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July 10, 1940 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-10

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Southerners And Yankees Celebrate






With Two Week-End League Dances

Friday Evening Will Start
With Watermelon Cut.
For Mason-Dixoners
All Southern students are cordially
invited to the annual "Watermelon
Cut" at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the
League by the Summer Session and
the League which cooperate to pro-
vide the festive get-together for eve-
.ryone, Virginia.. Osgood, '41, presi-
dent of the League, announced.
Students from Alabama, Arizona.,
Arkansas, California, Delaware, Flor-
ida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Lou-
isiana, Mississippi, Montana, Mary-
land, New Mexico, North Carolina.
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennes-
see, Texas, Virginia, and West Vir-
ginia will be special guests for the
"Watermelon Cut."
All students from North or South
are urged to attend the dance which
will follow at 9 p.m. 'in the League
Ballroom which will honor the
Southerners with special music play-
ed by Earl 'Stevens and his orchestra.
The Summer Session League Coun-
cil composed of Miss Osgood, Mary
Ellen Wheeler, Betty Hoag, Marian
Conde, Barbara DeFries, Margaret
Hubbard, Ruth Streelman, Jeanne
Crump, Rosebud Scott, Dee Skinner,
Jane O'Brien, and Agnos Landers,
will act as hostesses at the Cut, and
will be headed by Miss Barbara Mac-
Intyre, assistant social director of
the League.
All students are urged to attend
the "Watermelon Cut" if they come
from below or in the vicinity of the
Mason-Dixon line and students from
all parts of the country are invited
to attend the dance which follows,
Mary Ellen Wheeler, social chairman,
announced. The price for the dance
is 35c a person, but there is no
charge for the "Cut."
Dance Classes Start
Third in a series of six intermedi-
ate dancing classes will begin at 7:30
p.m. today in the League Ballroom.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, Miss Elva Pas-
coe and Miss Barbara Maclntyre are
instructors for the series.

Straw Shades Brow

A new sports classic took its
place among the campus favorites
this spring and summer, when the
cocoa straw burst upon the mil-
linery scene. Cool, rich in color,
with endless variations possible in
the use of the hatband, it is ideal
for campus and informal town

'Autograph Hunt'
Dance Partner


"Autograph Hunt" will be the
highlight of the third Summer Ses-
sion tea dance from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
today in the League Ballroom as men
and women each vie to get the great-
est number of dancing partners'
Lists will be furnished for each
dancer to record the name of his
partners, Ruth Streelman, in charge
of the tea dance -announced. Twd
"Robber Dances" for the girls will
be called before intermission when
the lists will be turned in. The man
and woman with the largest number
of names will be awarded tickets to
some local entertainment, the chair-
man announced.
As one of the weekly dances to
afford students an opportunity to
become acquainted, all students reg-
istered in the Summer Session are
urged to participate in the informal

Northerners. To Retaliate
With Saturday Dance;
Hostesses To Officiate
Establishing a new tradition of the
Summer Session, "Yankee Night"
will be celebrated for the first time
Saturday night especially honoring
Northern students at the regular
dance open to all students at 9 p.m.
in the League.
This dance will follow the annua.
Watermelon Cut which is to be given
for Southern students Friday night.
Following the precedent of the Fri-
day night dance, Earl Stevens will
also play special music characteris-
tic of the North.
Twenty-five hostesses will assist
at the dance, which, stressed Betty
Hoag, chairman of the Saturday
dances, would welcome students fror
both the North and the South. The
price will be 35c a person.
Catholic Students To Give
Dance Mixer At Chapel
A "mixer-dance" for all Catholic
students in the Summer Session and
their friends will be held from 8 p.m.
to 11 p.m. today in the new club
rooms at St. Mary's Chapel on Will-
iams St., Albin Schinderle, '42, chair-
man, announced.
Refreshment will be served and
ping-pong and cards will be played.
Two door prizes will be awarded.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
LOST-Four-colored, octagonal, sil-
ver pencil (Dictator). Please re-
turn to Room 1, University Hall.
WILL SACRIFICE for cash-39
acres; good road; four miles west
of Ann Arbor. Call1evenings-6196;
ROOM for two. $4 a week. One-half
block from campus. 417 E. Liberty.
Call after 6:00 p.m.-2-3776.
room apartment. No objection to
small child. Phone 2-3430.
furnished apartment. Near cam-
pus. Ideal for anyone connected
with University. Very quiet, only
apartment in building. Call 3254.
LAUNDRY- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.

league Society Suggests Rules
For Summer Dance Etiquette


All -Rfight' Feeling


In came the handsome hero and
looked over the coeds at the League
weekend dances. He saw a very
young thing, but he was dubious
about how to ask her to dance and
anyway supposing she wasn't too good
at that pastime and he'd have to
be with her all evening.
Tough situation, for any man, and
* the Summer Session social office
doesn't want to leave anyone in such
a quandry, so from there has come
a set of very good "helpful hints"
on summer school etiquette. Let's
take it from beginning to end.
It's Easy To Meet People
First of all it's just as natural a
thing for men or women to come
alone to summer dances as to come
" with dates. Once inside the hostess-
es,hdistinguished by badges marked
"Official," will introduce you to any-
one you may wish to meet. If there
are no hostesses on hand the social
office decrees that you may intro-
duce yourself. Here's the procedure.
Say, "How do you do. I am Joe X.
May I have this dance." The girl
will then please remember to intro-
duce herself immediately, not wait
until the middle of the .piece.
It is accepted Summer Session eti-
quette to return at the end of a
dance to the hostesses who intro-
duced you so that she may have you
meet someone else, or the man may
seat his partner and leave her, say;
ing, "Would you please excuse me."
But please, gentlemen, no leaving the
young lady standing in the middle of
the floor as a few are prone to do.
Meet Many Different People
Asw for women dancers, they may
either excuse themselves at the end
of a dance or return to the hostess.
Since many come to the League to
get acquainted with many people, if
these rules are followed it will be
simple to dance with quite a few in
one evening.
Now here is a word For Men Only.
Since women are asked not to dance
together at the League, there will
be some sitting out for a piece or
two. Dance with them rather than
stand in the stag line all evening

with eyes glued to those on the floor.
Remember you need have only one
dance with her, and it is a courtesy
to the League to do this once an eve-
If the one with whom our hand-
some hero wishes to dance is sport-
ing an official tag, here is the ex-
planation of what to do. Hostesses
are there to help everyone get ac-
quainted, but when they're not busy,
they are eligible to dance.
The "only one dance" rule has to
be hard and fast, in this case for
they have duties to perform. Of
course you may return for another
dance, or later in the evening they
may usually dance as long as they
Apparel Is Important
Last but not least, what were you
planning to wear to the League this
weekend? The men may or may not
wear coats. Sport shirts may be worn
with coats, but not without. So if
you think the weather will keep you
without one on, wear a regular shirt
with a tie, sleeves not rolled up and
suspenders doing a disappearing act.
If you want to make a real impres-
sion on your comely partner, don't
wear sport shirt outside, jerseys or
crew neck shirts. More informal at-
tire is of course permitted for the
square dancing on Monday nights.
Women may wear any type of date
dress. The only desire of the social
office is not to have them look as if
they should be on a picnic, for slacks
will draw frowns. A few suggestions
for materials in which you'd feel cool
and lovely are soft silks, prints, ba-
tistes, your nicest cottons, pastel,
sharskins or a skirt with a frilly
white blouse.




THERE'S A LOT TO BE SAID for feeling

It's to know the treat of donning clean clothes - clothes freshly aun-
dered so they're clean through and through -- pleasing to look at and-
pleasing to wear.
ENJOY the convenience and economy of our careful work. Our drivers
are ready to call for and deliyer your laundry promptly. Our prices are

607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washyd and ironed.
Shirts ...................... .14
Shorts ......... .. ....... .04
Pajama Suits ............... .10
Socks, pair.......:. . ......03
Handkerchiefs .............. .02
Bath Towels ........... ....03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 14


designed for the student's budget.



with a "Scalp Treatment" - "Crew
Haircut" or "Personality Hair Style."
Liberty off State
Formerly Esquire Barbers

2 Suits of Underwear
SSh irts
6 Handkerchiefs
3Pairs of Socks
2Bath Towels
Cost.. 0 0$1.10

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9x3 LILLAHAN for $165
9x12, 10x14 BENJARS,

Tempting Treats
For summer lunches that tempt the most par-
ticular of appetites ... efficient service that gives
refreshing pleasure during your lunch hour rush

and Dry Cleaning Company
Phone 4117

.. . come to Calkins-Fletcher's.

Ask fof our

regular plate luncheon and our home-made soup
a1 fes ... vA'hll at aih treat . . . bath the

A 111



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