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August 22, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-08-22

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Washington Merry-Go-Round



biow ?M ,dfh rmmmnesm .....
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.,
Pulished every morning" exceptMnday luring the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled tGe the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It. or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
;Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year -by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
a College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor .

Editorial Staff
E.a.. Karl Kessler
. . -. . Harry M. Kelsey
.William Baker
* .. Eugene Mandeberg
. . . . Albert P. Blaustein
.Barbara Jenswold
Business Staff

Business Manager . .
Local Advertising Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

. . Daniel H. Huyett
. . Fred M. Ginsberg
. . Florence Schurgin

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Three Posers
For John, Bull .. .
T'S A ST'RANGE, topsy-turvy war,
this World War II..--
"The Polish government in London announces
that all major differences between Poland and
the Soviet Union have now been composed on an
honorable basis."
"A reliable source in Ankara says that Joseph
Stalin has just written a personal letter to Presi-
dent Ismet Inonu assuring him that the Soviet
Union has nointention of seizing control of the
"The Finnish government has broken off dip-
lomatic relations with Great Britain."
Thus three news items relating to John Bull's
three posers; three news items with a common
denominator. Each relates to a problem pro-
duced for the British when Russia became, in
effect, their military ally.
Less than two years ago Russia cashed in on
her friendship treaty with Germany to take the
eastern half of Poland, while the Poles were de-
fending themselves against the Nazis in the
west. Great Britain was then, and is still, the
ally of Poland.,
THE GERMAN ATTACK on the Soviet Union
confused the issue, however, when it pre-
sentecd John Bull wfth two allies who were them-
selves enemies. Apparently this dilemma was
solved by inducing the Russians to akee to the
re-establishment of an independent Polish state
and to release some 200,000 Polish prisoners
held in Soviet concentration camps. These Poles,
in turn, are to constitute a separate military
force, fighting side by side with a Red Army
which less than two years ago was invading
their nation.
A few months ago, at the time of the Nazi
drive through the Balkans, Axis sources were
spreading a story that Russia had secretly de-
serted her alliance with Turkey and consented to
a partition of Turkish territory with Germany on
the Polish model. Under this arrangement Rus-
sia and Germany, it was said, would share the
More recently the Germans seem to have been
trying to convince the Turks that the Soviet
Union planned to take over the straits alone.
Turkey also'is Great Britain's ally. By report
theBritish persuaded Stalin to send the Turkish
president his guarantee, thereby eliminting an-
other opssible source of friction among the
opponents of Adolf Hitler.
THE FINNISH SITUATION, however, appears
so fai to have proved intractible. When Rus-
sia attacked Finland 17 months ago, there was
no question on which side British sympathies
lay. Indeed, Great Britain gave the Finns every-
thing except direct military assistance, and that,
London claims, was prevented by the refusal of
Norway and Sweden to permit the passage of
British troops.
Now Finland is the active ally of Germany in
her war with Russia. In recognition of that fact,
the British have felt it necessary to extend their
blockade from Germany and the other occupied
countries of Europe to include Finland, and the
Finns have replied by severing relations. As a
reward for Finnish cooperation, the Germans are
promising the Finns fulfillment of their territor-
ial aspirations.
Yet there is another side to Finland's picture.
Much as the Finns want to recapture territory lost

WASHINGTON-The President in his private
report to congressional leaders on the historic
conference with Winston Churchill, warned
them that the Far Eastern situation was ex-
tremely critical.
'He assured the legislators that no secret alli-
ance was discussed or agreed to at the ocean
meeting, and stated again that the United
States was no nearer involvement in war than
before. But he said the Nazis were exerting every
influence to push Japan into an overt act against
the U. S. and Britain, and that it was touch-and-
go whether moderate elements in the Japanese
government could prevent explosion.
The President also indicated very definitely
that any further Japanese encroachments would
be met with "strong measures," He did not go
into details, but his callers were convinced that
the "measures" implied action by the United
States, Britain, Netherlands, and Russia; also,
that the four powers are ready for instant action.
ROOSEVELT expressed his belief that Russian
resistance to Hitler would continue even if
important Soviet cities fell before winter. He
declared that as a result of fierce Russian fight-
ing, the Nazi time-table had been completely
upset; they had been forced to shift from blitz-
krieg tactics to a slow war of attrition.
This meant heavy losses on both sides, and, as
a result, no likelihood of an attempt to invade
Britain this year. Roosevelt warned, however,
that this did not make the British position any
less precarious.
The Nazi-Vichy alliance indicates that the
French fleet soon may be thrown against the
British in the Mediterranean. Combined with
,what is left of Mussolini's battered navy, such a
move might force the British fleet out of the
This would have catastrophic consequences on
the African front, and would, in turn, directly
affect the United States, since control of Dakar
and the South Atlantic sea lanes would fall into
Nazi ltnds. Once Hitler gained this, he would
carry his war of world conquest ruthlessly to
South America. And that would mean certain
Japanese action'n the South Pacific.
"We are no nearer war," the President said, in
effect. "But that does not mean that war is
not nearer us"
British Push In East
Roosevelt didn't mention it in his White House
announcement, but one of the big' reasons behind
expediting the ferrying of U. S. bombers across
the South Atlantic to Africa and the Middle East
is that the British are planning a big push to aid
the Russians in the Caucasus. In fact, they have
already started.
Several weeks ago European cables reported
that the Italians had attacked a big, heavily
guarded British convoy in the Mediterranean.
But the news did not leak out at the time that
this was a big troop convoy going to the Near
East to help Rrsia.
This convoy has now arrived in Iraq. There,
it is being joined by other British Near Eastern
troops from Egypt, phis Australian and New
Zealanders to a total of about a quarter of a
million men. The British strategy is to move
north through Iran (Persia) to protect the Rus-
sian oil fields around Batum and Baku.
FOR ONE BIG THING that Stalin, Churchill
and Roosevelt are united on, is that Russia
must not make the same mistake as Rumania and
permit its priceless oil fields to afl into the hands
of the Nazis. The Rumanian oil wells, it is now
kjown, could .have been bombed without too
much diffidulty. But British oil companies, anx-
ious to presrve their investments, forced a delay
until too late.
Rumanian oil, while helpful to Germany, is
not sufficient to operate Hitler's vast mechanized
military machine. But if Hitler got the Caucasus
in addition, he would have enough oil to last in-
definitely. That is why British troops are moving
north from the Gulf of Persia, to reinforce the
Russians in what may be a life or death struggle
to defend the black gold of the Black Sea Caspian
So American bombers will be rushed across
Africa to this vital war front.
The Senator From North Carolina

In Washington, anyone who does anything
causes controversy; so blonde, beautiful, viva-
cious Evie Robert, wife of the ex-Secretary of
the Democratic Committee, is quite controversial.
The other day some of the elite of Washington
society were engaged in controversy over Mrs.
Robert, when Senator Reynolds of North Caro-
line, about to lead a 20-year-old bride to the
altar, threw in his two cents worth. He opined
that he did not approve of Mrs. Robert.
The Senator was able to express only about
two sentences of disapproval when he was inter-
rupted by Mrs. A. Mitchell Palmer, lovely widow
of Woodrow Wilson's attorney general.
"Senator," snapped Mrs. Palner, "didn't you
accept an invitation to a cocktail party which
Evie Robert gave day before yesterday?"-
"H HYES, it seems like I did drop in there the
other day," recalled the Senator. "But I
just wanted to see ,Clip, that was all. Just
thought Chip would be in and it was a convenient
way of seeing him."
"Youdon't mean to tell me you didn't know
Chip had been out of town for a week and wasn't
expected back?" pursued Mrs. Palmer.
"No! Is that se? You know it's right hard for
me to keep track of Chip." And then Senator
Reynolds added 4brightly. "But I only droned

Japanese Hostages
Japan's holding of the hundred Americans as
virtual hostages for our freezing of Japanese
funds, and in case we get even tougher with
Japan, contrasts vividly with the State Depart-
ment appeasement policy toward Japanese spies
in the past.
Edgar Hoover rounded up 37 spies in New
York, including a Japanese foreign language
officer who was a representative of the Japanese
government. Hoover had the goods on him cold.
But though it never leaked out, the State De-
partment would not even permit him to arrest
the Japanese. He was told to go back home.
Shortly before this, Hoover's G-Men also
arrested a full fledged officer in the Japanese
Navy, Lieut. Commander Itaru Tatibana, for
bribing a U. S. Navy man to sell him naval se-
crets. Tatibana's room was full of what he
thought was important naval information at the
time of his arrest-though it was out of date
and phoney. The Japanese Lieutenant Com-
mander was held on $50,000 ball unul theS mt t6
Department intervened And forced the Justice
Department to send him back to Tokyo. Having
these spies in custody now would have come in
handy for putting pressure on the Japanese to
release the 100 Americans.
Migrations Ahead
A little more than a year ago Congress set up
a committee to look into the "Grapes of Wrath"
migrations that harassed California and other
parts of the country before the war started.
Representative John H. Tolan of California
proposed the inquiry and it took him nearly a
year to get authority to go ahead. He finally
got $25,000, a pittance as congressional investi-
gations go, and with four other members started
a migration of his own to the dustbowl, to Cali-
fornia, and to other sections where distressed
families were on the move.
SINCE THEN the committee, none of whose
members are publicity: seekers, has set a new
congressional record in the speed and efficiency
with which it concluded its task, made its report
-now a standard reference wprk-and recom-
mended legislation to correct the conditions they
But quick as they were, world events moved
faster. A new migration had started on the heels
of the dustbowl trek-a migration of millions to
roaring defense plants. So the Tolari Committee
was told to study this new problem. It has done
so; but finds that the worst migration yet prob-
ably lies ahead, the one to come after the Vast
defense spending stops. The committee already
has begun work to keep this from becoming a
major social danger to the United States.
Hard Working Committee
The secret of the committee's efficiency is
hard work and concentration on the problem at
hand instead of on headlines. Members were
assigned to study the work of the witnesses who
were coming before them, and to prepare in ad-
vance a list of pertinent questions. Witnesses
were asked to submit their papers a day in ad-
vance. The result has been a series of well
thought outand orderly hearings, uninterrupted
by partisan bickering.
Doing the work in this unique effort are Reps.
John J. Sparkman (Dem.-Ala.), Laurence F.
Arnold (Dem.-Ill.), Carl T. Curtis, (Rep.-Neb.)
and Frank C. Osmers (Rep.-N. J.).
The committee has examined hundreds of
witnesses, from migrants to Cabinet members,
and has made several trips about the country.
Despite this its total expenditures to date have
been only $30,700.
TOLAN was a busy member of the House Ju-
diciary Committee, and hos own California
district was not affected by the migrant problem.
But a San Francisco editor called it to his' atten-
tion, and Telan's wife and son urged him to see
it he couldn't do something. Looking into thel
matter, Tolan was profoundly touched by the
conditions he found, and got busy.
Today he is desperately worried by what he
sees in the future. To every witness who comes
before his committee he puts one question:
"What do you think can be done to cushion the
worker for the period just after he loses his de-
fense job?"

Tolan believes a system of forced savings may
be the answer. But whatever it is, he is deter-
mined there thall be an answer and that plans
to put it in effect shall be made before it is too
Campaign Endorsement
HARRIMAN sat hard on rumors that the Brit-
ish had been using some of the planes
turned over to them from U. S. commercial air-
lines to establish new British commercial air-
"I have flown in British transport planes to
the Middle East and I know what I'm talking
about," Harriman reported. "Not one American
plane has been used for anything except strict' .
war needs. Of course, they are used on commer-
cial lines, because any airplane landing at Lisbon
would be seized. Only commercial ships can
land in neutral territory.
"But the British commercial line carries only
passengers essential to prosecution of the war.
All other kinds of British flying were stopped
long ago."
Harriman also reported that the British are
making excellent use of American food, and that
there is no profiteering. Naturally, he said, food

Of Mikes& Men
THE MICHIGAN University of the
Air can regard the summer ses-
sion of 1941 as hitting a new high
in campus radio work. Under the
guidance of a fine staff, 138 students
of broadcasting presented 23 quarter
hour and 8 half hour programs
throughrstation WJR in Detroit.
Moreover, they were witness to the
first series of radio assemblies pre-
sented on campus.
These weekly gatherings, held in
the coolness and comfort offered
by the Rackham Building and Kel-
logg Institute, featured guests of
professional radio prominence-
Earl McGill, dramatic producer
and director*-of the CBS; Judith
Waller, director of public service
prbgrams for the NBC in Chicago;
S. Stephenson Smith, educational
counselor of ASCAP; Owen Uridge,
assistant general manager of WJR;
Geraldine Elliott, continuity editor
of WJR; and David Owen, of the
CBS drama staff. Motion pictures
were also shown of various phases
of broadcasting, and radio scripts
enacted before audiences as fea-
tures of the New Educational Fel-
low ship and annual Speech De-
partment Conference.
In addition to the assembly speak-
ers, were such visitors to Morris Hall
as Whitford Kane and Hiram Sher-
man, well-known actors of the stage
and radio, Stanley Boynton, presi-
dent of Areasters, Inc., and Frank
Blumer, advertising agent for the
Hour of Charm.
PLANS are progressing for a spe-
cial program to broadcast the
University centennial celebration
of the founding of the Literary
College on October 15-probably
for a half hour over the NBC Blue
Network. Dr. Robert C. Angell,
head of the sociology department,
is being scheduled as speaker, and
arrangements are under way for
the presentation of skits, and se-
lections by the University Band.. .
Meanwhile, a month or more comes
until radio activity and classes re-
sume. Prof. Waldo Abbot, Director
of University Broadcasting, will ad-
journ to Northern Michigan before
arranging hours and speakers 'for
the fall schedule of broadcasts
through WJR, in Detroit, and WC4R
in Pontiac. .. .
Mr. Jinnmy Church leaves today
for New York, to take over produc-
tion of "Manhattan Merry-Go-
Round", starting Sunday. Drama-
tic director for the NBC, Mr.
Church was formerly director of
the Civic Theatre in Denver, in-
structor at Northwestern Univer-
sity, and non-resident lecturer at
Ohio State. On leave this summer,
he came to Michigan and Morris
Hall-to teach a class in broad-
casting, and contribute greatly to
the radio session's success.
After a stay in St. Paul, Don Har-
gis will be back at Michigan, in Sep-
tember for work on his doctor's de-
gree. . . Charlie Moore, during the
next thirty days, will consider two
offers from Cambridge, Massachu-
setts, tofdo communication research
for the government in defense-at
either Harvard, or M.I.T....
BEYOND the local aspect, the
broadcasting business enjoys
a prosperity inextricably woven
into the economic anhl social fabric
of the community and nation. Ris-
ing price levels, threats of inflation,

priorities for defense, new curbs on
installment buying, dislocations of
local industries and employment;
propsed rationing of gas and oil,
increases in all forms of taxation-
all have this inevitable impact on
the radio industry.
With the prospect of more direct
involvement in thewar, broadcasters
are focusing first attention on de-
fense requirements, on the mainte-
nance of business stability so far as
possible, and on the continuation of
employment. . .





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O 1941. Chicago Timm, In,
Reg. V S Pat. Off., All Rt&. Rea.

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By Lichty


--Aid why shouldn't I take a great interest in current world
events? - Eventually I'll have to pay for them."

I ) A. J .
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THERE'S A LOT to a newspaper
that never comes out in its col-
umns or ads, a lot of humorous and
sometirmes tragic little incidents that
makes this game what it is.
And none of that's missing in The
Daily. It's just a college paper, I
know, but the set-up is almost pro-
fessional, and it means every bit as
much-even more-to its reporters
and editors and ad-chasers as any
metropolitan paper means to the men
behind it.
You could write for hours about,
those things, the little human things
that go into a paper. Like the time
this summer when the AP teletype
was acting up, not spacing properly
and sending two or three lines on
top of each other. One lead story was
particularly bad, so the N. E. called
Detroit and asked them to resend one
paragraph in it that was indeci-
pherable. It was supposed to be a
five or six line graph, but had all
come out on top of each other.
Well, the repeat comes over, headed
"Repeat for 'Ann Arbor." And it
came over exactly the same way-all
crowded into one illegible line.---.
THEN there's the time when they
had a tryout down in the shop,
and one of the fellows was show-
ing him the ropes, and set all the
48 point heads in 42 point type.
And one of the lino operators set
up all the number 8's, which are
supposed to be italic, in Roman.
The same night Ken, the shop fore-
man, was showing the tryout the
ropes in makeup, and had to call
the N. E."down to tell him what one
thing dummied in' meanit: The
Radio Spotlight. Been running it'
every dayrfor the last year, and was
his face red..
Things like that . . . and the funny
telephone calls we get. The campus
must think The Daily is an informa-
tion bureau. The other night some-
one called up and wanted to know
how much Babe Ruth weighs, and
someone' else phoned to see how
many games it takes to make a rub-
ber in contract bridge.
Some of them are answered, some
aren't . . . we do our best. The clas-
sic, though, is the time some fellow
called up from the Union. The N. E.
answered the phone, and the guy
shouted: "I'm over in the League,
mister, and for God's same will you
tell me where the men's room is in
this place."

THEN there's the drama behind it
all ... appointment day, when
you wonder if it's going to end, or
if the Board will be beneficent and
keep you on for another year. And
when it's all over, if you're lucky,
it's the best feeling in the world...
Start work at four o'clock . .. AP
chattering, make out the insides, din-
ner, read proof, front page . . . flash
at midnight and you have to tear it
all down and re-do the front page..
hard work and swell work, too, and
you're always sorry to see it end .. .
the presses roll, and it's a satisfying
feeling, and sort of dramatic .. . the
smell of printer's ink, and it gets in
your blood, especially if you were
a print shop even before coming here
a really swell crew of fellows
down in the shop, patient with the
foibles and tomfoolery of a bunch of
embryonic journalists . . . and it's a
pretty trying job they have, too.
That's just part of it all behind
The Daily ... behind any newspaper,
but when you work down here there's
no other paper-just The Daily. It's
something you never can get away
from completely . . . it's -always with
you. And it's the life.
MAYBE the most dramatic moment
of it all comes at 1 a.m. when
the AP machine sputters a couple of
times, and over the wire comes the
final sign-off:
Thirty to all points. And goodnight.
All Notices for the Dail Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 am.
Summer Examination Schedule:
Hour of Recitation: 8; time of ex,
amination, Thursday, 8-10.
Hour of Recitation: 9; time of ex-
amination Friday, 8-10.
Hour of Recitation: 10; time of ex-
amination, Thursday, 2-4.
Hourof Recitation: 11; time of ex-
amination Friday, 2-4.
Hour of 'Recitation: 1; time of ex-
amination, Thursday, 4-6.
Hour'of Recitation: 2; time of ex-
amination, Thursday, 10-12.
,Hour of Recitation: 3; tine of ex-
amination, Friday, 10-12.
All other hours, Friday, 4-6.
Students and Faculty, College of
Literature, Science and The Arts:
The attention of the students and
faculty is called to the following reg-
ulation of the College:
It should be noted that a report
of X (Absent from Examination)
does not guarantee a make-up ex-
amination. An instructor must, in
fairness to those who take the final
examination at the time announced
for it, give make-up examinations
only to students who have a legiti-
mate reason for the absence.
Faculty, College of Literature, Si-
ence, and The Arts: It is requested
by the Administrative Board that all
instructors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examina-
tion on grade-report-sheets give also
information showing the character of
the part of the work which has been
completed. This may be done by the



760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270 K C-NBC Blue
Friday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Tyson Sports Rollin' Home Jas. Bourbonnais
6:15 Racing-Baseball World News Rollin' Home Factfinder
6:30 Quiz of News by Smits Club Romanza Lone Ranger
6:45 Two Cities Sports Parade Evening Serenade Lone Ranger
7:00 Claudia Service Hour Happy Joe Auction Quiz
7:15 Claudia Service Hour Val Clare Auction Quiz
'7:30 Proudly We Hail Information Please Air Temple Death Valley Days
7:45 Proudly We Hail Information Please Serenade Death Valley Days
8:00 Great Moments Waltz Time Sen. Ludington Vox Pop
8:15 From Gr'at Plays Waltz Time Interlude Vox Pop
8:30 Holl'w'd Premi're Uncle Walter's Elizabeth To Be
845 Holl'w'd Premi're Doghouse Rethberg Announced
9:00 Penthouse Party Wings of College Series Romance-Rhythm
x:15 Pehthouse Party Destiny Who Knows Romance-Rhythm
.. _ -1._1 .1 -.. _. - l _ L 1_,C n .m n

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