I m
I I nt -
Men Members
Of Congress
Norris Will Head Group;
Number Of Projects
Will Be Undertaken
Congress, the campus' only organ-
ization for all independent men, will
get under way in the fall with a num-
ber of projects in the offing.
Under the leadership of President
Norton Norris, '43, Congress will
sponsor a rooming house council
comprising delegates from all the
larger houses on campus. The council
will pass on projects concerning
rooming house members, and the ex-
ecutive officers of Congress will exe-
cute the measures passed by the
The other executive officers in-
clude John Frazier, '43, secretary and
Albert Woh, '43, executive secretary.
Membership cards will be sold to
independents and will carry such
privileges as admission to Congress
social events, and discounts on such
things as cleaning and laundry.
Plans are also being made to hold
a convention for independents of
various Michigan colleges in Ann Ar-
bor. Cooperation with independents
of universities throughout the nation
is expected to be expanded this year,
according to John McKinnon, '44,
newly appointed delegate to the Na-
tional Independent Students' Asso-
The number of Congress' commit-
tees has been reduced from eight to
three. They are the student welfare
committee, headed by Robert Sharp,
'44; organizations, headed by McKin-
non and personnel, with Fred Hoff-
man, '44 as chairman.
The annual Congress dance will
probably be held in the winter. Last
year the dance was the "Hobo Hop".
One of the principal achievements
of Congress during the past school
year was to help bring about, through
its student welfare committee, a rais-
ing of the University's requirement
for lighting in rooming houses.
Wickard OK
On Ceilinsgs
Is Postponed
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. -(P)-
Secretary of Agriculture Wickard
said today that he could not say
' whether he would approve OPA price
ceilings on livestock until he had
been given an opportunity to study a
specific price proposal.
The secretary disclosed at a press
conference that Price Administrator
Leon Henderson had inquired about
the department's attitude towards
ceilings on live cattle, hogs and
Wickardsaid such controls would
require a "complicated system of al-
locating livestock supplies "among
packers, the establishment of differ-
entials on different grades as well as
separate price scales for each mar-
ket, the maintenance of a force of
inspectors to enforce the ceiling, and
an agreement with processors on
minimum prices which they would
pay farmers.
"The solution of the problem may
require consumer rationing," Wick-
ard said.
The Secretary emphasized how-
ever, that present prospects indicated
that civilian supplies of meat during
the 12 month period ending July 1,
1943, would be about 135 pounds per
person, compared with 142 pounds in
1941 and with 131 pounds for the
10 year 1931-40 average. This esti-
mate was based upon the present
military and lend-lease require-
U.S. To Start
Air Bombings
On Germany.
Aviation Experts Prepare
To Send Many Planes
Over Europe Daily
Associated Press Correspondent
BRITAIN, Aug. 13-Erstwhile Amer-
ican football stars are digging ditches
and some of the best civilian and
army aviation experts of the United
States a'e converting centuries-old
English estates into great air bases
in a rush to send hundreds of bomb-
ers over Germany daily.
I completed a 1,000-mile air tour
of United States bases in Britain to-
day with Maj.-Gen. Walter Hale
Frank, Chief of the Service Com-
mand, to get a first-hand view of
the vast aerial smash the U.S. Air
Forces are planning. American en-
gineering ingenuity is preparing for
the offensive at dazzling speed.
The U.S. air effort in this theater
dwarfs by far anything previously
attempted by any nation in trying to
build up a vast striking force thous-
ands of miles away from home. Plans
are weeks ahead of schedule under
the direction of General Frank, who
has spent much of his life as a tac-
tical airman and protests that he
"knows nothing about this service
end of the business.''
I two days' flying in a troop
transport with General Frank at the
controls part of the time, some of
the things seen were these:
1. Thousands of American civilian
technicians working side by side with
British laborers tearing famous old
estates apart and slicing long run-
ways across the hunting grounds.
Giant hangars are rising from lawns
which once were beautifully land-
2. Machine shops equal in size to
some of the largest in the United
States rising from bogs where a
month ago the silence was unbroken
except by singing birds.
3. Highly skilled American avia-
tion machinists working from dawn
to dusk as stevedores in their eager-
ness to speed the unloading of ships
and get the shops built.
4. Vast hangars and storerooms,
partly underground, staffed by U.S.
soldiers who within two weeks
after moving in,unpacked and dis-
patched many carloads of spare
parts to dispersal points in 48 hours.
One of the principal stops was
made at a huge base under construc-
tion jointly by an aircraft company
and the Army. By arrangement, the
company has been able to draw the
most able machinists'and avaiation
experts from other U.S. concerns.
When completed the base will service
every type of American plane.
Patriotism Appeal
Is Made In Drive
For Saving Rubber
LANSING, Aug. 13.-(P)--Sponsors
of Michigan's car conservation pro-
gram are making frank appeals to
patriotism because official state-
ments from Washington have con-
fused the public mind regarding the
necessity for saving rubber, Maxwell
Halsey, state war transportation co-
ordinator, declared today.
Halsey said the argument now be-
ing used to inspire tire saving meth-
ods was based on the theory that the
public would not want vital man-
power, time and materials diverted
from the production of war materials
to make tires for civilians, even if
that were possible.
Halsey said only four small Wayne
County communities of the 39 asked
to set up car conservation programs
had failed to act. In addition, 62
communities listed by the Army Ord-
nance Department as having muni-
tions orders have been asked also to
set up programs and 17 of those al-
ready have complied.
The plan for staggering hours of
factories, schools and business houses
is progressing slowly, Halsey said,
and a considerable amount of or-
ganizational effort has been ex-
pended on the "share the ride" plan.
Results should be noticeable in an-
other month, he added.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. -(P)-
The War Production Board reported
today that Maj.-Gen. Lewis B. Her-
shey, director of Selective Service, in-
tended to have deferred from mili-
tary service all persons engaged in
copper mining "who are found by lo-
cal boards to be essential to copper
T o Be ludicted On t reason Char ge
The Justice Department in Washington released this photo
and said it shows Helmut Leiner (below) assisting another man in
hanging a portrait of Hitler in the New York headquarters of the
German-American Bund. Leiner, of Astoria, Long Island, N.Y., is
one of 14 persons against whom criminal indictments, including
treason, are to be asked as alleged accomplices of eight Nazi sabo-
teurs, six of whom have been executed.
R The Cracker Barrel
ByMike Dann
Daily Sports Editor
Dreaded Cuts 'No Longer To Be Feared'
THE UNIVERSITY'S athletic de- Take the 1942 Michigan football
partment will embark on a new team for example. Not one man on
policy of fewer squad cuts and more the squad has been drafted. The
reserve letter awards in order to put only person eligible for this year's
a greater emphasis on Varsity sports. eleven who is now in the service is
Track Coach Ken Doherty points Harold "Tippy" Lockard. And Tip-
out that the students receive the py joined the Army Air Corps way
finest of physical training while last November voluntarily.
participating in varsity sports and The Collegiate sporting world will
consequently in the interests of na- probably increase in size rather than
tional defense every boy who wants diminish because people will be
to will be given the chance to prac- forced to shift their interests from
tice with the football, basketball, the dying professional teams to the
track, tennis and swimming teams. expanding college teams.
This plan would probably increase The only thing that can possibly
Coach Fritz Crisler's grid hopefuls to curtail the activities of collegiate
more than 300. Doherty said he teams will be a restriction on the
would not be surprised to see close to means of transportation. But from
400 boys try out for the cross-country the way cars. and busses pile up at
team this fall. State and Liberty all day long that
Students who devote their time to day is very far off.
any of the Varsity teams will not be Cracker Crumbs: The All-Star
required to take PEM. football game between the College
* All-Americans and the Chicago
WHEN CONGRESS PASSED the Bears, which is to be played the
draft sports writers throughout night of Aug. 28, will draw a gate
the nation were quick to point out in excess, of $300,000. The atten-
the probable plight of professional dance will probably exceed 110,000,
and collegiate tsports. The scribes a new record for any football
were sure that bothnparts of the game.
sporting world would nearly pass out ZaeGe aIeenl eetdb
of eistece utilthe ar eded Zane Grey was recently selected by
of existence until the war ended.Notre Dame football players as one
But apparently this prediction is of their favorite authors. Come now
only a half truth. The professional boys, how could you overlook a good
sports are suffering because of the Irishman like Milt Gross.
draft. Baseball teams are being Michigan will lose one of its finest
broken up right and left, minor equestrians when S. Rhett Rosen will
league circuits are closing down leave for the Army Air Corps Mon-
and owners are going bankrupt. day. Rhett has a number of cups to
In collegiate circles, however, the his credit and has been active in
situation is entirely different. Men horse shows throughout the state.
are not being taken into the draft Harlan Fraumann and Bob
because they are receiving deferment "Flop" Flora have already started
through such agencies as the Army practicing under the tutelage of
Reserve, the Navy's V-1, 3, 5 and 7, Coach Bernie Bierman. The ex-
and the Marine Reserve. The lead- Wolverines are now on the Iowa
ers of the nation's armed forces want Naval Training team and say they
college men and as a result collegiate can't wait to help beat the pants
athletic teams are remaining fairly off of Michigan when they clash
intact, this fall.
Edward Rack Wins Union Printeraft Golf Title
DETROIT, Aug. 13.-(YP)-Edward with a 77 to bring his four-day total
Rack, broad-shouldered printer from to 299, one stroke better than he shot
McKeesport, Pa., today won the at St. Louis a year ago and a record
Union Printeraft International golf for the tournament.
title for the fifth straight year. In second place for the second con-
Rack finished the 72-hole compe- secutive year was Joseph Sommers
tition at Warren Valley Country Club of Detroit.
Michigan Girl Wins
Golf Quarterfinal
CHICAGO, Aug. 13.-)-In a bit-
terly-fought match with a fellow
southerner, Betty Jameson of San
Antonio, Tex., today grabbed a 2 and
1 victory from Dorothy Kirby of At-
lanta, Ga., to move to tomorrow's
semifinals in the Women's Western
Amateur Golf Tournament.
Playing even par golf for the 16
holes the match lasted, Mrs. Russell
Mann of Omaha, Neb., defending
champion, advanced with a 4 and 2
victory today over Mrs. Harold Sims
of St. Paul, Minn.
Mary Agnes Wall of Menominee,
Mich., defeated Claire Doran of
Cleveland, O., 3 and 2. Miss Wall, the
1941 runnerup, will meet Mrs. Mann
Dorothy Ellis, of Indianapolis, In-
diana state champion, won over Vir-
ginia Ingram, Illinois titleholder, 4
and 2.
Fritzie Zivic
Whips Young
Easily In Six
NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-(A)-With
his eye on a return shot at the wel-
terweight championship he once
held, Fritzie Zivic gashed Garvey
Young's face into a bloody mess to-
night and stopped the southpaw ma-
rine after six completed rounds in
Madison Square Garden.
Zivic weighed 148; Young 146.
Scoring chiefly with a straight
right hand as he easily solved
Young's unorthodox left-hand style,
Fritzie had the marine's right eye
cut as early as the third round and
floored him for a one-count in the
fifth. The fight ended when the
State Athletic Commission physi-
cian, Dr. William Walker, decided,
at the end of the sixth, that Young's
right eye was cut too badly to per-
mit him to continue.
As far as it went, Fritzie was way
out in front.
Of the six completed rounds, the
Pittsburgher won five. Young's only
edge came in the third, when he
scored with lefts to the mid-section
and a couple of short rights to the
Quad To Hold
Record Dance
To make next weekend the biggest
one of the summer term the Student
Government of the West Quad is
sponsoring a semi-formal Penthouse
Prom, Saturday night, Aug. 22.
Admission will be free, but all the
girls will be required to wear wai
stamp corsages. The calendar ha
scheduled a full moon for the eve-
ning and dancing will be on the roo
of the West Quad.
Various house social chairmen wil
organize a date bureau. No stags wil
be admitted and all residents of th
Quadrangle and their friends are in-
Top name band recordings wil
furnish the music. The corsages ar
going to be made by the house
mothers of the Quad.
Fewer Legal Strikes
In July, Board Reports
LANSING, Aug. 13.-()-Fewej
legally called strikes and fewer mer
on strike but more strikes called i
violation of state law were reporte
by the Labor Mediation Board to-
day, in a summary of July labo
The Board said 27 strikes wer
called legally that month, while i
had knowledge of nine called with-
out the filing of formal notice re-
quired by law. In June, the Boarc
reported, 29 strikes were called le.
gally while no illegal work stoppage:
were reported.
From Associated Press Summaries
Now before everybody else jumps
on his bandwagon seems the time to
discuss the peculiar rise of Claude
Passeau, a pitcher who, playing for
the notoriously lazy Chicago Cubs,
has managed to rack up 16 wins-
enough to lead both major loops.
He won another yesterday, and he
didn't seem to be working too hard
to do it, but then Passeau is a pitcher
in the Red Ruffing tradition-in oth-
er words he pitches just hard enough
to win.
The usually lethargic Cubs really
let him coast yesterday as they turn-
ed on three Cardinal hurlers for 13
hits and 13 runs to beat the Cardin-
als 13-5.
Passeau is not only the work horse
of a Chicago staff which usually con-
tributes four pitchers of the game,
but he is also a hurler who gets down
in the low hit brackets when the
pressure is on.
Originally up from Philadelphia he
is probably unduly grateful for his
position with the Cubs, a team which
Edward Burns, a Chicago writer, is
praising for its determined drive on
seventh place, a rung on the ladder
which it could barely see from its
lofty fifth place perch three weeks
There is no longer any doubt that
Claude will hang up twenty this year.
The question-and a big one-is
whether it will do any good.
In the same game a young pitcher
by the name of Howie Pollett, who
last year got the biggest boost of
any rookie pitcher in recent times,
again failed toset the world on fire.
Maybe Manager Billy Southworth
will let the fans in on it one of these
days. Good pitchers just don't be-
come bad ones in one winter.
' Virgil (Fire) Trucks was the victim
of bad luck yesterday but in losing a
3-2 decision to the Cleveland Indians,
he once more proved his position as
the most talented hurler on the Ti-
gers squad. Jack Wilson pitched a
disastrous double-ball to Oris Hock-
ett and there went Mr. Trucks' nice
ball game.
Indins rip Ben gals, 3 -2
Detroit .......010 001 000-2 6 0
Cleveland . . . .000 000 003-3 5 1
Trucks, Wilson and Parsons; Bag-
by and Desautels.
Major League Standings
American League
New York .......73
Boston .........60
Cleveland .......61
St. Louis ........59
Detroit .........56
Chicago ........49
Philadelphia ....44
Games Friday
Chicago at Detroit
New York at Philadelphia, Night
Only Games.
S* * *
National L
Brooklyn .......76
St. Louis ....... 68
Cincinnati ......57
New York ......59
Pittsburgh ......50
Chicago ........51
Philadelphia ....31
Games Friday
Boston at Brooklyn (2)
Cincinnati at St. Louis (Night)
Philadelphia at New York
Pittsburgh at Chicago
RALEIGH, N. C., Aug. 13.-())-
Seventeen convicts, including several
long-termers, escaped today from
the Northampton County prison
camp afterrtrussing up their guards,
but five were recaptured later.
Claude Passean Racks Up 16th
For sixth-Place Chicago Cubs
Browns Blast Sox, 8-3
Chicago ......001 010 001-3
St. Louis .....240 010 10x-8
Dietrich, Haynes and Tresh;
dra, Hollingsworth and Ferrell
Cubs Breeze In, 13-5
13 0
11 2
Free! Class of '46
An Identification Case that
will hold your student cards!
Just the right size for the cards
issued to identify yourself for
all student activities, etc.
Just drop us a line and let
us reserve one for you. Write
235 So. State St. Ann Arbor
St. Louis .....001 000 004-5 10 2
Chicago......300 21052x-13 13 3
Dickson, Pollett, Krist and O'Dea;
Passeau and Hernandez.
The Students' Picture Framer
for Sheepskin Diplomas
"Framers of everything fromoble"
229 Nickels Arcade
i 1
Class of '46
.The Barber Shop of Michigan
Men extends a hearty greeting
to all of you. We hope that
you will drop in for the haircuts
that make Michigan Men stand
out smartly. For a real "Per-
sonality Haircut", one that is
exactly tailored to your indi-
vidual self, or for the famous
"Crew Cut's, for. scalp treat-
ments and facials you'll want
to try...
Dascola Barbers
Between State N Mich. Theatres
Sat e1u
8- '2..dwl
Therejd a LIBERAL
EDUCATION it, (/adueS
When in our city don't forget to come downtown and pay
us a visit. We are always glad to serve you, and we have
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Manhattan Shirts and Pajamas
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Worsted-Tex Suits, Top Coats and O'Coats
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Beau Brummel Ties