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July 31, 1941 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1941-07-31

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_ .



Daily Calendar of Events
Thursday, July 31-


2:15 p.m.

11 I


4:05 p.m.

Lecture. "The Adjustability of the Life Process to Injurious Agents." Dr.
William deB. MacNider, Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology of
the University of North Carolina Medical School. (Amphitheatre, Rack-
ham Building.)
Lecture. "The Conservation of American 'Youth." Howard Y. McClusky,
Professor of Educational Psychology. (University High Auditorium.)
Concert on .the Charles Baird Carillon.
Bridge Lessons. (Michigan League.)
"Storm Over Patsy." (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.)

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of 6 cadent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
u~se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republicat'on of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
'crier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
* College Publishers Representative
Nmpber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41



--- i

Washington Merry-Go-Round




Managing Editor
City' Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
S3 orts Editor
Women's Editor

Editorial Sty


. . Karl Kessler'
.Harry M. Kelsey
William Baker
E.ugene Mandeberg
Albert P. Blaustein
Barbara Jenswold

Business Staff
business Manager . .D... .aniel H. Huyett
kocal Advertising Manager . . . Fred M. Ginsberg
Women's Advertising Manager . . Florence Schurgin
The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
"aily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
et's Be Fair
With Our Draftees .. .
HE CURRENT draft extension legis--
lation will pass; we have little doubt
on that score. But if it passes in its present form,
we will have many bitter, disillusioned young
men in army camps throughout the country.
A good many of them will feel that they have
been dealt from the bottom of the deck-make
no mistake. about that. General Marshall has
repeatedly- painted glowing pictures of camp
m ale, of boys willing to serve on, ad infinitum,
S for glory and the fatherland, but that'snot the
Whole story.
Find us a draftee who will tell a chief of staff
that he's fed up on the whole business-you can't
talk to a general like you would to a congress-
nan. These draftees are, for the most part, still
taking their forced fare in good spirits. A year
of army life is a sacrifice, but cynical as they
)pay be, they realize its necessity, and have 'ac-
cepted that duty as their contribution to the'
continued welfare of this country.
But just tell those boys now that they will
have to stay in camp for the "duration of the
emergency." Many of them have been counting
the days; the effect won't be wholesome. The
best years of their lives are being wasted-with
now no apparent hop, for salvation in sight to
keep up morale.
That's one sid of the issue only. From the
army's point of view, we see a large civilian army,
almost trained, almost brought up to army
standards, ready to be released just at the mo-
ment when they are beginning to appear effec-
tive. To drop these men from army rolls now
would be a serious loss, possibly a tragic mistake.
There we have both sides of the issue. Irre-
conciliable? No, we are naive enough to think
afairly equitable solution is possible.
,First, let us have some form of tabulation as
to how many draftees are willing to sign up
Voluntarily for further army service. These men
would serve as the nucleus of a good sized stand-
ing army.
Secondly, let us release from immediate service
those men who could, in civilian life, be holding
jobs vital to national defense and national wel-
Third, let us place on reserve all those draftees
Who do not care to remain in camp, but who.
have been sufficiently trained' that they are
available for immediate effective service in the
event of armed invasion.
Such a program as we have outlined above is
but a suggestion. It may not work, it will prob-
ably have to be modified. But unless we present
some such course of action in conjunction. with
draft extension legislation there will be many
hard feelings among our draftees. They will feel,
and rightly so, that they have been Shanghaid
-a sentiment which will make for a far weaker
army than would the mass release of troops.
For the future welfare of this country, we
incerely hope some form of equitable compro-
mise can be formulated. - Karl Kessler

WASHINGTON-When the Vice President of
the United States gets off the train to make his
speech at the opening of the new powder factory
at Burlington, Iowa, today, it is significant that
lie will get off at a little station just outside of
Burlington called Middleton.
There is nothing much at Middleton except
a couple of freight cars, a few houses and a
station sign, It is a typical contry crossroad
flag stop.
YET SUDDENLY, out of the flat Iowa prairies
a new industry has come to Middleton, an
industry as foreign to the corn belt as the
philosophy of Henry Wallace is to war.
All of which is indicative of what is going on
both in the heart of the Middle West and in the
heart of Henry Wallace.
In the last war, munitions plants hugged the
Atlantic seaboard. A few cities away from the
coast, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Chicago, got a
sprinkling of munitions orders, but no one ever
dreamed of locating defense factories in Omaha,
Tulsa, or Ft. Worth.
But now the USA is confronted with bombing
planes capable of flying 5,000, even 7,000 miles,
and so the Middle West has become like the Ural
Mountains of Russia, and everyone knows that
the more munitions plants Stalin has placed be-
hind the Urals, the better ,are Russia's chances.
Just as great changes have taken place in the
strategic location of munitions plants, so great
changes have taken place in the mind of Henry
Wallace. War, even national defense, always has
been anathema, to him. He could see no reason
for building an army and navy, regarded them
as destructive institutions.
THEN LAST WINTER he went to Mexico, and
came back a changed man. The United
States, he began to feel for perhaps the first
time, could be in real danger of invasion. The
Middle West no longer was made impregnable
by geographic luck. An invasion by air from
South America, via Mexico, was by no means
an impossibility.
So Henry Wallace, the Iowa farm boy who
returns to the soil of Iowa today, will be speaking
his own heartfelt convictions when he tells mid-
west farmers that the time has come to beat
their plowshares into swords.
FDR And Pappy
THE Hairbreadth victory of Governor Lee
("Pass the biscuits, Pappy") O'Daniel in the
Texas senatorial election was a tough blow to
President Roosevelt, who openly espoused his
young Congressional lieutenant, 32-year-old
Lyndon Johnson.
It also was a tough blow to eloquent Senator
Tom Connally, who, while publicly protesting his
neutrality, was plugging for Attorney General
Gerald Mann of Texas, No. 3 man in the race.
With the race over, the Priesident is resigned
to O'Daniel's election, but Connally is still a bit
miffed by the failure of his candidate. He voiced
this disappointment when he accompanied a
group of congressional leaders to the White
House for a legislative conference. Spotting
Connally, the President inquired cheerily.
"Tom, when is Pappy coming to town? I'm
anxious to get a look at his band."
Connally cogitated for a moment, then shot
back with a grin:
"I don't know, but I do know if you hadn't
butted intothe election, he wouldn't be coming
to townr at all."
Strange Bedfellows
THERE IS ONE matter that is not on the
agenda of the AFL building trades executive
council meeting in Chicago this week, but about
which labor chiefs are very curious.
This is the sensational inside word that Wil-
liam ("Big Bill") Hutchinson, boss of the car-
penters, has been secretly pow-wowing with the
man he once slugged in a spectacular Atlantic
City fist fight - John L. Lewis.
Just why Lewis and Hutchinson have put their.
heads together is a mystery. But strongly sus-
pected is a Lewis scheme to spring a surprise
"peace" move with the AFL.
The AFLers are for peace, but not one that
would enable Lewis to make himself the master
of a united labor movement. This is exactly
what he is believed to have up his sleeve.

THE AFL CHIEFS recall very vividly Lewis'
answer to Secretary Frances Perkins when
she urged him several years ago to use his
powerful influence to bring the AFL and CIO
"I will bring peace to labor," he rumbled,
"when it suits my purpose to have peace."
Privately, AFL leaders make ' no bones that
they are very leery of a John L. Lewis festooned
with olive branches. They don't trust him and
want no nart of him in any guise.

gether for Hoover against Roosevelt.
The NRA, with its famed Section 7a, rescued
the United Mine Workers from the scrap heap,
switched Lewis to the New Deal. Turning on
his old AFL buddies, and after swapping blows
with Hutchinson at the Atlantic City convention,
Lewis set up the CIO with the backing of Sidney
Hillman and his independent Amalgamated
Clothing Workers. Raging with vengeance,
Hutchinson f led the movement that expelled
Lewis from the AFL as a wrecker.
For six years their feud flamed. In 1936, Lewis
went all-out for Roosevelt, and Hutchinson did
the same for Landon as chairman of the GOP
Labor Campaign Committee. Then in 1940, they
suddenly became friends again through their
common hatred of Roosevelt.
J EWIS answered Hutchin'son's telegram with a
cordial letter. This was followed several
months later by a secret meeting in New York.
They have had at least one other, more recently.
Treaty With Argentina
A YEAR AND A HALF AGO, Secretary Hull
threw up his hands and admitted that nego-
tiations for a trade agreement with Argentina
had collapsed. When this word reached western
farms and panches, a lot of people threw up
their hands-in joy, not despair.
These same people are hardly aware that to-
day another trade agreement, to take the place
of the one which was abandoned, is about to
be signed. U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Nor-
man Armour is on his way by plane from Wash-
ington to Buenos Aires. He has the agreement
in his brief case. When he reaches the Argen-
tine capitol, the papers will be signed.
Negotiation has been accomplished with little
fuss and no fury. Reason for the change of at-
mosphere is not so much any difference between
the two agreements as a difference in the world

To the Editor:
THE OTHER DAY while having
lunch at the League I was intro-
duced to some students, one of whom
said she was planning to be a social
worker. When she heard I was a
social work student she was full of
questions about requirements for se-
curing a social work job. I remarked
that social work education was re-
quired. I added that there are forty-
one accredited social work schools in
the United States and Canada (the
University's school in Detroit being
one of them) and that admission to
these schools involves, among other
things, a bachelor's degree from a
recognized college and certain mini-
mum credits in anthropology, biol-
ogy, history, political science, psy-
chology, and sociology. She was
amazed at my statements and some-
what disturbed. Although she will
be a senior in the fall she said she
has not had a single course in an-
thropology, biology, economics or
political science which are probably
the four most important basic sci-
ences for anyone planning to enter
social work school. The reason she
has not taken any courses in these
sciences is because some faculty
member, who is supposed to be her
adviser, told her that all she needed
to be a social worker was to major
in sociology.
THIS state of affairs is really too
bad-and I mean just that-too
bad. Any social work executive will
tell you that majoring in sociology,
history, geography, or any of the
other social sciences does not qualify
one for social work. And the definite
way in which he will tell you is that
if you apply for a job that is open he
won't hire you.
Basic preparation for social work
involves a sound grounding in the
social and biological sciences. It also
involves training in an accredited so-
cial work school. It takes about 2%/
years of full-time study, after com-
pletion of four years of undergrad-
uate college work, to graduate from
social work school.
I REMEMBER some five years ago
when I was an undergraduate at
the University of Michigan and be-
ginning to think seriously about so-
cial work as a profession, I was given
the same kind of advice that my
new friend received. Worse yet, I
was also told that I had better take
all the languages I possibly could,
So instead of getting a good ground-
ing in zoology, anthropology and po-
litical science, I studied languages.
Not two or three languages but five
languages. It sounds incredible. It
is true. Fortunately I dropped one
of the languages and completed my
undergraduate training with at least
one year of work in four languages.
The languages are fine-I like them
-but they have nothing to do with
social work. They have about the
same relation to social work that
music has to medicine or painting
has to law. Being able to play a
trombone or to paint a daisy may be
excellent cultural attainments but
for all practical purposes, they do
not prepare you to practice medicine
or law. And so it is with my four
languages (five including English).
They're fine, but for the practical
task of earning a living as a social
worker, they mean absolutely noth-
The moral, I think, is obvious.
- Social Work Students
P.S. I hope other social work stu-
dents, past or present, who did their
undergraduate work at Michigan and
who received similarly "sound ad-
vice" would write about it to The
Daily. I also -hope that these inci-

dences come to the attention of Pres- I


"All we do is sit home night after night-You might at least
park next to a night club or something!"



By Lichty


PERHAPS I'm prejudiced about the whole
thing: anyway I've been one of the Roper-
tory Players' biggest boosters all summer. And
I still am.'
Storm Over Patsy is really good. In spite of
the fact that they prepared me to see some-
thing pretty bad: bad ticket sale, unknown play,
Ada McFarland not in it. But that's not the
way it turned out. The thing provided one of
the most entertaining evenings I've had all
summer. And I've had some pretty entertaining
As I started to say, though, it's really swell.
An excellent cast, without ,a weak spot, a
more than adequate comedy, fine scenery and
more appropriate costuming than I've seen in
any speech department presentation.
The cast first. June Madison really ran away
with the whole show. As Mrs. Flanagan she
handled the chief comedy role and a really hard
piece of dialect with professional finesse. She
pulled some hearty laughs from an audience
nearly par-boiled in a stifling theatre. In other
THE ONLY RIVAL she had for chief honors
was $ill Altman as Provost Thomson. He
fitted into the role perfectly, and came out as
usual on the wrong end of things. (Remember
The Contrast.) Behringer was more than ade-
quate as the Provost's wife, but coasted a little
too much in the last scene.
The only near disappointment was James
Moll, who didn't do any too well in the part of
the idealistic reporter, which might well have
been the lead part in the play. But in places he
handled the part excellently, especially in th
courtroom scene.
SOME of the.minor parts were not so well cast.
Lillian Canon as Mrs. Skirving was decora-
tive and adequate-nothing more. George Sha-
piro was unimpressive as her husband, and Mar-
jorie Adams overdid a little in the role of Maggie.
All the other parts were well-handled. John
Weimer was excellent as the verbose sheriff.
Robert Rittenourstood out as the pompous Mr.
Menzies, K. C., Hollister Smith handled a diffi-
cult Scotch dialect part with ease, and Herbert
London was a surprise as Procurator Fiscal.
John Sinclair stood out in the very minor part
of Mr. Cassidy, Vet.
A word, too, about Crab, who handled the
title role with the ease of an embryonic dog star.
Cute pooch, with a really plaintive look in hisiher
(choose one) eyes which made you see why such
fuss could be raised over one dog.
Y 7'1 T . ....7.1 l. . ... .4..... . _.c-

All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
"Storm Over Patsy" by James Bri-
die and Bruno Frank will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. tonight through Satur-
day night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech.
Single admissions are 75c, 50c, and
35c. The boxoffice is open from
10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Phone 6300).
Lectures on French Music: Mr.
Percival Price, Professor of Composi-
tion and University Carillonneur, will
give the second lecture on French
music on Monday, August 4, at 4:10
p.m..in Room 206, Burton Memorial
Tower. The subject of his lecture
will be "French Music of the Classical
The lecture, ' which will be given
in English, is open to all students
and faculty members. The third
lecture on French Music will take
place on Monday, August 18th.
These lectures are sponsored by
the Department of Romance Lan-
- Charles E. Koella
Lectures on French Diction and
Intonation. Professor Charles E. Ko-
ella will give his third lecture on
French Diction and Intonation on
Monday, August 4th; at 7:15 p.m. at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Wash-
Students teaching French or con-
centrating in French are especially
invited to attend.
Charles E, Koella
Graduate Students in Speech: Mr.
A. G. Gabriel, general agent of the
Midland Mutual Life Insurance Com-
pany, will speak on the subject, "The
Business Interview," and conduct an
interview demonstration Thursday at
11 o'clock in room. 4203 Angell Hall.
Wesley Foundation. There will be
a group leaving the First Methodist
Church for a swimming party and
picnic at 5 p.m. Please make your
reservation today before 2 p.m. There
will be a small charge for food and
Student Graduation Recital: Mr.
Frank Fisher, a student of Wassily
Besekirsky, will give a Violin recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree Master of Mu-
sic at 8:30 p.m., Monday, August 4,

in the Rackham Assembly Hall. His
accompanist will be John Wolaver,
who is also a graduate student of
the School of Music.
"The Cobbler Captain of Koep-
penick," an early German farce on
militarism, will be filmed at the
Rackham School Lecture Hall Sun-
day evening at 8:15 p.m. The tickets
will be available at the League and
at the Rackham School before the
'film begins Sunday evening. Single
admissions are thirty-five cents. Art
Cinema League.
University Men and Women: Any-
one wishing special instruction in
teaching square dancing is invited
to come to the Michigan League at
4 p.m. Monday. Mr. Lovett will hold
a class in the ballroom at that time
in addition to the regular square
dance lesson at 7:30.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its sum-
mer initiation today at 4:30 in the
Michigan Union. The initiation ban-
quet will follow at 6:30. Dr. Harold
Spears will deliver the principal ad-
dress. All members are urged to
Schedule for Film Evaluation.
Room 1022, University High School,
July 31, 2:30-4:00 p.m. "Electro-
statics" (Phys.), Sound, 1 Reel. "U.S.
Treasury" .(Bus.), Sound, 1 Reel.
"Energy and Its Transformations"
(Phys), Sound, 1 Reel. All teachers
interested in teaching films are in-
vited to attend these showings.
On Saturday, August 2, the Uni-
versity. will conduct the eighth of its
series 'of excursions this summer.'
This trip will be to the State Prison,
Jackson. Round trip by special bus.
Reservations in the Summer Session
Office, Angell Hall.
The Summer Session French Club:
The fourth meeting of the Summer
Session French Club will take place
tonight, Thursday July 31, at 8 p.m.
at "Le Foyer Francais,." 1414 Wash-
tenaw. Mr. George Poinar, Violinist,
and-Mr. William Belier, Pianist, both
visiting Professors at the School of
Music, will give a recital of modern
French music for violin and piano.
Dr. Francis W. Gravit of the De-
partment of Romance Languages,
will give a talk with records on
"Luly et 1 'opera francais du 17eme
Pharmacology Lectures: Dr. Wil-
(Continued on Page 4)

ident Ruthven,
Professor Kelso.

Dean Yoakum, and'

By Terence
WHAT'S this world coming to? ...
Joe DiMaggio's string of games
with at least one hit is broken and
the heat wave isn't . . . Hollywood
completed the super-colossal Tom
Harmon of Michigan in all of three
weeks . . . and now the Allies and
the Germans give up bullets and
bombs for ammunition and start
warring on each other with the first
four notes of Beethoven's Fifth . .
make a wonderful movie title, would-
n't it?-From Bullets to Beethoven.
See that Hiram Sherman is re-
turned to Ann Arbor for a part in
Hobson's Choice. And there is
something no one should miss.
Chubby, charming Hiram is one
of the better actors on the stage
today, and from what I know of
the play, the part is made for him.
Should be really terrific in a hil-
arious sort of way.
* * *
THE NIGHT EDITOR is jealous of
ever-increasing popularity," so
rne+n 'jRut lave onP av morm neP I

760 KC - CBS 950 KC - NBC Red 800 KC - Mutual 1270K C - NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sports Review Rollin' Home Easy Aces
6:15 Inside of Sports world News Rollin' Home Mr. Keen
6:30 Marriage Club News By Smits Club Romanza Intermezzo
6:45 Marriage Club Sports Parade Evening Serenade Harry Heilmann
7:00 Death valley "Housewarming" Happy Joe Boys Town
7:15 Death valley "Housewarming" val Clare Boys Town
7:30 Lewisohn Sta- NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
7:45 dium Concert NBC Feature B. A. Bandwagon Charlie Ruggles
8:00 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Caribbean
8:15 Major Bowes Music Hall Canada Answers Melodies
8:30 Major Bowes Music Hall News; Music WorldNews
8:45 Major Bowes Music Hall Dell Concert Ted Steele ° Orch.
9:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Wythe Williams
9:15 Prof Quiz Rudy Vallee Echoes of Heaven Industrial News
9:30 Prof. Quiz WWJ Playhouse Musical Headline Front
9:45 Melody Marvels WWJ Playhouse Your Job and Mine Drama

16 Hours Too Much

A report comes from his publisher that Hen-
flrik Willem Van Loon, on orders from his physi-
cian, will take a rest for the next two or three
months. In addition to his customary heavy
writing schedule, Mr. Van Loon has for the past
three years been devoting a great deal of time
and energy to a variety of anti-Hitler and other
h~vn,:ai~nv af .iia - T hae no. r -m f

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