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July 19, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-19

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Daily Calendar of Events
Saturday, July 19 -

Li ;

8:30 p.m. "The Contrast." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.)
9:00 p.m. Social Evening. (Michigan League Ballroom.)

Come with or without



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
ckrrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
. College Publishers Representative
420 MAoesoN Ave=. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Washington Merry-Go-Round



Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Staff

Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
S. William Baker
Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
. Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff

Business Manager .
Local Advertising Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

. . Daniel H. Huyett
. . Fred M. Ginsberg
. . Florence Schurgin

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Priorities Create
A New Problem ...
WITH the defense program being aug-
mented every day, civilian and mili-
tary authorities as well have run face-to-face
into the problem of how to supply promptly raw
materials necessary for defense without at the
same time cutting off supplies needed by non-
defense industries.
For months we have been hearing about the
number of workers who wer'e finding jobs ir,
the defense program. Now there is the actual
danger of men losing jobs for the same reason.
It is predicted with alarm in some quarters that
soon hundreds of businesses may have to close
down through material shortages.
It is a situation that requires careful handling.
One day priorities director of OPM E. R. Stet-
tinius, Jr., announces that there will be strict
enforcement of priorities compliance orders, that
hoarding and bootlegging of needed materials
Will not be permitted, although cooperation fer
expected from the great majority of industries,
even if it means that they must close down or
greatly curtail their operations.
THE VERY NEXT DAY the OPM calls for the
aid of organized labor in preventing or mini-
mizing, the dislocations of workers while much
of the nation's industry is being placed on a de-
fense basis. All of which is tantamount to offi-
cial recognition of the problem of enforcing
"The priorities system, in fundamental theory,
is very simple," says an official statement of the
OPM priorities division. "Put as briefly as pos-
sible, it is a method of putting first things first,
a technique for making sure that machines and
wheels and gears and guns and radios and ther-
mometers and range finders-and all other
things necessary for defense of the nation-are
produced promptly, on schedule, without delay."
Yet the priorities division admits that "It
would be quite erroneous to assume that all de-
fense needs come ahead of all civilian needs,"
that "obviously the most important civilian
needs are more important than the least im-
portant military needs," and that "this is a mat-
ter of delicate adjustment which the priorities
system must make."
ITIS indeed a delicate adjustment. In support
of this, the case of a large factory employing
thousands of men engaged in the production of
purely civilian commodities is cited. This plant
may have little or no connection with defense,
and yet to close the plant through the applica-
tion of the priorities theory in such a way as to
unnecessarily cut off raw materials and other
supplies would throw thousands of men out of
The "priorities critical list" includes more than
225 articles and classes of articles. On it are
scores of materials used by plants employing
from a dozen to several thousand men. It is
quite apparent that the whole industrial ma-
chine of the nation cannot, nor need not, be
turned to defense. War or no war, people must
go on living, and to do so, they must have goods
which are not a part of defense. These daily
needs must be supplied, and at the same time
priority must be given to the most important
defense needs.
THE WHOLE PROBLEM is a phase of defense
which has not yet come under the sway of the
nation's propaganda ministers. More will be
heard of it in later months, listed under the
haA nof°c rriginP" But thenonle ahvanrght

WASHINGTON-Most of the congressional
leaders had a chip on their shoulders when they
went to the White House for the Monday pow-
wow on General Marshall's proposals to expand
and prolong the use of the draft army. But it
wasn't there when they left.
THE PRESIDENT adroitly disarmed them at
. the start by declaring flatly that an A.E.F.
"is the farthest thing from my mind." He and
Marshall then followed up with some telling
arguments on why selectees should be retained
in the Army. When they finished talking, the
legislative chiefs obviously were impressed.
Roosevelt categorically denied that he had any
intention of sending troops outside the Western
Hemisphere. At the same time, he admitted that
he did not consider Iceland, the Azores and
Cape Verde Islands wholly within the hemis-
phere. Asked if he contemplated sending troops
to these places, the President made this reply:
, In all probability some soldiers will be needed
in Iceland to supplement the naval force already
there. No move will be made to occupy the
Azores or Cape Verde Islands unless Hitler seizes
Portugal. Should that happen, it would be sui-
cidal for the United States not to take the same
protective action as was done in Iceland.
GRIMLY, the President pointed out that Nazis
entrenched on the two strategic insular
points would be able to dominate the Atlantic.
Another argument which made a strong im-
pact was some startling information concerning
Nazi military infiltration in South America.
The President stated that Nazi agents have
organized "secret armies" in several Latin Amer-
ican countries to incite revolutions and border
wars and disrupt hemispheric solidarity. He
declared there were reliable reports that the
Nazis have a secret army of 2,000,000 men in
This is 600,000 more than our own army, the
President pointed out, and gives the lie to Hit-
ler's assertion that he has no designs on this
hemisphere if he conquers Britain.
'Wrecked Defenses'
GENERAL MARSHALL qietly but with great
earnestness warned the congressional lead-
ers that the nation's major defenses in Hawaii,
the Philippines, Alaska and the Atlantic bases
would be "wrecked" unless civilian soldiers are
retained in the service.
'About 85 percent of the troops in some out-
lying bases are National Guardsmen, selectees
and reservists," Marshall said. You can well
imagine the spot we will be in if these men have
to leave when their year is up and are replaced
by raw, untrained recruits. Our offshore de-
fenses would be unable to withstand attack if
any were attempted.
"If Congress cannot realize the extreme grav-
ity of this situation," Marshall continued, "then
all I can say, gentlemen, is that the Army should
be relieved of responsibility for the safety of
the country and its citizens."
Speaker Sam Rayburn, House Democratic
Leader John McCormack and Senate Foreign
Relations Committee Chairman Walter George
replied that they fully grasped the danger, but
that a majority of Congress was opposed to pro-
longing the draft period beyond one year. As a
compromise, Rayburn and McCormack proposed
that selectees be allowed to volunteer for addi-
tional service.
GENERAL MARSHALL firmly rejected this.
He declared that "the times are too perilous"
to depend on an army of volunteers. "You can-
not meet the danger of modern warfare," he
said, "with makeshift expedients. The world is
menaced by an army of professionals. If we
value our security, we can't afford to risk it
with an army of amateurs."
The President backed up Marshall, and the
conference ended with a general agreement to
hold public committee hearings on the proposal
to retain draftees longer, then see how sentiment
shapes up before taking the issue to the Senate
and House floors for action.
DAN TOBIN, square-shooting AFL teamster
boss, has been awarded a miniature gold

boxing glove as "AFL Champ" by Drs. John A.
Ross and L. E. Rehner of Plymouth, Mich. Also
slated for one of the unique awards, which have
gone to many top national figures, is Wayne Coy,
head of the Office of Emergency Management,
who was awarded the Brass Ring by The Wash-
ington Merry-Go-Round last month . . . . The
National Defense Inventors' Council, which re-
ceives daily some 400 inventions, was startled
the other day by getting a request for one. A
New Jersey squab farmer wrote asking ,for an
invention o "dry-pick" squabs for the market.
If you have any suggestions, send them to the
Council . . . George M. Reynolds, Assistant Ad-
ministrator of the Surplus Marketing Adminis-
tration, .is an unusual government official. He
answers letters offering ideas to the agency
courteously and sympathetically.

No ,GOP Dollar Men
A NEWSMAN FRIEND asked Republican Na-
tional Chairman Joe Martin when he
planned to name the traveling liaison officers
who were to act as his "ears and eyes" in the
political field. This was an innovation Martin
had announced after the spring pow-wow of
the Republican National Committee, but he has
done nothing about it.
"I'd like to appoint them right away," he re-
plied, "but I haven't the money. I'll have to
wait until the treasury is in better shape. Right
now it's about as bare as Mother Hubbard's cup-
board. What would you suggest I do about it?"
"That's easy," replied the news friend. "Pay
them a dollar a year. A lot of big-time Republi-
cans are working for the Government on that
"That's the one reason our treasury is empty,"
moaned Martin. "Most of the substantial men
in the party have gone into the Government as
Dollar Men and can't afford to contribute any
Mail Bag
. L. C., Honolulu-The Navy Department has
had a flood of complaints about living con-
ditions in Pearl Harbor, and about hasty selec-
tion of workers. Their excuse is that high wage
rates are intended to compensate these draw-
backs . . . . . C.B.S., New Orleans-Except in
emergency defense contracts, government agents
are supposed to award business to the lowest
bidder. If the Government bought an air-com-
pressor at $36,000, when another compressor,
fully meeting specifications, was available at
$32,000, it was an open violation of the law.

'Deutsch land Uber Alles'
To the Editor:
Being off the campus proper in-
hibits one's enjoyment of the various
cultural opportunities connected with
such residence. I refer directly to
the playing of "Deutschland uber
Alles," so ably reported by your cor-
respondent, one Gerald Davidson.
The writer's indignation at the per-
formance of this "most terrible of
all melodies" is most vividly, if pro-
fanely, brought out in his recent
Of course, being some twenty-five
miles removed from the site of the
Carillon, I am not in a position to
say just when Haydn's anthem was
played. Brother Davidson, in his pre-
occupation with the "Battle of the
Atlantic" has not informed us of
this. At any rate, I rather imagine
the bells pealing forth on a Sunday,
when, instead of "blood . . . and
shattered lives," washed and beam-
ing children's faces will be envisaged
at the sound of the melody. For,
friend Davidson. "Austria" is one of
the oldest and most beloved tunes in
American church musical literature.
It is a hymn tune which all Protest-
ant and many Catholic men and
women remember with pleasure from
their childhood, and, in remember-
ing, forget, if they ever knew, its
more unpleasant modern implica-
Davidson's attitude is typical of
the hot-headed, illogical, misin-
formed interventionist, leaping at
anything which will give him a
chance to rant. In the first place,
Davidson gives lip-service to an
aesthetic democracy by acknowledg-
ing the beauty and value of German
art and music, "even Wagner." It
is plain to see that this is merely an
acknowledgment, and a grudging one
at that. Where Davidson has made
his mistake becomes apparent imme-
diately in his choice of music, for
the informed know well that Hitler
has found most of his inspiration in
the music of Wagner, particularly
in "The Ring." "Deutschland uber
Alles" plays but a minor role in lead-
ing German youth to death; Hitler
has substituted his own song, known
as the "Horst Wessel Lied." There-
fore, if Davidson must find music on
which to vent his irrational spite, he
might better turn to Wagner or some
of Hitler's modern party composers,
whose music is surprisingly well rep-
resented in the United States today.
Picking on poor old Haydn, who nei-
ther composed -in the spirit of, nor
has been completely acccepted by
Nazism, seems considerably out of
No, the song in question was not
played in a spirit of levity. The
writer's real or pretended ignorance
of this fact brands him as irresponsi-
ble and unfit to represent his cause.
At the risk of offending groups
which, in the end, may determine our
part in the present conflict, he has
sounded off in a manner hasty and
unintelligent, betraying a lack of
knowledge of things which play a
basic part in the lives of many of our
fellow countrymen. In the future
may I recommend a more careful
consideration of things around you,
Gerald, particularly to some of the
cultural facts of life in America,
where, in letters to the editor, it is
still possible to make a fool of
- Bill Todd




I s'k
"Oh, Lester!-NOW I know that I'll wait for you like you asked me to'."

By Lichty

ST UPIi&tQ *

By Terence
Slips That Pass In The Type
THE OTHER DAY some of the fellows were
gathered around a table at a downtown tav-
ern over.a few short beers, and we got to remin-
iscing about The Daily and what it means to us
and what it's been in the past. I guess you
might say that's our whole life around here-
just The Daily and what we can make of it. You
get over here and it seems to get in your blood
and then nothing else seems to matter-just
ask the profs who've had Daily editors in their
classes or the girls we've gone out with.
Anyway, like it almost always does, the sub-
ject of boners came up, and we all began telling
about favorite ones we'd been told of or seen.
Even The Daily makes mistakes, we admit, but
then so does The New York Times and The
Kalamazoo Gazette and The Kansas City Star.
BUT here are a few of the classics I picked up
from that little confab over a couple of short
Last year a night editor had two cuts, one of a
map of the Dakar region and the other of a
shipwrecked boat. The boat was to run inside
and the map- p.1. Well, when the paper came
out, there was the map on p.1. all right, but
underneath it the cut lines started: "This ex-
cellent picture of a French steamer grounded on
the African coast . . ." A couple of days later we
ran a picture labeled Governor Van Wagoner.
The city editor got a letter after that from the
Governor's office saying that the picture we had
run was of Senator Prentiss Brown. They sent
us a mat of Van Wagoner.
A few years ago President Ruthven's father
died, and we were running quite a story on it.
Mr. Ruthven was a famed railroad contractor,
but in composing the story a linotypist inad-
vertently changed the occupation to read: "rail-
road conductor." At 2:13, two minutes before
The Daily is supposed to go to bed, the error
was caught and corrected.
THE NEWMAN CLUB a few years back spon-
sored a talk here by Father Hubbard. The
priest was to show pictures that included some
movies of an Arctic storm. The day before he
was to talk, Ann Arbor had a terrible wind and
hail storm. Quick to take advantage of the
tie-up, the next day the ad in The Daily read:
"You may think the storm yesterday was pretty
bad, but wait until you see Father Hubbard's
Stan Swinton, who's doing his turn for the
government up at Custer now, and was city ed
a couple of years back, put out the women's page
once, and it came through with the rather ludi-
crous mistake about a prof's wife: "She at-
tended the affair dressed in a charming low-cut
evening gown-in fact, extremely low-cut."
THERE'VE BEEN the usual quota of proof
errors, too, like "President Ruthven's anni-
versary as head of the University will be cele-
brated at Yost Field Mouse." Several times a
dateline has gotten through, not always acci-
dentally, reading "Cashington, D.C."
Every year the night editors have to exercise
their funny bones, and the anree nf humn rnme

All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication exceptton
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Examination for Graduate Students
in Music Education: Comprehensive
examination in Vocal and Instru-
mental Public School Methods and
Materials required of all graduate
students in Music Education before
completing work toward the Master's
degree, will be given on the third
floor of Burton Tower, Saturday, July
19, from 9:00 to 12:00 noon.
David Mattern
Students, College of Literature,'
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after the third week, Satur-
day, July 19th, will be recorded with
a grade of E.
Lectures on French Music: Mr. Per-
cival Price, Professor of Composition
and University Carillonneur, will give
a series of three lectures with records
on French music. In the first lec-
tureyProfessor Price will talk on
"Early French Music of the Jon-
gleurs and the Troubadours."
These lectures, which will be given
in English and are open to all stu-
dents and Faculty members interest-
ed, are to take place in Room 202,
Burton Memorial Tower on Monday,
July 21, Monday, August 4 and on
Monday, August 18, respectively at
4:10 p.m.
The lectures are sponsored by The
Department of Romance Languages.
Graduate Students, and others in-
terested are invited to listen to the
regular Tuesday program of record-
ed music to be given in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building at
8:00 p.m., July 22. The following
Program will be given: Bach, Tocca-
tas and Fugues for Organ, Brahms,
Variations on a Theme by Hayden,
Tschaikowsky. Symphony No. 3 and
Dohnanyi, Quartet No. 2.
Concert, High School Clinic Band:
The University of Michigan 1941 High
School Clinic Band of 147 pieces will
present a concert at 4:15 p.m., Sun-
day, July 20, at Hill Auditorium. Mr.
Mark Hindsley, who is Assistant Con-
ductor of the University of Illinois
Bands, will be the guest conductor.
Although this performance will be
complimentary to the general public,
small children will not be admitted
for obvious reasons.
Psychology 34 Makeup Examina-

tion will be given Tuesday, July 22,
at 2 p.m. in Room 2125 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Schools of Music and Edu-
cation: Students who received marks
of I or X at the close of their last
semester or summer session of attend-
ance will receive a grade of E in the
course unless this work is made up
by July 30th. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up the work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
mitted. The petition must carry the
written approval of the instructor
The Biological Chemistry Lectures:
The third of the series of lectures on
the fat-soluble vitamins will be con-
cerned with Vitamin A and the caro-
tenes. Mrs. PriscillaAHorton of the
University Hospital and Dr. L. A.
Moore of Michigan State College will
speak on the physiological aspects of
Vitamin A and the carotenes, in Room
151, Chemistry Building on Monday
and Tuesday, July 14 and 15, at 2
p.m. Professor Harry N. Holmes of
Oberlin College will speak on the
chemistry and distribution of these
substances in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building on Thursday and
Friday, July 17 and 18, at 2 p.m. All
interested are invited to attend.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 19th, will be the final
day for dropping a course without
record in the summer session. Courses
may be dropped only with permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
University Men and Women: Any-
one wishing special instruction in
teaching square dancing is invited to
come to the Michigan League at 4:00
p.m. Monday. Mr. Lovett will hold
a class in the ballroom at that time
in addition to the regular square
dance lesson at 7:30.
All local and visiting members of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority are in-
vited to attend our informal meeting
at Smith League House, 1102 East
Ann Street, on Saturday, July 19,
1941, at 3:00 p.m.
Tickets are available for Sunday
Night Series of the Art Cinema
League which includes "The Baker's
Wife" July 20, "The Cobbler Captain
(Continued on Page 4)



scheduled to start the next day, and
The Daily being published that eve-
ning was to be the last for 12 days.
The paper was put together early,
and everyone was feeling quite jovial,
with vacation coming up. The night
editor went down in the hole to
watch the make-up man throw the
type in the forms, instructing a soph-
omore to stay at the night desk and
let him know if anything big came
over on the AP machine, so it could
be stuck in the paper.
The kid obeyed instructions, and
stayed upstairs until 2:15 when the
machine shuts off. After the forms
were locked up the soph and the n.e.
were walking home together, and the
junior said: "Sure glad nothing
broke on the teletype, saved tearing
up the front page." The soph pulled
a piece of teletype paper from his
pocket. "This came over at 2:12," he
said, "but I knew it was too late to;
put it in so I didn't say anything
about it." The n.e. read the little
bulletin: "President Wilson tonight
asked Congress for a declaration of
war against the German nation."
Coed filed back to Ann Arbor, and
for the first time The Daily informed
its readers that this country was at
war with, Germany-12 days after
that fateful April eve.
All of which has gone into making
The Daily for more than 50 years
now. But a lot more has gone into
making it the best student news-
paper in the country, and I defy
anyone, even the Board of Regents,
to say differently: entered in the All-
Anierican Pacemaker Award Con-
test seven times since 1934, and win-
ning seven awards; three firsts of


760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 K C - NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Ty Tyson Youth Dramas To Be Announced
6:15 Inside of Sports Science Program Youth Dramas Sandlotters
6:30 wayne King's S. L. A. Marshall Sons Of To Be Announced
6:45 Orchestra Sports Parade _ The Saddle Harry Heilmann
7:00 Spotlight Latitude Zero Serenade Town Talk
7:15 Ssotlight Latitude Zero Val Clare; News Organ Favorites
7:30 News Comes Truth Or Hawaii Bishop &
7:45 To Life Consequence Calls the Gargoyle
8:00 Your Barn News Ace Green Hornet
8:15 Hit Dance Forces Quiz Green Hornet
8:30 Parade Barn Gould Orchestra Hollywood
3:45 Saturday Night Dance Gould Orchestra Horse Race
9:00 Serenade Whoopin' Chicagoland NBC
9:15 Public Affairs Holler Concert Summer
9:30 Bob Hannon I want A Job of, Light Symphony
9:45 World News Michigan Highways Music Concert
10:00 Masterworks Williams Orch. National News News Ace


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