
London, where his father was the late much-
loved ambassador, to handle naval press rela-
tions for Admiral Stark.
mer Swander . . . . - Managing Na
l SappC . . . . . . . City Ed
Ie Dann . . . . . Sports Edi
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff
ward Perlberg . . . . Business Mane
ed M. Ginsberg . .Associate Business Mane
orton Hunter publications Mara
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Censorship Rules
Should lBe Revised. .
NE of the most confused issues in the
nation today is that of censorship.
Countless examples of ridiculous inconsistency
and misunderstanding are to be found, and all
the various bureaus in Washington can do is to
issue patchwork bulletins. And still we find re-
currence of such misunderstandings in similar,
but not specifically like cases.
The instances of censorship troubles are nu-
merous. A Collier's correspondent who toured
the country making a general survey of war
progress found that local publications were print-
ing stories that, circulated nationally, would
caise a country-wide scandal. He found com-
pilations of facts about war plants that included
individual items passed by th censor while stor-
ies about the individual items were cut.
QOME foreign correspondents get away with
" what is practically murder in detailed de-
scription of fighting units that staff men at
home would not consider using. Such was the
case of Detroit tanks.'
The Army and Navy refuse tQ abide by cen-
sorship office decisions, and often will forbid
printing of something passed by the censors-
sometimes far too late. This leads to friction
not only between the newspapers concerned and
the military censorship branches, but also to
inter-governmental friction.
T LQOKS TO US as if a thorough revision is
necessary. First, the Army, Navy, and civilian
censorship offices should confer and lay down
a broad general policy which covers practically
all questionable cases. Once agreed on a maxi-
mum point of censorship, the two should confer
on exceptions as they arise, and gradually relax
regulations in specific cases. Then instead of
patching up after a few horses are out of the
barn, the various censorship offices could always
be assured of having their general policy cover
all situations until a definite decision could be
We are personally of the opinion that there
has been too much censorship of militay action
after it has already taken place, and too little
censorship of information about war plants.
But, however the proper officials decide that
question, we must ask for a unified, broad, con-
sistent, all-inclusive plan which will prevent in-
adequate or arbitrary rulings.
- Hale Champion
~o re-B elisha
FOr Prime Minister. .
A NY STATEMENT about the sad
plight of the world is an under-
statement. These are days of Darkness and
Certainly it makes one no happier to read that
the British Imperial Army has at last won a de-
cisive victory, even though it be against so pow-
erful a foe as the invincible legions of Mohandas
K. Gandhi. Or the farcical display of one de-
feated general replaced by another defeated
general of equally high social status is hardly
conducive to over-optimism.
But then, the ways of British diplomacy-to
say almost nothing of its imperialism-are in-
scrutable Historians would have to dig deeply
into their ancient archives to match, for exam-
ple, the political prostitution that has charac-
terized modern "left-wing" Britishers in the
official cabinet positions. Who can forget the
* Armamerift Criticism Unqualified
THE QUESTION of the comparative effective-
ness of the Jap's Zero fighter plane and our
own fighters is receiving a good deal of attention
these days from those who may be considered
experts in aebonautics, and those for whom the
term expert must be qualified by inclusion with-
in quotation marks, The Zero is being praised
for its speed, climbing power and maneuverabil-
ity. Our fighter planes are being condemned for
their relative lack of speed, climbing power
and maneuverability. Little is said regarding the
superior armament of our craft, or the fact
that a few mach'ine gun bullets can destroy the
virtually unarmored Zero.
The Japs have sacrificed armament to achieve
other characteristics; we have sacrificed other
characteristics to achieve protection for our
fliers. No plane-or for that matter, no weapon-
can achieve pre-eminence in one quality with-
out a ,corresponding sacrifice in some other
quality. If we want superior speed, we must,
cut down the weight that superior armament
entails, and so on through all the list of desirable
characteristics. It may be that the Japs have
worked out a combination of factors that
make their Zero superior; but the fact re-
mains that our fighter planes have, on many
occasions, put Zeros out of action, and re-
turned home safely, bearing bullet scars that
would have meant the end of a Zero.
should be indulged in by qualified critics.
Such criticism can provide the stimulus es-
sential to giving our men the best weapons
method of absorption, Churchill has eliminated
-one by one-nearly all his political opponents:
Bevin, Greenwood, Atlee, Sinclair, Cripps and
their compatriots. This must be said qualifiedly;
there is at least one mAn of genuine importance
who ,has refused either t' be squelched or
scotched or-worse yet-absorbed. He is M. P.
Leslie Hore-Belisha, a man standing out in bas-
relief against the background of muddling Brit-
ish bureaucracy. .
In 1939 he dared to defy Neville Chamberlain.
As War Secretary he dared to demand a demo-
cratized .army-one finally denuded of its rigid
caste system. He realized then-as Churchill
has not realized or will not realize-that we can't
fight the warriors of today who use weapons of
tomorrow with the tactics of yesterday and mili-
tary officers who do not even adequately apply
those tactics. Hore-Belisha is no longer War
Secretary. Yet as recently as July 15 of this
year he said: "Unless we drastically eradicate
the shortcomings of organization and personnel
the same causes (of failure) will continue until
it is too late to avoid disaster."
HERB is the spokesman of the Liberal Party.
He has consistently and unmistakably been
correct in his views. He still is today. The pom-
pous, aristocratic old fogies who too often dom-
inate this war on the British fronts, should not
dominate them on all of the potential United
Nations fronts.
It.i primarily for these reasons that this
writer suggests the United States exert all the
considerable influence of its public opinion in
backing Leslie Hore-Belisha for the Prime Min-
that can be produced; but some criticism will
not set well with those who have tenacious
memories. We refer specifically to the following
statement from the editorial page of the Chica-
go Tribune of Aug. 6. Referring to the. new Re-
public P-47 Thunderbolt and the Vought-Si-
korsky F4U Corsair, the Tribune said:
"These are planes of the sort which this
country should have had ready for its pilots
when we went' into the war."
numbers, we would have had to put them in
production in 1939 or 1940,. And what was
the Tribune saying about military aircraft as
late as 1940?
On March 16, 1940, the Tribune in its edi-
torial columns asserted:
"Our own interests dictate that this country
suspend its purchase of military and naval air-
craft. . . .If we do buy now, we will only fill our
hangers with planes that will be obsolete by
the time they are delivered." That was what the
Tribune was preaching in March, 1940.
"T HE DELAY AND NEGLECT can be attri-
buted to incompetence, confusion, and fri-
volousness in Washington," the Tribune now de-
clares. But on March 31, 1940, the Tribune pro-
claimed editorially:
"The world's largest bomber recently an-
nounced with great fanfare at Washington will
be obsolete before it ever takes the air."
Thus if we had followed the Tribune's advice
in 1940, we would have acquired no airplanes
whatever. That we had any planes to put in
the air on Dec. 7, and in the interim before we
got into big-scale production, is due to the
fact that the chiefs of our armed forces took
the advice of the Tribune in this matter at
its face value-which can be represented by
the same symbol that the Japs use to desig-
nate their fighter plane.
-Chicago News
Patent Probe
Should Be Continued .. .
TIHE WAR is again being used to
further the interests of big busi-
ness, with pressure groups forcing spspension of
a Congressional patent probe on the grounds
that the investigation would hurt the war effort.
At the same time that a suit against General
Electric for monopolizing the incandescent light-
ing field was dropped because GE officials sup-
posedly could not spare time and attention to
the case, that company was spending a good
deal of time trying to convict a competitor of
an infringement of patent rights. If GE wins
the suit, the Hygrade Co. will not be able to
continue making lamps for war plants unless
licensed by General Electric, and even then out-
put would be restricted.
We can understand why GE would rather
spend several months preparing a case that
would remove a competitor from the field than
defend itself against charges which would take
away its monopoly position. But the position
of the government should not be one that will
VOL. LII No. 47-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 pm. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv-
ice Examinations:
School Principal I; September 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Insurance Executive IV; Sept. 2,
1942; $325 to $385 per month.
Journalist I; Sept. 2. 1942; $155 to
$193 per month.
Right of Way Assistant I; Sept. 2,
1942; $155 to $195 per month.
Right of Way Assistant II; Sept.
2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Attending Institution Dentist II;
Sept. 2, 1942: $200 to $240 per month.
Resident Institution Dentist II;
Sept. 2. 1942; $200 to $240 per month.
Public Health Dentist IV; Sept. 2,
1942; $325 to $385 per month.
Public Health Dentist V; Sept. 2,
1942; -$400 to $500 per month.
H-ospital Physician V; Sept. 12,
1942; $400 to $500 per month.
Hospital Physician VI;. Sept. 12,
1942; $525 to $625 per month.
Further information may be had
from the notices which.are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Opportunities for men and women
in the Bureau of Ships, Navy Depart-
ment. A request has been received
for names and addresses of men and
women' with one or more years of
college work in engineering or
science, and for women interested
in clerical work. The positions about
to be opened are in the United States
Bureau of Ships and are civilian in
character. Anyone interested is in-
vited to seek further informaton at
the War Information Center, 1009
Angell Hall.
Commissions as Instructors in the
Navy Department. The Navy De-
partment has requested a list of men
between the ages of twenty-five and
forty years who are qualified to teach
physics or chemical, Diesel, electrical,
mechanical, or radio engineering.
Commissions are available for those
who meet physical and other qualifi-
cations. The minimum vision re-
quirement is 12/20, each eye, cor-
rected to 20/20 with glasses. Anyone
interested should leave his name with
the Chairman of the Departmen of
Physics or with the Chairman of any
of the engineering departments men-
tioned. Prompt action is essential.
War Information Center.
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
Discontinuance Of Cartel
Investigation /Unjusti fed
It would be hard to find a lamer
excuse than has been given for drop-
ping the investigation of the Senate
Patents Committee's investigation of
cartels and patent monopolies. To
say' that continuation of the investi-
gation would hurt our war effort is
sheer nonsense.
For anyone in Washington to talk
tha way is to betray a complete lack
of understanding of what this war
is about and what the American
people want to come out of it.
The war effort isn't going to be
hurt by exposure of the interna-
tional agreements and trickeries of
men whose sole interest is profits. It
is going to be hurt-and infinitely
more so-if the American people be-
gin to lose faith in the determination
of their leaders to make this a peo-
ple's war and a people's victory and
not a monopolists' war and a monop-
olists' victory.
If you want to get the full impact
of this dropping of the patents' in-
vestigation, go back to the news-
papers of a few weeks and months
ago. Then the whole shocking story
of the agreements between some of
cur biggest industries and Nazi-
dominated German firms was re-
We learned then what it cost us in
dollars and cents and, what is more
important, what it cost us in na-
tional preparedness to play ball with
Hitler's businessmen. There was big
talk, too, of how all this would be
done away with and legislation
adopted to prevent its repetition.
Now that's all gone up in smoke.
Further investigations have been
stifled and the prospect of remedial
legislation is doubtful.
This is not democracy at its best.
And this is no time-even if some
people get hurt in the process-to
weaken our faith in democracy.
We've got two wars to win, one
abroad and the other at home. Both
are interwoven and we can't win
I 'I , P. - 0, 'I 1" 1. 0. . " , IN
purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317t
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regulari
janitors is available to collect ther
campus deliveries. Service of the
materials from the various rooms inr
the buildings to be delivered to thet
receiving location.f
E. C. Pardont
To Purchasers of War Bonds: Those
who have pledged 10% of their an-
nual income for the purchase of WarI
Bonds, either under the University's
payroll savings plan, or otherwise,
are entitled to a special button and
sticker. These may be obtained at'1
Investment Office, 100 South Wing,,
University Hall.
University Committee on ;
Sale of War Bonds and Stamps
The University of Appointmenits
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
Junior Inspector, Wage and Hour
Division, U.S. Department of Labor,
Salary : $2,000.
Appointments will be made only of
legal or voting residents of Region 8,
l Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississl pi,
and Region'10, Michigan, Ohio, and
Boone, Kenton, and Campbell Coun-
ties in Kentucky.
Applicants must have had two
years of experience providing famil-
iarity with business methods and rec-
ords, or accountancy school, law
school, or college study may be sub-
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Notice of Positions Notification
received by the Bureau regarding
Government or industrial posiions-
which are usually published in the
D.O.B. will be posted until the end
of the semester on the North bulletin
board in University Hall. Please
watch this space for announcements.
University Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for, Samuel
James Eldersveld; field: Political
Science; thesis: "A Study of Urban
Electoral Trends in Michigan, 1920-
1940," will be held onCThursday, Au-
gust 20, in East Council Room,
Rackham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
J. K. Pollock.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
Notice to Men Students: All men
students living in approved rooming
houses, who expect to move from
their present quarters, must give no-
tice of intention to move in writing to
the Office of the Dean of Students
on or before noon on Saturday, Sep-
tember 26, and rent shall be com-
puted to include Friday, September
25. Forms for the above purpose may
be secured at Room 2 University Hall.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend tentative Summer Ses-
sion graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts
and the School of Education for De-
partmental Honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, before Au-
gust 21, 1942. Recommendations for
Summer Term graduates should be
filed not later than the 25th of Sep-
ternity Council announces the'con-
viction and fining of three frater-
nities for infractions of initiation
One fraternity was fined thirty
dollars for failing to submit requests
to initiate, and two fraternities were
fined twenty dollars each for failing
to call for the requests after they
had been checked.
This action is to serve as a warn-
ing that ignorance of the correct
procedure will no longer be toler-
Students who have competed in
the summer Hopwood contests should
call for ltheir manuscripts at the
Hopwood Room Friday afternoon or
Saturday morning.
Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; College of
Architecture and Design; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; School of Music, and
School of Public Health:
Class lists for use in reporting
Summer Session grades of under-
graduate students enrolled in these
units, and also graduate students in
the Schools of Forestry and Conser-
vation, Music, and Public Health,
were mailed MondayeAugusth 17
Anyone failing to receive theirs
should notify the Registrar's Office,
Miss Day, phone 582, and duplicates
will be prepared for them.
All Women Interested in Living in
the Women's Student Cooperatives
this fall are requested to fill out ap-
plication blanks at the Dean of Wo-
men's office before noon on Monday,
August 24th. An interviewing meet-
ing will be held at 7:30 that evening
at 909 East University which you
are expected to attend.
Registrants-Notice: All students
in the summer session who are regis
tered with the Bureau are reminded
that they should give us a change
of address and telephone before leav-
ing the campus. Also, anyone who
has accepted a position should notify
the Bureau immediately. Anyone
having blanks out, please return
them immediately either filled out
or in blank form.
Students who will finish in Sep-
tember should also keep the Bureau
posted on current address and tele-
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Events Today
Latin American Tea: A farewell
tea party in honor of a group of La-
tin American students who took part
in the Summer Session will take
place Thursday, August 20 from 4
to 6 p. m. at the International Center.
All of the members of the Society
and anyone else interested in Latin-
American activities are invited to
attend. South American music and
songs will be played during the occa-
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open for visitors tonight
August 20, from 9 to 11 p.m. for ob-
servation of THE MOON. The pub-
lic is invited. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
.The Post-War Conference presents
an open forum Thursday night, Au-
gust 20, at 7:55 p. in., in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan Lea-
gue. The general topics will be the
problems facing the United States
immediately after the war. A num-
ber of definite questions have been
prepared which have been published
in the Daily. There will be no ntro-
duction and every one on the floor is
urged to express an opinion.
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"This is a lot better than cooking-you just follow the recipe anq
hear no crack> from your husband about it not being like mother
used to make!"
By Lichty