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August 22, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1941-08-22

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DAM NEARS COMPLETION IN T E N N E S S E E VALLEY-Power production by December-several months
ahead of schedulem-is hoped for, for above -Cherokee danm, TVA's $40,000,000 project on the Holston river near Jefferson City, Tenn.

W H A T' S THAT NAME?-That pitcher whose name
sometimes worries the sports writers, Alejandro Carrasquel of the
Washington Senators, reached Aug. 16 as only American League,
hurler without a defeat. He's from Caracas, Venezuela.

L 1 F T I N C D Y N A M I T E-Not until this mean-tempered
shark is safely lowered into the boat can the fishermen relax, and
then go on to take in otheresharks hooked on their 3,000-foot steel
chain line strung on the ocean floor. They're in the shark-catehint
business off the Florida coast, and 50 sharks measuring from 12 to
20 feet is a good day's haul.



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