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August 07, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-08-07

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1940 JGP Song
To Have Debut
Betty Ann Chaufty To Sing
Own Composition
Another number from the 1940
Junior Girls' Play, to be revived in
part as entertainment for the Friday
League dance, has been added, with
the announcement that Betty Ann
Chaufty, '41, is to sing "Autumn
The play, an annual winter session
affair, feautres many songs and dan-
ces, some of which will be brought
to the League for the dance from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday. This year
the play was entitled, "High Falutin."
Other pieces have been shown before
in Ann Arbor, but "Autumn Leaves"
will be having its preview, for Miss
Chaufty was unable to sing it for
"High Falutin," audiences due to ill-
Miss Chaufty, a member of Pi Beta
Phi, will be appearing in "Patience"
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
that same night. She composed the
song she was to have presented in
"High Falutin,". Among the others
to do pieces for the dance is Marion
Conde, '41, who will sing "He's
Plenty Good Enough For Me." Agnes
Landers, '41, is to follow this with her
drunk man's dance.



Chambray Makes August 'Last Stand'
1 -
August may mean fur sales and the first fall fashions to some peo-
ple, but for comfort and chic these hot days of late summer, nothing
is more appropriate than a chambray frock, executed in soft shades of
pinky-beige or muted green. Cool and smart, they are a change from
fussy summer sheers, and are just enough on the autumn side to satisfy
the style-conscious.
The huge patch-pockets and slimmer hipline on the dress at the
right are two of the biggest fashion notes being stressed at present in
the new winter clothes.

Black-Out Ball
Wlill Be Given
Here Saturday
Not to be outdone by the winter
session, the Summer Session social
office is following the fad set this
past year by having a, "black out"
party at the dance at the League,
The event, which will feature the
dance to be held from 9 to 12 p.m.,
will also include "come as you were
asked" costumes. This will allow
much informality, and a variety of
outfits are expected.
Decorations of the ballroom will'
follow the black out theme. Betty
Hoag is in charge of the dance, and
will have a group of hostesses there
for those who wish to meet partners.
Earl Stevens and his orchestra are
to furnish the music for the affair.
i nn Arbor I


Here Is



An army recruiting station for Ann
Arbor was announced yesterday by
Joseph L. Bachus, head of Michigan
recruiting. The station is planned
for either the Armory or the post
office, although when it will be opened
was not announced. Establishment
of the recruiting center here brings
the total in Michigan to 25 stations.
* * *
Five men were named Monday
to head a Board of Boys Commis-
sioners, to head the local boys
civic club. Mayor Sadler appoint-
ed Police Chief Norman E. Cook,
Eli A. Gallup, park superintend-
ent, Alderman A. D. Moore,
Thomas Tanner, an architect,
and Leslie Wikel, druggist. The
city council confirmed the ap-
The county fair is coming to town.
Premium books went on sale yester-
day for the 21st annual Washtenaw
County Fair to be held Aug. 27 to
30. Pony races, horse and mule pull-
ing contests, and nightly fireworks
will highlight the affair.
* * *
Civil War veteran Harlan P.
Jackson, 96, succumbed Monday
to a long illness. Jackson, born
in Cuba, N.Y., was a member of
Company K of the 150th Ohio
volunteers. Funeral services will
be held 2 p.m. Thursday at the
Hildinger funeral home.
Twenty-three year old Nancy
Smith, found dead in her car four
miles west of Ann Arbor yesterday,
was termed a suicide by carbon mon-
oxide gas by Coroner Edwin Ganz-

News Briefs From Lansing
Roads To Camp Custer Sanatoria Allotments
Under Observation Secure Immunities
(By The Associated Press) Michigan Tuberculosis Association
H. C. Coons, Deputy Highway Com- officials today received the assurance
missioner, told the State Administra- of Budget Director Gus T. Hartman
tive Board today the Federal Govern- that sanatoriums could "run along"
ment is studying the adequacy of on present state allowances for pa-
military roads leading to Camp Cus- tient hospitalization until a large
ter. deficit seems imminent.
The highways, he reported, are "I've asked them to cut down as
being surveyed to determine whether much as possible," said Hartman,
they could support an unusual vol- "and if the deficit doesn't get too
ume of traffic in the event of emer- large, I'll let the next legislature
gency. take'care of it. Anyway I'll go along
The Board gave provisional con- for a couple of months and see what
sent to his petition for permission to happens. I don't want to see them
remove trees on state-owned prop- release any patients because they
erty in Flint to permit widening of haven't the money."
Court Street, which follows the mili- Hartman had proposed cutting the
tary route to Camp Custer on M-21. state allowance per patient from
Coons was instructed to obtain the $1.50 to $1.20 a day but later delayed
approval of the Attorney General the order at the request of sana-
and the State Board of Education, toria officials.
however, before removing the trees
from property of the Michigan
School for the Deaf. Apple Dumping Plan
The board transferred $20,000 from To Be Fought
the appropriation to Camp Grayling
to finance improvements to the new Elmer A. Beamer, State AgriC-
armory in Jackson. Improvements at tural Commissioner, asked Michigan
Grayling for which the money was
appropriated already have been made congressmen today to combat report-
by the Federal Government, said a ed plans of the Canadian Govern-
report by Gus T. Hartman, State ment to dump a huge apple surplus
Budget Director, who approved the on United States markets.
transfer. Beamer sent telegrams to the Con-
gressmen informing them he has in-
F.S.CC. To Buy formation that Canada, deprived of
State Produce foreign markets by the war, plans
The Federal Surplus Commodities to ship its apple surplus into this
Corporation announced today it has country. He said low tariffs on ap-
agreed to purchase Michigan produce ple imports would be offset by a cur-
at the Detroit Western Market to rency differential and that this would
stabilize prices, encourage such a step.
The State Department of Agricul- The telegrams asked that President
ture said that 'for the first time" Roosevelt and the Departments of
the F.S.C.C. would pay for State- State and Agriculture in Washington
Federal inspection of the produce. invoke embargoes or import duties
The inspections previously were paid to make it unprofitable to glut do-
by the growers of the department. mestic markets with imported ap-
The announcement said snap ples, declaring the Federal Surplus
beans, cabbage, carrots, corn, celery commodities Corporation already has
and beets would be bought as re- spent large sums to prevent a glutted
quired to keep prices stable. market.
County Relief Boards Association1
Opens Appropriations Campaign

Sand .
The engagement of Grace Creitz,
of Sunfield, to a former student in
the University, Ronald Isbell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Isbell, of Ann
Arbor, was recently announced by
Miss Creitz's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Creitz. The wedding will take place
in Sunfield, where Mr. Isbell is ath-
letic coach and principal of the high
school, on August 27.
A wedding Saturday, August 17,
is being planned by two University
graduates, Frances Mary Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. An-
derson of Kewanee, Ill., and John
Woodward Hays, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Harris, of Ann Arbor.
Mr. Hays graduated from the liter-
ary college in 1937, and is taking
work in the dental school at the
present time. Miss Anderson was
graduated from the University school
of education and plans to take a
course in the dental school next
fall. She is a member of Alpha Gam-
ma Delta sorority.
Another engagement of interest to
University society is that of Betsy
Lucille Jolstad, daughter of Mrs. Try-
gve Jolstad, of Detroit, to Russel
Montgemery Welch, of Grand Rapids.
Miss Jolstad attended Smith Col-
lege, and Mr. Welch was a student
in the University, where he was a
member of Alpha Detla Phi fra-
ternity. The wedding is planned for
the fall.
New America
Meeting Calls
Draft Fascistic
The Burke-Wadsworth draft bill
came in for strong attack as a step,
toward facscism, when Tom Downs,
chairman of the local chapter of
New America, last night told an open
meeting audience that the people of
America must have a standard of
living worth fighting for.
"The conscription bill providing
$21 a month for drafted men, while
capital is making unlimited profits,
undermines the moral and unity
necessary for a defense program,"
Downs said.
The prerequisite to an adequate
defense is breaking those monopoly
controls that keep production from
the people, he said.
Robert S. Rosa, speaking on the
"Havana Confereige versus German
Penetration of South America" ap-
plauded the cartel plan saying "it
will successfully forestall economic
penetration by the Nazis." He agreed
with Downs that United States' in-
ternal economy must be expanded
before the cartel can succeed.
"We must be able to buy from
as well as sell to South America,"
Rosa said in calling for an expanded
internal economy.
New America supports a three-
point program calling for: adequate
military hemisphere defense, . eco-
nomic hemisphere cooperation, and
internal social reconstruction to rea-
lize the first two points and prevent
internal fascism.
FOR Discusses
Defense Moves
Pacifists Urge Program
Of Trust, Good Will

An alternative political program to
conscription and increased militar-
ization was discussed at the meeting
of the Fellowship of Reconciliation,
campus pacifist organization, at Lane
Hall last night.
The opinion of the group was that
the present defense program creates
antagonism and distrust, and that
any program for building ultimate
peace must be one that creates trust
and goodwill.
The points discussed were:
1. The development of friendly re-
lations with Mexico and other Latin-
American countries, and to give mor-
al support to democratic forces in
those countries.
2. Lowering tariff barriers against
other nations in this hemisphere.
3. Proposing a fair system of trade
with Europe, no matter who con-
trols it, and refusing to cooperate
in unfair trading.
4. Reducing all economic and po-
litical sources of friction and ill-feel-
ing within this country.

Latvians 'Welcome' Soviet Troops

This picture, according to Latvian sources, shows "manifestations
in the streets" after occupation of the country by Russian troops. The
caption said the Soviet military forces were enthusiastically welcomed."

(Continued from Page 2)
Psychological Aspects in Education"
by Dr. Fritz Redl, was given on July
Prof. C. O. Davis
School of Education'
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
Pathologist (Medical), salary $3,-
800, Sept. 9, 1940.
Veterinarian (Research), salary
$3,800, Sept. 9, 1940.
Senior Medical Officer, salary $4,-
600, Sept. 9, 1940.
Medical Officer, salary $3,800, Sept.
9, 1940 .
Associate Medical Officer, salary
$3,200, Sept. 9, 1940..
Ornithologist, salary $3,800, Sept.
3, 1940.
Junior Graduate Nurse, salary
I._ ______________

U.S. To Be Notified
Of Labor Problems
LANSING, Aug. 6.-(YP)-The Fed-
eral Government is to be notified
of all Michigan labor disturbances,
especially any relating to the auto-
mobile industry, according to an
agreement announced today by the
State Labor Mediation Board.
The State Board said it had agreed
with spokesmen for the United States
Conciliation Service on plans for
closer cooperation in settlement of
labor disputes, in connection with
the National Defense Program.
A conference has been held be-
tween Arthur H. Raab, chairman,
and other members of the Mediation
Board, with E. J. Cunningham and
Robert Colwell, spokesmen forthe
United States Conciliation Service.
$1,620, Sept. 3, 1940.
Complete announcement filed at
the -University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information

Salvation Army Leaders
Stay In Japanese Custody
TOKYO, Aug. 6.--(P)-Seven Sal-
vation Army leaders, all reported to
be Japanese, remained in custody to-
night, six days after their arrest on
suspicion of espionage.
The arrests were not announced-
until today.
Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka
conferred today with Sir Robert.
Craigie, British Ambassador, and
was reported to have asked an ex-
planation of the arrests of Japanese
in London and other parts of the.
Empire. He was understood to have
made no demands.
Today in London the British-
Japanese tension was reported to
have eased after the release of one
of the Japanese, Satoru Makihara,
agent for vast business and banking
(A Japanese spokesman said pri-
vately: "We. believe there is now
every indication that relationships
between Japan and Britain will con-
tinue to improve.")
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price.
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
Pajama Suits...............10
Socks, pair.................03
Bath Towels.......03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.
TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., Phone 5689.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
MODERN, attractively furnished
apartment - air-conditioned; all-
electric; garage; 4 rooms; tile bath;
$50. Call 2-1414 or 2-3764.
DRIVING to Seattle, Wash., about
August 16th. Passengers desired to
share expenses. Phone 2-1341.


Chief of Police Norman E. Cook
will address the Rotary Club at their
luncheon today in the Union. He
will tell of his experiences at the
FBI National Police Academy.
Twenty-five hundred dollars plus
a maintenance cost of $10 a month
will be the cost for the installation of
a modern flashing light signals at
the Liberty and S. Main St. crossing,
to the citizens of Ann Arbor, Mayor
Walter C. Sadler informed the city
Dormitory To Give
'Tea, Honors Dinner
Mrs. Ellery Preston, house chap-


TRAVERSE CITY, Mich.. Aug. 6.-
(I')-The new State Association of
County Welfare Boards today opened
a drive for a larger financial appro-
priation for relief from the Legisla-
ture as its annual convention began
Milton S. Van Geison of Flint, pres-
ident of the association, proposed in
his opening address that the dele-
gates set up a committee to work
out a "sound welfare financing sys-
tem" based on earmarking a portion
of the state sales tax revenue to
"finance at least half the relief bill
of the counties, including adminis-
trative costs and other welfare
charges against the counties."
His remark was taken as a refer-
ence to a proposal by the Associa-
tion's officers that 25 per cent of
the sales tax revenue-or about $15,-
000,000-be allocated for relief and
distributed to the counties 90 per,
c'pnt on fhe hagig nf nnnlation sindi

In a series of recommendations,
Van Geison said the matter of ade-
quate financing "was the most im-
portant." He said the county relief
forces had expected the legislature,
in enacting the 1939 welfare reor-
ganization law, would provide for
the distribution of state funds "on
the same basis as in the previous six
Van Geison said a majority of the'
legislature "admitted" that an an-
nual appropriation of $8,750,000 for
the biennium was not sufficient to
meet the needs of the counties and
that deficit financing would be re-
quired. Instead, he said, those coun-
ties which could have been forced
to pay 50 per cent of their relief costs
and others had been "pressed" for
a greater contribution to the extent
that some are "in serious financial
The President also demanded the
legislatiire revive the welfare law




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