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August 10, 1940 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-10

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Sir igart



OrientationWeek Opens Mondaye


Noted Figures
Are Featured
On Oratorical
Speech Series
Opening Lecture Presents
Authoress Ruth Draper
In Character Sketches
Talk To Be Given
By Leland Stowe
Ruth Draper, noted monologist
And author of many dramatic sketch-
es, will open the 1940-41 Oratorical
Series on Oct. 29 in Hill Auditorium
with a program of "Character
Other headliners next year will in-
clude Dorothy Thompson, Leland
Stowe, Warden Lewis, Admiral Harry
F. Yarnell, William Beebe, Wendell
Chapman and Julen Bryan.
Leland Stowe, the famous journ-
alist who uncovered the news of
Norway's "Benedict Arnolds", will
speak on "Hitler over Europe" on
Nov. 5. His Norway scoop created
a sensation unequalled in newspaper
circles during the past year.
"The American Prison System" will
be the topic of a tk by Warden
Lewis Lawes on Nov. 11. Warden of
Sing Sing prison in New York, Lawes
has made his institution one of the
most unique and famous of its kind.
He has written five best-selling books,
countless magazine articles, several
motion pictures and seven years of
radio scripts on the problems of pri-
Dorothy Thompson Listed
Dorothy Thompson, wife of the
noted novelist Sinclair Lewis, will
speak here on Nov. 19. As one of the
most outstanding columnists and
speakers of the day she is well qual-
ified to speak on the topic she has
chosen, "Current Problems."
The fifth speaker in the series is
Julien Bryan, world-famous cinema-
tographer and adventurer, who will
present a series of films accompan-
ied by an explanatory lecture on
"Brazil and the Argentines" on Dec.
Another appearance , of Wendell
Chapman will be made here on Jan.
1. At that time he will give a native
lecture illustrated by animal motion
pictures centered for the most part
in the Rockies. It is there, Chapman
believes, that we can find the beauty
that adds to the attractiveness of
animal studies. The last time he
spoke here was in 1937.
William Beebe To Speak
Dr. William Beebe is one of those
scientists who has traveled to the
remote corners of the globe to study
(Continued on Page 21)
Training Given
In Many Fields
By Publications
Experienlce in all phases of editorial
and advertising work is offered by
the five student publications on the
Michigan campus.'
Rated among the highest three col-
lege dailies in the last five years, The
Michigan Daily offers students pro-
fessional training in the editorial
writing, news writing, advertising
and business branches of newspap

work. Its monthly supplement, Per-
spectives, provides an outlet for fea-
ure articles, fiction and poetry writ-
ten by students.
Financially independent of the Uni-
versity, The Michigan Daily, as well
as the Gargoyle, campus humor mag-
azine, and the Michiganensian, the
yearbook, are administered by the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
The oldest, as well as the highest-
ranking engineering college publica-
tion in the country, the Michigan
Technic offices are located in the
East Engineering Building. Other
publications activities are centered
in the Student Publications Building
on Maynard Street.
Specialized types of training given

Editor Greets Freshmen
1T'S MY JOB to usher you newcomers into the Publications
j Building and to introduce you to The Michigan Daily as
it will appear during your first college year. You should
feel at home whether you are liberal or conservative, Demo-
crat or Republican, lit student or engineer, for The Daily
is above all the paper of the students of this University.
We want you to find room here someplace to set down
your viewpoint. The Daily is edited by students and is
directed toward them. It supports itself on advertising
and your subscriptions, and receives subsidies neither from
the Univerity nor from any other group. It is your property
and if, at some time during the coming school year, you
disagree with a viewpoint on The Daily's editorial page
we will expect a letter from you in the next mail.
If we of The Daily staff were writing a campaign
platform, our most important plank would be: "We pledge
ourselves to represent the campus." Perhaps you want to
know what this means. For us this pledge sets a goal of
judging new stories and editorializing on world events in
such a way that the majority of you students can willingly
give us your support. It means that we will welcome dis-
senting opinions, that our letter-box will be open to you,
that we want The Daily's editorial page to be a "round
table" in which all can participate.
We can offer you this type of a paper because The
Daily has freedom. If we were forced by authority to hue

to any given line

of opinion, to ignore variations from

Choral Union
Offers 62nd
Annual Series
World Famous Operatic
Stars And Orchestras
To Be Presented Here
Marion Anderson
To Open Concerts
World famous operatic stars, solo-
ists and symphony orchestras will
converge upon Ann Arbor for the
sixty-second series of Choral Union
Concert sponsored by the University
Musical Society.
Featured here will be such out-
standing stars as Marian Anderson,
Rudolph Serkin, Richard Bonelli,
Vladmir Horowitz and Georges En-
esco. Concert organizations sched-
uled to appear are the Don Cossack
Chorus, the New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Boston Symphony
Orchestra, the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra and the Budapest
String Quartet.
Anderson Opens
Marian Anderson, who will open
the series Oct. 23, has won interna-
tional fame in the music world as
the outstanding Negro contralto of
her generation: it is of her that Ar-
turo Toscanini said "A voice like
hers is heard once in a hundred
Climax of her career was her high-
ly-touted performance at Carnegie
Hall on Sunday, May 26. Sponsored
by public figures of the day, notable
among whom isaMrs. Eleanor Roose-
velt, she has also been loudly ac-
claimed by musicians such as Dr.
Walter Damrosch.
Serkin Here Nov. 7
Rudolph Serkin, Euro-American
piano virtuoso, will present the second
concert of the season here Nov. 7.
First preesnted to Ann Arbor audi-
ences at the 1938 may Festival series,
Mr. Serkin started his career in this
country but six years ago in a joint
appearance with Adolph Busch at the
Coolidge Festival in Washington. The
following year, he made his American
debut as soloist with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony under the
baton of Arturo Toscanini in Carne-
gie Hall.
Born In Czechoslovakia
Born in Czechoslovakia of Russian
parents, Mr. Serkin studied in Vienna
and at the age of 12 made his debut
as guest artist with the Vienna Sym-
The famed Don Cossack Chorus
under the direction of Serge Jaroff,
frequent viistors to Ann Arbor, will
return Nov. 18 to present their reper-
toire of precission singing colored
by the Russian Steppes
Billed as the world's greatest sing-
ing ensemble, the Don Cossack Chor-
us recently completed its eleventh
(Continued on Page 21)


President Greets Freshmen

that course, our pledge of representing the campus would
of course be mere talking through our hat. We do have
freedom, however, and will' ask only the limitations of
clear, unemotional thinking, good taste and accuracy.
We believe you will want to read The Daily this fall,
not ony because you will want to keep up with news, of
the war in Europe or the political campaign at home, but
also because The Daily is your newspaper.

I - ---- '..-- --'-


Naval ROTC
Group1Be gins,
Activity Here
Courses in naval science and tac-
tics will be offered for the first time
on the Michigan campus this fall
with the organization here of a
Naval Reserve Officers Training
Corps by the Navy Department.
High point of the four-year course
here will be a summer cruise on a
U.S. Warship on the high seas. Cov-
ering a period of one month, the
tour will include at least one foreign
port and several domestic ports of
Only freshmen students who will
be enrolled here for a four year
period will be accepted for the naval
(Continued on Page 22)

Student Driving
Rules Explained
Students in attendance at the Uni-
versity are forbidden,- by rule of the
Board of Regents, to operate an au-
tomobile without special permission
of the Dean of Students' Office.
The Dean of Students' Office is
allowed to grant driving privileges
only in, "in exceptional and extra-
ordinary cases." It is not permissable
for a student to use his car or his
family's car for "social, personal or
any other purposes when the car is
driven by any person who is not
a member of his immediate family."
Where any appreciable saving in
transportation costs is realized, stu-
dents may drive their cars to Ann
Arbor, and place them in dead stor-
age. Full information on stored cars
must be reported to the Dean of
Students' office.

On behalf of the University of Michigan I take this opportunity
of extending a welcoming hand to our new students in advance of
their actual appearance upon the campus. This fall you will be enter.
ing an institution old in its history and traditions but constantly new
in the spirit with which it meets changing social conditions and ad-
vancement in science and-philosophy. We are proud of the record
of Michigan among the universities of America, and to all of us, old
inhabitants and newcomers alike, each new year presents a challenge
for each to do his own part. To the student the challenge is to justify
his presence on the campus, which is a privilege and not a right, by
measuring up to the long-established standards which have become
traditional at Michigan. You will find that the teachers and officers
of the University will be eager to help you in realizing this objective.
It is my earnest hope that you may be successful in carrying out the
ambitions with which you enter the University and which the Univer-
sity holds for you. -ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN
Newly Completed Residence Halls
Bring Housing Total To 3,000

Progra r
Freshmen, Advisors
Meet At 12:30 p.m.
To Begin Tours
Orienting more than 1,500 first-
year and transfer students to the
University of Michigan community
environment has been entrusted this
year, for the. third time, to upper-
class students organized by the Men's
Union and Women's League.
Directed by P'rof. Philip A. Burs-
ley, of the romance languages de-
partment, the five-day program, be-
ginning Monday, Sept. 23, is designed
to give new students at the Univer-
sity "a good start." A program, con-
sisting of mixers, tours, recreation
and consultation periods, has been
arranged under the student leader-
ship of Robert Shedd and Robert
Sibley, of th Union, and Betty Stout
and Virginia Schwegler, of the
To Aid Freshmen
Aid in obtaining rooms, learning
more about the University and in
drawing up scholastic programs will
also be offered.
Members of the Class of 1944 will
meet as a group for the first time
at 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23, in Hill
Auditorium, where they will be given
an opportunity to meet President
Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean of Stu-
dents Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of
Women Alice Lloyd and Mr. Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association.
A mixer for freshmen men will be
held at 8 p.m. Thursday of Orienta-
tion Week in the Union Ballroom.
Heads of various student organiza-
tions will speak briefly, explaining
the functions of their activities;
coaches of Michigan's athletic teains
will be introduced; and Douglas
Gould, president of the Union, will
greet the Men of 1944 to their club.
Two Advisers Used
According to the prientation sys-
tem to be employed this year, two
student advisers will be placed in
charge of each group of freshmen, in-
stead of one student and one faculty
man as in previous Orientation peri-
All freshmen will report at 12:30
p.m. Monday at the Union, where
they will meet their advisers for the
first time, Except for the mass meet-
ings and mixers, all orientation acti-
vities will be directed in these de-
centralized groups, "to personalize
the 'breaking in'," according to Gould.
Following the initial organization
group meetings; the groups will em-
bark on separate tours of the cam-
pus, health examinations, aptitude
tests, audiometer tests and classifi-
cation and registration. A recrea-
tional program has been planned for
Monday and all freshmen are urged
to bring tennis shoes with. them
Similar organizational programs
have been arranged for transfer stu-
dents, to start Tuesday.
The men selected as freshmen ad-
visers in the literary college are:
Leonard Perry, Leroy Perry, Wil-
liam Caruthers, Frank Morley, Jer-
ome Fink, Dean Burdick, Fred Lin-
sell, Charles Boynton, Francis Ma-
key, Wesley Caire, Richard Strain,
Jack Woods, James R. Harrison, Tho-
nias Quinn, Richard Molthop, James
Hoff, Arnold White, Owen Mays,
Bruce Forbes, William Langford,
John Shields, John Dighton, Roger
Kelley, Howard Porter, Elwin Hen-

dricks, Kenneth Rhoads, Burns Hutt-
linger, Almon Copley, William Hur-
James Gormsen, William Altman,
Gordon Andrew, Ted McLogan, Leo
(Continued on Page 22)
Proper Abbreviations
Of Schools And Colleges
To indicate the various schools
and colleges in which a student is
enrolled, the following are in gen-
eral use on the University campus:
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts--Numerals alone.
College of Engineering-E.

The University's 24 residence halls,
14 of them completed within the.
past year, provide on-campus hous-
ing for more than 3,000 men and
All freshman men are required to
live in the residence halls, unless
given special permission to live else-
where. Women are required by ac-
tion of the Board of Regents to live



Interfraternity Council, Congress Plan Men a's

Activities For Campus During Coming




IFC's President Outlines
Greeks' Program; Willj
Hold Scholarship Drive
Through cooperation with Univer-
sity officials, a plan aimed at pro-
viding fraternities with all possible
non-confidential information relative
to rushees' academic work, will be
put into effect by the Interfraternity
Council this fall, according to Blaz
Lucas, IFC president.
'This material will include, Lucas
said, records of high school marks
and certain of the results of the apti-
tude tests given during Orientation
week. Availability of such material
will, he said, be of great aid to fra-
ternities in obviating difficulties with
members' scholastic records.
Fraternities carry on an active
extra-curricular program thoughout
the year, Lucas pointed out. Intra-
mural athletics are a continuous
year-round activity which "serve the

IFC President

Independent Men To Poll
Campus On Presidential
Issue During Registering
An all-campus straw vote for
President of the United States this
fall will be the first major project
of Congress, Independent Men's Or-
ganization in its fourth year of ser-
vice to independent men.
All students will be given ballots
for the poll as they enter the Water-
man Gymnasium for registration,
September 26, 27 and 28. "The pur-
pose of this straw vote," according
to William H. Rockwell, '41, president
of Congress, "is to get an idea of the
general opinion of the entire campus
on the presidential issue."
But before the first ballot has been
cast, Congress will already have
swung into action, for intensive Ori-
entation Week plans have already'

Congress President

in University dormitories, and must
be given special permission by the
Dean of Women to live elsewhere.
Such permission is given to students
living at home, and to sophomores,
juniors and seniors who are pledges
or members of sororities having
houses in Ann Arbor, and to those
wishing to live in one of the approved
rooming houses for women, lists of
which can be obtained at the Dean
of Women's office.
With the exception of University
House for wom'en and Fletcher Hall
for men, meals are served in all
houses, and residents are required to
take their meals in the house in
which they live.
System Expanded
The system of residence halls at
the University was recently expanded
with completion last fall of the West
Quadrangle for men, last February
with theopening of Stockwell Hall
for women. The East' Quadrangle.
housing approximately 600 men, will
be opened for residence for the firstj
time this fall.
Twenty-one residence halls for
men and women participate in the
Michigan House Plan, inaugurated by
the Board of Regents to give the stu-
dent "experience in communal living
and assistance in expanding his edu-
cation, .. "
Trained Supervision
Under this plan, all University-
owned residence halls, are supervised
by trained house directors, resident
advisers, resident counselors, chap-
erons and other personnel officers
appointed by the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls. Dietitians in each
unit oversee the food servicd; under

I f


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