Draft Chief Speaks[
"Something that, to our knowledge, Selena Royle, and "Lightnin'" with
has never been tried before: pageant- Fred Stone. He has also been em-
like, and yet more than a pageant." ployed in several of the major radio
That is the way Director Hugh Nor- stations in New York City.
ton would describe the Cycle of Six In 1936 he directed "Electra" at
Medieval Mystery Plays to be pre- New York State College, the play
sented by the Department of Speech which dedicated the new Greek The-
and School of Music Aug.' 17 in Hill atre in Albany.
Auditorium. / The Mystery Cycle is one of the
Norton has planned the production most ambitious jobs he has under-
and is directing it, drawing on several taken as a director. It will be pre-
years of professional experience to sented by a cast of 150, including a
100-voice choir directed by famed
Tickets for the Mystery Cycle choir-director Nobel Cain.
may be obtained M free of harge at The spectacle will be presented on,
the Summer Sessione Ofhice, the the 75-foot stage of Hill Auditorium.
office of the speech department, with scenery designed by Alexander
the School of Music, the Michi- Wyckoff.
gan League desk and the Lydia All members of the cast will be stu-
Mendelssohn Theatre boxoffice. dents or faculty members of the
nAl v. -ml -r.. speech department or School of Music.,f
Schorling Talks
On Social Math
In High School
Professor Believes New
Form Would Increase
Security Of U.S. Citizens
Discussing the growing need for
a new kind of social mathematics in
the high schools, Prof. Raleigh
Schorling in a lecture yesterday
stated that there is need for this
form of mathematics to increase the
citizen's security, to make him a
more intelligent reader, to improve
computation skill and to give the
sored by the School of Education, ex-
plained that social mathematics in-
creases the citizen's security by en-
abling him to get. the maximum se-
curity from a given income.
This phase of mathematics is im-
portant in insurance, taxation, in-
vestments, banking and simple ac-
In the past mathematics has failed
the citizen because it has been taught
at too early an age and because the
problems and the tools of mathe-
matics have been emphasized rather
than the social implications.
Social mathematics would increase
the intelligence of the citizen by
teaching the general concepts in
terms of which most quantitative
thinking is done, Professor Schor-
ling explained. Among these con-
cepts are the notions 'of ratio,
length,.area, percentage and statis-
tical graphing.
Computation presents a more dif-
ficult problem, for "it is not easy to
teach all of the children of all of
the people to deal effectively with
numerals of any kind.". Professor
Schorling added that a comprehen-
sive investigation of the 4lower half
of the senior high school students'
control of fundamental skills would
reveal a situation "truly alarming."
The fourth contribution of the
kind of mathematics proposed by
Professor Schorling would be to give
the pupil an insight into the place
of mathematics in modern life.
The number system is a very im-
portant social instrument, and makes
possible all the measurements in
science and industry. "In fact, our
number system represents the one
universal language of humanity,"
Professor Schorling concluded:
heart, fond parent and schoolmate
was speedily notified to keep an eye
on coming issues of "Life" maga-
zine for the story about life at Camp
Filibert Roth.
Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, acting director of selective service,
was among those who testified on possible draft period extension. At
left: Capt. F. V. Keesling, Jr., selective service legislative officer.
Life' Comes To Filibert Roth
-And Disrupts Work It Camp
(Special Daily Correspondent)
work was completely disrupted last
week at Camp Filibert Roth when,
for the first time, "Life" came to a
forestry summer camp. Chosen as
representing the collegiate field train-
ing centers for foresters, the Univer-
sity of Michigan's beautiful site on
Golden Lake, in the heart of the Up-
per Peninsula, provided an ideal set-
up for "Life" photographer F. W.
Arriving Sunday, Mr. Goro found
the Sunday evening "sing" a likely
subject for beginning his picture tak-
ing activities. And thus,- the first
pictures of foresters' training taken
for a national magazine were, fit-
tingly, scenes around a blazing camp-
fire in the woods beside the lake.
From campfires the scene shifted
to forest fires, later in the week, as
the boys treated Mr. Goro to a dem-
onstration of technique of forest fire
fighting. Chemical smoke from
smoke candles added a realistic touch
to the proceedings. Shovels, rakes,
hazel hoes, and back-pack pumps
were tools used to suppress the
Trips to a forest nursery, to a saw-
mill, to a L.S. Forest Service Ranger
Station, and to a Michigan State Con-
servation Department district head-
quarters, were among the unsched-
uled activities crowded into the
week's program. In addition, num-
erous regular features of camp work
were singled out for pictorial treat-
Even at mealtimes there was no
rest for the scurrying photographer.
Spotless, white tabletops, groaning
under the heavy fare provided to keep
the boys well-filled and happy, made
a memorable picure of a very im-
portant phase of camp life. No one
appeared to be camera-shy, as plates
we e emptied and reemptied with the
usual split-second timing.
Beards, which had proved a handi-
retion in. Modern C'ooin -
cap at weekend dances in nearby
wnto, were at a premium. Before
the end of the week, every fellow
with a picturesque growth of whis-
kers had been photographed, front
or profile, at least once. Beardless
"smoothies," who had found things
in their favor with the fair sex, looked
on eviously as their bewhiskered bud-
dies stole the show-for publication.
On Saturday night-when the boys
let off steam after a week's hard work
-countless flash bulbs flickered in
one of the Iron River "Cafes," as Mr.
Goro recorded the highlights of cam-
pers' highlife. Lusty harmonizing re-
laxed he group's members into pho-
togenic poses. Feminine angles for
dancing to music of the local band
were supplied by Iron River girls.
Following the departure of the
cameraman, everyone heaved a deep
sigh and prepared to resume working
as scheduled, without quite so many
trimmings. But first, many a sweet-
(Continued from Page 2),
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peal certain ALLENEL dishes have because of their
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For Instance:
" Broiled U.S. Prime Steak
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0" Capon Chicken
and many other
liam deB. MacNider, Kenan Research
Professor of Pharmacology of the
University of North Carolina Medical
School, will deliver the following lec-
tures on the general subject of "The
Acquired Resistance of Tissue Cells."
Wednesday, July 30, "The Aging
Process and Tissue Resistance," 4:15
p.m. Room 151, Chemistry Building.
Thursday, July 31, "The Adjust-
ability of the Life Process to Injuri-
ous Agents," 2:00 p.m. Amphitheatre,
Rackham Building.
All interested are invited to attend.
Student Graduation Recital: Rich-
ard Whittington, Tenor, who is a
student of Arthur Hackett, will pre-
sent a recital in partial fulfillment
of the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 p.m. on Friday, August 1, in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Mr.
Charles Shrader of Waverly, Ohio,
who is also a graduate student in the
School of Music will accompany Mr.
Women's Tennis Tournament: The
3rd round in the women's singles and
doubles Tennis Tournaments should
be completed by August 3rd.
Deutscher Verein. There will be a
picnic Thursday for members, stu-
dents of German, residents of the
Deutsches Haus, and all those in-
terested in songs, games and other
entertainment. Meet at the Deutsches
Haus, 1443 Washtenaw Avenue at
5:00 p.m. Refreshments and trans-
portation. Make reservations in the
German Office, 204 University Hall.
Ext. -788.
Faculty Concert: Enid Szantho,
Contralto, George Poinar, Violinist.
and William Beller, Pianist, members
of the Guest Faculty of the School of
Music Summer Session, will present
a recital at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, August
3, in the Pattengill Auditorium of the
Ann Arbor High School. Ava Comn
Case will accompany Madame Szan-
Stuare dance booklets. The square
dance booklets, "Good Morning" have
come in and may be obtained at any
time in the Social Director's Office,
Michigan League.
Tickets for the "Mystery Cycle" to
be given in Hill Auditorium on Sun-
day night, August 17, by the Depart-
ment of Speech and the School of
Music, are now available at the Sum-
mer Session office (1213 A.H.), the
Speech Department office (3211 A.H.)
the School of Music, the Michigan
Union, the Michigan League, and the
Mendelssohn Theatre boxoffice.
Admission will be by ticket, but
tickets will be distributed free as long
as they last.
WEEK DAYS at 2-4-7-9 P.M.
Starts TODAY!
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