-AUGUST 22, 1941;
x r -
Dow To Study
Electron Work,
On Trip West
Prof. W. G. Dow of the Electrical
Engineering Department of the Uni-
versity left Wednesday by plane for
a week's trip on the west coast where
he will study developments in elec-
tronics, particularly those of impor-
tance in Defense industries. He will
present a paper entitled "Theory of
Radial D-C Space Charge Flow Be-
tween Concentric Cylinders" at the
Pacific Coast Conference of the In-
stitute of Radio Engineers on Friday.
He will also stop at Stanford Uni-
versity to observe- the operation of ,
device known as the "Klystron" re-
cently developed there which pro-
duces extremely short wave ("micro-
wave") radio and is claiming much
attention in the field of electronics.
"Microwaves". are only a few inches
in length whereas commercially pro-
duced radiof waves are hundreds of
yards in length. "Microwave" equip-
ment is rapidly finding application
far beyond the usual radio services.
Prof. Dow will also visit the Bomber
Plant of the Lockheed Motors Cor-
poration in Burbank, Calif., for the
purpose of consultationY regarding
new methods of-using electrical
equipment, particularly vacuum
tubes, to expedite the Defense Bomb-
er Production program.
.. 1
Busses Stand Idle In Detroit
Street cars and busses stood idle in Detroit today as an AFL-CIO jurisdictional strike tied up traffic in
that busy city. Workmen and housewives alike walked, thumbed or taxied to work or shop as the two-day
strike continued to paralyze the city. These busses were idle in the DSR. yards pending a truce which would
put them back on city streets.
Baha'i Group
To Hold Study
Spendlove To Give Lecture
On Program Sunday
All who are interested in studying
plans for closer international rela-
tions and the establishment of a new
world order to maintain permanent
peace are invited to attend a pro-
gram at 3 p.m. Sunday at LouHelen
Ranch, Baha'i Summer School, Davi-
Featured on the program will be
a lecture, entitled "A World Civiliza-
tion for Tomorrow," to be given by
F. St. G. Spendlove of the Royal
Ontario Museum of Archaeology in
Also planned is an exhibition of
the paintings of. Eduardo Salgado,
Philippine artist who has been a
graduate student and assistant this
summer in the Department of Bot-
Two native Philippine dances,
Planting of the Rice and Areuania,
will be led by Estefania Aldaba, Qal-
let dancer who is a graduate student
in the University, supported by four
young women and four -men from
the Philippines, also students. Sen-
ora Orlesta Ortez will play piano se-
Detroit Loses Pair
To Senators; York,
Lewis Hit Homers
DETROIT, Aug. 21.--(M- Sid
Hudson and Emil (Dutch) Leonard
teamed, together for 6-hit pitching
performances today, limiting the De-
troit Tigers to that number of safe-
ties in both ends of a double-header
and enabling the Washington Sena-
tors to win both games, 9 to 0 and
6 to 3.
As a result of the double triumph,
Washington ousted the Philadelphia
thletics from sixth place and was
only a game behind fifth-place De-
Washington made 15 hits off Huck
Newsom and Bud Thomas in the
opener and 14 off three Detroit hurl-
ers in the nightcap. Rudy York of
the Tigers, who hadn't hit a homer
since July 18, got one in the second
inning of the first game with Pinky
Higgins aboard. and Buddy Lewis
got a round-tripper for Washington
in the eighth inning of the second
game, also with one aboard.
Feller Takes No. 21
CLEVELAND, Aug. 21.-(9)-Bob
Feller chalked up his 21st win of
the year today by tossing a seven-
hitter to give the Indians a 2 to 0
victory over the New York Yankees.
The Tribe counted both its runs in
the first inning.
TYP~NG-Experienced. Miss Allen,
40t S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
Ride to Bloomington, Indiana af-
ter 25th. Share expenses and driv-
ing. S. H. Pu, Phone 2-3424.
NICE DOUBLE close to campus,
good beds, automatic heat. $2.50
per person. Call 4685.
DESIRABLE SUITE in private home
for faculty man or graduate stu-
dents. Fireplace, lavatory, garage.
Phone 9524. i
WANTED-Used light weight bicycle.
Prefer 3 gears. George Matthews,
333 E. Jefferson.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
(Continued from. Page 2)
Building must be renewed for the
coming school session or vacated on
or before Friday, August22, 6 p.m.
A. A. James, Supervisor,
a 4 Intramural Sports'
To all students having library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Monday, August 18th,
before the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after August 18th
may retain such books if renewed at
the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Thursday, August 21st,
will be sent to the Cashier's Office,
where their summer's credits will be
withheld until such time as these
records are cleared, in compliance
with the regulations of the Regents.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian
Library Service after Summer Ses-
sion: In the interim between the
close of the summer session and the
opening of the fall semester the Gen-
eral Library will be closed evenings,
but service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Room, the Medical Reading
Room, and, the Circulation Depart-
ment from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m.,
with the exception of the period from
September 1-September 7, when the
building is closed completely while,
extensive repairs are in progress.!
Graduate Reading Rooms and Study'
Halls both within and outside of the
main building will be closed until the
opening of the fall semester. All de-
partmental and collegiate libraries,
with the exception of the Transpor-
tation Library, are alto closed during
this interval.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian
transcript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4 U.H.,
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request be-
fore the end of the sessionrwill result
in a needless delay of several days.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Work of the students
of the Summer Session in the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design is
now being shown. The work in Dec-
orative Design, under Professor
Mundt and Mr. Weddige, and that{
in drawing and painting under Mr. I
Dyer, is in the ground floor cases.
That in Architecture under Profes-
sor Hammett and Professor Mundt
is in the second floor corridor.
Home Loans: The University In-
ve'stment Office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home or
refinancing existing mortgages and
is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
The University Musical Society an-
nounces the following concert attrac-
tions in the Sixty-Third Annual
Choral Union Concert Series during
the season of 1941-1942:
Grace Moore (October 22); Eman-
uel Feuermann (October 30); Cleve-
land Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski,
Conductor (Sunday afternoon, No-
vember 19); Giovanni Martinelli and
Ezio Pinza (November 18); Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock,
Conductor (Sunday afternoon, No-
vember 30); Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, Con-
ductor (December 10); Robert Casa-
desus (January 19); Minneapolis Or-
chestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Con-
ductor (February "3) ; Joseph Szigeti
(February 19); Vronsky and Babin,
duo pianists (March 3).
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last dlate
for filing applications is noted in
each case.
Junior Inspector (Wage & Hour),
Salary $2,000 year, September 18,
Chief Accountant, $5,600, Septem-
ber 18, 1941;
Head Accountant, $4,600, Septem-
ber 18, 1941;
Principal Accountant, $3,800, Sep-
tember 18, 1941;
Senior Accountant, $3,500, Septem-
ber 18, 1941;
Accountant, $3,200, September 18,
Associate Accountant, $2,900, Sep-
tember 18, 1941;
Assistant Accountant, $2,600, Sep-
tember 18, 1941;
Hearings Stenographer A, $135 per
month, September 3, 1941;
Hearings Stenographer I, $155 per
month, September 3, 1941; ''
Account Examiner A (now open
to both men and women);
Account Examiner I, (now open to
both men and women).
Account Examiner II (now open to
both men and women).
Supervising Account Examiner IIc
(now open to both men and women).
Highway Engineer Draftsman A25,
$125 per month, September 3, 1941.
Highway Engineer Draftsman Al,
$145 per month, September 3 ,1941
Physical Therapist Al, $145 per
month, September 24, 1941.
Attendant Nurse B, .$115 per
month, September 3, 1941.
Housekeeper C1, $105 per month,
September 10, 1941.
Housekeeper B, $115 per month,
September 10, 1941.
Housekeeper & Cook B, $115 per
month, September 10, 1941.
Groundsman C, $100 per month,
September 3, 1941.
Painter Helper B, $115 per month,
September 3, 1941..
Complete announcements on file
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Of
fice Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Shirts ...................... .14
Shorts ..................... .04
Pajama Suits .................10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels..................03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks and
wools are our specialty.
r- ----
'You can't
Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, and Music:
Summer Session students wishing
er t on r n modern Oohn
Chicago Cubs Vanquish
Daffy Dodgers, 6 to 2
BROOKLYN, Aug. 21.-(Al)-The
Chicago Cubs up-ended the Brook-
lyn Dodgers 6 to 2 today in a turbu-
lent struggle interrupted by numer-
ous arguments, two of which brought
about the banishment of Managers
Leo Durocher and Jimmy Wilson.
Durocher, in fact, was waved, out
of the game twice to win some sort of
a personal prize for tenacity. He was
ejected at the start of the third in-
ning for continued protests of a ball
called in the first inning. In the
seventh the umpires discovered he
still was standing in the stairway
leading into the Dodger dugout and
presumably still directing his team.
This time they forced him on to the
dressing room.
WEEK DAYS 2-4-7-9 P.M.
Today and Saturday
' ** *
a scorecard!"'
The cry goes out to the millions in the nation's grand-
stands. Actually it is echoing a simple: but fundamental
principle of modern advertising.
Advertising is the scoreboard for intelligent shoppers,
It does more than identify a product, however: It tells
where this product is available, and at what price. About
thousands of products, thousands of necessities and
conveniences, it gives accurate information instantly-
information that one individual could not secure, even
after the most pdinstaking and wearying search.
You can't tell the values without reading-the adver-
$V 9~4~~~a~*Ili