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July 10, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-10

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Published every maorning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republieatior of all news dispatches credited to
i rnt therwvise credited in this ewspapr. All
rights of republication of all other matters heroin also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
S f bcrptios' during regular school year by carrier
*6 1y mail, * 4.0.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor .. ..... ... Carl Petersen
City Editor...............Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors....... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein Cheiter Bradley
Business Staff
' usiness Manager.............Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager..........Irving Guttman
Two- Ocean Navy:
What It Involves...
A MERICANS seem prone to talk of
building a two-ocean Navy as if it
could be done with the wave of a hand and a
vote in Congress.
Few have any idea what its construction and
maintenance would cost. By the same token,
comparatively few Americans seem to realiz /
what the British Navy has saved America during
the past century and what its continued exist-
ence means to the United States in terms of
dollars and cents and physical safety today.
Only a few months ago the Navy Department
assumed that the expense of building a fleet
capable of defense against attacks on both coasts
at once would be prohibitive. At present the
main fleet is based on Hawaii and San Pedro
in the Pacific; Western Hemisphere safety in
the Atlantic depends on a friendly fleet in that
$UT when France fell and with it part of the
French fleet, the American Navy was ob-
liged to think of full-scale defense in the At-
lantic. It asked Congress to authorize 1,325,000
tons of additional ships, to add probably 200
fighting vessels to the 378 now on duty and the
160 under construction.
The cost of this program, which was quickly
approved in the House of Representatives and
awaits action in the Senate, is estimated at
And it will take billions more to maintain
such a fleet if and after it is built.
Frankly, the responsibility of having to defend
North and South America on the Atlantic or
Pacific or both,- and to do it solely on American
resources without allies, means for the United
States a military and naval burden which trans-
lates into a lowered standard of living for gen-
erations to come.
EVN SO, is such a program the best or even
an adequate protection for America?
The present bill if passed by Congress would
only "autho'rize" the additional construction.
It would not appropriate money for the ships;
that would have to be done later.
All the shipyards and ways capable of building
battleships in the United States, and nearly all
the facilities for building smaller naval craft,
are occupied with the construction of ships al-
ready in the budget.
All that can be done at present is to enlarge
shipbuilding plants. This is probably desirable.
But if the appropriations were already voted
it would still take from five to ten years to build
the ships i this program. Until the ships are
built, the proposed addition to the fleet is a
paper navy.
Naval battles are won by ships in being, not
by fleets on paper. Tanks, bombers, or fifth

columnists will not be stopped by waving in front
of them a congressional document though it may
provide for building a dozen battleships some
day. Even a handful of destroyers delivetted
now to the other side of the Atlantic could exer-
cise a deterring effect on the drive which
threatens America; but even the release of a
consignment of small torpedo boats to Great
Britain has been stopped.
By comparison with the fleet additions which
Washington proposes to build, equip and man,
the British Navy is already on the sea, trained,
and guarding the European gateways to the
Atlantic. Is it not common sense to support
that fleet with all possible aid?
Many-Americans believe assistance to Britain
now would be cheaper and more effective than
having to build and maintain-and probably
use-a two-ocean Navy.
--Christian Science Monitor
The newly imposed new defense taxes have
eaused the United States Mint to run out of

The Straight Dope
By Himself
IT SEEMS TO US no more than a columnist's thousand German troops are said to be in Spain
duty to keep what readers he may have fully at the moment. We also note that the British
informed as to those items in the news which are concentrating at Gibraltar and that British
might otherwise be passed up in favor of the destroyers and troop ships are now in the har-
glaring headline. Hence; we take a short glance bor of Lisbon, Portugal. The battle of the Med-
at some bits of news from sections now passed iterranean is about to commence in earnest. We
by in favor of more lively centers. wish the British luck. The war as it stands is
still the inevitable corollary of the Spanish
Heading one from our "SO Stinks Defeat" Civil War in which British stupidity not only
section comes from Paris. It is, so far as we caused the present perilous plight of the Gates
have noticed the only news from Paris that of Hercules but gave totalitarianism its great-
has appeared in this country this week. The est push in international affairs. But now that
Associated Press informs us that the curfew the lion is awake let us hope that his claws
imposed on Paris by the German conquer- remain sharp. A threat to Gibraltar ought to
ors has been abated somewhat in view of the prove the fact one way or the other.
impeccable behavior of the Parisian popu- News from the East is equally enlighten-
lation.ing The British refuse to close the Burma
Instead of being obliged to be in bed with all road of supplies to China. The bombing of
lights out at ten o'clock the Parisians may now Chungking has not effectively crippled the
stay out until eleven. Col. Saalfrank, the military Chinese resistance, the Marines are arrest-
commander, now allows cafes to remain open ing Japanese gendarmes, the Dutch in the
until 10:30 instead of the previous 9:30 p.m. East Indies are getting belligerent prepara-
Meantime, however, blackout restrictions are tions under way after a period of being
more strict since the Germans fear bombing scared to move, and, most important, the
of Paris by the British. Prime Minister of Japan was booed at a
public meeting the other day. Such proced-
Whether you like it or not compare these ure is rare in any case and in the middle of
restrictions with those in Ann Arbor, in a resolved conflict it becomes, to us at
terms of what it would mean to the life of least, extremely significant.
our community. First, it would mean noW
morning newspaper. It would mean no per- We should not be at all surprised to see the
formances at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- collapse of the present Japanese government
tre, it would mean only an early movie. It within the year. We admit the wish fathered
would rule out dances at the League and the hope but the indications are there. Failing
a signal success in the field against at least one
late sudy at the library. I wldrc- of their numerous foes the Japanese are done
"tically end social life and cultural pursuits'. o hi ueosfe h aaeeaedn
The only regulations even approximating in this war. If they take Hongkong or achieve
those now imposed on the world's most cult- some other goal they may raise their pres-
tred city (Paris) are those applying to tige to a place where they can carry on; if not,
freshman women at Michigan. "Never sur- we think they are done. Chiang Kai-Shek, the
render" still seems to be the ,rice of a de- betrayer of the Kuomintang, the converted
rendlifer s oradical, the ignorant peasant, is proving the
strongest strong man of them all. On its initial
Meantime we would call your attention to sev- handicap of too few resources the Japanese
eral small items which seem to indicate a new Empire is on the down grade. Mark our words,
theatre of war. We note that at least sixty the end is near.
i/heE T


Grin And Bear It

All contributions to the "Editor Gets Told"
column must bear the writer's name and
address. A pseudonym will be printed if re-
quested, but no letter not bearing the writer's
full name and address will be published. The
editors reserve the right to edit any material
which may be submitted for this column.
More On Morrissey
To The Editor:
UST to get the decks clear, let me remark that
I'm far from being an Anglophile, that the
arrogance serving as a bulwark to British im-
perialism is hardly less distastful to me than to
James H. Morrissey who writes in the Michigan
Daily of July 6 urging eradication of the British
empire. I should be the first to concede that
when the black pages of English history in Ire-
land and India are compared to German expan-
sion upon the continent, we may have little
to choose from. Perhaps I too would view the
forthcoming destruction with unholy glee were
I naive enough to assume that the Clivedowns,
the Chamberlains and their fellow tories would
suffer alone. But let us not kid ourselves, Mr.
Morrissey. Both of us know that when the axe
falls the apostles of arrogance will be safe in'
Canada; that those who fall heir to death and
destruction will be the British working classes.
We can't then afford to gloat, Mr. Morrissey;
the human tragedy is too great.
Mr. Morrissey purports to see in the unhappy
event a basis for real charity in the world and
a lasting peace. Somehow this seems as the most
monstrous and bizarre bit of wishful thinlying
I ever heard of. Can Mr. Morrissey really think
of the fascist monster raining death from the
skies as an apostle of peace? Or is his pen
dipped in irony which scoffs at a race in its
death struggle?
Like Mr. Morrissey I can sympathize with the
German cause and I cherish a profound belief
in the greatness of German culture. But I can
not identify that cause with Hitler; I can not
see in Germany a great power today as she
conquers a continent under a banner of hate.
Rather I should identify Germany with her
people whose leadership in science, technology,
music, literature and philosophy produced a
culture not merely for the Reich but for hu-
manity . . and therefore one of the greatest
the world has known.
The tradition of democracy has roots deeply
ingrained in English history. However feudal
Magna Charta may have been, its subsequent
interpretation has made it a landmark in the
struggle against tyranny. With the triumph of,
parliament over the Stuart kings in the Glorious
Revolution of sixteen eighty-eight another chap-
ter was added. Its more modern phases are
seen in the Chartist movement which broadened
the democratic base and the enactment of pro-
gressive social legislation in England, New Zea-
land and Australia.
PARALLELING this is an American dream
which had its origins as English colonists
sought a land of opportunity where men might
forever be free of political oppression and ex-

By Lichty

state universities of the type which Mr. Mor-
rissey attends.
As a student of history Mr. Morrissey quite
accurately points out that great peoples have
risen to heights without this political comple-
ment to their culture. Maybe he is correct in
assuming that there is an innate strength in
the human spirit which transcends all political
forms or fetters.
But we cannot be sure; in a high-powered
twentieth century the impact of this new and
stream-lined tyranny may well bring death to
culture. We cannot afford to risk with Mr. Mor-
rissey his doctrine of defeatism. If we fail to
preserve our democratic tradition the alterna-
tive may be a fascism shackling our intellects
and confining our spirit in a mold of hatred and
---Jesse R. O'Mallcy
Morrissey On Preuss
To The Editor:
PROFESSOR PREUSS'S lecture Monday after-
noon was a conventional expression of pre-
valent American hysteria about the trend of
events and their implications for us. His major
premise is that the preservation of the British
Empire and fleet is vital to the security of the
United States and to the democratic form of
government. His conclusions follow quite log-
ically from that premise. Although some of us
do not accept it, it is, perhaps, futile to deny
it again now. There seems to be a little hope for
a revision of American foreign policy while it
is still possible for such revision to be voluntary.
This much, however, should be said on this
point: it is our own fault that we have no friend
but Britain. There is absolutely no reason why
we should be more friendly with Great Britain
than with Japan, Germany, Italy and Russia,
except for a certain prejudiced, stupid, uncrit-
ical preference for British institutions and pol-
icies on the part of the narrow-minded upper-
class Americans of British descent from whltm,
unfortunately, most of our national leaders are
recruited. If those other nations are enemies
of democracy, it is not because their people are
innately hostile to it, but rather because democ-
racy (by associating itself with British mono-
polistic imperialism) has made itself the enemy
of their national aspirations. The only genuine
criticism of "appeasement" is that it was not
attempted soon enough.
ONE OTHER POINT in Professor Preuss's
lecture deserves mention. He asserted that
"treachery" was the only possible explanation
of the French Government's refusal to give its
fleet to Britain. A little reflection will suffice to
convince anyone that this statement is ridicu-
lous. After the armistice, France's vital inter-
ests became identical with those of Germany.
For her own safety, England had to extend
the blockade to France. For that moment,
France's vital interests required that the British
blockade be broken, so that the people of France
will be able to obtain food. Can any sensible
person expect the French nation to help starve
itself for England's benefit? Liberation is a re-

Drew Pers*
Robert .Alew
WASHINGTON-Sage, veteran Sen-
ator Charles McNary gave Wendell
Willkie one piece of personal advice
in their private chat. It was-cut
out the wisecracks.
Courteously but firmly McNary
pointed out that these are grave
times, that the presidency is the high-
est office in the land, and that nei-
ther fact lends itself to flippancy.
The plain-talking Oregonian also ad-
ded that a number of party leaders
had expressed concern to him regard-
ing Willkie's wisecracking and urged
that he te warned against it.
Keeping a discreet tongue is an
old passion with McNary, who be-
fore he came to the Senate 23 years
ago, was a young Chief Justice of the
Oregon Supreme Court.
Although one of the most ap-
proachable and likeable men in pol-
itics, McNary rarely makes a speech
or talks for quotation. He never lacks
words when he has anything to say,
nor courage to say it, but he does
his talking where it counts most-be-
hind the scenes.
While urging Willkie to talk less
and more carefully, McNary did ad-
vise the GOP standard-bearer, be-
cause of his newness in politics and
lack of a public recoi, to make a
very active campaign. But in coun-
seling this, McNary added, with his
boyish smile, "And don't forget, in
politics you'll never get in trouble
by not saying too much."
Political Chaff1
The Chicago convention literally
will drip with vice-presidential candi-
dates. With more than a score al-
ready in the field, Iowa's genial, bald-
domed Senator Herring has tossed
his hat in the ring. Says Herring:
"Everything is all set. All I need is1
the President's nod." Here's how Car-
lisle Bargeron, rollicking publicity de-
mon for Senator Styles Bridges, ex-'
plains the sad fate of the New Eng-
lander's presidential aspirations :
"We had Dewey, Taft and Vanden-
berg stopped cold, but just as we were
really about to get going, Willkie
joined forces with them ,and blitz-
krieged us." There will be one Wash-
ington correspondent at Chicago who
will attend the convention in adual
capacity. Tall, mellow-tempered Bas-
com Timmons will cover the conven-
tion as a newsman and also act as
the National Committeeman proxy
of his close friend and fellow-Texan,
Vice-President Jack Garner.
Sphinx Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt will go down in
history as the greatest keeper of a
secret in American politics.
For more than two years scores
of friends, Democratic leaders, news-
men and others tried their hand at
worming from him some hint on the
third term question. None succeeded
until the Democratic convention was
only a week away-and this one,
Jim Farley, in turn sealed his own
Except for Farley, there wasn't a
person on earth who could say he
had heard from Roosevelt himself
what he planned to do.
There were many to whom he said
that he did not want to run. There
were some to whom he voiced a pref-
erence for Secretary of State Cordell
Hull as his successor. But there was
no one, including members of his
family, to whom the President gave
the slightest clue whether he would
run again.
Illustrative of the complete myst-
ery even within the inner council was
the fact that Secretary Morgenthau

did not believe the President would be
a candidate, while Secretary Hopkins
was confident that he would. Both
had to admit that Roosevelt had said
nothing and that their opinions were
based wholly on "deductions."
Last week Senator Sherman Min-
ton, New Deal Whip, and State Chair-
man Bays of Indiana, tried to pene-
trate the silence. Both are members
of the Hoosier convention delegation
and strong third-termers. As they
were leaving after a White House call
they said: "We hope we'll have the
privilege, Mr. President, of voting
for you at Chicago."
Roosevelt smiled broadly and re-
plied, "I'm sure we'll have a ticket
that will win."
FDR Didn't Know
Possibly the secret of how Roose-
velt kept his secret so well and so
long was that he didn't know him-
self what he was going to do.
Significant was a remark he made
to a Midwesterner following the nom-
ination of Wendell Willkie. The vis-
itor expressed the view that Willkie's
candidacy made it necessary for the
President to run again.
"There isn't anyone who can lick
him but you, Mr. President," the cal-
ler said. "I think what happened in
Uh~nr~inha.ma~ac .t mmpralvP'

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3.:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Physical Education Luncheon will
held today at 12:00, second floor
terrace,- Michigan Union All phys-
cal education majors and studentse
taking physical education coursesr
are cordially invited to attend. I
The Michian Dames will hold a"
bridge party at the Michigan League
today at 2 o'clock for the wives of the
summer school students. There willt
be a charge of 10c to cover expensesl
and prizes.I
Seminar in Pure Mathematics
(Math. 301) will meet today at
3 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Proposed top-
ics: Fixed point theorems, and er-E
godic theorem.a
There will be free dancing from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Michigan
League Ballroom today. Come with
or without partners.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited to a tea
at Harris Hall (corner of State and
Huron) today from four to six.
Speech Students: There will be an
assembly of all graduate Speech stu-
dents in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre today at 4p.m.
A lecture-"The Program of Edu-
cation Endorsed by the American
Association of Health, Physical Edu-
cation, and Recreation," will be given
by Margaret Bell, Professor of Hy-
giene and Physical/Education, Uni-
versity of Michigan, at 4:05 p.m. in
the University High School Audi-
Dr. Dumas Malone, Director of the
Harvard University Press, will lec-
ture today at 4:15 in the Rackham
Lecture Hall on "Evangelists and
Statesmen of Education."
Chemistry Lecture: The second in
the series of chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor G. G. Brown
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Subject: "The Industrial and Legal
Significance of the Critical Temper-
An excursion to the Ford Plant
and River Rouge will be held today.
This is an exact repetition of Excur-
sion No. 3, scheduled for those stu-
dents who were unable to go on July
3. Make reservations before 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 9, at the Summer Ses-
sion Office, 1213 Angell Hall.
Patience: Try-out for principals
only today at 5:00. Persons inter-
ested who cannot attend at that
time should contact Mr. Windt be-
fore the try-out. Regular chorus
try-out will be held Thursday at 5:00.
All try-outs are held in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Today at 5:15 p.m. Dr. Edward
Fitzpatrick will lecture on "Principles
of Christian Education," in connec-
tion with the Sixth Annual Confer-
ence on Religion (W. K. Kellogg
"Principles of Cristian Educa-
tion" will be the topic of the lecture
t h g aven by nDr Eward Tihtnt-


lecture in room 2029, in the W. K.
Kellogg Building at 7:30 p.m. today.
The Internediate Dancing Class
will meet in. the Michigan League
Ballroom today at 7:30 p.m.
Open House at the International
Center: All foreign students in the
Summer Session and any others, fac-
ultyor students interested, are invit-
ed to the Open House at the Inter-
national Ceniter this evening, Wed-
nesday, July 10 from 8 to 10. The
Center is located at 603 East Madison.
The entrance is just off State Street.
Cercle Francais: Weekly meeting
tonight at 8 o'clock at the Foyer
Francais, 1414 Washtenaw Avenue.
Mme. Maud E. Callis will give an
illustrated talk entitled: "Causerie
sur un Sejour en Extreme Orient."
Group singing, social gathering, re-
freshments. Summer students inter-
ested in the Cercle may join with the
understanding that the full amount
of the regular dues will not be re-
quested of them.
Places re still available at the
French table. Arrangements may be
made by calling Miss. McMullan, Tel.
"Education as a Responsibility of
the State" is the topic of a lecture
by Edgar B. Wesley, University of,
Minnesota, today at 8:15 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall,
Organ Recital: Walter Kimble,
organist, of Titusville, Florida, will
give a recital in Hill Auditorium this
evening at 8:15 p.m., in partial ful-
fillment .of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. The public
is invited to attend.
Professor W. Sweet of the Divinity
School, University of Chicago, will
present: on Wednesday at 3:00 "Re-
ligion and the Westward March"; on
Thursday at 3:00 "The Source of our
Religious Liberty"; on Friday at 3:00
"Revivalism as a Factor in Religion."
Men's Education Club, July 10:
Professor Roy W. Sellers will speak
on The Survival of Democracy, and
Professor A. D. Moore will demon-
strate the art of jugglery.
"The Linguistic Dictatorship of
Samuel Johnson," a lecture by Mr.
Harold B. Allen, will be the topic
of the Luncheon Conference of the
Linguistic Institute at the Michigan
Union Thursday, July 11, 12:10 p.m
Professor 'I. D. Scott will give al
lecture on., the "Geology of the Ni-
agara Falls," Thursday, July 11, at
4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Aud-
itorium. This lecture is being given
in connection with the Summer Ses-
sion Excursion to Niagara Falls.
Under the general heading of "In-
troduction to Linguistic Science,"
Professor E. -H. Cturtevant will lec-
ture Thursday, July 11 from 7 to 9
p.m., 231, Angell Hall, on "Differ-
ences Between Languages", "Their
Contrast with Animal Cries."
Deutscher Verein: Professor Wal-
ter A. Reichart of the German de-
partment will give an illustrated lec-
"ture on one of Germany's greatest
modern poets "Im Hause Gerhart
Hauptmanns" at 8:00 p.m. Thurs-
day, July 11 at the Deutsches Haus,
1315 Hill Street. All interested in
German are cordially invited.

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