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August 10, 1940 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-10

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Students Take Part In Engineering College Administ


Honor System Permits Unique
Powers In Control Of Students

A New Dean...

Unique in its function and ideal-
istic in purpose is the honor system
practiced in the Engineering College.
The general administrative plan of
the honor system now enters its 25th
year of successful operation: an en-
gineering tradition which was first.
presented to the faculty by a group
of students in 1916.
Since its early beginnings, the
honor system has been administered
and promoted entirely by the stu-
dents, and the history of the College
shows that the faculty has never
asked for alterations, nor has it in
any way attempted to control or re-
strain the student committee. The
system itself is based upon the prin-
ciple that it is dishonorable for any
man to receive credit for work which
is not the result of his own efforts.
Controlled By Committee
The administration of the honor
system is controlled by a committee
of nine students: two from each of
the classes and one advisory mem-
ber from the Senior class. These
members are chosen by the students
In operation, the honor system re-
quires each student to sign a state-
ment that he will uphold the prin-
ciples Qf the system, and on each
examination, he is required to sign
a pledge that he has neither given
nor received aid during the exam-
ination period.
Respect Is Evidenced
The respect and trust of the fac-
ulty in the integrity of the students
is evidenced in the method of con-
ducting examinations in the En-
gineering College. The instructor,

though available at all times, leaves
the room during the course of the
examination, and students who so
desire may leave the room to smoke
or converse; the only limitation be-
ing that they may not discuss the
Infractions of the honor code are
reported to and investigated by the
student committee, and the accused
student is brought before the com-
mittee to stand trial. The decision
of the court, which may go as far
as expulsion, is then turned over to
the Faculty Discipline Committee in
the form of a recommendation.
No Decision Reversed
Though the final action lies in the
hands of the faculty, no decision in
the history of the system has been
changed by the faculty committee.
"Perhaps the greatest good of the
Honor System," Dean Emeritus
Mortimer D. Cooley once said in out-
lining the essence of the system, "is
in the increased self-respect felt by
the student. He meets you in a dif-
ferent way-as man to man . . He
is jealous of the prestige of his col-
lege, resents reflection and fights it
if necessary."
To promote the understanding and
appreciation of the honor system,
the Michigan Technic, engineering
college magazine, in conjunction
with the honor council, last year
sponsored a series of problems on
engineering practices. Students were
presented with cases in which an
ethical decision had to be made, and
the students offering the best solu-
tions were given prizes.

Word From The Dean:
To prospective freshmen and
6tudents reentering the College of
Engineering I extend hearty greet-
ings. We sincerely hope that the
new year will see ever improving
relations between faculty, students
and the administration, with a
continued emphasis on the high
traditions of our college.
For many years the College of
Engineering of the University of
1Michigan has enjoyed the world-
wide reputation of being one of
America's most outstanding tech-
nical institutions. From early days
this school has been noted for its
strong faculty of experienced en-
gineers, for outstanding labora-
tory facilities, and for well-round-
ed engineering curricula which
recognized and gave a place of
importance to cultural subjects,
especially English language and
literature. Later, following World
War I, emphasis was placed on re-
search and graduate work.
The success already achieved by
following these general policies
indicates that for the future they
should remain guiding stars in
plotting the course of the College
of Engineering. Industrial devel-
opments of the past quarter of a
century indicate, however, that
additional emphasis must be
placed on graduate work for en-
gineers and also on engineering
research programs.

Engine Council
Heads Student
Activities Here
Morrison To Be President
Of Central Organization
In ChargeOf Activities
Central student governing body of
the College of Engineering, is the
Engineering Council, which this year
will be under the leadership of Rob-
ert Morrison, '41E.
Council plans for the coming year
extend over a variety of activities,
including the creation next year of a
tutorial system within the college to
aid those students having difficulty
with their work, the publication of a
Freshman magazine and the spon-
sorship of the first formal of the
school year, the Engineer's Ball.
Further plans of the Council in-
clude the revival of the Engineering
Open House tradition next spring.
Other Officers Listed
Other officers of the Council are
Edward King, '41E, vice president
and Alexander Wilkie, '42E, secre-
The purpose of the Engineering
Council, as stated in its constitution,
is "to coordinate the various student
activities in the College of Engineer-
ing, to perpetuate the time-honored
traditions of the college, and to pro-
mote the general welfare of the stu-
dents of Engineering."
Its membership consists of one rep-
resentative from each of the student
societies of the college, and two rep-
resentatives from each of the four
Constitution Is Cited
As stated in the constitution of
the Council, its duties shall be:
1) To. supervise any meetings,
competitions or other functions in
which all engineering students par-
2) To actively promote frequent
social functions of such a nature that


Famed the country over for its
well-rounded curriculum of techni-
cal training, the College of Engineer-
ing at the University of Michigan has
molded its present program of train-
ing on a foundation of venerable tra-
A history of rapid expansion and
of outstanding personalities marks
the rise of the engineering college
from an obscure department 45 years
ago to its present standing as one of
the outstanding schools of its kind
in the country.

son Wood, appointed to an assistant
professorship in civil engineering in
1857. It was under his direction that
numerous recommendations and in-
novations were first attempted.
Other prominent men in the early
days of engineering education here
were Prof. Ezra Greene and his two
associates, Prof. Charles S.-Denison
and Prof. J. B. Davis.
The Engineering Arch was named
the Denison Arch in honor of Pro-
fessor Denison-"so named in honor
of him who suggested it." Professor
Davis's name, in turn, has become
attached to the college's famed sur-
veying and geology camp, Camp Dav-
is, in Wyoming.

Professor Greene was elevated to the
position of the first dean of the col-
lege when it was set up as an inde-
pendent body in 1895 by the Board
of Regents.
Upon the death of Dean Greene in
1903, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley was
appointed to the post. A graduate of
the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapo-
lis, Dean Cooley had previously been
appointed as the first professor of the
newly organized department of me-
chanical engineering.
Retiring in 1927 because of ill
health, Dean Cooley was succeeded
the following year by Prof. Herbert
C. Sadler. Unable to carry the work
and responsibility of the2deanship,
(Continued on Page 21)


Present Program In Engineering
Is Based On Venerable Traditions

There's one item of expense that
takes the High Cost out of Living








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