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August 12, 1942 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-12

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Choral Group
Will Present
Last Vespers
Summer Session Chorus
To Sing New Numbers
In Final Concert SundayI
The University Chorus for the
Summer Session, under Prof. May-
nard Klein, will present a Choral
Vespers at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill
The School of Music has an-
nounced it will offer for the first
time to a University and Ann Arbor
audience Buxtehude's "Rejoice, Be-
loved Christians" and Randall
Thompson's "The Peaceful King-
Prof. Palmer Christian will be the
organist,,Prof. Arthur Hackett, tenor
soloist and Prof. Blair McClosky,
baritone. The reader will be Miss
Thelma Lewis of the School of Mu-
sic. Margaret Martin, Mary Craig-
miles and Betty Mason will be among
the soloists.
"This is the final Vespers of the
Summer Session," said Director of
the Summer Session Louis A. Hop-
kins. "It has become a custom of
rich pleasure to join music and wor-
ship as a phase of the Summer
School and we are much indebted to
the members of the staff and the
chorus of the School of Music as well
as to the Religious Education Com-
mittee for these programs."
"Both the faculty and students of
the University and the people of
Ann Arbor are invited to be our
guests," said the Director.
Noted Director
o Tak Today

1 -Ii -r w



- 11


The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Daun
Daily Sports Editor

Kolesar To Play This Fall

WE LEARNED late yesterday af-
-* ternoon that Bob Kolesar, Mich-
igan's number one guard of last
year, will play football again this
fall for the Wolverines.
Early last spring Bob's draft
board wanted to draft him imme-
diately, but he asked for defer-
ment to enter medical school.
Whether the Army got him or
whether Bob would enter medical
school, it was obvious that he must
give up football.
Naturally, studying to be a doctor
takes plenty of time, especially if
you work your way through as Kole-
sar planned. Bob told Crisler that
because of this he would not be out
for practice when the time came.
The picture has changed consid-
erably since the March rains be-
cause Bob has landed a summer job
that will enable him to save enough
for next year's schooling.
Wacky WAC...
-(P)--WAAC training school offi-
cers are chuckling over this observa-
tion from a shivering member of the
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps on a
recent chilly morning: "I wish my
boy friend would knit me a sweater."
* * *

Meredith's Topic To
'Insurgent Theatre'


My Son, My Son...
Chester A. Lishawa, 57 and 1
grandfather, was a father
today, greeting a son born
wife at Bethesda hospital.

twice a
to his

Charles H. Meredith, visiting
member of the Department of
Speech faculty, will speak on the
"Insurgent Theatre" before the
Speech Assembly at 3 pm. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Meredith directed "Thunder Rock"
and "Misalliance" during the current
Repertory season and "The Con-
trast" for ,the same group last sea-
son. Former president of the Con-
federacy of the American Commun-
ity Theatre, he has long been a
leader in little theatre circles.
Meredith will take on new duties
in the fall as managing director of
Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre at
New Orleans, where he has served
previously as guest director. He has
also directed production in the Dal-
las, Tex., Little Theatre and in the
Dock Street Theatre at Charleston,
This is Meredith's second season as
a member of the University faculty.

* * *
Were His Ears Red?.. .
ST. QLAIRSVILLE, O., Aug. 11.-
(P)-Some golf players are good
enough to shoot eagles-two under
par-and birdies-one under par, but
Lee Liggett got a rabbit. He killed
the bunny with a hard drive down
the fairway on No. 1 hole at the
Belmont Hills course.
* * *
Think About It...
NEW YORK, Aug . 1.(1P'-Two
Bronx county youths who pleaded
guilty to petit larceny today were
asked by Judge James M. Barrett
whether they read detective stor-
One of the boys said he didn't
"believe in them."
"You'd better read them," the
judge said. "The detectives didn't
have much trouble catching you

So Bob has decided to come out
for the gridiron sport this fall.
Going to medical school and play-
ing Varsity football aren't very
compatible but Bob is going to try
and do it.
This trick has already been tried
by three Michigan men with success-
ful results. In 1926 Flop Flora (bro-
ther of Bob who played last year)
was end Opposite Bennie Oosterbaan
and studied medicine at the same
time. On that same squad was Buck
Sampson, Olympic swimming cham-
pion, who also went to med school.
Last doctor to spend his leisure
hours practicing on the gridiron was
Ducky Simmerall, who was captain
of the team in 1931 and a star half-
Gedeon, former Maize and Blue
3-letter winner, became a her
Sunday whe nthe plane he was
navigating crashed at the Raleigh,
N.C., airport.
Gedeon was blown clear of the
wreckage, Army officials said, but
quickly recovered and reentered the
flaming plane to help a companion
to safety. Two others in the plane
were killed.
While a Wolverine athletic star,
Gedeon earned seven letters, three
in football, twoin baseball as a
pitcher and two in track. During his
senior year he won the Western Con-
ference high hurdles crown. He also
received a major league tryout.
Coach Ray Fisher and Ken Do-
herty weren't the least surprised
when told about Gedeon's most
recent achievement. Said Ray, "He
was one of the finest competitors
I ever coached."
On Campus .. .
Today's Broadcast ...
Another in the University radio se-
ress "It Happened Before, will be
broadcast at 3:15 p.m. today over
station WJR in Detroit.
The program is a dramatization
of the life of Haym Solomon, anan
who gave every penny that he owned
towards financing the Revolutionary
War. It will be directed by Jane
Grills. Tom Battin will play the
lead, and the radiocast will be an-
nounced by George Irwin
Helen Marie Griffin andJeff Solo-
mon collaborated on the script
which is based on research from the
Clements Library.
David Rich will narrate the broad-
cast and Baybara, White and Phi-
lipa Herman will portray major
Luncheon To Be Given...
Citation of students in the De-
partment of Speech who will re-
ceive degrees in August an Oe-
tber will be made at the depart-
mental Student-Faculty luncheon
at 12:15 p~m. today in the ball-
room of the Michigan Union.
The luncheon is sponsored an-
nually by the speech department
for the purpose of honoring tu-
dents who complete work upon
their degrees during the, summer
session. This year :students re-
ceiving degrees at the end f the
summer term will also be honored.
Bomber Comnand
is Receiving Final
YPSILANTI, Aug. 11.-(P)-At the
Willow Run airport beside the huge
bomber plant operated by the Ford
Motor Company, the 90th heavy

bombardment group of the Third
Bomber Command, U.S. Army Air
Forces, is receiving its final combat
Lieut.-Col. E. P. Mussett, in com-
mand of the group, said today that
when the Willow Run bomber plant
is in full production, it nay be pos-
sible to supply bombardment groups
stationed at the airport with planes
right off the assembly lines.

Doherty Says
EM Will Go
On After War
Course FiIls Need Servedl
Bly No Other Program,
Asserts Track Coach
Ken Doherty. varsity track coach.
predicted, in yesterday's education
series lecture at University High
School, that PEM would be continued
after the war because of its proven
C values.
Hepointed out that PEM fills a
need in physical development served
by no other program. Voluntary pro-
grams in intramural athletics, Coach
Doherty said, reach large numbers of
students, but not enough of them
seek regular, systematic and well
rounded activities.
He commented that a voluntary
program offered to prospective sol-
diers during 1941-42 attracted only
seven students, and, he concluded, a
large-scale program on a required
basis is necessary. Coach Doherty de-
clared that the program, which now
serves 1800 men, will have to be ex-
panded to accommodate at least 5000
In yesterday's lecture, Dr. George
Carrothers, director of the Bureau of
Cooperation with Educational insti-
tutions, said that the Cooperative
Study of Secondary Education has
been "more widely used than any
study that has ever been undertaken
in this country."
The Cooperative Study, he said,
has devised a system through which
high schools may be accurately stu-
died and analyzed. The Study, Dr.
Carrothers pointed out, has been
used by hundreds ofschools. Local
faculty study, he explained, and out-
side expert advice are combined to
form the final evaluation.
Law Review
Out Tomorrow
Ceiling Price Control
Is Feature Article
Following the new bi-monthly
publication schedule, adopted to con-
form to the University's wartime
three-term arrangement, the first
issue of Volume 41 of the Michigan
Law Review will appear tomorrow.
Of greatest current interest in the
new issue will be a discussion of the
ceiling method of price control and
rationing by three senior editors of
the Review, Samuel D. Estep, George
T. Schilling, and James L. McCrystal.
A new series of Michigan Legal
Studies, sponsored by the Law School
and edited under the direction of
Prof. Hessel E. Yntema, is reviewed
in the magazine by Prof. Max Rhein-
stein of the University of Chicago
Law School.
LAUTNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
BEIGE fur coat, $25; brown jod-
phurs, $2, size,12. 502 E. Liberty,
Apt. 5, after 4:30.
THERE IS a reply in Box 8.

Must be 21 years old. Apply Check-
er Cab, 515 E. Liberty. 31c
STUDENT to wash dishes in ex-
change for meals at fraternity
house. 1015 E. Huron. Telephone
2-3179. 32c
LOST-Man's gray flannel suit coat.
Reward. Call R. Ketler, Lawyers
Club, 4145. 35
GRAY, gabardine topcoat lost at
Pretzel Bell Thursday, July 30. Re-
ward. Call Ralph Harbert, 2-4509.
ALTERATIONS-Have your fall gar-
ments altered and repaired now.
Reasonable Rates. Alta Graves,
2-2678. 37

o bindin by Hand
With quality and service
built into every job.
Doctors' theses bound over night.
Olsen's Bookbinding Studio
Telephone 2-2915






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