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August 12, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-12

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Dailyis published every morning except
Monday and Tut s<Ia .
Member of the Associated Press
The Associatted Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class xuait matter. .i
Subso riio during the regular school year by car-
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42


Editorial Staff
[omer Swander .. . . . Managing Editor
will Sapp City, Editor
Vike Dann . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff '

Edward Perlberg
Fred 14. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Publications Manager



The editorials published in The-Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers,



Congress Should Enact
'Democratizaion Plan ..


R ECENT RELEASES from Washing-
ton announced that the War Man-
power Commission is considering a proposal for
the wartime 'democratization' of American uni-
versities through direct money grants to stu-
The reason for this proposal is the threatened
30 per cent drop in college enrollments this fall
predicted by prominent educators. Such a drop
would endanger the reserve supply of Army and
Navy officer material and other trained person-
nel for the war program.
It was stressed that such a subsidy plan is only
one of several proposals under consideration by
the War Manpower Commission, and that edu-
cators are divided in their opinions concerpi g
the plan. Furthermore if such a, plan is approved
by the Commission it will also require the ap-
proval of Congress, a process which will prob-
ably prevent such a loan system from being en-
acted before the beginning of the fall term.
HE UNIVERSITIES of our country are in
great need of the immediate enactment of
such a measure. With the fabulously high wages
that war industries are paying it is necessary
that universities be able to offer direct loans to
students desirous of continuing their education.
If such a plan is not created, it is only logical
that students who otherwise cannot afford t*o
centinue in school, will leave to work in industry.
Both the Army and the Navy have repeatedly
stafed the importance of having men with col-
lege training to be used as officers and industry
is badly in need of trained technicians and ex-
perts. If the enrollment of our colleges and uni-
vercities is permitted to drop it will prove a ser-
ious blow to the war effort.
It is imperative that action be taken now. For
once in our war effort we haive the opportunity
to prevent a potential danger rather than wait-.-
as has been our policy-to rectify it.
There is no good reason why such a measure
cannot be quickly drawn in terms satisfactory to
Congress. Taking advantage of the experience
gained by earlier student loan measures ap-
proved by Congress, drafting such a bill should
not be difficult.
AS IS SUGGESTED in the present proposal,
the subsidy plan should include provisions
for loans to women students as well as men. This
is highly important sice it will facilitate the re-
placenent of men in critical occupations by
trained women.
The speed with which the student subsidy plan
is passed wil largely determfie its success. It is
imperative that Congress enact the measure as
soon as possible to assure students that there
will be funds available for them in the fall. We
must move now to assure a constant supply of
trained personnel to man the controls of our
war effort.
John, Erlewine
The Big Fry Jumped
Out Of The Net .. .
A the Justice Department is silent.
And about their recent altercation one hears no-
thing anywhere. Why this unfathomable quie-

Chicago Tribune Case
WASHINGTON-Behind the Justice Depart-
ment's decision to place before a grand jury the
case of the Chicago Tribune and its correspond-
ent Stanley Johnston for alleged revelation of
war secrets is a story which goes back to Dec. 5,
1941, two days before Pearl Harbor.
At that time, the Tribune and associated
newspapers, the New York Daily News and the
Washington Times-Herald, published a sensa-
tional story about secret war plans of the United
States to build up an army of 10,000,000 men.
The story was documented by confidential
memos exchanged between the President and
his Secretaries of War and Navy. Obviously the
Tribune had got hold of one of the most impor-
tant war secrets of the United States.
Some members of the Administration urged
prosecution of the Tribune, but Pearl Harbor
came two days later, and the matter was dropped
in the hope tlat war would unite all factions of
the nation.
After the battle of Midway, however, the Chi-
cago Tribune, New York News and Washington
Times-Herald published a story written by Stan-
ley Johnston which stated that the U.S. Navy
knew in advance the complete strength of the
Japanese fleet and the fact that it was headed
for Midway Island.
Published Exact Information
The Tribune story even published the exact
number of Jap ships and gave their names.
Ostensibly, the Navy's possession of this ad-
vance information was due to superior intelli-
gence work.
Publication of the story was embarrassing to
the Navy. Advance information regarding the
enemy is priceless in wartime and this particu-
lar information had permitted the Navy to be
completely prepared at Midway and resulted in
an overwhelming victory-from which the Japs
have not yet recovered.
Next day after publication of the Tribune
story, Admiral Ernest King, commander of the
U.S. Fleet, summoned Arthur Sears Henning,
the Tribune's Washington correspondent, and
grilled him at length. Later, King and Secretary
of the Navy Knox went to the White House, and
drastic action was demanded. Knox himself,
who publishes the Chicago Daily News, was not
so insistent as the Admirals, some of whom de-
manded that the Tribune be shut down.
But because the Tribune has been such a
vigorous critic of the Administration, Roosevelt
wanted to lean over backward against prosecu-
tion. So he placed the matter in the hands of
William D. Mitchell, attorney general under
Herbert Hoover.
Mitschell recommended that there was a clear
case against Johnston, the author, and perhaps
the Tribune also.
Johnston is an Australian, married to a na-
turalized Bavarian girl, and lived some years
in Paris. For a time he was Amsterdam and
Berne manager of Press Wireless, and American
correspondents pay tribute to his efficiency,
though the British kept a dossier on him.
taken off the newsstands of America while two
powerful papers with the widest circulation of
any in the land-the Chicago Tribune and the
New York Daily News-were allowed free, un-
fettered publiation even though they were advo-
cating identically subversive points of view. Fi-
nally, ponderously slow action is being taken
against them.
BUT THE CASE of William Dudley Pelley is
even more interesting because it affords a
deadly parallel to that of Coughlin. Both were
responsible for papers which were adjudged se-
ditious; each of the filth-bespattered sheets (the
inconsequential Gallilean and the influential
Social Justice) was forced to suspend publica-
tion. But Pelley was investigated, given a trial,
and sentenced to prison. About Coughlin there
is only overpowering, omnipresent SILENCE. All
proceedings against him have apparently been
dropped. Even the ever-alert PM seems to have
laid down its usually effective cudgel.
This writer does not assert that Coughlin is
guilty of sedition, only that his activities warrant
inmediate investigation. Should he be proved
a good, patriotic citizen, let him then be absolved
of all the malodorous things we have associated

with an anti-Semitic, pro-Franco record.
The only conceivable reason Coughlin is not
being prosecuted is because of his status as a
clergyman. But what manner of jurisprudence
is this that allows a rabble-rousing spellbinder
to hide behind the mantle of ecclesiasticism?
Let it be remembered that Charles E. Coughlin
deserves the title, Father, not only by virtue of
his clerical position but by virtue of the organi-
zations whose patron and mentor he has been.
R EMEMBER Coughlin's militantly Fascistic
Christian Front? Remember the tie-up be-
tween it and the German-American Bund? It is
the Coughlins who spawn the Christian Front-
ers and the Pelleys. If the latter are to be im-
prisoned certainly the former must be subjected
to publiQ scrutiny. And if seditionist he be, no
extra-legal force should immunize Coughlin or
his ilk from the full measure of justice.
What a mockery of democratic procedure it
would be if Biddle allows Coughlin-the leader,
who is thus thrice culpable-to remain un-
scathed while his sattelites are wiped off the

Written Aboard Lexington
Johnston was tken aboard the ill-fated Lex-
ington, was treated like an officer aboard ship,
and displayed great bravery when the giant car-
rier sank. Later, his stories of the disaster, a
scoop for the Tribune, were distributed to all
newspapers by the Tribune, which knew by that
time it was in trouble.
After the Lexington sank in the Battle of the
Coral Sea, Johnston was taken aboard another
U.S. warship and while on it, heading for home.
is alleged to have obtained information on which
he based his subsequent dispatch.
The dispatch was written after he reached
the United States, and therefore was subject to
voluntary rather than naval censorship.
High Administration officials have been reluc-
tant to prosecute Johnston alone and permit the
Tribune to go unscathed, in view of its Dec. 5
story on the plans of the U.S. Army. However,
it has finally been decided to place the entire
matter before a federal grand jury and let the
jury decide whether Johnston or the Tribune,
both or neither, should be indicted.
ie Discovered FDR-
If any one person can claim credit for dis-
covering Franklin D. Roosevelt it is Herbert
Bayard Swope, former executive editor of the
New York World, and Frank Cobb, the late
editor-in-chief of the World.
The discovery came in 1912 just after Wood-
row Wilson was elected and when Swope, then
a political correspondent, was travelling with
him in New York State. Wilson was so com-
pletely at odds with most of the Democratic
Party in New York that at the Onondaga Hotel
in Syracuse, he refused to shake hands with
Charley Murphy, then boss of Tammany.
But Wilson asked Swope to look over the
field of New York Democrats and pick a pro-
gressive for appointment to his administration.
Swope at first was baffled, consulted Frank
Cobb. Cobb also had a hard time finding a pro-
gressive Democrat. At that time there were al-
most no Democrats in upstate New Yrk, and
all of them in New York City belongedto Tam-
Finally Cobb said: "There's a young fellow
named Roosevelt from Dutchess. He's worth
looking into.",
Swope looked into him; delved into his record
in beating Blue-Eyed Billy Sheehan of the Ryan
traction interests; took his name to Woodrow
"All right," said Wilson, "we'll make him As-
sistant Secretary of the Navy. Roosevelts seem
to like the Navy."
Danger From Dakar
Among the unfortunate and sometimes dis-
couraging fact-facing which the U.S.A. is now
up against is the effect of European defeats on
South America.
Diplomatic dispatches from the Good Neigh-
bors at present indicate that their armies, some
of which never were too enthusiastic about the
democracies, are getting restless again. They
fear that a Russian victory for Hitler will re-
lease his armies to pinge into Africa, use Dakar
as the jumping-off place for an invasion of
South America.
They have seen what difficulty the British
had in stopping a Nazi force which Churchill
admitted to be smaller than the United Nations'.
They also knew that Franco is ready to play ball
with Hitler in Spain. And they see no obstacle
in the path of a Hitler trek across Morocco to
Dakar. In fact the diplomatic grapevine already
brings word that Franco is all set to help this
As a result of the danger to Dakar, the Bra-
zilian army is in a quiver. Brazil is the nation,
just opposite the bulge of Africa, which would
bear the brunt of any attack on South America.
But other Latin-American armies also are nerv-
ous, are asking for additional arms from the
As a result, there is no chance of Argentina
and Chile breaking Axis relations-until the
scale of victories tips in the other direction.

nPswer To Johnson,.o. .
To the Editor:
IN SO FAR AS Mr. Tom Johnson's letter is a
plea for good temper, tolerance and breadth of
sympathy towards opponents it is welcome,
though it might be pointed out that the New
York Daily News has shown quite as little of
these qualities as P. M. at its fiercest. In so far
as it is a plea for a general moratorium on all
political discussion during the war, it- overlooks
the important fact that the Congress to be cho-
sen this November may have to deal with the
peace as well as with the war.
If an isolationist Congress is elected, we shall
have the tragedy of 1918-20 repeated, a victor-
ious nation throwing away all the fruits of its
victory, and this will in due course be followed
by another World War; for as long as anarchy
prevails among the nations wars will never cease
to be.
Should we "interventionists". who for two dec-

VOL. LII No. 41-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bl-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
e Notices
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations. The closing date is
listed in each case.
Junior Investigator, $2,600 a year,
August 17, 1942.
Junior Custodial Officer, $2,040 a
year (Men only), August 31, 1942.
Departmental Guard, $1,500 a
year, No date listed.
Enginemen Needed (Steam-Elec-
tric), $1,680 to $2,040, no date listed.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Engineers:-The United States
Army Air Force has just informed
us of an urgent need for Junior Engi-
neers in the Mechanical, Aeronauti-
cal and Electrical fields. Starting
salary for these positions is $2,400 a
year. Positions are open up to $5,600
a year for those having additional
experience in the aeronautical field.
Persons who are physically handi-
capped may be accepted for these
positions. Any prospective applicant
employed in war work in private in-
dustry will be required to furnish a
release from his present employer.
The deadline for filling out an appli-
cation is August 15, 1942.
Bureau of Appointments and
Ocupational Information
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rub-
ber and also metals. Any depart-
ment on the Campus having metals
or rubber to dispose of for defense
purposes, please call Ext; 337 or 317
and the materials will be picked up
by the trucks which make regular
janitors is available to collect the
campus deliveries. Service of the
materials from the various rooms in
the buildings to be delivered to the
receiving location.
E. C. Pardon
If you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe
a balance of approximately 60 per-
cent of the valueof the1property,
the Investment Office, 100 South
Wing of University Hall, would be
glad to discuss the possibilities of
refinancing your contract through
the medium of a mortgage. Such re-
financing may effect a savings in
Consumer Education Exhibit may
be seen daily at the Michigan League.
hours-l1 a.m. to 8 p.m.f
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Paul
Herbert Ralph; field: Zoology; the-
sis: "Embryonic Development and
Adult Morphology of Blood and
Blood-Forming Organs in the Frog,
Rana pipiens," will be held on
Wednesday, August 12, in 3089 Na-
tural Science, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, P. 0. Okkelberg.
By action of, the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Manuscripts for the summer Hop-
wood contest must be in the Hop-
wood Room by 4:30 p.m. this Friday,

August 14.
R. W. Cowden
Badminton: Open badminton which
has been held on Barbour Gym-
nasium courts has been discontinued
for the remainder of the summer.
Dept. of Physical Education
for Women
College of Literature, Science, and
The Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-
dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4 U. H. several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end
of the session will result in a need-
less delay of several days.
Exchange Fellowships and Profes-
sorships Leaflets and other informa-
tion pertaining to the Exchange
fellowships and professorships in
Latin-America provided by the gov-
ernment of the United States under
the convention for the promotion of
inter-American cultural relations-can
be obtained in the office of the In-
ternational Center by anyone inter-
Graduate Students in Speech:
Qualifying examinations in Speech
in the following six fields: (1) Rhet-
oric and Oratory, (2) Argumenta-
tion and Debate, (3) History of the

Carillon Programs: The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower
will-be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily
from Monday, August 10, through
Friday, August 14, at which time
Professor Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will present an infor-
mal program.
Mathematics 347, Seminar in Ap-
plied Mathematics. Will meet Thurs-
day at 4 o'clock in 312 West Engi-
neering Bldg. (instead of Friday).
Professor Wojtaszak will continue
his talk on "Deformation of Plates
and Shells."
Are you interested in speaking
Spanish fluently? The Spanish Table
meets Monday through Friday until
the end of the Summer Session in
Room 103 of the Michigan Union to
afford just such practice to those
who are interested. Reservations may
be made in the Romance Languages
department office.
Psychology 31: A make-up mid-
semester will be given Thursday eve-
ning, August.13, at 7:00 p.m., in room
1121 Natural Science Building.
Protection within the gates. Prof.
o. W. Stephenson of the department
of Social Studies in the University
l High School. 4:05 p.m. Wednesday,
August 12, in the University High
School Auditorium.
"Sone Imnplicaions of the Pro-
gressive Movenment," by Francis D.
Curtis, Prof. of Education and of the
Teaching of Science, and Head of
the Department of Science in the
University Iigh School. 4:05 p.m.,
Thursday, August 13, in the Univer-
sity High School Auditorium.
Events Today
Women In Education. The last
regularly scheduled luncheon for
this summer will be held today from
11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the
Russian Tea koom .of the Michigan
League. Miss Bessie L. Whitaker,
Associate Professor of Speech in
charge of Speech Reading, Insti-
tute of Human Adjustment (Speech
Clinic) will speak on "Teaching of
Speech Reading at the University."
Come and bring a friend.
Students in Speech: The final
Student-Faculty Luncheon of the
Department of Speech will be held
at 12:15 p.m. today in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union. Stu-
dents in the Department com-
pleting work for degrees at the end
of the present summer session or
summer term will be honored.
Bridge at the Michigan League
from 2 until 4:30 in the afternoon.
Coffee hour at 4:30 in the Rackham
Building. Today, August 12.
Cercle Francais: A picnic will be
held at Portage Lake today. Mem-
bers desiring to go will please give
their names to Mrs. Morris or Mr.
Jobin. The group will assemble at
the Foyi' Francais, 849 Tappan Ave-
nue, at 4:30 p.m. Members will bring
their own lunch and beverage can
be secured at the lake. Bathing priv-
ilege is 35c. Transportation will be
furnished to those who do not have
Speech Students: "The Insurgent
Theatre" will be the subject of Mr.
Charles H. Meredith's talk at the
Speech Assembly at 3 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. All Speech students should at-

Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, at 8:30
tonight in the Lecture Hall of the.
Rackham Building will bring to a
close the series of Beethoven sonatas
for violin and piano. The final pro-
ginam will be devoted to the Sonata
in F major, Op. 24, Sonata in A ma-
jor, Op. 12, No. 2, and Sonata in A
major, Op. 47.
Due to the great demand for com-
plimentary tickets for the series, the
programs have been moved into the
Lecture Hall instead of the Assem-
bly Hall of the Rackham Building.
In order to hold this last recital in
the larger hall, it was necessary to
present it at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday,
August 12, instead of Thursday, Au-
gust 13, as previously announced.
The public will be admitted with-
out tickets.
Wesley Foundation: You are in-
vited to tea and open house in the
student lounge from 4:00 until 5:40
this afternoon.
Pi La obda Theta will have a joint
meeting with Women in Education,
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Mary B.
Henderson room of the Michigan
League. Please notice change in date.
Men's Education Club will meet at
7:15 p.m. Professor Clark Dickinson
of the Department of Economics will
discuss Price Control. Come and
bring a man.
H. M. S. Pinafore, comic opera by
Gilbert and Sullivan, will open to-
night at the Mendelssohn Theatre,
and will run through Saturday night,
with an additional performance on
Monday, August 17th. This produc-
tion will be staged by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech in conjunction with the
School of Music and the University
Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are on
sale daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. at the theatre box office.
Tea will be served this afternoon
from 4 to 5:15 to Episcopalian stu-
dents and their friends at Harris
Evening. Prayer will be said at 5:15
in the Bishop Williams Chapel at
Harris Hall.
There will be a Celebration of Holy
Communion Thursday morning, Au-
gust 13th, at 7:10 o'clock in the
Chapel at Harris Hall. Breakfast will
be served following the breakfast.
Student Recital: Edgar Pickett, a
student in the School of Music un-
der Professor Brinkman, will present
a piano recital at 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
day, August 13, in the Assembly Hall
of the-Rackham Building. Composi-
tions by Bach, Ravel, Debussy and
Beethoven will be included in this
recital, given in partial fulfillment
of the requirements of the degree of
Bachelor of Music.
The public is cordially invited.
Professor Percival Price will pre-
sent another in the, current series of
carillon recitals at 7:15 to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 13. The program
will consist of Prelude 1,dbyBach,
Concerto by Antonio Vivaldi, and
Fantaisie 5 for carillon composed by
Professor Price, a group of folk songs
and four University of Michigan
Band Concert: The University of
Michigan Summer Session Band will
give its annual concert in West Park
at 8.:15 p.m. Thursday, April 13, un-
der the leadership of Leonard V.


By Lichty

"I know he isn't too good-looking, but there 1$ a blackout tonight."

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