, JULY 15, 1941
Feudin' Irons
To Be Oiled Up
For Rival Hops
Navy Officials Deny Reports Of U.S. Clash With
League Weekend
To Highlight
Dixie Doodle
Alabama mammies and damyanks,
co'nels from Kaintuck and well, m'-
dear, just everybody will be out Fri-
day and Saturday all togged out for
a weekend of competition on the en-
tertainment side, when the tradition-
al "Dixie Doodle" and "Yankee Doo-
dle" rivalry will run rife in the League
First of the two hops will pay hom-
age to the Gray, with a numbah of
so'thn gals plannin' to swell that re-
nowned so'th hospitality to the far
north and get everyone acquainted
for what promises to be a grand eve-
There is more planned than that,
however, for the garden will be the
scene, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., of a water-
melon cut. Dar. T. Luther Purdom,
director of the University :Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, will perform the slicing.
Free watermelon will be distribut-
ed among students from Alabama,
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Dela-
ware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Ken-
tucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mary-
land, New Mexico, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennes-
see, Texas, Virginia and West Vir-
Melodies from below the Mason-
Dixon Line will be swung by Clark
McClgllan and his orchestra from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. -in keeping with the
chosen theme.
Saturday's dance will-reverse the
procedure with the Blue taking hon-
ors,. and both northerners and south-
erners are urged to be at the two
dances, so each side can strive to out-
do the other in putting on a really
good entertainment.
U Of M. Students
Awarded Degrees
At Air West Point
A degree from the "West Point of
the Air" will be added to academic
backgrounds of seven former Univer-
sity of Michigan students on July 12
as they successfully complete their
basic flying training at Randolph
Field, Texas.
They are: James W. Blose, Sharps-
ville, Pa., '37-'41; Bill Buckingham,
Detroit, '38; Hamlet Cominole, Glov-
ersville, N.Y., '38-'40; William H.
Jones-Burdick, Casper, Wyo., '39-'39,
M.A., and '39-40; John H. Haigh,
Chicago, Ill., '41, B.S.E., swimming
All-American college team 3 years,
Beta Theta Pi; Rex K. Latham, Al-
ton, Ill., '37-'40, A.B., Psi Upsilon;
Richard L. Taylor, Syracuse, N.Y.,
'38-'40, Chi Psi.
This class of pilots-to-be entered
the enormous south Texas basic train-
ing school on May 2 after having com-
pleted 10 weeks of primary training.
'The Childhood Of Gorky',
'Chapayev' Are Chosen
For Special Series
Two Russian films will be present-
ed in a special series by the Art
Cienma League, one Thursday and
the other a week from Thursday.
"The Childhood of Maxim Gorky"
will be shown at 8:15 p.m. Thursday
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
School. The following week "Cha-
payev" will be shown.
Tickets for this series of two are
on sale at the League, the Union
and Wahr's book store.
Starring Alyosa Lyarsky as Gorky,
"The Childhood of Maxim Gorky" is
directed by Mark Donskoi and por-
trays the early years of Russia's great
writer. "Chapayev" tells of the Bol-
shevik leader who rose from the rank
of common soldier in the Czar's army
to become commander of the Red
armies of the east.
Tickets for.the Art Cinema League's
main series, which opened Sunday
with "Peg of Old Drury" and has yet
to offer "The Baker's Wife," "The
Cobbler of Koepenick" and "Crime
and Punishment" may still be ob-
tained at the League, the Union and
Wahr's book store.
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox (center, seated) and Admiral harold R. Stark (behind Knox), chief
of naval operations, were reported to have denied that the American Navy had clashed with German forces.
They testified in Washington before the Senate Naval Committee. With them as they glanced over a resolu-
tion calling-for an-investigation are Chairman David I. Walsh (left, seated) (Dem.-Mass.), and Sen. Hiram
W. Johnson (right, seated) (Rep.-Calif.). Standing, Sen. Ralph O. Brewster (left) (Rep.-Me.) and Sen. J. J.
Davis (right) (Rep.-Pa.)
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ACCORDING to the Moscow radio,
Field Marshal Hermann W. Goer-
ing, No. 2 Nazi, is now engaged in
cooling his heels at some dirty old
concentration camp. Frankly, we
were very surprised to see Uncle Her-
mann's number come up-we always
had the idea that he was here to
* * *
We feel very sorry for Uncle Her-
mann and we're sure that all of the
Germans do too. No doubt he will
get a warm reception at the concen-
tration camp-something like the one
the boys gave Al Capone at Alcatraz.
* * *
-UT' ,hey had to get rid of one
Nazi leader, it might just as
well have been Uncle Hermann.
He's the only German big-wig that
would look good on the chopping
block with an apple in his mouth.
Maybe his execution'-will serve-as a
substitute for Christmas dinner in
Berlin this winter.
* * *
It seems that Heinrich Himmler,
who usually holds down sixth place
on the Nazi hit parade, is now ang-
ling for a promotion. Poor Heinrich,
he doesn't know when he's well off or
maybe he's never heard about what
happened to those other guys who
got pretty close to der Feuhrer.
BEING A GERMAN big shot right
now seems almost as bad as be-
ing in an important commissar or
something in Russia. And it's even
worse if you happen to like that cheap
red herring they serve around the
Siberian salt mines.
What got us really mad though
was that Hitler called Goering a
coward. That's not fair, you know,
-Uncle Hermann has an Iron
Cross and Adolf knows what cour-
age it takes to win one of those.
He should, he's got a half dozen
* * *
That British-Soviet pact which was
signed Saturday has been greetd with
great joy in official circles both in
London and Moscow. But we can
remember a time when Joe Stalin's
followers and Mr. Churchill's Clive-
den set- were horrified at Eden and
Litvinov for suggesting the same
. * * *
HICH ALL GOES to prove that
it's better to live in a democracy;
at least the world knows that An-
thony Eden is safe in a mansion
somewhere living as befits his sta-
tion. Which in turn reminds us that
Goering .was eating pretty well too
until he talked back to teacher.
;Rome was a bit jubilant yester-
day after the report was received
that-a British detachment in North
Africa had been put to flight. These
days even the capture of three
bushels of sand seems welcome news
to the Black Shirts.
Rumor has it that two of the best
known theologians in the country are
in grave danger of losing their religi-
ous titles. Reason: the language
which "Deacon" Bill McKechnie and,.
"Parson" Del Baker have been using
to describe the activities of their re-
spective teams recently has not been
exactly devout.
* * * ,
WE DON'T BLAME the boys for
changing character, however. At-
tendance in Cincinnati and Detroit
has fallen off considerably and even
the 56,000 fans who attended the All-
Star game were afraid that it would
turn into a revival meeting at any
* * *
Ineidently, only 4,000 people
turned out to see a recent night
game in St. Louis between the
Browns and Indians. The total
revenue, according to our figures,
will hardly pay for candlelight let
alone electricity. There's a move
on now to sell fireflies to all Mis-
sourians who are sadists enough
to enjoy watching the Brownies
massacred in the moonlight.
Wild, Wooly'
West Of Today
(Special to The Daily)
JACKSON, Wyo.-The first week
at Camp Davis for the engineers and
geologists was very quiet, except for
the thundering of hoofs at night, but
over the weekend the boys got their
first taste of the old west.
They started to Jackson intending
to paint the town red. When they
arrived it was almost too red for
them to handle. After their first
walk around the Square they wan-
dered leisurely into a bar to be greet-
ed by two roulette wheels, two dice
tables, a, vingt-et-un game, a bird
cage, a poker game and dudes. (Camp
Davisites are natives, not dudes.) The
boys had to try their luck. Sunday
morning the Camp was much wiser,
understanding why crime doesn't pay.
Sunday evening a dusty, sore lot
of geologists arrived at camp. It
was not hoofs that they heard that
night, but the gentle sawing of logs.
Monday camp went into full swing,
with the engineers hanging onto their
skyhooks making transit stadia sur-
veys of the mountains and the geolo-
gists off to the mountains to see what
old mother nature did long before
they were hatched.
Pretzel Benders
Beat Physics Tean
Opening the Intramural National
League season at Ferry Field yester-
day, the Pretzel Benders slanted out
a total of 17 hits behind the pitching
of Mike Chiapetta to swamp the
Physics squad, 18 to 4. Merritt hurled
for the losers.
Individual batting stars were Rosen
and Richardson, each of whom belted
two singles and a triple.
Other teams in the newly formed
league are the Faculty, Dark Horses,
Cicero's Pugs and Ox Lodge.
"British Labor and World War II"
will be the topic of a talk to be given
at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall by Mrs. Robert Fraser,
former Labor member of the London
County Council.
Mrs. Fraser, who will talk in Ann
Arbor under the auspices of the Com-
mittee to Defend America by Aiding
the Allies, is a graduate of the Lon-
don School of Economics, and wife
of Robert Fraser, now a member of
the Ministry of Information.
In 1931 she was defeated as a
Labor candidate for the British House
of Commons, and in 1934 became the
first Labor Party member to receive
a majority in London when she was
elected to the County Council.
Mrs. Fraser served nine months as
air raid warden in London before
coming to America with her young
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Dr. Blatz Discusses Learning
"Learning is the basis of all guid-
ance, and consequence is the basis
of learning. The only way we can
judge the consequence is by four char-
acteristics: immediacy, inevitability,
graduality, and invariability," thus
could Dr. William Blatz, Professor of
Child Psychology, at the University
of Toronto, and Director of the In-
stitute of Child Study be quoted in
a talk delivered yesterday before the
Guidance Workshop.
"With very little formal training
a child soon develops consistancy in
his relation with the physical world.
That is, as the child learns that in
performing certain acts in the physi-
cal world the results are immediate,
inevitable, graduated, and invariable,
he learns to conform, and to conform
consistently.' However, as the child
grows older the social world becomes
more and more important, but here
he finds the rules are arbitrary, not
fixed as in the social world. There-
fore we as adults in dealing with
children must release them from the
compulsion to disobey."
Dr. Blatz pointed out that if the
Oconsequence of any social act results
in isolation the isolation should be:
immediate, inevitable, graduated and
invariable. The individual that is
isolated should determine the gradu-
ation. That is to say that when he
is willing to conform to the group
mores he thereby terminates his iso-
"Every teacher," said Dr. Blatz, "is
obligated to make every pupil feel
that school is such a pleasant experi-
ence that the child would rather be
in school than any other place dur-
ing those hours in which school is-
in session.
Following the talk Dr. Blatz was
asked a number of questions by mem-
bers of the Workshop. Answers were
given by a number of interesting and
sometimes humorous illustrations.
Secret Agent X9 The G-Man Throws A Monkey Wrench By Robert Stor
Patricia Morison - Billie Burke
John Loder - Dame May-Whitty
Edmund Gwenn - Reginald
Denny- Billy Gilbert
WEEKDAYS 2--4-7---9 P. M
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