Slightly Cooler «
.. ...........
Patent Laws
Need Revision...
2:15 A.M. FPNAL
600 Bombers
Hit Hamburg;
U-Boat Cradle
Still Flaming
RAF Makes Second Mass
Assault in Three Days;
32 Bombers Are Lost
To Nazi Fighter Group
British Anti-Aircraft
..Stalls Axis Raiders
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, July 29.-Big, black
four-motored British bombers, im-
plementing their commander's threat
to "scourge" Germany from end to
end, poured tons of explosive' and
incendiary bombs on Hamburg last
night and left that great port and
-U-boat cradle covered with flames.
It was the second mass raid on
Hamburg in three nights. An RAF
commentator said it was "very suc-
cessful, even more so than we anti-
He added that the continuing,
bomb raids of such a large scale are
causing the German government
"increasing concern."
Communications Attacked
While Hamburg was put under the
massed bombs of perhaps 600 planes,
32 of which were acknowledged lost,
British fighters attacked Garman
communications in western Europe
in night-long raids.
Then today the RAF struck at tar-
gets in western Germany in the
fourth successive daylight raid, and
Spitfires bombed locomotives and
berges in France and the Low Coun-
tries. Three fighters are missing after
these attacks, the Air Ministry an-
nounced tonight.
The German Ali Force attacked
England during the day, causing
damage and small casualties by
bombing a place on the East Anglian
coast. The Ministry said an enemy
bomber and a Nazi fighter were shot
down this evening.
4 igher Loss y
TIe British said the loss of 32
bombers was-"somewhat higher than
in previous raids" because of the
light of a nearly full moon and a
strong concentration of fighters over
Germany's best-defended port.
*The bombers had to sift. through
the fighter, screen, cloud cover and
a curtain of anti-aircraft fire to
drdp their missiles from a low level.
Large fires were leaping toward
She skies as the last bombers dumped
their explosives' and flew homeward.
British Anti-Aircraft
Stalls Axis Raiders
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 30 (Thursday).
German dir raiders flew' over the
London area for the second time in
ti ree nights early today and dropped
bombs in one district, but after the
alarm had been in effect for some
time only a few planes, flying singly,
had been sighted in the vicinity of
the capital.
The raiders, as they did early
Tuesday morning, ran into Britain's
new secret anti-aircraft gups, al-
ready described by the Berlin Radio
as "the pilot's terror."
Taking advantage of good visi-
bility, British night fighters took the
air over several areas to intercept
the attackers.
Other raiders, taking advantage of
the full moon, .were over two dis-
tricts of East Anglia.
Aero-Experts Endorse
Fleets 'Of Cargo Planes
Rickenbacker Tells Senate Subcommittee
Factories Should Build Air Armada
Elite German
Troops Move
Toward Coast
Nazi Steamroller Slowed
As Russians Hurl Troops
Into Don-Caucasus Battle
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 29.-Avia-
tion experts agreed today .-that
huge fleets of cargo-carrying planes
would add tremendously to Amer-
ica's war potential, but cautioned
against expecting impossible feats
of production.
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, World
War ace who-became president of
Eastern Airlines,, told a Senate
Military Affairs Subcommittee he
believed it would be wiser to build
such planes in factories designed
for the purpose than to attempt
immediate conversion of shipyards
into aviation plants.
Testifying before the special Sen-
ate Defense Investigating Commit-
tee, Harold E. Talbot, Director of
Air Transportation for the War
Production Board, declared that
any new'cargo planes would have
to be powered with engines now
earmarked for bombers and high-
speed fighters.
Grover Leoning, aircraft design-
er and technical consultant for the
WPB, agreed with Talbot that
there is an engine bottleneck, but
expressed the hope that "Ameri-
can ingenuity" could conquer that
as' well as other shortages.
Roscoe Turner, big and dapper
speed flier, said he favored build-
ing a large fleet of cargo planes,
but added he had not consulted
with engineers on technical details
or the time required to attain mass
Both Senate groups have ex-
pressed interest in a suggestion by
Henry J. Kaiser, West Coast ship-
builder, that a number of Ameri-
can shipyards be converted imme-
diately to the manufacture of fly-
ing boats to carry war supplies
Senator Lee (Dem.-Okla.), chair-'
man of the Military Affairs Sub-
committee, is co-author of a reso-
lution to create atspecial board to
speed production of aerial cargo
craft. The Secretaries of War and
Navy, the War Shipping Adminis-
trator and the Chairman of the
WPB would be members.
Sent Through Paris
Propaganda Parade
Thwart New Front
Col. Royall Does His Best:
Biddle, Court Justices Scoff
Nazi Spiei Refugee Ple
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, July 29-Attorney
General Biddle denounced the alleged
Nazi saboteurs in the Supreme Court
today as enemy aliens who came to
this country bent upon destruction
but who, now that they are caught,
seek to avoid wartime penalties by
appeal to the civil courts.
Emphatically, 'he urged the high
tribunal to refuse to issue a writ of
habeas corpus demanded by counsel
for seven of the eight defendants.
.Such a writ., would have the effect
of freeing them from the custody of
the military commission which has
been conducting their trial.
The whole military procedure, and
President Roosevelt's proclamation
ordering it, had been challenged
earlier in the day as illegal and un-
constitutional, by a young Army ad-
vocate, Colonel Kenneth C. Royall,
one of two officers assigned to de-
fend the accused men.
To Exhaust Every Tactic
Royall, who was sworn by his super-
iors to exhaust every possible tactic
for the defense of the prisoners,
argued in a placid, southern drawl
that everyone, enemy alien and loyal
citizen alike, had a clearly defiped
right to the protection of the civil
And to an accompanying stir of
amazement in the courtroom, he said
the prisoners contended that they
were not saboteurs at all, but merely
refugees from Germany. In order
to escape from that country, he said,
they had consented to adopt the role
of saboteurs and be put ashore here
by German U-boats.
Biddle, revealing for the first time
a portion of the testimony given be-
fore the military commission, said
that the contentions of the govern-
ment were "completely sustained" by
long and detailed confessions signed
by each of the eight men.
Attended Nazi Schoolj
Their own testimony, he said,
showed that they attended a school
in Germany in which they were
made "competent in sabotage" and
were shown plans of American in-
dustrial plants, railroads and canals
which were to be blown up. They
were trained "specifically" in the
methods for using the explosives
which they brought with them. More-
over, he said there was testimony
that each of the men had been as-
signed to a specific unit of the Ger-
man Army before leaving and that
each had signed a contract with the
Work Of Student
To Be Presented
In Recital Today
Featuring a selection which was
composed by Dean Howard, a grad-
uate student now enrolled in the
University, the School of Music will
present a woodwind recital at 8:30
p.m., today, in the Rackham Assembly
German government under which his
family " would be paid certain.
amounts of money while he engaged
in sabotage."
At the close of the day, the court,
meeting for a specially-called term,
had heard the arguments of both
sides. Tomorrow both Royall and
Biddle will present their rebuttals.
The issuance of the writ of habeas
corpus, or the court's refusal to issue
it, was expected to follow quickly.
Commission To Meet
The military commission which has
been trying the Germans' also was
scheduled to meet tomorrow, to hear
counsel for both sides present their
final arguments. Under the circum-
stances, it was said authoritatively,
the commission would merely meet
and recess.
Royall, in presenting the accused
men's arguments that they were ref-
ugees, not saboteurs, said they came
unarmed, engaged in no combat op-
erations, and had no instructions or
intent to do anything wrong at that
time. They just wanted to bury the
explosives they brought with them.
"I'm glad," Associate Justice
Frankfurter quietly interposed, Vto
learn what 'unarmed' means."
"They didn't go to any agency, did
they," Associate Justice Jackson fol-
lowed the point up, "and say,_'thank
God we got away from the Ger-
mans,' and tell where the explosives
were buried?"
Allied Bomber
Raids Reported
On- Crete Base
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Egypt, July 29.-United
States and RAF bomber attacks on
German and Italian supply bases at
Suda Bay, Crete, and on battered
Tobruk were reported officially to-
day while desultory artillery drills
provided the major action on the
Egyptian land front.
American and British air forces,
although operating on a reduced
scale in the battle area, hit shipping
and trucks carrying material by
which Marshal Erwin Rommel hopes
to build up his forces for a renewed
assault toward Alexandria.
The heavy Allied bombers which
attacked Suda Bay scored direct hits
on ships, it was reported. At Tobruk,
the British reported, one vessel was
hit and many large fires were started
in the harbor area. Both raids oc-
curred Monday night.
Other bombers were active over
Matruh and Galal, behind Rommel's
line in Egypt.
During daylight yesterday long-
range fighters and light bombers at-
tacking coastwise barges sank one
and probably sank another, the Brit-
ish said.
FBI Arraigns Detroiter
Who Put Holes In Plane
Goebbels Welcomes
Possible Invasion
By The Associated Press
BERN, Switzerland, July 29.-The
Germans sent battle-trained and
newly-rearmed SS Elite guard troops
wheeling down the Champs Elysees
in Paris today enroute to the "in-
vasion coast," and to this widely-
advertised gesture Propaganda Min-
ister Paul Joseph Goebbels added
the declaration that the opening of
an Allied second front would be "an
act of madness."
In the article in the weekly Das
Reich giving the official stamp to the
increasing propaganda in Germany
concerning a second front, Goebbels
issued a"hearty welcome" to the
British and said he hoped some
Americans would join them in trying
"Those MacArthurs," he wrote,
"then for the first time would make
the acquaintance of German soldiers
who, although notcarrying tennis
racquets and golf clubs, would carry
first-class weapons and would bring
with them a vast store of war experi-
ence collected on all the European
battlefields. :
"They would gladly take the op-
portunity of making it plain to the
Yankees that entrance to Europe is
As the Elite guards paraded
'through Paris to impress the world
with the quality of troops reinforcing
the coastal defenses, Goebbels called
the tune from Berlin, declaring: "No
German troops will be withdrawn
from the west. Quite to the con-
trary, the best' and most efficient
troops have been transferred to the
RacialfEq uality
Will.Aid Allied
Cause --Current
Pleads For Active Policy
In Struggle For Negro
Rights AndPrivileges
"The most important reason for
fighting discrimination now is that
only by doing away with racial in-
equality hete can we convince our
allies, many of them 'not members of
the white race that we are really
fighting to establish the ideal of
democracy," keynoted Gloster Cur-
rent .at an Inter-Racial Association
meeting yesterday.
Emphasizing the need for an ac-
tive fighting policy, Current, Detroit
secretary of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, stated that "pressure groups,
letters and petitions have gained a
spot for the Negro in the Navy, a
threatened march on Washington
brought equality in government serv-
ice, and Negro newspapers reopened
the question of colored men in major
league baseball."
"Force was used at the Boston Tea
Party, and it was all right then. As
long as the solution of the colored
problem is supposed to lie with the
Negro he must fight for his rights."
According to Dick Haikkenen,
UAW-CIO steward, recent race dis-
turbances in industry have been in-
stigated by fascist obsructionists
and have not occurred because of
anti-Negro feeling among the work-
Charles R. A. Smith, chief petty
officer in the Navy and member of
the Catholic Inter-Racial Confer-
ence said, "Negroes should fight for
this country because under our set-
up the Negro has the best chance of
getting his rights."
Professor E. H. Dale
To Give 'U Lecture
On 'SpiritOf West'
Prof. E. H. Dale, chairman of the
history department at the University
of Oklahoma, will give a University
1 850 PEM Students Participate
In Mass Tribute ToPTownsle
Colorful Demonstration Of Muscle-Building Program
Presented To 5,000 Cheering Spectators
Close to 1,850 PEM students last night staged one of the largest and
most colorful athletic spectacles ever presented on Ferry Field-presented
it as a tribute to the late Dr. Elmer R. Townsley, the man principally respon-
sible for Michigan's physical fitness program.
The 5,000 spectators who filled the old Ferry Field gridiron stands to
witness the event repeatedly broke into rousing cheers after moments of
complete silence as the students performed their difficult drills, exercises
and games,
In the words of Michigan's immortal Fielding "Hurry-Up" Yost, this
old Ferry Field has seen a lot of great sporting events, but I will bet dollars
to doughnuts this PEM display is the greatest of them all."
Unenlightened fans would h'ave thought the University of Minnesota
gym class had journeyed down to compete against the Wolverines from the
- tremendous enthusiasm the PEM stu-
dents exhibited during the program.
Manufacturer From the first moment they
a charged onto the field en masse to
Clai s TaXes i the time they finished the exercises
the students kept up a swift, steady
A e T o Lpace that all but exhausted Earl
re 1 Low Riskey, chairman of the evening's
.During the exercises Athletic Di-
Rhode Island Corporation rector Fritz Crisler delivered a brief
Executive Says Amount talk in which he said, "I have worked
with a lot of men in putting on one
Just 'Too Damn Little' sort of program or another, but I
have never received the cooperation
By The Associated Press that you PEM boys have given me in
WASHINGTON, July 29.-A New this exhibition."
England manufacturer told the Sen- The most remarkable thing about
ate Finance Committee today he was the exercises was the fact that this
going to pay "too damn little" in was the first time that the grouw had
come tax under the new revenue bill worked together as a unit. But what-
and urged stiff increases in levies on ever they lacked in perfection they
individuals. made up for in concerted enthusi-
Roy Little of Providence,' R. I., asm.
president of the Atlantic RayonCor- The program was successful from
poration, testified he expected to' a financial as well as an entertain-
have a net taxable income of $20,000, meat point of view.
on which he would pay $7,000 in ________________.
taxes under the House-approved
"That's too damn little," the wit'- Jap
ness declared. "I think I ought to
pay nearly twice that amount and I + Cu I sto0mm
Little urged, however, that a flat B
50 percent tax on corporations be Begged Help
substituted for all other corporation
Little took the stand after labor By The Associated Press
union leaders had urged the com- HOLLYWOOD, July 29.-Even a
mittee to limit all income to $25,000 Japanese admiral in the battle of
a year. Midway cried for sonibody to rescue
Previously a representative of a him, Lieut. William Christie of Flint,
private research organization had Mih., who scored two direct hits on
declared that the. flat 90 percent the cruiser Nogami, related today.
excess profits taxes voted by the
House would cause corporations to "We've all been told about the
"die like flies" after the war unless tradition of the Japs," the flier said
it was softened by a post-war rebate. in an NBC broadcast-"how it was
Little, whose firm recently began an honor to die for the Emperor.
manufacturing parachutes-mnder a It was bred in them to want to die
$3,000,000 sub-contract, told com- for their country."
mittee members he did not believe Lieutenant Christie said he and
he, as an individual, ought to re- other members of a flight .had
ceive more compensation for direct- dropped their bombs and were on
ing a plant in war production work their way back to the Carrier York-
than was paid to any army colonel, town when they picked up -a frantic
adding that some other industrial- Japanese message One of the offi-
ists might not agree with him. cers translated it:
To increase returns from individ- "This, is Admiral (name withheld).
uals, he suggested a 10 percent with- We have been bombed. Please send
holding tax on wages, a 10 percent Japanese vessels immediately and
sales tax and a 20 percent tax at th'e take me off. We are going to sink.
source on dividends. Please hurry. I am afraid that more
The bill, as passed by the House, American planes will come. Please
is calculated to raise an additional somebody come and get me. I com-
$6,271,000,000 through heavier taxes mand you to come immediately. This
on individuals and corporations. is Admiral ..........."
Fierce Struggles Continue
On Tsimlyansk, Bataisk,
Voronezh Battlegrounds
Germans Attacking
West OfKletskaya
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, July 30, (Thursday)-
The Russian armies of the South
were reported throwing reserves' into
the bitter battle against the Ger-
mans today and the Soviet midnight
communique indicated the Nazi
steamroller had made little if any
progress in the last 24 hours.
While dispatches from the battle-,
front said the Russians finally were
beginning to put their huge man-
power reserve into action, the cqm-
munique merely said that "fierce en-
gagements" with the enemy were
fought in the Tsimlyansk and Bataisk
areas of the Don and Caucasus and
on the northern end of that flaming
front in#the Voronezh area.
On the critical Caucasian battle-
front at Bataisk, 15 miles below Ros-
tov, the Russians said heavy fighting
LONDON, July 30 (Thursday).-
(IP)-The Berlin Radio claimed to-
day that the German forces in
southern Russia had cut the Sta-
lingrad-Kra nodar railroad in the
Caucasus-Don region and that
Red Marshal Semeon Timoshen-
ko's forces had been split.
There was no confirmation of
this report from any other source.
continued throughout the day. In-
fantry troops defending one import-
ant position, supported by tanks and
planes, wiped out about 2,000 German
men and officers.
The communique announced for
the first time that the Germans were
attacking west of Kletsktaya, 120 miles
northwest of Stalingrad and well to' j
the north of the Don-Caucasus battle-
Kletskaya is on the Don river well
below Voronezh. (This opening of a
new front might indicate the Ger-
mans are attempting to swing a
northern arm across the Don and
down against Stalingrad, on the
"In the area southwest of Kletskaya
fierce fighting is in progress," the
communique declared. "Soviet troops'
are holding up the German push and
inflicting heavy losses on them. One
of our infantry units assisted by
tanks routed advancing enemy units."
Of the Tsimlyansk fighting in the
bend of the Don, the Russians said
"we destroyed 12 German tanks, sev-
eral guns and machine guns. The
Germans lost over 800 soldiers and
areas on the Don and Caucasus and
hurling in reserves."
Magazine Sale
Will Be Today
Campus sales will be held today
for "The Russian Glory," a magazine
portraying the Soviet war effort by
means of recent stories and pictures
from that embattled nation. The
proceeds will go to medical, aid for
The magazine features an article
by the renowned composer, Dmitri
Shostakovitch, relating his partici-
pation in the war effort. He tells of
his work as a fire-fighter and as
head of the musical department of
the people's Volunteer Army theatre,
and also describes the composing of
his Seventh Symphony, which he
wrote as an embodiment of the ideals
of the war.
"Science Goes To War," by Alex-
ander N. Frumkin, member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, tells
of the role of scientific work in fur-
thering the war effort.. Constantin
Simonov, Russian poet and holder
of the Stalin prize, has written an
article for the magazine, ,entitled
"Poet with a Gun."
Post-War Group To Hold
Regular Panel Session
Paul Lim Yuen, Max Dresden and
William Muehl will lead this week's
I .
Snake Oil, Eh?
AVA, Mo., July 29.- (A)-As he
searched through a pile of flitter in
his garage farmer Uel Chasteen dis-
covered a six-foot blacksnake coiled
in a corner. The snake bulged sus-
piciously and Chasteen killed it. In-
side he found what he was looking
for-his lost automobile grease gun.
Judge Emily Post
ST. LOUIS, July 29.(AP)--Three
Deputy United States Marshals had
to lend their coats today to preserve
the dignity of the Federal Court.
Twenty-six defendants appeared
in shirt sleeves, an informality not
permitted by District Judge George
H. Moore. The deputies stripped off
Mass Production Apostle:
Ford 'Never Felt Better' As He
Celebrates His 79th Birthday
Associated Press Staff Writer
DETROIT, July 29-Henry Ford
will observe his 79th birthday anni-
versary tomorrow at peace with him-
self but distressed at the sight of a
world devoting most of its energies
to destructive effort.
Ford, apostle of unrestricted pro-
duction for human needs and advo-
cate of a good neighbor policy for
all the world's peoples, comes to the
beginning of his eightieth year un-
To the suggestion that his great
industrial empire concentrated upon
the production of lethal weapons and
his well-known abhorrence of war
presented something of a contra-
diction, Ford shrugged his shoulders.
If his participation in the arms pro-
duction task helps shorten the war
by one day, he indicated, the effort
will not have been in vain.
The causes of war have not
changed very much during his life-
time the noted industrialigt nassrted.