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July 31, 1941 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-31

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. ..

{a., p. blaustein's


Community Workshop At Grand Ledge Enables Teachers
To Cope With Child Growth And Development Problems
Children In Rural Laboratory And High Schools Deal function of a Coordinating Counci
With Practical Matters Of Everyday Life and how the school was used to heip

OUR NOMINATION for the chair-
r manship 'of Britain's "V" cam-
paign committee goes to Dearborn's
own Henri Ford. Hank's been doing
pretty well with a "V" campaign of
his own for several years now.
With the German offensive get-
ting to look less and less like a
blitzkrieg every day, the Nazis are
now emphasizing the angle that
the war is continuing according to
their own pre-arranged plan.
Which may or may not mean an-
other Five-Year plan.
HE RECENT freezing of assets by
both the United States and Japan
shows beyond a shadow of a doubt
that the boys are now giving one
another the cold shoulder..
* * *
But even that is welcome in this
kind of weather.
sters in this country may not as
yet be the "lost generation," but one
thing is certain-they're losing.
America seems back to normalcy
again. The rising sun now means
more heat and not Japanese Im-
perialism and the rise and fall of
the temperature is attracting more
public attention than the rise in
prices and the fall of Russia.
MUSSOLINI'S private newspaper,
Popolo d'Italian of Milan, came
out with a. statement recently tell-
ing the Italian chorus girls to " ave
.the army alone." Proving once again
that things are a little different in
the democracies.
* * *
All of which reminds us that the
Volga boatmen are pulling harder
than ever for national defense.
* * *
that the U.S. is not in danger.
"I have read 'Mein Kampf' many
times," he said the other day, "and I
find a clear concept of Hitler's in-
tentions in Europe, but there is no
threat of world domination there."
The people of Czechoslovakia aren't
worrying either.
* * *
From the DNB the other day
came a Nazi boast that the Ger-
man soldiers in Russia were in
perfect health. Wait till they get
to Siberia-or start fighting.
* * *
is one of the nation's pet hobbies
at the present time and today we
want to take advantage of that fact
to test the omniscience of our read-
ers-both of them.
Will Dick Tracy capture Little
Face? Will Grandpa Teen marry
Veronica? 'Will Andy Gump's
head ever look unlike a billiard
ball? Will Toemain the Great
bomb Smilin' Jack's oil company?
Will Terry and Burma and Dude
and Raven ever get together?
Which Superman was killed?
What will Davy Jones do to Popeye?
Why was Princess Minnie-Ha-Cha
captured? Will Mandrake capture
Grando? Will Flash Gordon and
'Dale forget their latest quarrel? Will
Casper find another job? Will Pun-
jab be recognized in Indian clothes?
AND just what is Secret Agent
Sweden's worst frost in 50 years
recently destroyed fruit blossoms and
damaged vegetable crops.

(Editor's Note: This article on the,
six-weeks session of the Community
Workshop at Grand Ledge, a division
of-the School of Education's Summer
Session, was written by The Daily's
reporter with the guidance of Dean
william G. Woods of North Texas %
State Teachers College, Director of
the Workshop.)
The bus rolled to a stop, and we
stepped off to find ourselves in
Grand Ledge. Grand Ledge is a typi-
cal small Michigan community twelve
miles west of Lansing.
Grand Ledge is enjoying a lot of
activity this summer as a result of
the Community Workshop, made
possible through the joint coopera-
tion of the University of Michigan
and the Kellogg Foundation.
At the school we received a cordial
greeting from Mr. William G. Woods,
director of the Workshop. Mr. Woods
briefly gave us the purpose of the

ithe preparation, tabulation, and' in-
terpretation of varied surveys. Con-
sultant in hygiene is Dr. Lloyd Flor-
io, Associate Professor of Public
Health and Laboratory Diagnosis in
the School of Medicine, University
of Colorado, Denver. Dr. Florio has
guided the development of a hot
lunch program, integrating it with
the curriculum.
The laboratory teachers are Mrs.
M. J. Williams, elementary; Miss
Loretta Locher, rural, and Mr. Julian
W, Smith, high school.
In the Workshop we found rural,
elementary, junior and senior high
school teachers, also principals and
superintendent . Some were work-
ing on undergrAdu e, others on post
graduate studies. The 52 students
enrolled were there on scholarships
provided by the, Kellogg Foundation.
Visit To Aldrich School
Mr. Woods took us to visit the
Aldrich School, the rural laboratory
i .
of the Workshop resources. This
school, a mile west of Grand Ledge.
At the time of our arrival Miss Lor-
etta Locher was conducting a group
discussion on how they were going
to thank the different people who
had recently aided them in their
study. Miss Locher is well experi-
enced, having been a critic in a
county normal school for several
years and, elementary supervisor in
Dearborn, besides having taught for
many years in a rural school.
On the blackboard was the list of

Children in Aldrich School, rural laboratory division of 'Workshop,
preparing their noon lunch.

people they wished to thank. It was
interesting to hear them work out
for themselves the method by which
their thanks were to be conveyed.
Even the very young children were
trying to read what had been put on,
the board, because this had a real'
meaning to them. T1ey , had taken
part in the very things they now
wished to thank people for.
Health Habits Learned
On the table was a child-made
poster reading "Drink a Glass of
Milk Today." There were some clean
glasses and several bottles of milk.
We noticed that after awhile some
of the children came over and helped
themselves to a glass of milk.
When the group discussion broke
up, some of the children went to a
table where they were doing spatter
painting, others read, played out of
doors, or engaged in some project
they were working on. Mr. Woods
explained that the purpose of all the
laboratory groups is to provide a-
means of exploring some techniques
of wdrking with boys and girls. Mrs.
Williams. former laboratory teacher
in the University School, and in
charge of /the elementary group of
the Workshop, is also helping the
teacher-participants discover some
of these techniques.
Practical Problems Considered
As 'our time was limited, we re-
turned to the Grand Ledge High
School, where we next visited the
high school group of young people.
They were discussing swimming con-
ditions near Grand Ledge. Repre-
sentatives of the class had taken
samples from the river and the grav-
el pit. These samples had been sent
to the State Department of Health

Books form an important part
is the library corner between sessiox
Workshop. This Workshop embodies
the essential features common to all
the other Workshops. Special pur-
poses are: to assist teachers to dis-
cover and plan solutions to problems
which arise in connection with the
growth and development of children
in the community; to assist teachers
to discover their responsibility for
and to improve their skills in teach-
ing democratic citizenship in the
community; to work out their prob-
lems and utilize community re-
sources in relation to improvement
of the community school.
Means Of Achievement
How does the Grand Ledge Work-
shop achieve these goals? Through
special libraries, one located at the
high school, the Curriculum Library
of the State Department of Public
Instruction,, which is only twelve
miles away, and books which may be
obtained from the U. of M. Library
Extension Service; special lectures,
demonstrations, exhibits, excursions,
and consultants.
Among the consultants are: Mr.
Woods, di ector of the workshop, who
is on leave from North Texas State
Teachers College, where he is As-
sistant Dean of Men, and Professor
of Education. Dr. Walter H. Gaum-
nitz, Senior Specialist in Educational
Problems, U. S. Office of Education,
brought with him a wealth of ma-
terial from his Washington office.
As an outstanding authority in rural
education, he has guided group dis-
cussions in such a way that the
teachers have been able to foresee
the solution of their individual school
problems. He stressed the necessity
of making national defense a vital -
concern of education.
Others On The Staff
Dr.-John Guber, consultant in So-
ciology, is Professor at Kent State
University, Kent, Ohio. Specifically,j
he has helped different groups with

for analysis. A report had been re- they had contacted over 2,000 rurE
turned to the C~unty Health Engi- people! Not even the opinion of litt
neer. They were awaiting his ar- children was overlooked. In fac
rival and report, one might say that they covere
The boys and girls were quite con- from "eight to eighty."
cerned about swimming conditions. The results of the questionnair
It was a real problem to them. They are very interesting. Over 75 percer
were trying to put .into practice of all the people wanted more 1
what they had' previously learned brary facilities, especially on an ady.
about personal health. There was level and available aftef schoc
nothing artificial about this problem. hours. In one typical district 97 per
Later, in talking with their leader, cent of the people wanted more rec
Mr. Julian Smith, principal of Lake- reational opportunities, in another
view High School, Battle Creek, we was 91 percent. In another dommu
Grand Ledge students from the high school division of the Work-
shop meet with participating teachers and Workshop staff member to
set up recreation survey instruments.
found that they had arrived at all nity 60 percent wanted the oppor
of their problems through group dis- tunity either to watch or play ,o
cussion. ganized softball.
Other Problems Studied Not, only did the surveyors lear
Other problems which they had of the desires of their districts, bt
studied were health, personal and costs were estimated of desired ac
public. In this study they sought tivities, also physical facilities avail
knowledge on drinking and smoking, able, and potential resident leadei
athletics, diet, training, sewage dis- ship. A large map on the wall showe
posal, milk supply, and drugs. Under areas, covered and the ' percent °0
citizenship they were interested in coverage in each area.
student participation in school con- Students Hold Luncheon
trol, and had been asked to take At noon we attended a luncheo
part in a survey being made by at the Potterville School, put on b
the Coordinating Council of Grand the seniors of that, school to rais
Ledge. money for a trip. It was an excel
The survey of the Council is an lent example of the social activitie
interesting .example showing one of the group as most of the teacher

Rural teachers in the Workshop learn arts and crafts by doing, so
that they may take the experiences back to their own school.
Dress, Etiquette Rules For Men
For Summer Dances Outlined

.11 1


F roth ie's


Young Lochinvar rode this time
into the West, to Ann Arbor, for a
summer of book l'arning and picnics
and swimmi9g-and meeting the
With the books he was a success;
picnics were fun and hot spell blues
were dispelled, every one, at Loch
Alpine. . But when he heeded the
signs and attended the dances at the
League to meet the women, he made
three great mistakes.
The first dance was on a hot night,
so he didn't bother taking a coat-
and horrors!-he was wearing, a T-
shirt. So Lochinvar was turned away
from the door and told that next
time he didn't feel like sporting a
coat the thing to wear was a regular
shirt, with a tie and sans suspende s.
Next time, Lochinvar was dressed
properly-neatly, but comfortably-
and he went onto the floor with an
overwhelming feeling of confidence
and savoir faire.

Ofar more dances and set a pace for
his fellow stags.
4 On the matter of hostesses, Loch-
invar almost made another faux pas.
For if the official he danced that
one dance with had not reminded
him of her duty, he might have
claimed her for his partner for the
entire evening.
The rules are si-ple, but Lochin-
var just didn't know them. He didn't
know that one must dress up a little
for these dances. He didn't know
how to ask a girl to dance. He didn't
know that to return a partner to the
hostess who had introduced them or
to simply conduct her to a seat is
strictly oh the up and up. It is un-
fortunate 'that Lochinvar didn't make
the friends he had hoped he would,
but this was not one of the reversals
which fate so unkindly hands out.
One can sympathize with him, but
perhaps the experience taught Loch-
invar what is permissible in the way
of dress and etiquette at the summer

'YPING-Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
in graduate school work. Mimeo-
graphing and notary public. 706
Oakland. 6327.
EXPERIENCED Commercial Teach-
er. Prompt, accurate service. The-
ses a specialty. Telephone 2-1241.
920 Monroe. L. Loby.
LOST-Railroad tickets. Please re-
turn to the League desk. Reward.
combe engraved on band. Finder
call 30088 Grand Rapids collect.
EXPERIENCED sandwich and soda
fountain man, part time. The
ust 8. Will take expense-sharing
passengers. Call S. Pasternack,
West Quad.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.

But, again, he committed a disas-
trous error. Whenever he asked a
young lady of his choice to swing
over the floor With him, he did it by
saying, "How'd ja like to dance with
me?" Naturally, this did nothing for
his prestige. If only Lochinvar had
known that "How do you do. I am
Lochinvar Smitp. May I have this
dance?" would have gone over much

Szostakowicz' Fifth
To Be Played Today
Szostakowicz' "Symphony No. 5"
will be offered at 6:45 p.m. today on
the Strauss Library Record Concert
in the Main Lounge of the West
performed by = the Philadelphia

507 Hoover 0 Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)




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