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August 20, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-20

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2:15 A.M. FINAL

Russians Holding
Stalingrad Line;
Retreat In South

Germans Win Krasnodar,
Suffer Numerous Losses
Of Troops,_Equipment
Soviet Bombers
Hit Baltic Ports
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Aug. 20 (Thursday).-
Russian troops have abandoned Kras-
nodar in the Western Caucasus in
an apparent retreat toward the Black
Sea base of Novorossisk, but the So-
viet communique early today said
there was no material change in the
Don River bend lines west of Stalin-
Forty-four German tanks were re-
ported destroyed and more than 1,150
Germans killed in fighting extending
from the Caucasian foothills in the
south td Leningrad on the Baltic.
"After stubborn battles during
which heavy losses were inflicted on
the enemy in men and equipment our
troops evacuated the town of Kras-
nodar," the communique said.
The Kuban River stronghold of
Krasnodar, which the Germans
claimed Aug. 9, is about 60 airline
miles from Novorossisk, Soviet Black
$ea naval base, and Russian troops
also were fighting south of Krasn9-
dar in an apparent westerly with-
drawal from the abandoned Maikop
oil fields.
Southeast Of Kletskaya
The communique located the Sta-
llngrad battle scene as ,still "south-
east of Kletskaya" in the Don River
bend, and "northeast of Kotelnikov-
ski." Kletskaya is 75 miles north-
west of the Volga industrial city, but
unofficial reports have said the Na-s
zis were theatening the western bnk
of the Don which ts only about 50t
miles from Stalingrad.,
Kotelnikovski is 95 miles south-i
west of Stalingrad.
The Russians said the Germanst
concentrated more than 100 tankss
nn one sector southeast of Kletskaya1
in an effort to crash through the
Soviet lines. Thirty-one of these werer
reported destroyed as well as 25v
trucks filled with Nazi troQps. Alto-f
e gether 400 Germans were killed inc
this single sector, the communiquec
added. .
Fight Through Nightl
The fighting on both approachest
to Stalingrad continued through the
In the Caucasian foothills Ru-c
sian troops still were battling grimlys
to check the German sweep throughs
Pyatigorsk toward the Grozny oil
fields beyond. 'Today's communique
indicated the Russian lines for the
moment were holding in this sector.t
Local fighting was reported on the
Leningrad-Volkhov front near the
Baltic. A German attempt to cross af
river in the area was declared to haver
been repulsed by Soviet artillery.
Attacked By Air
The Russians still had time to lashE
out by air at Germany proper. An
announcement last night said thatt
Soviet bombers had raided Danzig,E
Koenigsberg and Tilsitt on the Nazi-
held Baltic coast, setting a large
number of fires in all three cities_
without the loss of a single raider.
(British sources said in London
that stiffening Red Army resistance
finally was slowing the German drive
into the Caucasus, but that the Ger-
mans had reached the west bank of
the Don at its bend 50 miles from
U. S. Forces Buck
Japanese Thrusts
In Solomons Fight'
QUARTERS, Australia, Aug. 19.-(A)

-Fighting in the Solomon Islands,
which apparently had settled down
to a methodical extension of foot-
ERAL MacARTHUR, Australia,
Aug. 20.-(JP)-Allied planes at-
tacked Japanese warships in the
Northern Solomons yesterday in
continuing support of the U.S.
invasion forces in the southeast,
and the loss of the 10,000-ton
Australian cruiser Canberra was
disclosed officially today.

Succeeds Auchinleck

Gen. Harold Alexander, former
commander in Burma, has been
named British commander-in-chief'
in the Middle East. He succeeds
Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck.
Planes Sink f
Two U -B oat sf
By The Associated Press
RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 19 - Two
submarines were declared sunk off{
the Brazilian Coast, one other was
attacked and two more were sightedf
in the waters of the Wesern South
Atlantic in recent operations, totaled1
up late today as Brazil cleared the
sea lanes of all her merchant ship-
The most recently attacked subma-
rine was sunk early today ne r Bahia
where it was sighted by planes of
Brazil's coastal patrol. The sinking
occurred shortly after announcement1
of the destruction of a U-boat by a3
United States medium bomber, pi-
loted by Capt. Jack Lacey, U.S.A., off
the coat of Sergipe.
Radio report reaching here, sup-
posedly from British Guiana, told of
one submar ine attacked and another
sighted by Royal Air Force planes
yesterday in the West Indies.
In the face of the renewed and
concentratd attacks on subs which
have sunk five Brazilian ships _
three days, Brazil called all ships into
the nearest ports.
The government recalled all fur-
loughed soldiers and prepared Nava
forces for counter-blows on the sub-
marines, but there was no indication
01 an imrn diate declaration of war.
Authorities .had not gone beyond
a war ministry spokesman's state-
ment that Brazil stood at the gates1
of war or President Getulio Var-
gas' promise that unrestricted U-boatI
warfare would not go unanswered.
Labor Union
Sets Deadline
UAW-CIO Local Demands
RecognitionToday -
A deadline for recognition of th
UAW-CIO by the Precision Parts Co.
has been set for 11 a.m. today, and
unless that recognition is granted a
general meeting of all employes will
be called to determine future policy,.
A. J. Crance, head of the plant UAW-
CIO local said yesterday.,
"We want union recognition, the
closed shop and the checkoff now,
and unless we ket it the men will
leave for other shops where they
can get union representation, higher
wages and better conditions.
"It takes about three months for
the WLB to reach a decision in some-
thing like this, and by that time all
the men will have left."
An appeal for the closed shop and

Army Orders
To Terminate
1-B Draft Class
'Limited Service' Abolition
Brought About By Near
Exhaustion Of 1-A Pool
Group To Be Pt
In Either 1-A, 4-F
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-The Se-
lective Service System today abol-
ished its "limited service" class 1-B,
the group with minor physical de-
fects, and ordered all but the totally
unfit reclassified as available for
military service.
Nearing exhaustion of the pool of
1-A registrants, those free of any
known physical handicaps and not
deferred from active duty for any
other reason, , the Army recently
called for induction of men from the
1-B class.-
4-F Or 1-A
This decision, resulting in filling
local draft quotas with 1-A and 1-B
registrants, has made the latter
classification meaningless for all
practical purposes of the Selective
Service System, and its members will
either be placed in 4-F, if totally un-
fit for service, or shifted to 1-A.
The order is effective tomorrow,
said an announcement by Selective
Service Headquarters, but the re-
classifying of men in this group will
begin September 1, to be completed
by New Year's Day. Not more than
one-fourth of the 1-B registrants in
any local board area are to be shifted
to class 1-A in any single month.
When members of this group are
reclassified, they will be sent 'to in-
duction centers as local boards fill
their quotas, and the Army will de-
cide after their induction whether to
assign them to full or limited duties.
Men To Be Re-Examined
In the reclassification process, the
men will be reexami ed by the local
draft board physiciags to determine
whether there ,are any physical de-
ficiencies which would prevent them
from performing any, military serv-
ice. If such defects are discovered,
the registrants will be placed in class
While physical deficiencies were
th only basis for assigning men to
class 1-B in the original classifica-
tion, the local boards were warned
that their status may have changed
since that time, and possible defer-
ment for dependency, family rela-
tionship or occupation should be
considered in each case.
The charge also will have a lim-
ited effect on some conscientious ob-
jectors. Those previously classified
1-B-0, fit for limitedservice in non-
combatant units, now will be classi-
fied 1-A-O if fit for noncombatant
Relief Dance
Will Be Held
With the proceeds going to the
swelling funds of Russian War Re-
lief, United China Relief and Bomb-
er Scholarship, students and towns-
people will be dancing from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. tomorrow at the Summer
Prom, to music by Hal McIntyre and
his orchestra in the Sports Building.
For the benefit of those still in a
quandary as to just what "semi-for-
mal" involves, authoritative sources
wish to submit a definition. Girls
are to come in formals and the men

may either don their white coats,
bow ties and patent leather shoes or
simply wear a business suit.
One rule which must be observed,
the central committee announced,
forbids the wearing of corsages by
women. This rule, similar to the one
promoted by Michigan J-Hops, will
be strictly enforced. McIntyre, who
has been playing at Eastwood Sym-.
phony Gardens, will feature his four
feminine harmony vocalists, the
Four Lyttle Sisters, and Terry Allen,
the male vocalist.
A partial list of patrons includes:
Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Dean
and Mrs. Erich A. Walters, Dean and
Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Dean and Mrs.
M. P.. Cooley, Prof. and Mrs. George
Y. Rainich, Prof. and Mrs. John
Shepard, Prof. and Mrs. LeRoy Wa-
terman, Prof. and Mrs. Brinkman,
Prof. and Mrs. A. H. Marckwardt,
Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Nelson, Madam
Lila Pargment, and Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Tibbetts.
Chaperons for the dance will be
Col. and Mrs. W. A. Ganoe, Maj. and

In Smas
Wheir Comm

hing Day

-Long Assault

Comniando Forces,

Tanks Blast

Zandos Struck

_____ eNORWICH
-~ -
- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -

Allied Re-Embarkation Is Successful;
Destroy Six Large Nazi Coastal Guns,
Radio Station, Ammunition Dump
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Aug. 19-Commando forces and tanks of the Western Allies:
Americans, Canadians, British and Fighting French, invaded and lambasted
Germany's ironclad zone of coastal ports at Dieppe today and withdrew
as planned after achieving an all-day assault on the enemy shore of the
English CIfnnel, something Hitler never dared to try.
Nine hours after the first forces landed the re-embarkation was
completed, just six minutes behind schedule.
A communique. tonight said losses on both sides were heavy. But it
was understood that every one of the principal Allied objects was achieved.
Preliminary results ashore reported up to early tonight were these:
The size of the force still was an official secret hours after the mission
was completed but some of the returning troops told how a mile-long string
of invasion barges set out for, the raid at twilight Tuesday. The barges, es-
corted by destroyers and corvettes, moved under their own power.
Destruction of a 6-gun shore artillery battery,.an ammunition dump, an
anti-aircraft battery and a radio location station.

-ti i |



Coastal Ports At Dieppe




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Indicated on the map are the Dieppe area where U.S. and Allied
commando troops and tanks have aimed their heavy assault on Ger-
man ports and, to the northeast, the Boulogne sector, the scene of a
previous raid.

Nelson Warns'
Al Who Would
Impede WPB
Production Chief Declares
Board Wil Not Accept
Alibies From Now On
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 - War
Production Chief Donald M. Nelson,
obviously fighting mad and ready for
a showdown on his administration of
the war program, asserted today that
"from now on any one who crosses
my path is going to have his head
taken off."
Asked if he planned to "get tough"
in licking materials shortages and in
refuting charges of some critics that
WPB had mismanaged the war pr-
gram, Nelson told he Associated
"I'm going to get tough enough1
to get this job done, and the job will
be done, you can be sure of that,
There'll be no more alibies. I'm sick
of them."
Nelson, ordinarily calm and even-
tempered, smashed a fist into his
hand tci make the point.
Swiftly attacking one internal
problem-the "leak" of confidential
WPB reports-Nelson gave immedi.
ate effect to his warning that heads
would fall by dismissing a $5,600
WPB employe.
"He's fired," Nelson said flatly.
A WPB spokesman, who declined
to be quoted by name, identified the
victim as Frederick Libbey, an en-
gineering consultant. Libbey, the
spokesman said, discussed contents
of a confidential report with a news-
paper reporter.
The report, which Libbey wais
drafting, covered operations of the
WPB 'iron and steel branch, and the
newspaper story said it accused the
branci of operational waste and in-
24 Blackout Violators
Face $100 Fine Or Jail
Twenty-four violators of Ann Ar-
bor's second blackout test last week
face a maximum penalty of $100 or
90 days in jail under the city's black-

Jap Warship
Is Destroyed
In Aleutians
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.- The
Navyiannounced today that an
American submarine had sunk a
Japanese cruiser or destroyer in the
Western Aleutian area.
Prevalent weather conditions,
which long have prevented accurate
observation of the effect of bomb-
ings and surface raids, made it im-
possible to determine exactly which
type of enemy warship had been sent
to the bottom.
Since the Japanese landed at Attu
and Kiska, they have been almost
constantly harassed by American sea
and air forces. On Saturday it was
announced that a surface raiding
force struck on Aug. 8 and 9, and
with assistance from the air dam-
aged a destroyed and two cargo ves-
sels and sank a third cargo ship.
The submarine attack reported to-
day brought the total of Japanese
ships damaged or destroyed in the
Aleutian area to 23. Describing xit,
the Navy said:
"A United States submarine has
reported the sinking of a Japanese
cruiser or destroyer in the Western
Aleutian area. Conditions made im-
possible an exact identification of
the type of the ship."

Allied fighter planes, making up
canopy yet sent aloft, shot down at]
Federal Jury
Says Papers
Investigation Discloses No
Infringement Of Law
By Publications
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Aug. 19.-A Federal
grand Jury's investigation of the
publication of allegedly confidential
Naval information by the Chicago
Tribune, the New York Daily News
and the Washington Times-Herald
ended today with a decision that no
violation 6f the law had been dis-
William D. Mitchell, special as-
sistant to the attorney general who
directed the inquiry, stated the jury
had "considered the case fully and
its conclusion that no violation of the
law was disclosed settles the matter."
Col. Robert R. McCormick, editor
and publisher of the Tribune, stated
"I never had the slightest fear of an
indictment." He added:
"The attitude of the Tribune is
today what it was before the grand
jury investigation was launched and
as it was the day before Pearl Har-
bor. Our whole effort is to win the
war, and we will not indulge in any
factionalism excepting insofar as we
- are persecuted and have to defend
Subject of the investigation was a
story published on June 7. Material
for the article-an estimate of the
size and strength of the Japanese
fleet defeated in the Midway battle-
was gathered by Stanley Johnston, a
war correspondent for the Tribune.
His newspaper reported it was writ-
ten here and that it was based on
knowledge Johnston gained while
witnessing the Coral Sea, engage-
ment, information in the publication,
"Jane's Fighting Ships," Naval an-
nual, and his previous discussions
with Naval officers and experts.
IThe investigation was announced
Aug. 7 in Washington by Attorney
General Francis Biddle. He said he
ordered it as a result of a preliminary
inquiry and upon the recommenda-
tion of the Navy Department.

what perhaps was the greatest aerial
least 82 enemy aircraft and probably
destroyed or damaged more than 100
others, in addition to a number
smashed by Naval vessels.
Some 95 Allied planes-out of a
total force of approximately 1,000-
were lost.
In some quarters it was believed
that the German plane losses rep-
resented close to one-third of the
Luftwaffe's fighter strength in the
western occupied zone of Europe and
it was considered likely that the
Germans would have to move fight-
ers west, from other areas, possi~by
even the Russian front.
Important in the Allied air action
was the work of 24 American Flying
Fortresses, which, at the start of
the Dieppe action, raided the Ger-
man fighter drome at Abbeville.
$ * *
Germans Declare Allied
Forces Were Destroyed
BERLIN (From German Broad-
casts) Aug. 19--(P)-The German
High Comamnd said in a special bul-
letin tonight- that the Allied forces
which attacked the French Coast
near Dieppe today were "destroyed
without the calling up of reinforce-
ments of important strength."
The Allies suffered "very high cas-
ualties in killed and wounded," and
German defense forces captured 1,500
prisoners, including 60 Canadian of-
ficers, the communique said.
The Allies also lost three des-
troyers, two torpedo boats, four tran-
sports, one speedboat and 83 planes
in this "invasion catastrophe," the
Germans said.
From 300 to 40Q landing boats
participated in the first wave of the
attack, the communique said, pro-
tected by 13 to 15 cruisers and des-
* * *

Return To

British ,Rase

American Rangers Learn Art
Of MayhemAt British Schools

Aug. 19-(P)--Grinning, singing Al-
lied Commandos were landed at this
port early tonight from power-
driven sea-going barges, grimy but
happy after the 9-hour battle of
Truck-drivers cheered them as they
were loaded into lorries for tran-
sportation to headquarters.
The wounded, also, were arriving
and taken to hospital trains.
Black, green and yellow paint
splotched the faces of the . Com-
mandos, their uniforms were torn
and one walked barefoot across the
street, carrying his boots in his
All.wore Balaclava helmets and
the majority had on soft tennis
"Good show, boys!" the waiting
transport drivers shouted.
Cottagers, during a brief delay
while one group of Commandos
waited for places in trucks, rushed
indoors and came.' out with cups of
tea and cigarettes for' the soldiers.
One truck drove off so quickly that
a Commando had no time to return
his cup. The woman who had given
it to him looked glum for a second,
then said: "Well, he's worth it."
French Mistake Rangers
For Texan Namesakes

By The Associated Press;
TAIN, Aug. 19-Uncle Sam's Rangers
who have been taking lessons in
rough and tumble slaughter from
their British counterparts, the Com-
mandos, went along to Dieppe today
on a field trip to practice what they
had learned on live Germans.
With a name and tradition for
toughness taken from one of the
most adventurous eras of American
history, the Rangers went through
the most harrowing battle school in
the United Kingdom for weeks in

St. Nazaire and Bruneval, the United
States Rangers-volunteer all---have
built iron endurance in grim prac-
tice: Beach landing under actual fire,
silent slaughter in hand-to-hand and
bare knife fighting.
That training has been secret. I
was the first American newspaper-
man to visit them in camp as they
put on the finishing touches to their
training for such veni ures as the
Dieppe raid.
I rode with them in a practice
landing on a beach wnere tracer bul-
lets from a British Bren gun splatter-
ed almost within hand-reach of the
.iii -c .3...TnA ..,np ana rl -nnniac

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