,Edited and managed by students of the University of
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College Pulishers Represenative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff .
Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
City Editor ........... . ...Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors....... Harry M. Kelsey, Karl
Kessler, David I. Zeitlin, Suzanne Potter,
Albert P. Blaustein, Chester Bradley
Business Staff
Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
The Ramnspeck Bill
For Good Government ...
G OOD GOVERNMENT is for the ask-
ing-the spoils system is a bauble
for which Americans are paying an alarming
price. It is the old story of passing by the true
article for a shoddy, worthless substitute.
Perhaps it is not quite enough to say that
good government can be had for the taking,
though the price is indeed less than thecost
of spoils-ridden government. The price is pub-
lic-spiritedness, civic-mindedness, alertness, and
insistence on honest administration.
The old town meeting idea which survives in
a few American communities even to this day,
provided good government at low cost. Ideally
all the people participated. They approved or
disapproved every act of government, every ex
penditure of general funds. They knew that
they had to foot the bills and that government
was not a reinote, rich, and benevolent agency
Vhich could give them something for nothing.
They knew that public money spent for sub-
sidies, buildings, relief must come out of thei
own pockets. They acted accordingly and ap-
proved only those activities which they knew
they could afford.
A general revival of the old town meeting
system of government is questionable. It is dif-
ficult to see how it could be made to work in
a large modern city. Nor is it necessary if the
same attitude toward government can be re-
vived. An obvious place to begin is at home
with the local and State units, but the easier
way of reform may come through Federal
channels. Such laws as the Hatch Act illustrate
the approach and serve as an example for loca
improvement. The need is to divorce patronage
politics completely from the performance of
The corrupt political machine feeds on spoils;
remove the booty and the machine is broken.
This end can only be accomplished by an im-
proved and vastly extended civil service. Every
single job of administering government, except-
ing only elective positions and the top policy-
determining posts, should be filled only by the
best qualified people which examinations can
Such a civil service would encourage the ex-
pert to use his talents for his government; public
service could become an honored career.
With Federal, State and local government
cots absorbing 22 per cent of the national in-
come, it is high time that Americans should in-
sist upon efficiency in government. Alertness,
constant vigilance, coupled with active support
of such current measures as the Ramspeck civil
service extension bill, constitute the price. This
bill, which has passed the House of Representa-
tives, awaits Senate action, and deserves active
public support.
-- Christian Science Monitor
Our Task
ILatin America . .
MENT is acting wisely in looking
after the important lines of defense that run
through Latin America. The co-operation thus
far offered by the neighboring republics is reas-
suring, though the magnitude of the task must
not be overlooked.
All these nations have accepted invitations to
a special Pan-American conference, Secretary
dull has announced. Here will be an occasion
for defining and agreeing upon the policies re-
quired for keeping the Western Hemisphere
free of European interference. At the same time
the great problem of economic consolidation is
being resolutely tackled.
Uruguay, the smallest South American Repub-
lic, at the moment is the most conspicuous point
Wao; anptrf rrn 'hp nrnACof
The Straight Dope..
By Himself
WE WENT DOWN to our home town last Taft to be president but then Cincinati is really
week for a little visit and friends, we no more a part of Ohio than Toledo that sends
want to tell you that they were really having all its sons to Michigan, the traitors. John Brick-
themselves a time down there. Our home town er is now governor and the folks out our way
is one of the minor metropoli (Greek Dept. think he could build up the navy, create an
please note) of the great and neighboring state airforce, balance the budget, make fireside talks,
of Ohio and beyond any doubt it is the wildest satisfy the farmers and whip Hitler without
place any columnist ever came from. We would even calling out the national guard.
just love to tell you about it. They -are convinced that business would pick
THE PLACE has always had the record for up, communists shut up, and Mussolini blow up
more automobile deaths per thousand than any if our man John hit the White House. Just what
village twice its size and this year the total is our man John stands for is clear as crystal
up fifty per cent. It is getting to a point where to everybody in the state.
the sidewalks are definitely not safe. We did AS A YOUNG MAN he wouln't stand for
have a mayor once who arrested people who graft in local government so the politicians put
drove too fast but the citizens wouldn't stand him on a utilities commission with two safe
for that and they got rid of him in very short men. He wrote minority reports that had to be
order indeed. Getting killed is the least of wrapped in asbestos and chromium. That made
people's worries down there but getting fined the leftists suspect him of being a great liberal
was too much. Life is too short for that sort but his own party suspected it too, so it took
of thing. a while to get him elected governor. Then the
THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION isn't mayor of Cleveland said he didn't have enough
much worried about the traffic but it had a money to pay relief checks but John said he
pet project whereby the citizen's were asked to did too and stuck by it.
vote a teeny weeny six mill levy so that the
p6lice force and the fire department could THE WHOLE COUNTRY jumped on our man
continue to police and fire. The levy was ap- John but he wouldn't budge and after a
proved by civic leaders, ministers, fraternal while the mayor found some money and the re-
organizations, good government societies anc} lief checks got paid. John said he knew the
every newspeper in town. The citizens went money was there all the time.
to the broken down polls and rejected the tax JOHN SAYS he will be president if the people
by a sizeable six to one majority. When we left want him but all the politicians we know say
the mayor was waiting for the council to pro- he will be president when one of our more
pose new taxes and council was waiting for the noted subterranean regions freezes over. And
mayor to suggest some. The fire and police de- not before. "Next only to Wendell Wilkie," one
partments were waiting for their salaries, all of them told us," he would 'be the worst poss-
the criminals in town were waiting for soft ible Republican candidate." When we asked
pickings and everybody else was just waiting. worst for what, the country or the party, we
It was all sort of ominous and we're glad we got a very icy stare for our pains.
got away before train service broke down. MEANWHILE John goes blandly on being as
good a governor as he knows how and for the
:DOWN IN OHIO they're getting pretty well time being that is good enough for us. Tomorrow
worked up about the political situation. we will consider a Democratic dark horse so
They don't much care what the rest of the all those tall strangers from the southwest
country wants but Ohio wants John Bricker can put away the horse pistols for another
to be president. Now Cincinati wants Robert twenty-four hours.
Re-election Of Roosevelt Is Supported
By 49 Per Cent Of Nation. Poll Shows
Grin And Bear It...
7 -')
By Lichty
"Madam, we accept'.--Nature has hurled her challenge, but, we
will counter-attack.
NEW YORK, JUNE 24--Forty-nine per cent
of the American people feel now that they would
vote for Mr. Roosevelt if he runs again-but
present indications are that if he does not run,
the Republicans will have reason to expect a
landslide in electoral votes.
THIS will be revealed by the latest Fortune
Survey of Public Opinion in a special supple-
ment to be published Wednesday in the July
issue of the Fortune magazine, reporting the re-
sults of a nation-wide sampling of voters since
the war reached the critical stage.
N order to determine present voting senti-
ment, the Fortune Survey asked: "If Roose-
velt does not run for re-election, which party
do you think you would be most likely to vote
for, as you feel now?" The replies:
Republican .........35.7%
Other. .. .0.6
Don't know .......21.5
Wouldn't answer......1.7
Won't vote......6.8
(Southern Negros are omitted in this and the
next two tabulations because their franchise is
largely ineffective.)
IF it were not for the conditional clause,
Fortune will point out, "this would be extremely
heartening news for the Republicans, even
though ,the 'don't know' answers overshadlow
the narrow margin of favor they enjoy.
the G.O.P. were not faced with a Roosevelt
candidacy it might expect to enjoy the pre-
ference of the whole country, except the Solid
South and the Pacific Coast, by handsome per-
centages everywhere save in the Mountain
States," Fortune will observe. "Even though
the total popular vote might be close, it would
be a landslide in electoral votes.
"BY class only the poor and the northern
Negros seem inclined to give the Rooseveltless
Democrats a major part of their votes; by oc-
cupation only labor, farm owners, and the un-
THEN the Fortune Survey asked: "If Roose-
velt does run for re-election, do you think
you would vote for or against him as you feel
now?" The replies:
Don't know........ 11.2
Wouldn't answer .........2.1
Won't vote .........6.3
"THE breakdowns of these answers," Fortune
will report, "give Roosevelt a comfortable lead
in every part of the country, even in New Eng-
land, among all occupations except executives
and retired people, among all economic levels
excelt the prosperous.
"OF COURSE these suppositions as to how
people might vote are subject to change as the
campaign comes on," Fortune will explain. "The
Republican hopefuls have been the only articu-
late candidates, while on the Democratic side
there has been deep slience from possibilities
who might gain favor once they were brought
forth from the shadow of Mr. Roosevelt's un-
certain intentions.
"THUS the prospects of the Democratic party
sans Roosevelt but with a good candidate might
not be so dark as they now seem. On the other
hand once Roosevelt became definitely a candi-
date, the third-term precedent might arise anew
to bedevil him and give the Republicans some-
thing to shoot at."
PHILADELPHIA--Alf Landon's re-
mark that the Stimson-Knox cab-1
inet appointmens meant that thet
president would seek another termI
wasn't just wishful thinking. The
Kansan had good grounds for say-I
ing that.
His authority was Colonel Frank
Knox himself. The Chicago pub-
lisher talked freely to more than
one Republican leader about his
private conversation with President1
Roosevelt when he was offered theI
Navy post. As they relay it, this was
what Knox told them occured:
The President began by remind-
ing Knox that last fall, when he
was first offered the Cabinet place,
Knox had declined on the ground
that he did not consider the emer-
gency sufficiently acute to break his
party ties. Roosevelt said he felt
there now could be no question of the
urgency of the situation, and there-
for Knox, as a patriotic American,
should no longer hesitate to give
his services to his country.
Knox agreed that things were ser-
ious, and expressed his willingness
to cooperate. But he felt that be-
fore entering the Cabinet he had the
right to inquire about the Presi-
dent's political plans.
Roosevelt promptly agreed this
was fair, and asked Knox what he
wanted to know.
"I'd like to know," said the pub-
lisher," whether you are going to run
for a third term."
Looking Knox squarely in the eye,
the President replied, "Frank, I am
not a candidate."
"Then, Mr. President, why don't
you say that publicly?"
Roosevelt's answer was that it
would instantly destroy the inluence
of the U.S. Government in the ex-
temely critical world situation. He
pointed out that the country was
confronted with grave problems in
South America and the Far East as
a result of what was happening in
Europe, and that is would be very
unwise for him to say anything a-
bout his plans at htis time.
"May I ask," said Knox, "who is
your choice for the Democratic nom-
Again, without hesitation, Roose-
velt replied, "Cordell Hull."
Skeptical GOP
Several of the GOP leaders to
whom Knox related this story voiced
skepticism. They pointed out that
Roosevelt had not said he would
not run, only that he was not a can-
"I am thoroughly convinced," re-
plied Knox, "that he sincerely does
not want to run."
"I don't doubt it," argued one of
the leaders. "But that still would
not prevent him from running. What
if he is drafted? That's the big
question; what will he do then? Did
you ask him about that?"
Knox admitted he had not, but
insisted he was convinced the Pres-
ident had no thought of running
"Maybe so," was the skeptical an-
swer, "but he no longer has a choice.
That's up to the Democrats. If they
draft him, he'll run."
Note-First word to reach Scre-
tary of War Woodring that he was
being bounced was Tuesday night,
twogdaysubefore Stimson's appoint-
ment was announced. He received
a letter, by messenger, from the
President breaking the news. Wood-
gates had a big laugh at his ex-x
pense while his managers were int
the midst of strenuous efforts to
boost his stock.
James was a guest speaker at aE
big Pliiladelphia high school com-
mencement, and to the startled sur-
prise of the 5,700 young graduates
read them a lecture on their scho-
lastic failings.
"The trouble with you students,"
he said serenely, "is that you don'ta
know any Latin. Take my high
school motto, 'omnia labora vinces'.;
You don't know what it means. It
means, 'labor conquers all things'."
Potent Pennsylvania boss Joe Pew
is unimpressed by the delegate claims
of the rival camps. He bet four news-
papermen $10 hats that no candi-
date would poll 300 votes on the
first ballot . . . Doughty Frank Gan-
nett has the largest and most elab-
orate headquarter posters and ban-
ners in town. One of them, on the
outside of his hotel, was so huge
that the Taft camp, also located
there, threatened to sue the hotel
for breach of contract unless it was
removed . . . But the Taftites have
the biggest telephone set-up at the
convention. There headquarters is
equipped with 120 trunk lines ---
Wendell Willkie leads in the number
of headquarters. The "Wall Street
Oomph Boy," as his rivals refer to
him, has six different locations, each
elaborately decorated and manned
largel'y with young stock brokers
who volunteered their services.
Hitler's Secret Gas
WASHINGTON,-All the evidence
gathered by military agents abroad
now -points to the probability that
Hitler's secret plan for conquering
Britain is poison gas.
It is significant that so far, Hit-
ler has not used gas. Even more
significant is the fact that he has
been storing it up in huge reserves.
French and British intelligence of-
ficers have sent back reports that
alarming quantities are now manu-
factured and ready for use. Whether
any new and more deadly form of
gas has been perfected, they do not
One reason Hitler did not use gas
in attacking France and Belgium was
that his army was moving too fast.
His tanks and armored cars were
penetrating into the enemy lines so
rapidly that they would have caught
up with their own gas. It would
have hampered Nazi operations
rather than aided them.
But in England it will be different.
For the English Channel lies between
Germany and her victim. There will
be no danger of the gas seeping back
to Nazi invaders until they actually
land troops.
And so far all evidence indicates
that before attempting to land troops
Hitler will subject England to a rain
of bombs such as the world never
has seen before.
On April 23, 1939, this column re-
ported that the secret Nazi plans
for attacking Britain had been se-
cured by British intelligence agents
and laid on Roosevelt's desk. These
plans called for 100 Nazi planes to
fly over Britain every hour, . 2,400
planes a day, dropping 80 per cent
high explosive bombs to destroy
buildings, 10 per cent incendiary
bombs to set fire to buildings, and
R "O - ant nm1 m fn 1yan firs
All notices for the Daily Official
ulletin are to be sent to the Office
f the Summer Session before 3:30
.M. of the day preceding its pub-
!cation except on Saturday wln
he notices should be submitted be-
ore 11:30 A.M.
College of Literature, Science, and
Che Arts, School of Music, and
school of Education: Students whw
'eceived marks of I or X at the close
>f their last semester or summer
ession of attendance will receive a
rade of E in the course unless this
ork is made up by July 24th. St u-
Lents wishing an extension of time
)cyond this date in order to ake
ithe work should file a petiion
iddressed to the appropriate ,offiial
n their school with Room 4 U. H.
vhere it will be transmitted.
Summer Session Orchestra: Open
o all who can qualify. No fee. Re-
nearsals daily except Saturday. 2:30
o 4:00 P.M. Lane Hall.
German House Reservations for
neals may still be made at the Ger-
man Language Center for those in-
terested in acquiring facility in the
spoken language. Please communi-
cate with the German office, 204
U.H. or Dr. Otto Graf, 300 S.W.
Students wishing to have complete
sensitization studies made at the Uni-
versity Health Service should make
appointments now.
A sensitization test is advisable for
those who have at any time had the
following symptoms: sneezing and
discharging nose, asthma, urticara
(hives), eczema, gastro-intestinal up-
sets, headaches, migraine, frequent
colds, and food poisoning. It is also
recommended for one in whose family
any of the above symptoms have ex-
If you wish the test made, please
call 2-4531 (University Health Ser-
vice) for an appointment in the Al-
lergy Clinic.
Health Service Wlntal Care: The
Health Service is preparedato render
some dental attention to Summer
School students. For such an ap-
pointment it will be necessary to cMe
in the forenoon only.
Waterman (Men's) Gymnasium on
the Campus: The building will ae
open during the Summer Session for
exercise and shower baths. Lacker
fee-50c; towel fee--50c; towel fe
is refunded on return of last toyel.
Secure tickets at cashier's office,
south wing, University all, Campu.
Gymnasium closing hours: Main
floor-5:30 p.m.; Building-$:00 p.m.
A meeting will be .held for all those
who wish to register with the Bureau
of Appointments for either a profes-
sional or business position. This
meeting will be held at 7:00 to 7:45
p.m. Monday evening, July 1, in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing. This applies both to seniors and
graduate students and is for NEW
registrants 401y. Only one registr-
tion will be held during the summer
and everyone is urged to be present
at this meeting.
Everyone who has previously been
registered with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and who wishes to be con-
sidered for a position should come
in immediately to leave his present
address and summer elections.
The University Bureau of Appin4-
ments and Occupational nfrmatiQn
has received notice of the followg
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted:
Assistant Museum Aide (Assistant
Docent), Salary: $1,800, July 8.
Junior Museum Aide, Salary:
$1,620, July 8.
Assistant Curator (Registrar), Sal-
ary: $2,600, July 8.
Senior Museum Aide (Research As-
sistant), Salary: $2,300, July 8.
Senior Museum Aide (Principal
Docent), Salary: $2,300, July 8.
Junior Astronomer, Salary: $2,000,
July 8.
Junior Airway Traffic Controller,
Salary: $2,000, July 9.
Naval Architect, Salary: $3,800,
June 30.
Associate Naval Architect, Salary:
$3,200, June 30.
Assistant Naval Architect, Salary:
$2,600, June 30.
Marine Engineer, Salary: $3,800,
June 30.
Atssociate Marine Engineer, Sal-
ary: $3,200, June 30.
Assistant Marine Engineer, Salary:
$2,600, June 30.
Assistant Translator (French, Ger-
man, Italian, Spanish), Salary: $2,-
000, July 9.
Junior Engineer, Salary: $2,000.
Principal Construction Cost Audi-
tor, Salary: $3,800, July 15.
Construction Cost Auditor, Salary:
$3,200, July 15.
Junior Construction Cost Auditor,
Salary: $2,600, July 15.
Director of Libraries (Principal Li-
brarian), Salary: $5,600, July 16.
Assistant Director of Libraries (Li-
brarian), Salary: $3,800, July 16.
Furniture Designer, Salary: $3,800,
be even better news:
New England .......49.4%
Middle Atlantic....... 47.7
East North Central .... 40.5
West North Central .... 47.4
South Atlantic .........16.5
East South Central .... 5.4
West South Central .... 12.1
Mountain States .......29.3
Pacific Coast .......... 35.9
"IN other words it seems from
this that if
economic basis for alliance, a solid front against
foreign penetration can assuredly be established.
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Uruguay Offers
Object Lesson .. .
UJRUGUAY is an object lesson for all
Americans, and especially for those
are still too complacent in the face of.Nazi
Fascist threats to the democratic way of
The experience of this small South American
country with plotters against its independence
shows: (1) that totalitarian scheming spreads
with a rapidity and is prepared to strike with
an impact similar to the rapidity and impact
of totalitarian mechanized columns; (2) that
the Atlantic Ocean is no reliable barrier between
the "American way" and the way of Berlin; (3)
that success of the German armies in Europe
may influence decisions in capitals as far from
Paris as is Montevideo, where German pressure
is being exerted to prevent Uruguay's taking
decisive action against an alleged "fifth column"
conspiracy to seize the Republic.
To show that the object lesson is not being
mtirar miser in the TTnited States. the cruiser
thus be strengthened at a critical moment. It
would be strengthened still further, as would
the confidence of virtually all other Latin-Amer-
ican States in the power of American democracy
to check European totalitarianism, if the United
States also made clear a determination to give
effective aid in checking despotic forces in
- Christian Science Monitor
The Home Triumphs
For a long time it has been asserted, quite
safely, that married men make the best hus-
bands. Now there is penological evidence that
they also make the more law-abiding citizens.
The Pennsylvania Department of Welfare has
found that 1,731 single men were committed to
prisons of that State in twelve months, while
516 married men were entered to serve sen--
Employers, of course, have long recognized
the superior stability in general of the man who
is willing to assums family ties. Comedians may
make their wheezes about having to stay in of
nights, but any man would rather be jesting
about a ball and chain than wearing one. The