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August 07, 1940 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1940-08-07

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Walshington Merry-Go-Round

Grin And Bear It ...

By Lichty

PJILfF'G UN mR9 tiIN'5 I OVS1XGEtU N Jw.Jcafr.I ,mNIYaKM A IW - °..~ .- .~
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All
ri hts of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
'Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$400; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 19-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor ..............Carl Petersen
City Editor ............... Norman A. Schoir
ASotate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, S.u-
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager ........... Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager...........Irving Guttman
Will Coughlin
Get The Air? .
F ATHER COUGHLIN ha's ben off the
air for three months, but he plans
to come back about thirty days before the na-
tion.al election. We don't know what he intends
to say, but we know what he has said in the past
and on that basis we are confident that he will
exhibit economic illiteracy, violent and badly
formed emotion, dubious Americanism and ex-
traordinary tenderness toward Hitler and the
Nazi way of life.
This fall, Father Coughlin will be sending out
transcriptions of his speeches to be used by
individual stations at any convenient time. Last
year Coughlin was on about forty stations all
over the Country. Nearly every one of them is
a member of the National Association of Broad-
casters, which has recently adopted a code that
goes into effect this autumn. The code forbids
the sale at time for presenting controversial
issues, other than political broadcasts. It also
says that
"radio which reaches men of all creeds and
races, simultaneously, may not be used to
convey attacks upon another's race or reli-
gion. Rather it should be the purpose of
the religious broadcast to promote the
spiritual harmony and understanding of
Does that sound like Coughlin to you? Keep
an eye on your favorite radio station, see whether
it broadcasts him, and if it does, ask the station,
"How come?"
- The New Republic
.Study On
Group Medicine .. .
DURING 1939 and part of 1940 Dr.
Franz Goldmann of Yale made a
study of five programs for the provision of med-
ical care through groups of salaried physicians
to five classes of workers whose average annual
incomes were respectively $2,700, $1,900, $1,600
and $1,200. His report, now published by the
Joint Committee of the Twentieth Century Fund
and the Good Will Fund, is important because it
proves again that excellent medical care can be
brought within the means of millions who can-
not afford to pay a family doctor. Two of the
plans rely on prepayments; two on fees and
prepayments; the fifth is maintained entirely
at its own expense by an industrial corporation
for the free benefit of its employes and their
As might be expected, the most far-reaching
and least expensive service is that rendered to

the largest number of beneficiaries-the 51,000
who are the recipients of the industrial corpora-
tion's bounty. Everything is included in the cor-
poration's plan-drugs, bedside nursing in the
home, house calls, unlimited care in an approved
hospital even in cases of chronic illness, every
approved diagnostic and therapeutic aid and
the counsel of specialists. Here we have a bril-
liant example of what the abhorred "company
doctor" can do under genuinely able manage-
THOUGH the other four plans fall far short of
this, they have their points. All provide physi-
cians' care in the clinic, home and hospital, diag-
nosis with the aid of X-rays and laboratories,
anesthetics, physical therapy, restricted hospital-
ization, nursing. There are, however, "extras,"
which are paid for at reduced rates.
Dr. Goldmann's study should have its effect.
Workers who will equip a standing army will

WASHINGTON-The rigorous French censor-
ship has suppressed the information, but former
Premier Paul Reynaud will face a sensational
charge when he is tried before the special war
guilt court.
The scandal is based on what has become
known in inner diplomatic circles as "Reynaud's
Following the French collapse, Reynaud at-
tempted to escape from the country. His plan
was to go to Portugal and embark for the United
States, where he hop'ed to be made French Am-
bassador. He made his dash in two automobiles.
In one he traveled with Countess Helen de
Portes, the small, homely, shrill-voiced widow
for whom he left his wife several years ago and
.had French divorce laws changed so he could
marry her in 1941. As has been reported, this
car went off the road, killing the Countess and
severely injuring Reynaud.
The other car contained Reynaud's two pri-
vate secretaries, baggage and the mysterious
trunk. This car was seized at the Spanish bor-
der. There, search of the trunk disclosed that
it contained-
20,000,000 francs in paper money, presum-
ably from French public funds.
A large quantity of gold.
A large quantity of jewels belonging to the
Numerous confidential state documents,
among them secret French plans for the
destruction of Rumanian oil wells to
prevent their falling into Nazi hands.
Confronted with this evidence in the hospi-
tal, Reynaud vehemently denied knowing any-
thing about the contents of the trunk. He as-
serted that if the money, jewels and documents
were taken, it was without his knowledge and
approval. He placed the blame on the two sec-
Note-The Petain government, acting under
Nazi orders, has not revealed the fact that Ber-
lin has billed the French for a large sum to cover
the cost of the German occupation. This will
give Berlin the basis for a claim on French gold
and dollar credits in the U.S., which the Tipha-
sury took under control immediately after the
French surrender.
General Pershing
I NERAL PERSHING'S solemn warning that
unless aid is given the British fleet to resist
Hitler, the United States faces certain attack,
was not a reply to the appeasement broadcast
of Colonel Lindbergh. When the A.E.F. com-
mander decided, after a study of confidential

reports, to come out of retirement and speak to
the nation, he did not know that the flyer also
planned to talk.
Also, Pershing wrote his speech without any
knowledge of what Lindbergh would say. How-
ever, Pershing did tune in on the latter's broad-
cast. But it was only for a few minutes.
The General of the Armies became so incensed
at Lindbergh's views that he turned off the ra-
dio and snapped, "That's outrageous. I'm say-
ing nothing about that young man in my talk
tonight, but I shall make it my business to do
so on another occasion."
Note-Pershing has made only a few broad-
casts, and when Miss Ann Gillis, chic Columbia
Broadcasting press director, explained that the
signal to begin speaking was a finger pointed
at him, he laughingly inquired: "What's the
signal to stop? That may be necessary, as I
may start reading my speech all over again."
Alien Employes
CHIEF JOB of the Census Bureau is to tabulate
the population of the United States. But
in these days of national defense, it is also act-
ing as a clearing house regarding aliens, citizen-
ship and other kindred questions.
Since the enactment of the various alien regis-
tration and anti-fifth column laws, Census offi-
cials have been receiving on an average of 6,000
inquiries a week from individuals seeking to
establish their American citizenship, and from
employers anxious to find out if they have any
undesirable aliens on their rolls.I
Some concerns have sent their entire payrolls
to the Bureau for checking.
Most of the birth and citizenship queries are
coming from airplane factories and other plants
directly connected with defense'production where
aliens are now forbidden employment.
Census officials estimate that there are several
million persons in the country whose birth rec-
ords have never been filed with local author-
ities. To establish the citizenship of individuals
of this group the Bureau uses old census reports
obtained from parents. .
Handsome John Hamilton no longer is GOP
National Chairman, but on the Committee's new
letter-heads his name appears as prominently
as his successor, Representative Joe Martin.
Hamilton's new title is Executive Director . . .
Secretary of State Cordell Hull was so touched
by the bi-partisan welcome of members of Con-
gress upon his return to Washington from the
Havana Conference that tears streamed down his
cheeks ...

ments," Thursday, August 8, 2 p.m.,
1224 East Engineering Bldg. Chair-
man, W. S. Housel.
Mr. John William Odle, Mathema-
tics; Thesis: "Non-Separating and
Non - Alternating Tranformations
Modulo a Family of Sets," Thursday,
August 8, 3:15 p.m., West, Council
Room, Rackham wilding. Chairman,
W. L. Aryes.
Mr. Robertson I. Strawn, Speech;
Thesis: "Public Speaking in the Iro-
quois League," Thursday, August 8,
3:30 p.m., East Council Room, Rack-
ham Building. Chairman, L. M. Eich.
By the action of the Executive
Board the chairman may invite mem-
bers of the faculties and advanced
doctoral candidates to attend the
examination and he may grant per-
mission to attend to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be
C. S. Yoakum

140. Chicago Time . Tee.
e.. S. ~Pat.Off..A'i RtS Rea.
"Of course I'm enjoying our honeymoon, dear-Boy, it sure is good
to get away from the office for a cotple of weeks!"

The Straight Dope,
By Himself

. .. ..

Today's column is purely personal. It is a
long time since we have written a column about
ourself, our friends and our enemies. First,
we want to offer up ourselves as a worthy sacri-
fice to charity. As soon as "Patience," that
great and worthy Gilbert and Sullivan operetta
with a cast of fifty, an orchestra of thirty and
a stage crew of seventy-five is over we are go-
ing to prove our bravery, merit, and general
sturdiness by engaging in fisticuffs, no less with
a worthy opponent for the benefit of the led
Cross, the Volunteers of America or whatever
other organization feels like sponsoring us. We
figure that if the amount of scurrilous fan mail
we receive is an indication there should be liter-
ally thousands who would pay fifty cents apiece
to see our block knocked off and the Red Cross
might as well have the benefit of it as anybody
Naturally we are not too anxious to suffer
any material damage and we realize that to
bolster the gate a worthy opponent must be
selected. This double objective has been ac-
complished. We have selected none otlier
than Stanley Mitchell Swinton for our oppo-
nent in the firm belief that if there is any-
body in Ann Arbor who is more likely to
provide a Roman holiday than ourself it is
none other than Stanley Mitchell. We can
hear the crowd cheer already as we beat his
weary arms down and smash him lustily.
Mr. Carl Petersen has kindly consented to
act as timekeeper and none other than that
all-time All-American, Mr. Ed Frutig, has
signified his intention of refereeing this
heroic and titanic struggle.
Seconds for the various contestants will be
among Ann Arbor's most prominent citizens
and the master of ceremonies post is still an
open choice between Art Klein, the debutante
actor, and Harry Kelsey, the culture reporter.
If Arthur Hackett could be prevailed upon to
lend his trumpet tones to the proceedings as
announcer its success would be assured.
Time and place are, as yet, unset, but no of-

fers will be turned down without the most care-
ful consideration. Our preference is the Daily
news room. We are sure we could lick Swinton
there. The place never looked natural to him
when it was clean as it is now.
There will be no weight limits due to both
contestants' ability to drop or put on twelve
pounds between noon and midnight and such
silly rules as those applying to gouging, butting,
back-handed slapping and biting will not be
rigorously enforced. Kicking above the belt is
all right but a kick below the belt gives the oppo-
nent a free swat at the whiskers if he is still
able to take it. Bottles and penknives are defi-
nitely not allowed.
As reward for all this expenses not to ex-
ceed one hundred and fifty dollars will be
given to each contestant and as a special
reward each will be allowed two free swats
at A. 'P. Blaustein, the Repertory Theatre
reporter who has caused us more grief this
summer than Valentine Windt and Jimmy
Green combined and multiplied by three. At
that Blaustein is getting off easy. We had
promised to give him seven good swats all
by ourself and not to interfere with what-
ever measures Swinton thought were neces-
So here is your chance folks. Himself, Swinton
and Blaustein all will get smashed during the
evening in reverse order of intensity. In fact,
a wild swing might even hit Petersen. In fact,
we think one or two will. Has charity ever had
a worthier project? Probably not.
And just one last note. All blood drawn
will be cheerfully given to the University
Hospital. Once people start on charity there
isn't any place to stop.
So start the ballyhoo friends. It's all for char-
ity and may the best man live to regret it. Our
hat is in the ring. Our head is in the clouds.
Our feet are in the resin and our (censored) is
in the (censored).

Nazi Naval
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
The timing of new German state-
ments that staggering cargo tonnage
losses have been inflicted on Britain
may be more significant than the
figures themselves.
Whether in preparation for invasion
of England or for some other stroke,
Berlin is pressing its war-of-nerves
against the British more actively
than the war of bombs. Nazi boasts
that 5,000,000 tons or shipping usable
by Britain have been sunk since the
outbreak of the war, 679,000 tons in
the last three weeks alone, may be
part of that "war-of-nerves."
Whatever the truth, the German
figures are so fantastically out of
step with the London Admiralty's re-
capitulations that Berlin itself seeks
to explain the discrepancy by charg-
ing that the British are concealing
certain of their losses.
As an element of the war-of-nerves
aspect of the battle, the German
claims could be considered good stra-
tegy. They could give seaminded Bri-
tons, utterly dependent on shipping
for the means of life, something to
think about if they believed the Ber-
lin reports and not the Admiralty's
Whatever the German motive, these
statements about an increasingly suc-
cessful counter-blockade of England
synchronize with other moves de-
signed to stir terror in England. Re-
vival of the "secret weapon" bogey by
a high-ranking German Air Officer
can be noted. A special showing of
Nazi dive bomber technique, put on
for neutral pressmen, with all the
siren attachment frills going full blast
to impress them, is another item.
The Nazis' action in taking coy-
resondents on sight-seeing flights
along the English Channel presum-
ably was intended to prove that Bri-
tish shipping, naval and merchant,
had been driven from those narrow
seas. However, since the newsmen
duly reported that the flights were
confined to the continental side of
the channel, 30 miles or so from the
English coastline at the nearest point
of approach, the result is not highly
There is another angle to the Ger-
man claims of having stepped up
tremendously the rate of cargo ship
destruction. If the figures are any-
where near accurate and not, as the
British Admiralty insists, an "absurd"
exaggeration, there would seem to be
no military reason for attempting
invasion of England at all. Ger-
many would be on the way to win-
ning the war by counter-blockade.
FDR Suggests
Home Guard
President Weighs Proposal
To Use War Veterans
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 6.--(P)
-President Roosevelt disclosed today
that World War veterans might take
over home defense duties now as-
'signed to the National Guard, if and
when the guard is brought into Fed-
eral service.
In the broader field of hemispheric
cooperation, the Chief Executive told
a press conference that a meeting of
minds on defense against non-Amer-
ican nations was one of three ex-
traordinarily successful achievements
of the Pan-American conference at

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P. M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A. M.
The Michigan Dames, will hold a
bridge p'arty at the Michigan League
today at 2 p.m. for the wives of
summer school students. There will
be a ten cent charge to cover prizes
and expenses.
Chemistry Lecture. The sixth in
the series of chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor W. E. Bach-
mann today, August 7, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. Subject: "The Ster-
Cercle Francais. The annual ban-
quet of the Cercle Francais will be
held in the Terrace Room, second
floor of the Union, today, Au-
gust 7 at 7 p.m. The price of the din-
ner is included in the dues paid by
the members.
Members of the Summer Teaching
Staff or students desiring to attend
are requested to notify Mr. Jobin or
Miss McMullan of the Foyer, Tele-
phone 2-2547. The price per plate is
The subject of the Men's Educa-
tion Club is German Penetration of
South America and the Relation of
the HavanaConference to this Prob-
lem. By Professor Lawrence Preuss
of the Political Science Department.
Today at 7:15 p.m. in the Union.
Pi Lambda Theta: There will be an
important business meeting today,
August 7, at 7:30 o'clock in the
University Elementary School Lib-
Organ Recital. Lester Champion,
organist, of Houghton, Michigan, will
give a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree, this evening,
August 7, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Champion is a stu-
dent of Mr. Arthur Poister during
the summer session, his previous
study having been with Professor
Palmer Christian.
Speech Students: Students enrol-
led in Speech courses and all others
interested are invited to attend the
Speech Conference to be held by the
Department of Speech as follows:
Wednesday, August 7, 9 to 10 a.m.
-Demonstration Class in "Funda-
mentals of Speech." (Auditorium of
the W. K. Kellogg Institute.)
10 to 11 a.m.-Demonstration Class
in "Prinsiples and Methods of Dis-
cussion." (Auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Institute.)
11 a.m. to 12-Demonstration Class
in "The Teaching of Speech." (Audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Insti-
12:15 p.m.-Speech Luncheon, six-
ty-five cents. (Ballroom of the Michi-
gan League.)
3 to 5 p.m.-Conference on "Prob-
lems of Dramatic Production." (Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.)
8:30 p.m.-Performance of "Pa-
tience" (Gilbert and Sullivan) by the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. (Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.)
Doctoral Examinations. Mr. Cam-
illo D'Amico, Metallurgical Engineer-



Deutscher Verein Picnic Thursday.
Transportation, swimming privileges,
food, and refreshments included in
price 45c. Free to members of the
Deutscher Verein. Meet in the Deut-
sches Haus at 5:30 p.m. All students
of German, students and faculty
members interested in German are
cordially invited to attend. Make res-
ervations at 204 U.H.
Piano Recital. Janet Mary McLoud,
pianist of Austin, Texas, will give a
recital in the partial fulfillment of
the requirements of the Master of
Music degree, Thursday evening, Au-
gust 8, at 8:15 p.m., in the Assembly
Room of the Rackham Building. Miss
McLoud is a student of Professor
Maud Okkelberg.
Speech Students: Dr. Thomas
Clarkson Trueblood, Professor Emer-
itus of Public Speaking, will lecture
on "The Great Triumphs in Oratory"
Friday, August 9, at 11 o'clock in 302
Mason Hall.
Speech Students: Mr. Vincent
Jukes, assistant in the Department of
Speech, will produce "Common Clay,"
by George M. Cohen, Friday at 4 p.m.
in room 4203 Angell Hall. The public
is invited to attend.
IIopwood manuscripts for the sum-
mer contest must be in the Hop-
wood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by
4:30 p.m. this Friday afternoon, Au-
gust 9.
Contestants should read carefully
the rules for the contest. No manu-
script will be accepted that does not
conform to the regulations.
R .W. Cowden
Internal Combustion Engine In-
stitute Lecture to be given by Mr. F.
M. Ygung on August 9 at 7:30 p.m.
has been cancelled.
To the members of the Faculty: If
you wish to attend the breakfast next
Sunday morning, August 11, at 9 a.m.,
given for those students who expect
to take mester's degrees this summer,
you may secure tickets at the office
of the Summer Session at fifty-five
cents each.
Louis A. Hopkins
Director of the Summer Session
All freshmen and sophomores in
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts who are attending the Sum-
mer Session and who have not had
their elections for the fall semester
approved, are urged to consult with
me before the close of the Summer
Session. Appointments can be made
calling at the Office of the Academic
Counselors, Room 108, Mason Hall,
or by calling Extension 613.
Arthur VanDuren
Chairman, Academic Counselors.
Engineering Seniors: Diploma ap-
plication blanks must be filled out
in the Secretay's Office, 263 West
Engineering Building, before August
12, for graduation after Summer
C. B. Green
Assistant Secretary
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office of
the School of Education, 1439 U.E.S.
on August 6, or 7 to take the Teacher
Oath which is a requirement for the
Graduate Students who expect to
complete degree requirements at the
close of the summer session should
have in file a blue diploma applica-
tion in the office of the Graduate
School, Rackham Building. Applica-
tions will be accepted not later than
August 10, 1940.
To all students having library

1. Students having in their pos-
sesssion books drawn for the Uni-
versity Library are notified that such
books are due Saturday, August 10th,
before the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need
for certain books after August 10th
may retain such books if renewed
at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Thursday, August, 15th,
will be sent to the Cashier's Office,
where their summer's credits will be
withheld until such time as these

Government Adopts Embargo At Long Last

TN ADOPTING the policy of forbidding the ex-
port without license of essential war ma-
terials such as scrap iron and petroleum, the
government has followed a recommendation
made consistently by The New Republic for more

measures, but it is obvious that with her new
army-inspired fascist government she is plan-
ning to go as far as she dares anyway. The way
to deal with this sort of thing is neither by ap-
peasement, as suggested by some, nor by moni-
tory words, as has been the custom of this

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