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July 16, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-16

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, 'p AI-Olgau Batty

Letters To The Editor



EdIted and managed by students of the University of
Mlhigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.,
The pummer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
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National Advertisi g Service, Ic.
4 College Publshers Representave
oidAGo ' 5i oR" Los AR1L" SA FANCISCO
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194=42
Editorial Staff
-oih* swander . . . . Managing Editor
Wil Sapp . . . . . . City Editor
Mii l iann . A T E . . Sports Editor
Hale:s Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff
AgIvrd Perlberg . Business Manager
Pi'e M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Morton Hunter . . . . Publications Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Prices Soar As
Control Weakens .
T HERE IS such a cloud of confusion
concerning inflation and price con-
trol that the fundamental issues are all but com-
pTtely obscured. At the risk of turning an edi-
torial into an economic treatise it might be
worthwhile to compare what we are and are not
doing to what we should be doing.
The price ceilings set by Henderson on most
commodities are almost bound to be broken be-
fore long. The prices of labor, agricultural
go+ ds and freight shipments have all increased
since the retail ceilings were imposed. Even now
many producers are being squeezed by the pres-
sure of costs against the arbitrary selling prices
set by fiat. It is certain that some producers will
*e forced out of business if these ceilings are
maintained without some sort of adjustment
such as subsidization to high cost producers.
Even if wag levels are frozen along with
farm prices there will still be a strong uvwrd
pressure. on prices dlue to the iexess purchas-
ing power incthe hands of the lower income
groups. This is the well-known inflationay
gap between the restricted supply of goods
available for consumption in comparison to
.he greatly increased amount of purchasing
#ewer. People who have money will be com-
peting for goods and will thus tend to force
*uices upwards. The ceilings will be violated
b y the mushroom growth of so-called "black
markets." They exist alieady In the sale of
-ti d fires.
HE SALES TAX and forced savings have both
been suggested as alternate means of elim-
inating this gap. The sales tax is quite clearly
inequitable, but it is also objectionable from an-
other standpoint. A sales tax applied to necessi-
ties would furnish labor with a springboard for
further wage increases. Skipping the N.A.M.
arguments as biased we may consider the values
of forced savings. Steeply graduated income
taxes and forced savings should both be applied
to ill income groups. However, the proportion
of non-repayable taxation should be increasedI
r latively as higher income levels are attained.
Labor may object to any suggested program of
forced savings, but their leaders are capable of
iftelligent persuasion. If workers aren't willing
to take a portion of their pay in war bonds-
rfdeemable after the war-they will have it
taken in the form of higher prices which, after
all, is an indirect, but wasteful, form of taxation.
And they won't get any of that returned to them

After the war. Also the accumulation of war
Savings will furnish a cushion for the temporary
deflation which will follow the war's end.

Negro In The South
To the Editor:
DURING the two years that I have lived in
Ann Arbor and read The Daily there has
been a steady stream of criticism of the South-
ern educational system and indeed of almost
every phase of Southern life (see The Pointed
Pen in Saturday's Daily).
So far I have noticed no answers and I feel
that this is not because the Southern students
here acquiesce completely in this criticism.
Therefore, lest those who are responsible for
this criticism take the universal silence for con-
sent, let me suggest a few factors that they
seem to have missed, especially concerning
Southern education.
ST, racial differentiation is different from
racial discrimination and whereas the South,
Governor Talmadge's group and Cordell Hull's
group too, believe firmly in the former, the lat-
ter has the support of hardly ten percent of
Southern educators and is, as a matter of fact,
rapidly--though not rapidly enough-on the
way out.
The South does not want to penalize its Ne-
groes by denying them an education equivalent
to that it offers its white students, but it prefers
that they receive this education in separate
schools. This is, according to the Supreme
Court, entirely constitutional, and the South
feels that it is, at least for the next several
generations, a social necessity.
SECOND, the bi-racial school system of the
South is far more humane and realistic than
that of the North. Consider that whereas tens
of thousands of elementary and high school
teachers in the South are Negroes, a Negro
teacher in the public schools of the North is a
rarity. Nothing could be crueler than to give a
race the incentive and training to take its place
in our society and then to deny it the right to
do so. Examples enough of this exist in both
sections, but that field which offers Southern
Negroes their widest professional opportunity
opportunity is in the North virtually closed
against them.
Here, at the University itself, where are our
Negro teaching fellows, lab and departmental
assistants, and library staff men? Ask the Negro
in a Southern college if he would prefer white
professors and white classmates and the knowl-
edge that both in college and later he could
hold no educational positions of even a minor
There is still a lot of doubt in my mind about
the quality of "Thunder Rock," and whether all
the obvious production troubles of the author,
cast and director 'are worth it. But that's for
them to decide.
At any rate the symbolic-and I do mean
symbolic in a sore thumb sort of a way-play
about a cynical ex-journalist turned lighthouse-
keiper isolationist is too forced and stagey to be
completely convincing.
The stiff talkiness that opened the play and
furnished its framework cost the play much of
the respect and admiration that its warmer mo-
ments deserve.
Frederick Nelson as the reporter was unreal-
istic and exaggerated, and he represented the
whole framework in that respect. Entangled in
the complications of jumping from ghostly to
real life, he and his material friends who fur-
nished background for ghosts and messages
seemed actually unreal in comparison with the
warmly human beings from another world.
Isolation, as Ardrey points out, is an issue of
both war and peace and I'm glad it was brought
to the attention of the Lydia Mendelssohn audi-
audience. It was too bad that it was brought
home so clearly before the hero caught on.
That made the hero seem inexcusably dull to
us outsiders, and I don't like heroic dullness ex-
cept in comedy
Also caught in the clumsy frame was Richard
Strain as an idealistic young flier who dies in
China-according to the play he gets there,
shoots down several Japs, is killed, and returns

overnight. A man capable of that is capable of
much, but not capable of such melodramatic
emotion as Mr. Strain occasionally produced.
Now for the ghosts, that is, the real live peo-
ple of the play. Yvonne Wotherspoon as the
little Viennese refugee was wonderful. Without
being a bit more partial than a reviewer of my
extreme youth can avoid, I was impressed not
only by her charm, but by her simple, direct
performance of a difficult role.
The Cockney Briggs. played by Robert Reif-
sneider, deserves top honors-along with Miss
Wotherspoon's role on the strength of acting
which carried brilliantly what might have other-
wise seemed poor dialogue. His lightheartedness
and skill were completely winning.
Other more-than-competents were Karl Kreu-
tre and Eve Strong who, as the Doctor and his
wife, made talky parts seem necessary and
Donald Hargis as Captain Joshua betrayed
the old Dutchman in several embarrassing ways.
Captains may walk the bridge, but they don't
do it as if they were run by electricity, and
ghosts may smoke, but not like people at a cock-

THIRD, the Southern Negro, if put in schools
with white children, would learn far less
rapidly than he now does, for his economic, cul-
tural and social position would still be inferior
and he would feel this at every turn. The speed
of the class and the manner of the teaching,
instead of being regulated at his level, would lie
fixed for the class average.
These are facts which legislation by Congress
and articles in The Daily cannot alter overnight.
I am not saying, of course, that there is not
racial discrimination in Southern education, but
I am saying that in most Southern states, not-
ably Mr. Knight's North Carolina, it is disap-
pearing with remarkable speed. And I am ask-
ing further how it is that The Daily editors have
so little to say about racial educational equality
here at Michigan.
- George E. Copple, Grad.
THE PEN points today at George Copple, au-
thor of the above letter, who does not realize
that the only difference between "differentia-
tion" and "discrimination" is that neither one
of them can ride a bicycle.
Mr. Copple says, in effect, that "e of the
liberal and progressive South do not discrim-
inate against the Negro; we just refuse to let
them ride in the same section of the streetcar
with us, we refuse to let their children play with
ours, we refuse to let them live in the same part
of town that we do, we refuse to ride in the
same automobile with them unless they have a
chauffeur's uniform on, we refuse to let them
attend the same schools that we do-no, we,
don't discriminate against them, we just differ-
THIS is a choice sample of that Southern-style
Simple Simon logic which conservative
Southerners have been serving on a silver plat-
ter for the past 100 years. ,
It is the logic of a Governor of Virginia
when he "acquiesces" to the execution of Odell
Waller for the sake of "national unity." It is
the logic of a Governor Talmadge when he
vows he will never allow "niggers" at the
University of Georgia. It is the logic of a
Rep. Rankin when he says that if the CDVO
Is mixing white and Negro blood in its blood
bank it had better "pour the blood in the gut-
ter." It is a vicious, prejudiced, undemocratic,
un-American kind of logic. And I am sorry to
see it appear in a person attending the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
- The Managing Editor
WASHINGTON-Inside factors causing the
defeat in Libya show that American generals
must shoulder a share of the blame.
It is true that the British went in for too much
tea and cricket; and that British generalship
was ponderous, with too much backstage hud-
dling with Cairo and London.
But, in addition, the big factor which hurt the
British was that American tanks sent to Egypt
carried only a 75 mm. gun, which had to com-
pete 'with the Nazis' 88 mm. gun. The mere size
of the gun does not tell the whole story, how-
ever. The old French 75, mainstay of the Allies
in the first World War, shoots in a parabola.
The projectile goes up and then down. Its de-
structive force comes from the explosion when
it hits. But the 88 mm. gun used by the Ger-
mans is an anti-aircraft gun which is built to
shoot straight up in the air with terrific force.
Therefore, when the powerful anti-aircraft guns

are turned against tanks and shoot straight
ahead, it is easy to imagine the havoc they
But the amazing thing was that neither the
British nor American generals had planned
ahead long enough to meet this German gun.
They had known about it for some time, but still
they were putting 75 mm. guns in our tanks.
As to why the change had not been made, that
is the Army's secret. But a representative of
Chrysler, now making Army tanks, was asked:
"Why don't you put something stronger in
place of the 75's? And why don't you make the
turrets so that they revolve in every direction?"
To which the Chrysler man replied: "If we
ask too many questions, we are penalized by
losing out on the next contract."
Professor Vs. Subs
Governor Rex Tugwell of Puerto Rico was
flying from his post to the British island of Ja-
maica a short time ago and just before he
stepped into the plane the young naval pilot
"I on' surroe wllseanv nthinr. But we

VOL. LII. No. 22-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding itstpublication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Blackout Notice July 16th, 10:28
P.M. Due to an official test blackout
for the City of Ann Arbor scheduled
for the period of 10:28 p.m. to 10:45
p.m. on July 16th all persons using
University buildings during this time
must extinguish or blackout lights
at the sounding of the air raid
alarms in the rooms they are occu-
pying and adjacent hallways or pub-
lic spaces.
Univ. Plant & Personnel Protec-
tion Comm., L. Gram, Chairman.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service Ex-
aminations. Last dates for filing ap-
plications is noted in each case.
Priorty Analysts in metal field,
$3,200 to $3,800, July 17, 1942.
Associate Producton Specialist with
Maritime Commission, $3,200, July
19, 1942.
Economists thoroughly grounded
in Iron and Steel trade knowledge,
$3,200 to $4,600, no date given.
Market Analysist, $2,600 to $6,500,
no date given.
Marine Engineers, $2,600 to $5,600.
until further notice.
Naval Architects, $2,600 to $5,600,]
until further notice.
Attorney, $2,000 to $3,200, August
21, 1942.
Law Clerk Trainee, $1,800, August
21, 1942.
Law graduates and senior students:
Applications for the two positions
listed above will be accepted from
persons who are not members of the
bar, but who have completed all aca-
demic requirements for a bachelor's
or higher degree in a recognized law
school. Applications will not be ac-
cepted from such person if they have
failed a bar examination following
the completion of the regular law
course unless they have subsequent-
ly passed such an examination. Min-
imum experience requirements for
the position of attorney range from
18 months to one year or less.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry and Conservation, Music and
Public Health: Students, enrolled in
the SUMMER TERM, who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz, semes-
ter orsummer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 15. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official in
their school with Room 4 U.H., where
it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Mechanical Engineering 35. This
class will not be held Friday, July
17, 1942.I
- All Summer Term Students who
have not secured their identifica-

tion Cards may call for them at
Room 2, University Hall.
All members of the 1940 and 1941
Curriculum Workshops are asked to
meet in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building, Friday
evening, July 17 at 7:15.
Music Education: A comprehen-
sive examination in vocal and in-
strumental methods, required of all
graduate students in music educa-
tion who did not take these courses
as undergraduates at this Univer-
sity, will be given Saturday July 18,
10 to 12 a.m., Room 608, Tower.
David Mattern .
Public Health Assembly: An As-
sembly period of all students in Pub-
lic Health will be held on Monday,
July 20th, at 4- p.m. in the Auditori-
um of the W. K. Kellogg Institute,
Dr. Haven Emerson, Nonresident Lec-
with no submarine scalp in his pro-
fessorial belt.
Capital Chaff
Despite Leon Henderson's hectic
crusade to keep a price ceiling on all
foods, there is one ceiling he is going
to raise immediately-canned crab
meat. Reason is that before Pearl
Harbor most canned crab meat came


Events Today
H.M.S. Pinafore: All singers on
campus are invited to try out for
this operetta, to be presented jointly
by the School of Music and the Mich-
igan Repertory Players of the De-
partment of Speech. Any selection
may be presented but please bring
music. Accompanists will be pres-
Final tryouts will be held this af-
ternoon, from 4:00 to 5:30 in Suite 2
of the Michigan League Building.
The Cercle Francais will hold its
regular meeting on Thursday, July
16, at 8:00 o'clock in the Michigan
League. The guest speaker will be
Professor Rene Talamon whose sub-
ject, "Souvenirs d'un interprete," is
of special interest to all at this time.
Students of the Summer Term and
the Summer Session and faculty
members who are interested are cor-
dially invited to attend. Please con-
sult the bulletin board at the League
for the meeting place.
A. J. Jobin
Varsity Glee Club: Will meet this
evening at 7:30 in the Glee Club
Room, Michigan Union, for infor-
mal singing together. All members
are urged to be present in order to
make plans for serenades and other
function. Please bring eligibility
James A. O. Crowe, Manager
"Thunder Rock," second offering
of the current series of plays being
given by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the department of speech,
tonight at 8:30 and will run through
Saturday night. Tickets are on sale
daily at the box office, Mendelssohn
Doctoral Examination for Robert
G. Picard; 'field: Physics; thesis:
"Studies on the Structure of Thin
Metallic Films by Means of the Elec-
tron Microscope," will be held on Fri-
day, July 17, in West Council, Rack-
ham, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, O. S.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient reas-
on might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Seminar in Physical Chemistry
will meet Thursday, July 16 in Room
122 Chemistry Building at 1:30 p.m.
Dr. Elizabeth Rona will speak on
"Radioactivity of the Ocean." All
!interested are invited.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science anid the Arts: The five-
week freshman reports will be due
Saturday, July 18, in the Academic
Counselors' Office. 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman,
Academic Counselors.
"The Need for Group Psychological
Securities for Growing Youth," a
Lecture by Fritz Redl, Associate Pro-
fessor of Social Service Adminis-
tration, Wayne University, Thurs-
day, July 16th at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School.

Biological Chemistry Lectures:
Doctor Roger J. Williams, Professor
of Chemistry in the University of
Texas, will deliver a series of lec-
tures on The Vitamins of the B Com-
plex Group, their Distribution, Signi-
ficance, and Micro-Biological Meth-
ods of Study," from July 21 to 24, in-
clusive. All lectures will be given
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
lectuges on July 21 and 23 will be
at 2 p.m., and on July 22 and 24 at
4 p.m. All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
Inter-Guild Luncheon will be geld
at 12:35 today in the Fireplace Room
of Lane Hall after the University's
Campus Worship Service in First
Congregational Church. Inter-Guild
Worship Chairmen 'will meet this af-
ternoon at 4:30 in Lane Ball.
Tom Johnson
The first of the League's summer
series of lessons in contract bridge
will be held on Thursday evening
at 7:30. There will be a fee of $1.50
for six lessons.
Pi Lambda Theta: Guest recep-
tion Thursday evening at 7:30 in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Notice charge in
time. Important meeting. Everyone
is urged to come.
Michigan Sailing Club meeting
Thursday, July 16th, Michigan Un-
ion, Room 304. Question of geting
another dinghy. Explanation by for-
mer' Commodore Donkin of Racing
Right of Way Rules.
Graduate Council will meet at 5
p.m. Thursday in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building.
Professor Mentor Williams, Profes-
sor Jesse E. Thornton, Floyd Bond
and Homer Swander will hold a pan-
el discussion on "The Future of Capi-
talism" in the Grand Rapids Room
of the Michigan League Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. ! The meeting will be-
gin promptly. Everyone is invited
to attenif1.
Post-War Council
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club is plsn-
ning a swim and supper at Delhi this
Sunday. Please sign at the desk at
Rackham by noon Friday if you plan
to go, telling whether .you wish to
bicycle (about 8 miles) or would like
auto transportation reserved for you.
A deposit of 25 cents is required. The
group will meet at the northwest door
of Rackham at 2:30.
The Westminster Guild combines
with the Wesleyan Guild this Friday,
July 17th for a baseball and picnic
party. Both Guilds will meet at the
Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Please
make reservations by calling 'the
Church Office before 12m oon, Fri-
day, Tel. 2-4466. All students are
Youth Hostel Trip. There will be
a week end trip to Saline Farms leav-
ing the Women's Athletic Building at
1:30 Saturday, Men and women stu-
dents interested in going meet at
this time. There will be a bicycling
group and a hiking group.
Department of Physical
Education for Women.
The second concert of the 1942
High School Band Clinic now being
held in Ann Arbor will be presented
at 4:15 p.m., Sunday, July 19 in Hill
Auditorium, under the direction of
Prof. William D. Revelli. 122 stu-




From the public standpoint there is another
great advantage to this plan. If purchases of
war bonds are to be compulsory therewill be
no need of such high interest rates on the
binds. A reduction in the interest rates will
make the financial burden of the war a good
aeal easier to bear in the years to come. The
only logical reason for the high rates on pres-
ent savings bonds is to encourage voluntary
THE way things stand now we are far from
having control over prices and inflation. Our
worthy congressmen seem to have no concep-
tion of the task which belongs to them. Hen-
derson needs more money to enforce price rul-

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