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June 26, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-06-26

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Fair and Warmer?


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The R ampeck Bil
For Good Government.

0fficial Publication Of Th e Summer Session


Hoover Keynotes



higan Repertory Players'
Season Opens With 'he Critic
Comedy Will Be Presented 'Today With Cast Of 50
Under Direction Of Prof. William P. HAaistead

French Colonies Refuse

To Abide



Stand On Isolation

Full Lawful Assistance
To Allies Is Advocated;
New Deal Is Censured
Calls For Sober
War Preparation
Convention Hall, Philadelphia,
June 25.---(/P)--Herbert Hoover em-
phatically impressed two prime ob-
jectives of party endeavor upon a
cheering Republican National Con-
vention tonight-oust the New Deal
and keep America at peace "unless
the Western Hemisphere is at-
At the same time, the former pres-
ident told the vast throng gathered
in this huge and resounding auditor-
ium that for America there was no
such thing as "isolation,"-that a
realistic view of foreign problems
'dictated that all lawful assistance
be extended to the Allies.
And, he cautioned against exag-
geration of "our immediate dangers."
The ocean is broad, Hoover told
Republican delegates massed on the
convention floor before him, and an
invader "must first pass our navy,"
a navy which is "strong enough to
stop anything in sight now."
At the very least, Hoover said,
"this ocean and our magnificent
navy give time for sober prepara-
Relentlessly, Hoover castigated the
New Deal for "following the suicide
road for liberty that led to disaster
in Europe." He said the Republican
Party "must at once undertake seven
stern tasks:
"We must develop and maintain
foreign policies that keep us out of
these wars unless we are attacked.
'We should facilitate all nations fight-
ing for their freedom in procuring
materials and munitions, but sub-
ject to definite limitations which
keep us out of war.
"We must -recall our people from
the flabbiness of the New Deal. We
must reestablish stamina, character
and ideals. We must regenerate hope
and confidence in America.,,
Hoover advanced down the center
aisle and the crowd broke into a
demonstration which made its pre-
vious outbursts seem tame. It was
notable more for its volume of sound
than duration for as quickly as the
former president had disappeared
among the notables of the speaker's
stage, it ended.
As soon as he was introduced the
shouting, stamping and applause
was renewed, in greater volume and
intensity. The demonstration roared
on and on, while Hoover stood at
the dais, smiling faintly and nodding
to one side and the other.
Roles In 'Patience'
O 'Tpen To Students
"Patience," an operetta by William
S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, has
been selected by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players and the School of Mu-
sic as the musical which will be
presented as the last of the season's
dramatic offerings.
The Repertory Players, in con-
junction with the School of Music
and the Department of Speech, have
presented a number of musical
shows. Among them are "Iolanthe,"
"The Bartered Bride," The Vaga-
bond King," "Chocolace Soldier,"
"The Gondoliers," and others.
All University students who are
interested in singing and think they
can qualify are eligible to try out
for principal and chorus parts. The
first tryout will be held this after-
noon at 5 p.m. at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.

Davis Outlines
Story Of Rise
Of University
The University of Michigan or
Catholepistemiad as it was known in
1817 in the first ordinance providing
for its establishment and its subse-
quent development were sketched by
Prof. C. O. Davis of the School of
Education in the opening education
lecture yesterday.
Tracing the settling of the colonies,
Professor Davis pointed out the char-
acteristics of the provincial type of
early American education. The first
schools, he cited, were denomina-
tional in the 13 colonies. When the
Constitution was adopted, the indi-
vidual states began to provide for
higher education and the Northwest
Ordinance granting land to colleges
in the Midwest was put into effect.
Through the efforts of Judge
Woodward and other officials of the
Northwest Territory the first Univer-
sity of Michigan was established in
1817 for the 4,000 inhabitants of the
area that is now Michigan, Professor
Davis described.
Disappearing for a period of about
10 years, the University was set up
again in Ann Arbor opening its doors
to se/enty students and four profes-
sors, teaching some 45 courses. Prof.
Davis pictured in contract the growth
of jhe University to its present en-
rollment of approximately 24,000,
distributed among 13 schools and
French Group
To Hear Gravitt
Stars Of Parisian Stage
To Be Lecture Topic
Le Cercle Francais of the Summer
Session will hold its organizational
meeting at 8 p.m. today at the Foyer
Francais at 1414 Washtenaw with
Dr. Francis Gravit's lecture on mod-
ern French singers, entertainers and
A member of the romance lan-
guages department, Dr. Gravit will
discuss the stars of the Parisian
stagesand illustrate his talk with
recordings of Josephine Baker, Jean
Sablen, Lucienne Boyer and others.
He will also present excerpts from
the works of Betoe, the French Alec
All undergraduate and graduate
students of any department inter-
ested in French are urged to make
application for membership with
Prof. Antoine Jobin in Room 405 of
the Romance Languages Building.
The presentation today will be the
first in a series of programs on
French culture offered this summer
Nazis Bomb British Isles
LONDON, June 26. (Wednesday)
.-UP)-Two persons were believed
killed in Southeast Scotland early
today during German air raids which
extended over most of England, Scot-
land and Wales. British reported
at least three of the invading planes
were shot down in the Scottish at-
tacks, during which large numbers
of bombs were dropped.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan's farce
"The Critic," under the direction of
Prof. Wm. P. Halstead of the speech
department, will open the Michigan
Repertory Players' 12th annual sea-
son at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
A cast of more than 50 actors
will take part in the comedy today,
tomorrow, Friday and Saturday star-
ring such well-known actors and ac-
tresses as June Madison as Timbur-
ina, the heroine of the "play within
the play;" James Moll as Mr. Puff, the
drama's impressario; and Roy Rec-
tor, star of last year's Union Opera,
1as Wiskerandos, the Spanish hero
of the "play within the play."
John Schwarzwa-ider and William
Kinzer are cast in the roles of Sir
Walter Raleigh and Sir Christopher
Hatton, generals of the Earl of Lei-
cester who will be portrayed by
George Shapiro. Hugh Norton will
be heard as Sneer, John Weimer and
Marguerite Mink as Mr. and Mrs.
Dangle and John Jensen as Sir Fret-
ful Plagiary.
Others in the cast are Helen Ral-
ston, Joan Baker, L'cicy Jones, Ade-
line Gitlin, B. Odom Day, Ollieray
Bilby, Lucille Cohen, George Batka,
Alfred Wilkinson, Frank Jones and
Ray Pedersen.
Margery Soenksen and Veitch Pur-
dom will play the River Thames and
Talks Offered
-on Combustion
By Techmcians
Industrial Technicians
Will Lecture On Aspects
Of FuelEngine Work
Special lecturers, all technical ex-
perts in some phases of the problems
connected with modern internal
combustion engines, will highlight
the sessions of the Internal Com-
bustion Engine Institute here this
Treating problems in the con-
struction and maintenance of inter-
nal combustion engines, as well as
the study of fuels, a series of 16 spec-
ial lectures has been arranged by
the Institute.
Fuel problems will be analyzed by
W.G. Lovell of the General Motors
Research staff, J.M. Miller of the
Standard Oil Company and E.W.
Upham of the Chrysler Corporation
Construction and design will be
the principle subjects discussed by
F.C. Mock of the Bendix Aviation
corporation, Glen F. Shoemaker of
the diesel engine division of- General
Motors, A.D. Wallace of Chrysler,
G. Williams of Pratt and Whitney
Aircraft Engine Co., E.J. Willis of
the Aluminum Company of America,
H.F. Wood of the Wyman-Gordon
Co. and V.C. Young of the Wilcox-
Rich Corporation.
Ford Halts Ensgine
Production Plans
Government negotiations with Henry
Ford for the mass production of air-
plane engines collapsed today.
William S. Knudsen of the National
Defense Commission announced that
Ford's refusal to manufacture en-
gines for Great Britain had forced
cancellation of plans for early mass
production of Rolls Royce motors by
the Ford Motor Company.

Britannia in the "Masque of the
Rivers" whicn burlesques the compli-
cated costumes anid over-elaborate
dances of the times.
"The Critic," which is under the
general direction of Prof Valentine B.
Windt of the speech department, will
have Alexander Wyckoff and Robert
Mellencamp as art directors and
Emma Hirsch as costume designer.
Commenting on the farce yesterday
Professor Windt asserted that the
play's revival is especially approp-
riate at this time because of an in-
creased nationwide interest in the
life of England in the 18th century.
Theatre groups all over the country
are doing revivals of Sheridan and
Goldsmith dramas as well as others
of this period, he said.
FDR Approves
Hugle Tax Laws
For New Arms
Existing Taxes Increased;
Low Family Exemptions
Will Hit New Groups
CASHINGTON, June 25--A')-
The nation shouldered its heaviest
federal tax load since the world war
President Roosevelt's' signature
made law of a bill estimated to raise
an additional $4,692,500,000 in the
next five years by adding 2,200,000
citizens to the list of income tax
payers and by raising the rates on in-
come, profits, excise, gift and inheri-
tance taxes. The money will be used
to help finance the defense program
authorized by Congress.
The Treasury calculated that the
law would increase anticipated fed-
eral revenue in the 1941 fiscal year,
which begins Mond y, from $5,652,-
300,000 (not counting social security
funds, which are now outside the
budget) to $6,367,600,000. An. extra
$994,300,000 was expected to be raised
in each of the following four years.
Next year's revenue, if realized, will
be the largest since 1920, when peak
collections were made on World War
taxes, and the 1942 fiscal year may
set a new income record of approxi-
mately $7,000,000,000.
Officials estimated that $2,200,000
persons would pay federal income
taxes for the first time because of re-
duction of personal exemptions for
heads of families from $2,500 to $2,000
and for single persons from $1,000 to
Culture Class
To MeetToday
Discussion And Lecture
Series Open Monday
Students enrolled in all depart-
ments of the Graduate Study Pro-
gram in American Culture and In-
stitutions will meet at 4 p.m. today
in Room C, Haven Hall.
This will be the first meeting of
the group as a whole.
A five week series of lectures and
round table discussions in connect-
ion with the Program will begin at
8:15 p.m. Monday when Prof. Ho-
ward M. Jones of Harvard Univer-
sity's English department lectures in
the Rackham School on "American
Literature as an Instrument for
Cultural Analysis".
The theme for the first week's
program will be "Regional Varieties
of Cultural Development", on which
six lectures will be delivered, followed
by a round table on "Regionalism
and Nationalism."

Oh! Ye Isaac Waltons
Oil Your Rod And Reel
Ann Arbor fishermen will cast
their bait hopefully on the waters
of the many inland lakes of south-
eastern Michigan today---the open-
ing day of the 1940 summer fishing
Many of the hardier followers of
Izaak Walton will go to the lakes
tonight and begin fishing at mid-
night (optimistic souls). Opening

Italy's Terms Announced

_ A

Berlin Gives A C
Of Franco-Go
BERLIN, June 25.--W)-The terms
of thegGerman-Frenchdarmistice,
providing for the surrender of all
France's fleet save that part of it
necessary to police French colonies,
were officially announced tonight.
(The official announcement of the
details varied in no important par-
ticular from the armistice terms dis-
closed by the British Ministry of In-
formation Sunday night.)
These were among the most im-
portant provisions: -
Occupation by Nazi troops of more
than half of France.
France to cease all hostilities
against Germany not only on land
but on the seas and in her colonies,
territories and mandates.
In connection with the surrender
of the fleet, however, the Germans
"solemnly" promised not to use
French vessels in war action except
for harbor defense and mine sweep-
ing. and said that they had no in-
tention of demanding permanent
possession of the fleet as the price
of a final peace.
The area to be occupied was fixed
as the territory north of a line from
Geneva crossing the communities of

onpiete Text
erman rmistice

North African Command
Declares Determination
To Fight All Invaders

Campus Tour
To Open Series
Of Excursions
Trip To Statrt At 2 P.M.
Tomorrow; High Points
Of CampusIncluded
A tour of the Michigan Campus,
designed to acquaint those new to
the University with some of the more
interesting features of the school,
will be conductd from 2 to 4:45 p.m.
The party which will leave from
the Angell Hall lobby facing on State
Street at 2 p.m. will first visit the
Law Quadrangle where they will see
the Law Club Law Research Library
and other points of interest.
Following this they will go to the
Michigan Union student club and
recreation center for men, and the
adjoining dormitories,
At the William L. Clements Lib-
rary, Dr. Randolph Adams, director,
will explain the character and funct-
ions of this repository of source ma-
terial and explain the representative
books, maps andymanuscripts which
will be on display in the lobby.
Another valuable feature of the
tour is the visit to the General Lib-
rary. where staff members will con-
duct the party through the several
departments and explain how the
library functions as an aid to stud-
A visit will also be made to the
Burton Memorial Tower where Syd-
ney Giles, guest Carillonneur, will
demonstrate operation of the carill-
on. In addition opportunity will be
given to those who desire to visit the
Naval Experimental Tank and the
Aeronautical Laboratory.

Dole, Paray Le Mon ial and Bourges
to a point about 20 kilometers east
of Tours, From that point the line
runs southeast along the Tour-An-
gouleme railway, then to Libourne;
over Mont Demarson and Orthez to
the Spanish border.
Conquered France must bide her
time, however, until Germany settles
accounts with Great Britain before
the German-French armistice is fol-
lowed up with actual peace negotia-
tions, well-informed Nazi sources
said today.
Naval Officers
Training Plan
To Be Started
Registration Opens Friday
For 5,000 Volunteers
To Man Larger Fleet
WASHINGTON, June 25-(A')-
President Roosevelt, invoking a plan
of World War days to provide ad-
ditional officers for the expanding
fleet, announced today that 5,000
young volunteers would be trained
annually for commissions in the Na-
val Reserve.
He disclosed at a press conference
that unmarried American-born men
between 19 and 26 years of.age, who
have had two years or more of college
work, could begin applying for the
training next Friday. Applications
will be received at headquarters of
the naval district or at the naval
reserve unit or navy recruiting sta-
tion nearest their homes.
"The embryo officers will be given
intensive training in gunnery, navi-
gation, engineering, communications
and watchstanding at sea," said a
formal statement given out at the
press conference.
"Regular officers and petty officers
of the fleet will pound home the
art of fighting and maneuvering a
modern man-o'-war and will incul-
cate these young men with the ele-
ments of discipline, team-work, loy-
alty, endurance and technical skill
which are the foundations of the na-
val excellence of the fleet."
Education Students
To Assemble Today
Graduate and undergraduate ed-
ucation students will assemble at
4:15 p.m. today in the University
High School Auditorium to hear Dr.
Louis Hopkins, director of the Sum-
mer Session and Dean Clarence A.
Yoakum of the Graduate School
speak at the first meeting of the
faculty and students of the school.
Every student interested in educa-
tion is urged to attend to become
better acquainted with educational
leaders and the problems of educa-
tion, Dean James B. Edmondson of
the School of Education announced.

Italians G ranted
RightsTo Jibuti
(From Associated Press Dispatches)
French UIigh Commissioner Gen-
eral Suuste Nogues declared last
night that his crack Moroccan troops
would not yield one inch of French
North African territory without a
fight, the armistice notwithstanding.
In a message "to the people of
North America," the commissioner
"The Armistice has been signed,
but to abandon to foreigners without
fighting all -or any part of the terri-
tory over which we exercise sover-
eignty or protectorate is out of the
"The possibility of military occu-
pation by a foreign power of any
part whatsoever of (French) North-
ern Africa should be excluded.
"This' government is not willing
to consent to reduction of the con-
tingents (armed forces) stationed in
this territory. For the time being
the integrity of Northern Africa and
its means of defense have been as-
"I again appeal: Keep calm union
and discipline, and trust in the fu-
ture of our country."
The Tunis radio last night broad-
cast a communique of the French
commander of North Africa declar-
ing that "no foreign power" would
occupy any part of French Tunisia,
Algeria or Morocco.
"This false news is spread by the
enemy,' he-said,. "No part of French
North Africa has been occupied, nor
will be occupied."
Franco-Italian Peace
Terms Are Announced
ROME, June 25.-WP)-Italy to-
night made public armistice terms
with France which granted the Ital-
ians full rights over the Port of
Jibuti in French Somaliland, and
restricted Italian troops to stand on
their advanced lines in all theatres
of operations."
Italy also gained control of the
French section of the Jibuti-Addis
Ababa (CQ) Railway.
The terms call for a demilitarized
zone from 30 to 120 miles wide in
France, Tunis, Algeria and French
For the duration of hostilities be-
tween. Italy and the British Empire
and for the duration of the Armistice,
the French Somaliland coast is to
be entirely demilitarized.
French troops are to be withdrawn
from the demilitarized zones within
10 days.
The agreement contained a clause
similar to that in the French-Ger-
man armistice requiring that the
French fleet be surrenedered at ports
stipulated by German and Italian
Three Golfers
Emery, Palmer And Black
Are Michigan Entrants
MANCHESTER, Vt., June 25.--1P)
--Three of the University of Mich-
igan delegation to the 43rd National
Collegiate A. A. golf championship
qualified for one of the 64 first-round
match play brackets by totaling 158
or better today for the 36-hole qual-
ifying tests over Ekwanok's stiff and
long Green Mountain course.
Jack Emery again led the Mich-
igan entires as he added a 76 to his
first day score of 73 for a 149 tota
that made' him an easy qualifier.
Captain Bob Palmer and senior Bill
Black also made the grade.
Captain-elect Goodwin Clark took
160 shots for his two rounds, which

were too many for qualification pur-
poses. David Osler, with 165, and
Clifford James, with a 171, were also

McOmber Views Modern Trend:
0 -
Progressive Education s Ideals
Are FrequentlyMisimterpreted

Dr. Hopkins To Receive
Summer Reception To Honor
Faculty And Students On Friday


Series Of Dancing
Will Open Today

Students acquainted with only the
fundamentals of ballroom dancing
and who wish to improve, were urged
yesterday by Miss Ethel McCormick,
League Social Adviser, to attend the
first in a series of six intermediate

Misconceptions about progressive
education have led to faulty inter-
pretation about the goals of this
modern trend in the field of educa-
tion, Dr. Glenn F. Macomber of the
University of Oregon criticized in
his speech at the first Phi Delta Kap-'
pa luncheon here yesterday.
The doctrine of child interest, he
insisted, has been misinterpreted to

elementary grades, Dr. Macomber
cited. This is the reason that many
have looked upon progressive educa-
tion as play. Progressive education
has, on the other hand, tried to
utilize the play spirit in the case of
younger children to obtain the best
education techniques. In secondary
education,he defended, research, ex-
cursions, individual study and inves-
tigation in an interest field of the

Summer Session faculty members
and students are invited to attend
a reception given in their honor
from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Friday in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
This reception, an, annual affair,
is given so that members of the Sum-
mer Session may become acquainted.
In the receiving line from 8:30 to
9:30 p.m. will be Dr. Louis A. Hop-
kins, Director of the Summer Ses-
sion, and Mrs. Hopkins, Dean Byrl

Refreshments are to be served
during the reception at the Rackham
Building and there will be intro-
ducers so that guests may meet each
other. Following the reception there
will be dancing at the League and
Union, both free of charge, or bridge
at the League.
Tickets for the dancing may be
gotten at the end of the receiving
line at the Rackham Building. This
is done to restrict the attendance

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