, . .- - - - . - - - .-._ _ _ _._ _ _ ._ _
Daily Calendar of Events
Tuesday, July 15 -
4:00 p.m. Lecture. NIAGARA FALLS (Illustrated.) Professor I. D. Scott, Depart-
ment of Geology. (Natural Science Auditorium.)
Edgar W. Knight, Professor of Education, University of North Carolina. (Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.)
SOURCES. Brooks Emeny, Associate Professor of International Relations, West-
ern Reserve University and Director of the Foreign Affairs Council, Cleveland.
(Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.)
7:30 p.m. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing. (Michigan League Ballroom).
8:00 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. (Michigan League.) Anyone wishing to play is invited.
Come with or without partners.
8:30 p.m. Concert by the faculty of the School of Music. (Hill Auditorium.) George
Poinar, Violinist; William Bellar, Pianist; Palmer Christian, Organist; and the
Summer Session Chamber Orchestra, Eric DeLamarter, Director.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Piiblishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940,41
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Managing Editor
City dditort
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Editorial Staff
Karl Kessler
Harry M. Kelsey
.. .William Baker
. .Eugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
.Barbara Jenswold
Business Staff
Business Manager . .... Daniel H. Huyett
Local Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Womens Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Strengthening Our
Propaganda Methods . .
UNITED STATES government admin-
istrators could take a lesson from
Nazi and other European propagandists, to
strengthen enthusiasm for National Defense.
In these nations psychology has been employed
usefully, to bolster courage and willingness to
fight, by the presentation of a positive form of
information. The British have just caught on
to this system and have switched from a defeat-
ist attitude to one of "showing their muscle." It
is this lesson of positivism which our country
would do well to profit by.
E HEAR Representative Martin advocate in-
forming the Nation of "the real state of
the national preparedness," and we think, "how
wonderful is a democracy, where we can at least
ask for more specific information!" But then
the legislator goes on to ask that an end be put
to "concealment of mistakes," and we begin to
This last statement represents a strongly nega-
tive attitude. When we talk too much of bottle-
necks and jams we strengthen distrust in the
government, which is exactly opposite the re-
quired result.
IF a line of tanks should, unannounced, roll
down the main street, it would be only natu-
ral for the entire populace to turn out and stare
in awe of the immense force being built up by
our nation. And do people ignore the roar of
airplanes, heard overhead?
Instead, inferior movies, almost labeled "prop-
aganda," are forced upon the public, and greeted
with sneers and vague mumblings. The "Star
Spangled Banner" is artificially inserted into
meetings and radio programs-many citizens
have forgotten the words, from long neglect of
our anthem.
HOW can the government go about this cam-
paign of propaganda? Subtle application is
the keyword, and stress of progress is the ma-
terial upon which they would work.
Is this democratic? Naturally, we must not
destroy democracy in our striving to defend it.
But what wrong can there be in placing subtle
emphasis on the accomplishments of the nation,
and giving smaller space to the defeats?
PERHAPS then we would not shave so many
heads turned by the speakers who talk nega-
tively; perhaps then, should General Marshall's
plan for extending the service time limit in the
Army pass legislation, the Administration could
expect less trouble from an irate populace.
-Barbara Jenswold
Strengthening Our
Publicity Methods .. .
HE EDITORIALS printed in The
Daily reflect no set editorial policy,
but rather indicate the views of the particular
writer. Our only guide has been to present both
sides of each issue as fairly as possible.
We would, therefore, like to briefly point out
several arguments on the other side of the ques-
tion discussed above. The final evaluation is up
to the reader: we can present only arguments
on either side. The individual in any case must
decide for himself.
First, one of the reasons why we think a De-
mocracy to be the most desirable form of gov-
WASHINGTON-Recent months of war in
Europe have made some significant changes in
the habits and the outlook of the President. He
is more serious, more worried. Also he is more
circumscribed. The latter is important, because
it means that he sees fewer people, loses some
of his old contacts.
During his first eight years in office,. probably
no president in history was in closer touch with
the country as a whole than Franklin Roosevelt.
Not only did he see a great number of congress-
men, labor leaders, business men and politicians
during his daily routine, but he traveled more
than any other president. Several times a year
he took tirns around the country, kept his ear
to the ground, met all sorts of people.
Ever ssince the international emergency, he
has stuck close to Washington. Not once has he
got out into the Middle West, even during the
1940 campaign. Seldom has he gone farther
away than New York or down the Potomac.
Thus he has missed the relaxation, the rest, and
the obvious joy he used to get from his roving
junkets. Also he has missed his old personal
More Gold Braid
Roosevelt's contacts thus are limited by re-
maining in Washington, and in Washington also,
he is more circumscribed than ever. He does
not see nearly as many members of Congress
and men from many walks of life as formerly.
This is because he is concentrating so much
time on national defense and foreign affairs.
All important decisions in the State Depart-
ment come across his desk. The freezing of Axis
funds, the closing of German-Italian consulates.
the speeches of Secretary Knox, have to get the
President's OK. Important decisions regarding
the Army and Navy come to him, and a con-
stant stream of questions regarding OPM and
aid to Britain confronts him daily.
So the President sees far less of the men who
helped to build up the New Deal, far more of.
Army-Navy officials, One Dollar Men and diplo-
mats. Much of this is unavoidable, though part
of it could be eliminated by more diversification
of control.
However, this change in the President's mode
of operation is not as important as the change
which gradually has crept over his general out-
look. On the surface and in press conferences,
he is the same old wise-cracking fun-loving
Roosevelt. But underneath and in private he is
No longer does he have the same zest for what
he is doing. In the old days when he was build-
ing PWA bridges and WPA schoolhouses, writing
labor laws, crusading for social security, fighting
the big utilities, he loved every minute of it. He
was building up, crusading for human needs and
human rights. And his enthusiasm was bound-
No War Enthusiasm
Now, however, he knows that every step he
takes in foreign policy, every dollar he spends
for the Navy, every man he inducts into the
Army, may be a step toward tearing down rather
than building up. He believes the steps he is
taking are absolutely necessary. But he has no
enthusiasm for them. In other words, he has
no enthusiasm for war.
Most of the men around Roosevelt believe that
war is inevitable, and it may be that he does,
too-though he has not admitted that publicly.
But judging by his hanging back in opposition
to his more vigorous military-foreign policy ad-
visers, the President hates and dreads the idea
of this nation going. into war.
He hates the reactions and aftermaths of war,
and he hates the idea of having history record
him as a War President.
At the same time he believes that this country
will have to move fast, and if it does not move
now it may be too late. For the best definition
of an isolationist, Roosevelt firmly believes, is
one who by procrastination wants to see his
women and children in the thick of the fighting
here at home.
Probably the best expression of Roosevelt's
dread reluctance toward the idea of war was a
conversation he had with the Guatemalan Min-
ister after the fireside chat of May 27. Minister
Recinos had known Roosevelt as the young As-
sistant Secretary of the Navy, and when he re-
called those days, he got a significant observa-
tion from the President.
In those days Roosevelt used to be impatient
with Woodrow Wilson because he did not bring
the fleet into the Atlantic in order to be pre-
U.S. Army In Bolivia
A significant move in Hemisphere defense is
about to be made in Bolivia. This government
will announce an agreement with the Bolivian
Government for sending an American air mis-
sion to train the Bolivian air force.
Importance of this move is that it means a
shift from German military influence to U.S.
influence. For twenty years, from 1910 until
the outbreak of the Chaco War between Bolivia
and Paraguay, the Bolivian Army had been
trained by a German military mission.
Head of the mission was General Hans Kundt,
who was paid the munificent salary of $10,000
a month, the largest salary received by any mili-
tary man anywhere. (General Douglas Mac-
Arthur, head of the Philippine Army, is now
the highest paid, getting a reputed $25,000 an-
The American officers in Bolivia will receive
their present pay, plus a slight increase to com-
pensate them for living abroad.
Big Housing Pact
It's being kept under cover, pending approval
by the President, but a master labor agreement,
designed to speed up construction of vital de-
fense housing, has been reached between AFL
leaders and government housing heads. Af-
fecting construction workers all over the coun-
try, the agreement contains three major clauses:
(1) Uniform time-and-a-half pay for over-
time for all building trades workmen employed
on army cantonments and defense housing proj-
ects; (2) a ban on jurisdictional strikes; (3)
payment of prevailing wage scales.
The pact was worked out at a series of con-
ferences between John Coyne, able chief of the
AFL building trades department, which repre-
sents virtually all organized building workers in
the country; Defense Housing Coordinator
Charles F. Palmer; private contractors; and War
and Navy officials.
Next to the ban on jurisdictional strikes, the
most significant feature is the time-and-a-half
overtime provision. This was agreed upon only
after some sharp clashes between contractors
and union spokesmen.
On The Carillon
To the Editor:
I don't know whether it was intended as a
joke, but it is a rather peculiar thing to do, play
"Deutschland Uber Alles" on the carillon. Of
course it is stupid to look for a brown herring,
and what I question is the propriety of this
business. Now I know this country is not at
war, and I admit that it is a beautiful melody,
and I like Haydn's (I guess that's who wrote it)
music, and, no doubt, I am going to be told that
the Nazis are the ones who do this sort of thing,
and that it does not behoove a democrat (self-
styled, if you insist) to mix politics, etc. with
things aesthetic or artistic. I know all this.
But, even if we are not at war, we managed last
week to win the "Battle of the Atlantic" for
England via Iceland and anyway our sentiments
about that matter are pretty definite and pretty
well known. And this very beautiful tune is
today for millions of people the most terrible of
all melodies. Each note stands for blood and
each bar a million shattered lives. It was writ-
ten for the Austrian Kaiser but now it belongs
to the infamous Austrian ex-corporal. All art
is communication and as such must have mean-
ing or significance (according to Professor
Parker). The significance in these days of
"Deutschland Uber Alles" is quite enough to take
care of any aesthetic quality that is meant to
appeal universally. I certainly am not so blinded
as not to appreciate German music (even Wag-
ner) or other kinds of German art, but I main-
tain that there is precious little pleasure to be
gotten out of a German national anthem and
there is even less justification for playing it.
Senator Wheeler or Fr. Coughlin might appre-
ciate it, but I'll be damned if I do.
- Gerald E. Davidson
On Szantho
To the Editor:
Just one question, please-can you tell me why
By Terence
long ago a man died in Ann Arbor
who had only one relative. here, an
elderly cousin. The other relative
lived in a small town in Northern
The funeral was to be held here,
which meant probably all the rela-
tives would come. So the old lady
went down to the railroad station,
and asked for two round-trip tickets
to the town where the relatives lived,
one for her and one for the body she
was traveling with.
"Don't you mean just one round-
trip tickets?" asked the ticket seller.
"Surely you only want a one-way
ticket for the, -er, body?"
"No," the little old lady answered,
"two round-trip tickets. All the rela-
tives were determined they'd come
here for the funeral, and I don't
want 'em here. So I just decided I'd
take John's body up there and let
them see it. Two round-trip tickets,
NEWS ITEM: "Germany has failed
in an effort to crush Soviet de-
fenses, even though she sent 10,000
tanks against the Russian lines,"
stated N. A. Losovski, vice commissar
for foreign affairs in Moscow.
We note your words, Comrade
And hope you know what you're
S* * *
HERE'S another one that really
happened. Honest, I saw it my-
A man was driving along Church
Street early yesterday morning, when
a bee flew in the window and lit on
his forehead. He drove the car into
a telephone pole.
He was going slowly, and there was
little damage. So he started to back
out, and bumped into another car
parked at the curb. Five minutes
later he disengaged the bumpers and
started off.
The bee flew in the window again
and lit on his forehead. He slammed
on the brakes so hard the glass fell
out of one headlight. Chasing the
bee out, he drove off.
The bee did not sting him.
* 'I,
ODDS AND ENDS: With all those
unpronounceable and unspell-
able Polish and Russian towns to
cope with, heaven help the poor
headline writer in a war like this.
0.Henry once coined a word that
fits such baffling names, "disem-
voweled" . . . . Just to prove what a
mess the English language is, after
taking inventory of his summer
clothes stock the other night, my
roommate did say: "I am short on
shirts and long on shorts" .. . Sort
of like black raspberries that are red
when they're green. Or a brown cow
eating green grass and giving white
milk and yellow butter .... A man
dashed out of a hotel and yelled to
the doorman: ."Call me a cab." The
doorman obliged: "You're a cab,"
he said.
TOOK IN the first Art Cinema
League film Sunday eve, Peg of
Old Drury. Very good, though a flim-
sy plot. But some really magnifi-
cent acting by Sir Cedric Hardwicke
as David Garrick. But I wish some-
one could tell me why English films
are so technically imperfect. The
film jumps and the photography is
jerky. But they certainly get the
acting. Hollywood has a long way to
go to catch up in that respect.
Next film in the series is the
French comedy, "The Baker's Wife."
Saw it when it was here last winter,
and it's really worth the time, even
if it is in French, and I don't parley
SLIPS THAT PASS in the Type:
Headline. from The Michigan
Daily, July 13:
Curtis To Give
Speech On Sun
Where these college professors
won't go just to say a few words!
From the Daily Official Bulletin,
July 13:
The students of the Smith
League House, located at 1102 E.
Ann Street, invite the Students of
the Summer Session, their friends,
and visiting members of The New
Education Fellowship conference
to a reception on Friday, July the
eleventh, from 9:00 to 10:30 p.m.,
followed by dancing until 1:00
It will be a very nice reception yes-
terday-News While It's News.
King And Cares
Traveling in England and over-
taken by darkness the Commentator
stopped at a farmhouse and asked
if he could spend the night. What
was his amazement, on entering the
humble abode, to find King Arthur
cooking cakes.
"The old girl doesn't know me,"
he said, with a chuckle. "She's gone
out to milk the goat, and left me to
watch the cakes"
By Lichty
"Let Snodgrass take over that Russian war news, Joe-he's had a lot of
experience announcing names of All-American football teams!"
By Lchty
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
summer session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
The Summer Session French Club.
The second meeting of the Summer
Session French Club will take place
Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m. at "Le
Foyer Francais," 1414 Washtenaw.
Mrs. Charles B. Vibbert will speak.
The subject of her talk will be:
"Etapes psychologiques en France
entre 1939 et 1941."
Membership in the club is still
open. Those interested please see
Professor Charles E. Koella, Room
200, Romance Language Building.
The second lecture of the series,
"Why People Do Not Get Jobs," given
by The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will be at
7 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The second topic is "Un-
desirable Personality Traits."
Camp Counselors: A camp located
nearaAnn Arbor has an opening for
a man to serve as cabin counselor,
and also for a head waterfront coun-
selor. The camp is now open and will
be for six weeks more. For further
information, inquire at the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall, hours
9-12 and 2-4, or phone 4121, extension
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the position of
Policewoman from the City of De-
troit Department of Police. The
duties of this position require that
the applicant have one or more years
of full-time work as a paid social
worker, specialization in the field of
social work at an accredited college
or university, or two or more years of
full-time work in a field closely re-
lated to social work. Age limits 22
to 28 inclusive. Last filing date:
August 8, 1941. Salary: $2,000 per
year. Further information may be
obtained from the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall. Hours 9-12; 2-4.
At the Phi Delta Kappa luncheon
today, at 12:10 in room 116 Michigan
Union, Prof. Everett R. Phelps of
Wayne University, now Consultant
in Science in the Teacher-Education
Workshop, will speak on "What Every
Teacher Should Know About the
Solar System." Members are invited
to bring guests.
Fellowship of Reconciliation will
meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in
Lane Hall. A discussion of Thoreau's
Essay on Civil Disobedience will be
held. All are welcome to attend.
Please read the material before com-
ing. It is available in the Lane Hall
To all Students in Cbmmercial Edu-
cation. There will be a meeting of
students in commercial education to-
night at7:30 in the East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. .Organi-
zation of the group for summer activi-
ties. Mixer.
Doctoral Examination of Mr. Thom-
as A. Hart, Jr., English Language and
Literature; Thesis: "The Develop-
ment and Decline of the Doctrine of
Poetic Justice, from Plato to John-1
son," Tuesday, July 15, at 7:00 p.m.,
in 3221 Angell Hall. Chairman, L. I.
By action of the Executive Board;
July 18, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Sister Ancille, who is a student
of Professor Besekirsky, will be ac-
panied by Sister Mary Ethelreda
Fisch, a graduate student in the
School of Music. This recital is open
to the general public.
. By popular request, the Art Cinema
League presents a series of two Rus-
sian films: "Chapeyev" Thursday,
July 17, and "The Childhood of Max-
im Gorky" Thursday, July 24 at the
Rackham School, Lecture Hall at 8:15
p.m. The Series price is fifty cents.
No single admissions will be sold.
Tickets available at Wahr's, League
and Union.
Episcopal Students: Celebration of
Holy Communion at 7:15 a.m. Wed-
nesday in Williams Chapel, Harris
Hall (State and Huron Streets.)
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served this afternoon in Harris Hall
from 4 until 5:30 p.m. All Episcopal
students and friends cordially invited.
Speech Students: Dr. Alan H. Mon-
roe, Chairman of the Department of
Speech, Purdue University, formerly
President of the National Association
of Teachers of Speech, will discuss
the subject, "Teaching Speech Com-
position," at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July
16, in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
All 10 and -11 o'clock classes in the
Department of Speech will be dis-
missed to permit attendance.
Graduate Students in Speech: Dr.
Albert C. Furstenberg, Dean of the
Medical School, will lecture upon
"Foreign Bodies in the Larynx," il-
lustrated with motion pictures, in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackhain Build-
ing at 8 p.m., Wednesday, July 16.
July 15, 4:15 p.m. "The Distribu-
tion and Control of Natural Re-
sources." Brooks Emeny, Associate
Professor of International Relations,
Western Reserve University and
Director of the Foreign Affairs Coun-
cil, Cleveland.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, at 4:15 p.m., in 3011 A.H. Pro-
fessor Craig will speak on "Statisti-
cal Tests Based on the Randomiza-
tion Principle," and Dr. Rainville, on
"Mathematics and Concrete Dams."
Seminar in Pure Mathematics will
meet on Wednesday, at 4:15 p.m., in
3201 A.H. Dr. Max Shiffman will
speak on "The Minimex Principle in
the Plateau Problem."
Duplicate Bridge: Duplicate bridge
will begin at 7:30 tonight in the
Michigan League.
Concert, Summer Session Band:
The University of Michigan Summer
Session Band, William D. Revelli,
Conductor, will present a concert on
Thursday, July 17, 1941 at 8:30 p.m.,
in Hill Auditorium. While the per-
formance will be open to the general
public, small children will not be :a-
mitted for obvious reasons.
The Biological Chemistry Lectures:
The third of the series of lectures on
the fat-soluble vitamins will be con-
cerned with Vitamin A and the caro-
tenes. Mrs. Priscilla Horton of the
University Hospital and Dr. L. A.
Moore of Michigan State College will
speak on the physiological aspects of
Vitamin A and the carotenes, in Room
151, Chemistry Building on Monday
and Tuesday, July 14 and 15, at 2