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July 15, 1941 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-15

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Weather 1gil : i a a t
Partly Cloudy
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
ongressional Hartshorne Says World War I Firemen Open Kiev Capture Imn
Gave Germany Its Opportunity AnnualCollege
Fall Of Austria-Hungary and population than any of the'other a
To Seek Draft Paved Way To Reich national units east or west. Any fur-Today er K S A
Europe thr increase in the area of Ger-
t1Domination In Erp many on the east would inevitably

Strengthening Our
Propaganda Methods


Selective Service Terms
Would Be Extended
More Than One Year
Barkley Predicts
Favorable Action
WASHINGTON, July 14.-('P)-
Congressional leaders decided at a
conference with President Roosevelt
today to press for immediate enact-
ment of legislation to hold selectees,
national guardsmen and reservists
in service for more than one year.
The decision was made despite
some earlier doubts in Administra-
tion quarters on Capitol Hill that
Congress would be willing to take the
After the White House conference,
however, Senator Barkley of . Ken-
tucky, majority leader, predicted to
reporters that when Congress "gets
the facts and realizes its responsi-
bility it will react favorably." Speak-
er Rayburn (Dem.-Tex.) of the
House had said last week he doubted
the proposal could win approval from
Congress at present.
Hearings To Start Thursday
Chairman Reynolds (Dem.-N.C.)
announced that the Senate military
committee would hold hearings on'
the legislation starting Thursday. He
added, however, that he was still op-
posed to the bill as an individual'
Arguments in support of the legis-
lation were submitted to the Presi-;
dent's congressional lieutenants by,
Gen. George C. Marshall, Chief of;
Staff, who has recommended that
all men now in the Army be kept in
service beyond their scheduled peri-
ods of duty.
Barkley said he was convinced
that the action was needed to pre-
vent the Army from "disintegrating
because of- the withdrawal of large
numbers of trained soldiers."
Leaders made it clear that the
immedate program did not include
anotb er recommendation by General
Marshall that an existing restriction
against use of selectees outside the
Western Hemisphere be removed.
Three Approaches
The majority leader said there
were three possible approaches that
might bemade to the questionyof
keeping the troops in service, any
one of which might be chosen.
Congress might, he explained
amend the act directly to provide for
keeping the men in service; it could
declare a state of national emergency
which would permit keeping the
troops on duty, or the law could be
amended to put the selectees on the
same basis as reserve officers, so
that they could be called for active
duty after their regular training
periods had ended.
Scott To Give
Niagara FaRs
Lecture Today
Special Illustrated Speech
Today To Be Presented
In Natural Science
Professor Irving D. Scott of the
University's geology department, will
present a special lecture on the geo-
logical features of Niagara Falls and
the vicinity at 4 p.m. today in Natu-
ral Science Auditorium for the bene-
fit of those students making the
fourth University excursion to Niag-
ara Falls.
Reservations for this trip must be
made before 5 p.m. tomorrow in

Room 1213 Angell Hall. The ex-
penses for the tour will be approxi-
mately $19.00, including round trip
transportation, hotel accommoda-
tions, conveyance about the Falls and
vicinity; a trip to the Maid of the
Mist, a visit to the Cave of the Winds
and ari allowance for incidentals.
The party will leave Ann Arbor 3
p.m. Friday and go by special bus to
Detroit. There, they will board a
D&C steamer, leaving at 5:30 p.m.
for Buffalo, where they will arrive at
8:30 a.m. Saturday morning.
At Buffalo, the group will be met
by a special bus which will take them
to the Falls and around the Gorge on

The World War of 1914-18 was sig-'
nificant chiefly in opening up for
Germany the possibility of 'domina-
tion. over all the smaller5 national
areas of easternhEurope, Prof. Rich-
ard Hartshorne of the University of
Wisconsin declared yesterday.
Professor Hartshorne spoke in the
lecture series sponsored by the Grad-
uate Study Program in Public Policy
in a World at War. His subject was
"The World's Geographical-Political
The possibility of German domina-
tion was brought about through the
destruction of her ally, Austria-Hun-
gary, Professor Hartshorne pointed
out, the immediate result being the
prevention of threat of Austro-Hun-
garian domination of all southeast-
ern Europe.
The most critical weakness of
southestern Europe in recent years,
Professor Hartshorne explained, has
been the exposed position of most of
the smaller states to the overwhelm-
ingly larger German unit, but the
fact that it may now lie suffering
destruction does not prove that the
structure was inevitablS destined to
collapse. It shows only that the struc-
ture lacked the military power to
withstand direct attack from Ger-
many following the withdrawal of
counter-pressure from its other neigh-
bor, Russia, and the general aband-
onment of a larger system of collec-
tive security, the lecturer asserted.
The major threat to the security
of eastern and western Europe is the
same, Professor Hartshorne main-
tained: the central German national
area of much greater productive size
Royall Tyler's
The Contrast'
To Open Here

increase its potential danger to the
national states on the west, he said.
"Hence the paradox insufficiently
understood in France and England,"
Professor Hartshoren noted, "that
the stability of western Europe de-
pended upon the national security
of states that were otherwise of such
little concern tothem as Austria,
Czechoslovakia and Poland."
Prof. Hartshorne warned against
the acceptance of a solution in the
form of the Nazi concept ofth e Leb-
ensraum. "The world in general,"
he stated, "cannot be expected to
accept a proposal that the previous
organization of half a continent be
overthrown by force for the sake of
a so-called "new order" for which
no plan has been offered."
RAF Searches
Seas For Nazi
Ships, Planes
22,500 Reich Tons Sunk;
Nine Aircraft Bagged,
British Report Discloses
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, July 14.-The RAF went
hunting today for German shipping
and German planes, found both and,
to tabulate the British reports, scored
hits on five ships totaling 22,500 tons
and shot down nine aircraft.
A tenth German plane, the second
bmber of the day, was credited to
anti-aircraft defenses along the Scot-
tish east coast. The other bomber
was destroyed by fighters off the
coast of Wales, said the official re-
The RAF made morning raids on
the German-held French ports of
Cherbourg and Le Havre, rail yards
at Hazebrouck, near St.,Omer, and
in the afternoon big Blenheims of
the bomber command, searching for
North Sea shipping, attacked a small
convoy off the Dutch Frisian iselands,
the Air Ministry said.
Three direct hits were scored on
one vessel of 6,000 tons, another of
3,000 tons was hit astern and an
escort vessel of 1,500 tons was struck
amidships, the communique said. A
fighter which tried to break up the
attack was shot down into the sea, it
was said, and all the Blenheims
came home unharmed.
The morning attack on Gherbourg
was estly, for the British acknowl-
edged the loss of two bombers and
four fighters.
Faculty Wives To Give
Luncheon Tomorrow

Demonstration, Evolution
Will Highlight Program
Of Four-Day Meeting
Fisher To Deliver
Welcome Address
Professional and volunteer firemen
throughout the state will convene
here today for the four-day program
of the Thirteenth Michigan Fire Col-
Featuring a program of fire-pre-
vention demonstrations and talks by
various authorities on fire control, the
Fire College will center its activities'
at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation In-
Opening messages of greeting will
be given at 10 a.m. today in the Kel-
logg Auditorium by Dr. C. A. Fisher,
director of the extension service,
sponsors of the meeting here.
Other Lectures
Other lectures scheduled this morn-
ing are: "Why Are We Here," by Burr
Taylor, Western Actuarial Bureau,
Chicago; "Cooperation with the State
Fire Marshal," Capt. Laurence A.
Lyon, superintendent .uniform divi-
sion, Michigan State Police; "Train-
ing of Firemen," J. W. Parry, state
supervisor of Public Service train-
ing, State Board of Control for Vo-
cational Education, and "Safety in
Delivery of Petroleum Products," F.
Ronald McLean, manager of the safe-
ty and insurance department of the
Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Detroit.
Demonstration To Be Held
A series of fire fighting technique
demonstrations will be presented to
the rear of the Kellogg Building at
1 p.m.
"Fire From the Sky," a lecture
demonstration will be given by L R.
Thrune, safety engineer of the Dow
Chemical Co. at 4 pin.
A discussion period will be open
to visting firemen from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. today.
Competitive demonstrations in fire-
fighting techniques will be featured
every day from 1 to 3 p.m. The nine

On Moscow, Leniga

Emeny Will Give Lecture Today
On Natural Resource Control
Prof. Brooks Emeny of Western
Reserve University will speak at 4:15
p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of M
the Rackham School on "The Dis-
tribution and Control of Natural Re-
sources." '
Professor Emeny's talk is the sec-
ond of this week's lectures of the
Graduate Study Program in Public ..
Policy in a World at War. The theme
of the week is "The United States in
the World Today."
Taking his A.B. at Princeton in
1924 and his Ph.D. at Yule in 1934,
Professor Emeny has studied at the
Sorbonne in Paris, the London School
of Economics, the Kansular Akademie I
at Vienna and the University of Ma- j
drid. He was an instructor of gov-
ernment at Yale from 1927 to 1931,
and since 1935 has taught interna-
tional relations at Western Reserve. BROOKS EMENY
Director of the Cleveland Foreign
Affairs Council, Professor Emeny is mite Conference in 1936 and the Vir
also chairman of the Cleveland bu-
reau of the National Policy Corn.- ginia Beach Conference in 1939.
mittee, of which he is treasurer. He Professor Emeny is the author o
was the American delegate of the In- "The Strategy of Raw Materials--
stitute of Pacific Relations to the Study of America in Peace and War'
Tokyo Conference in 1935, the Yose- and with Frank H Simonds has writ


Repertory Players To
Comedy Tomorrow;
Will Play Leading


Royall Tyler's "The Contrast,"
which is known as the first American
play to be produced by a professional
American company, will open a four-
day run at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The comedy is a satire on typical
American customs and those which
are modeled on the British.
Cast in the leading part of Jona-
than, waiter to Colonel Manly, is
James Moll, who will portray the
original "stage Yankee" roll. Wil-
liam Altman will play the part of
Dimple, a polished and traveled
American, and Robert Rittenour will
be seen as Colonel Manly.
Betty Gallagher and Ellie Ter-
retta will play Letitia and Charlotte,
two women who are in love with
Dimple, while Lillian Canon will take
the part of Maria, the girl who is
engaged to Dimple.
Van Rough, Maria's father, will be
acted by E. S. Cortright; Frank
Jones will be seen as Jessamy, man-
servant to Dimple; Genevieve Ed-
wards will be cast as Jenny, Maria's
servant, and Mary C. Palmer will be
Betty, Charlotte's maid.
Strollers on the Mall are Paul
Blackburn, Roger Reed, Veitch Pur-
dom, Harriet Cooper, Claire Cook,
Naomi Greifer, Theo Turnbull, Doro-
thy Hanson, Jack Ulanoff, Merle
Webb, Ellen Jones and Jane Elliott.

Cooperating with the Faculty
Women's Club, the Summer Session
will give a luncheon at 12:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the League for the bene-
fit of visiting women on the faculty
and wives of visiting and local fac-
ulty members.
Receiving guests will be Mrs. A. E.
White, president of the club; Mrs.
Louis A. Hopkins and Dean Byrl F.
The luncheon is an innovation this
year, previous Summer Session ad-
ministrations having given teas for
the faculty wives.
Reservations for this Summer Ses-
sion event, which is complimentary,
may be made by calling Miss Ethel
McCormick, social adviser at the

M~usic School
Faculty Offers
Concert Today
Four members of the School of
Music faculty and the Summer Ses-
sion Chamber Orchestra under the
direction of Eric DeLamarter will join
to present a concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Opening the program will be
Mozart's "Symphonic Concertante"
which will be presented by the Or-
chestra, George Uoinar, violinist, and
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist.
Prof. Palmer Christian, organist, will
play "Concerto in D" by Vivaldi-Bach
and Bach's "Passacaglia and Fugue
in C minor" while pianist William
Beller will offer three compositions by
Debussy and two by Ravel.
Members of the Summer Session
*Chamber Orchestra are as follows:
First violin: Lee Crook, Helen Car-
los, Michael Franko, Henry Wenzel,
Carl Senob and Paul Hansen. Second
violin: Frances Ayres, Clarence A.
Odmark, Clara Florance, Leighton
Landes, Edward Katz and Edward
Viola : Cornelius Gall, Kenneth
Holland, Mildred Thomas and Evelyn
Dumont. Violoncello : Joseph Childs,'
Carl G. Werner and Charlotte Lewis.
Oboes: Stephen Matyi and Noah
Knepper. Bass: J. Quinn Lotspeich
and Lewis Pankaskie. Horns: Joseph
White and Marvin Howe.
Initial Broadcast
Of Summier' Today
Today "Aluminum" launches the
Summer Session schedule of the
Michigan University of the Air, as
the radio class of Prof. Waldo Abbot
dramatizes this subject. The initial
broadcast, as the summer series, will
be carried by Detroit Station WJR,
-44 A .A t - - A+ k2. &,i .. - .Cft,..,.... -

Second Speech
In 'Job Series'
Will Be Today
Dr Purdom Will Deliver
Speech On Personality
In Rackham Lecture Hall
"Undesirable Personality Traits,"
second in a series of three lecturesl
sponsored by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, will be presented at 7 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the Bureau, announced that the pro-
gram of the lecture will consist of
first, a discussion of habits dis-
tasteful to employers and second,
three demonstrations illustrating his
The demonstrations will show why
people do not get jobs because they
dress like young girls, when they are
past that age; because the appli-
cants try to tell the employer how to
run his business when applying, and
because some applicants are too pas-
sive, not asserting themselves in any
The lectures are given under the
general heading, "Why People Do
Not Get Jobs." Next week's talk, to
be given at the same time, will deal
with the subject, "Why People Do
Not Hold Jobs."
Dr. Purdom emphasized the fact
that these lectures are not meant to
show how to get a job, but rather
how to apply for one, and keep it
after it has been' secured.

ten "The Great Powers in World Poli-
tics" and "The Price/of Peace." He
is a frequent contributor of articles to
A Member of the Board of Directors
of Oberlin College since 1936, Pro-
fessor Emeny belongs to the Cleve-
land Chamber of Commerce, the
American Academy of Political and
Social Science, the American Geo-
graphical Society, the National For-
eign Trade Council, the American
Society for Metals and the Academy
of Political Science.
Auto Accident
Victim Dies
Larrazabal Passes Away
In Hospital Sunday
Felipe O. Larrazabal, 27-year-old
naval architecture student from
Caracas, Venezuela, died in Univer-
sity Hospital early Sunday morning
from injuries sustained in an auto-
mobile accident Thursday night.
Larrazabal suffered a severely frac-
tured skull when the car he was driv-
ing collided head-on with one driven
by Ted Barnard of Detroit. Barnard
and two occupants of the Larrazabal
car, Luis Padrino of Caracas, and
Juan B. Lamarch of Truiji, Domini-
can Republic, both delegates to the
New Education Conference, escaped
with minor injuries.
Services will be held at 9 a.m. to-
morrow in St. Mary's Catholic Stu-
dent Chapel. The body will lie in
state at the Muehlig chapel. Rosary
will be recited there at 8 p.m. today.
The body will be shipped to Vene-
Quela for burial.

3reak-Through Operations
Continue On schedule,
High Command Claims
Nazi U-Boats Sink
Two Russian Ships
BERLIN, July 14.-(P)-Kiev is
nder such pressure by air and land
hat word of its capture is expected
ny time, German tanks on the Mos-
,ow side of the Stalin Line are jab-
ing toward the Russian capital, and
eningrad is caught in a German-
innish vise, informed Germans de-
lared tonight.
This was their broad outline of the
var against Russia, at the end of the
second day of its fourth week. These
reas-Leningrad in the north, Mos-
ow in the Center, and Kiev in the
south-constitute the main front.
German Report
The German High Command, in
mother of its uncommunicative
noods, said simply that "break-
through operations" against the
Stalin Line continued on schedule,
hat Finnish forces had opened a
wo -point attack on Leningrad's
iorthern flank and that two Russian
patrol boats had been sunk by Ger-
nan submarines.
One break-through was said to
Eave been at Opachka, midway be-
tween Polotsk and Pskov and acear
the Latvian frontier.
Finnish forces under Field Marshal
Baron Gustav Mannerheim were said
o be moving down on Leningrad-on
both sides of Lake Ladoga where
Finland's frontier lies about 75 miles
from the Russian industrial center
and war base.
Official News
Such was the sum of the most
official news on the campaign. Au-
thorized spokesmen and DNB, offi-
cial news agency, filled in other de
ails, saying that German, Hungarian
nd Rumanian forces were hammer-
ing at the gates of Kiev, gateway to
the Ukraine's richest industrial and
farming areas.
Mannerheim's Finns were repre-
sented as a sort of hammer striking
down on a Leningrad held on the
anvil of German Panzer forces ad-
vancing in the area east of Lake
St. Petersburg
Berlin newspaper reverted to the
old Czarist name of St. Petersburg
for Leningrad, so named for the
founder of the Communist state,
Nikolai Lenin. It is the German
conviction that Communist as a
world political force is receiving its
death blow at the hands of the Ger-
man army and Germans here there-
fore started erasing Communist
Heavy equipment which the Rus-
sians were dragging out of the hot,
central section east of Minsk was
subjected to aerial bombardment.
Group Cooperation
Gives Experience,
IBeauinont 'Asserts
"Today pupils acquire experience
in cooperating with each other
towards a common goal," Prof. Henry
Beaumont of the University of Ken-
tucky said before the educators in
the Univesity High School Auditor-
ium yesterday.
"They soon discover that the best
interests of all requires a considera-
tion for the needs of each individual
in the group," he said, and that each
child must put forth his best effort
if the results are to be what he wants.
This interest in common enterprise
serves. as a powerful motivation and
makes it possible for the modern
teacher to dispense with the older
forms of discipline."
"Those forms were necessary at a
time-when the pupils were not aware

of their relations to the group and
were compelled to engage in activi-
ties frequently unrelated to their in-
terests and needs," Professor Beau-
mont said.
Excursion To Visit
Rouge Tomorrow
Students registered for the third

Last Contingent Of Students
From Latin America Arrive
The final contingent of 48 studentstInternational Center will hold a tea

Seventh Conference On Religion
Will Be Held Here Next Week

Forum discussions

and lecturestference luncheons, to be held at 12:15

for the Latin-American Summer
School which wiHl make its headquar-
ters at the International Center will
arrive here from New York late to-
Accompanying the group will be
Dean of Students Joseph Bursley who
met the students in New York. Seven
are from Chile and 41 from Ecuador.
Composed of young professional
men and women, some of whom have
already attained international recog-
nition, the Latin-American Summer
Session is under the direction of
Prof. .. Raleigh Nelson. Director of

for the Latin-Americans and all oth-
ers interested. Thursday evening
they will attend the performance of
"The Contrast" as part of their Eng-
lish language training.
Friday the group will be the guest
of Henry Ford in a specially con-
ducted tour through the Ford plant
at River Rouge and Greenfield Vil-
Special English classes provided by
the International Center's language
service will begin immediately on the
arrival of the Latin-American stu-
Tn charge of the Latin-American

open to the public, and attendance of
visiting =clergymen at seven classes
will highlight the seventh Conference
on Religion, to be held July 20-27 on
the campus.
Purpose of this parley is to offer
to members of the Summer Session
an introduction to certain religious
issues of the day and to acquaint
them with a few recognized leaders
in religious thought. All students
are invited to take part in the for-
ums and to hear the lectures, all of
which will take place July 22, 23 and
Ministers from the entire state have
been invited to this conference, which
will stress especially the topic, "A

p.m. each of the three days, in the
Michigan Union, and afternoon lec-
tures have been planned, with noted
speakers scheduled to consider the
present world situation.
Featured speaker at the conference
will be Dr. Basil Mathews, professor
of Christian world relations at Bos-
ton University, who will lecture at
4:15 p.m., July 24 in the Rackham
Lecture Hall on "Christianity In a
World at War." Educator, editor and
author, Dr. Mathews was prepared at
Classes which will be open to the
visiting clergymen, through the cour-
tesy of the Summer Session, are those

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