TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1940
Fortune Survey Shows Growth
In Sentiment For Aid To Allies
Grin And Bear It..
By Lichry
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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ights of republication of all other matters herein also
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor .............. Carl Petersen
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Fight Fire
With Fire? .. .
creeping into a portion of American
thinking. It is the belief that we can only pre-
pare ourselves against the possible aggressions
of dictators by aping the methods of dictators.
Columnist Walter Lippman advocates "an
organized collective power of equal force and
authority" to the power and force of Hitler. He
asks for a national plan "based upon an iron
discipline." These words have the ring of to-
talitarianism. Radio Commentator Kaltenborn
on more than one occasion has ominously hinted
at the necessity of tightening up the national
life at the expense of liberty as we know liberty.
The idea, with varying emphasis, is bruited
about on the street, in restaurants and club-
The faulty thinking proceeds along the fol-
lowing line: Germany, a relatively poor country,
made up for its economic weakness by yielding
authority to one man. This man, being the law,
proceeded to do away with all democratic
rights; he subjected all things to one purpose-
military might. This military might is the most
powerful yet devised by man.
IF WE ARE to be prepared to meet it, these
theorists say, we, too, must set aside certain
of our liberties, for only by some modified form
of dictatorial procedure can we adequately pre-
pare to defend ourselves against possible dic--
tatorial aggression.
Such thinking is mad and unreal thinking;
it is thought which is not thought; it is mental
distortion which has its impetus not in the clean
reaches of the mind but in midnight fears.
The European disaster has in no way lessened
the validity of democracy. It has instead only
pointed the historical fact, repeated again and
again in the world's life story, that somnolent
nations always are at a disadvantage before
nations of vigorous leadership, whether those
latter nations be democracies or dictatorships,
or anything between.
other truth. We now know, beyond reason-
able doubt, that modern warfare is machine
warfare-and the machine and the mass pro-
duction of the machine is one of this nation's
outstanding contributions to the modern world.
There is no nation in the world so able through
natural resources, inventive ingenuity and mass
mechanical ability to create engines of war as
are we. Must we relinquish our liberties to ac-
complish the building of mechanical monsters?
Even in the merry, madcap days of the late
'20's, we turned out automobiles in quantities
amazing to the world. We did that job as a
nation giddy with relative luxury, a nation that
lived for the moment and pretty generally moist'
with bathtub gin.
Today, we are a land of sober, serious men
and women, a people tried by our own portion
of economic adversity, a people keenly aware
of the spreading fires of Fascist reaction.
WE CAN and will adequately prepare ourselves
for any aggression that may be aimed
against us. We will be asked to make sacrifices
and we will be ready to make sacrifices. We will
pay more taxes, we may have to give up certain
luxuries. We will have to think harder and, on
occasion, work harder. We will do these things
because we wish to perpetuate our free, demo-
cratic way of life. It is stupid to believe there
is much purpose in preparing to defend our-
selves against outside dictators if we are first
to surrender ourselves to dictators from within.
Americans have always worked best, risen
to greatest heights, performed most miracu-
lously, at the urge of their traditional American
spirit. So will we work best in any crisis that
NEW YORK, JUNE 26-More than 67 per
cent of the American people now favor active
aid to the Allies, as compared with only 26.1
per cent last winter, Fortune magazine reveals
today in its July issue, which contains a special
supplement on the results of a Survey of Pub-
lic Opinion conducted since the blitzkrieg swept
into France, but before Marshal Petain asked
for peace.
Other findings in the Survey are:
1.-Of the 67.5 per cent favoring aid to the
Allies, 40.6 per cent want to stay out of war;
the remaining 26.9 per cent want to go to war
on the Allies' side now or later.
2.-Sentiment in favor of extending credit
to the Allies has risen to 35.2 per cent from 23.8
per cent in December, but is still far short of
a majority.
3.-But a majority believes that if Britain
and France run out of cash we should supply
it by buying some of their territory on this side
of the ocean.
4.-The number of people who think Germany
will win the war has increased fivefold during
the last nine months.
Dec. Survey
Yes........... 44.6%
No ............39.2%
Don't know ... 16.2%
England and France run out of cash and
want to buy more supplies here, should we pro-
vide them with the cash by buying some of their
territory on this side of the ocean?" The re-
plies were:
"This proposal, already favorably regarded
last winter, seems to have become a really pop-
ular solution," Fortune observes. "By class and
occupation and part of the country there are
clean majorities in every group, and the dissent-
ing votes rise no higher than 29.7 per cent, by
geography in the Middle West, and 32 per cent,
by occupation, among white-collar workers."
Then to determine public opinion on prepared-
ness in the U.S., the Fortune Survey asked: "In
view of the .present international situation,
Pres. Survey
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HERE IS HOW opinion was divided
question: "Which of these comes
to expressing what you think the U.S.
do now?"
on the
Enter the war at once on the side of
the Allies ..... . ...... ........7.7%
Help the Allies and go to war only if
the Allies seem sure to lose .......19.2%
Help the Allies but never enter the
war .......................... 40.6%
Take no sides................... 26.0 %
Help Germany ..................... 0.2% o
Don't know ....................... 6.3%
"Thus only about a quarter of the nation
remaims where fully two-thirds of the nation
was last winter: 'take no sides,' " Fortune points
out. "Against these are now a slightly larger
number favoring war, now or later if necessary---
an increase of 10 per cent. In the middle posi-
tion stand 40.6 per cent who favor helping the
Allies without going to war. These, of course,
include the 8.9 per cent who thought the same
last winter, plus, presumably, a large percentage
of the old 'take no sides but sell cash-and-carry'
vote revealed last winter."
AND HERE are the replies to the question:
"What do you think the U.S. should do about
selling supplies to the nations at war?"
Sell only to the Allies, and on credit
if necessary ............35.2%
Sell only to the Allies, .and only for
cash..... ..................23.7%
Sell to either side for credit ........ 0.6%
Sell to either side for cash .......... 16.7%
Sell nothing to any warring nation ..15.1%
Don't know.... ....................8.7%
"Thus pro-Ally though the nation is as a
whole, the people who favored extending credits
to the Allies were still a minority of 35.2 per
cent," Fortune points out. "But this figure
represents a considerable increase over that
shown in the December Survey, when only 11.5
per cent favored repeal of the Johnson Act,
plus 12.3 per cent who would approve its re-
peal 'only if it looks as if the Allies were losing.'
No doubt the figure has been increasing faster
during recent weeks."
T E FORTUNE SURVEY also asked: "If
which of the following do you
ment should and should not
Spend whatever is
necessary to build
up as quickly as pos-
sible our army, navy
and air force ... .93.6%
Set up a nonpoli-
tical board of lead-
ing men in industry
with power to con-
trol industrial pro-
duction in case we
get into war ......68.5%
Exempt all indus-
tries producing mili-
tary necessities from
the 40-hour week law
in order to speed up
Start compulsory
military training for
all young men be-
tween 18 and 20 . .52.6%
Form a new Cab-
inet made up of
both Democrats and
Republicans ...... 41.9%
think our govern-
do now?"
Should Don't
Not Know
3.1% 3.3%
9.1% 22.4%
26.0% 16.9%
37.9% 9.5%
29.1% 29.0%
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"Thus all five defense proposals are embraced
by overwhelming majorities of people who have
definite opinions," Fortune points out. "Even
compulsory military training is decisively ac-
cepted. Of the five proposals the formation
of a bi-partisan Cabinet gets the least decisive
In general, however, the answers and their
distribution show that the U.S. is impressively
united in favoring steps for national defense,
even some that would not be acceptable if an
emergency were not recognized to exist."
ON THE QUESTION: "'Regardless of what
you hope, which side do you think will win
the war in Europe, as it looks now?" the an-
swers were:
Germany.............. .... .
The Allies ........................
Neither ..........................
Don't know ......................
"The 'don't know' vote remains about the
same as it was nine months ago," Fortune
states, "but the pessimists, then a handful,
have since increased fivefold, and surely events
since the first of June have immensely swelled
their numbers."
The Straight Dope R isl
By Himself
F VERY now and therf the collossal capacity of
the American people to make fools of them-
selves in a big way overwhelms this column. Not
that we're at all immune or that we think we are.
Don't we write a column for the Summer Daily?
Don't we have to listen to the dulcet strains of
"All the world is watching you, Highland Park
Junior High march on." from a slap-happy ed-
itor most of the night, while we are doing our
feeble best to compose copy which may possibly
amuse some of you? Could further proof of our
true humility of spirit be adduced? We think
BUT little items from here and there continue
to astound us. For instance just two days
ago three enterprising young men somewhere in
.New Jersey held up a tavern and departed for
other parts in haste. But evidently the Vice-
President in charge of Supplies had fallen down
on the job and their automobile ran out of gas
within five minutes. The three alighted in per-
plexity and glanced up and down the street for
a source of fuel. None seemed to be near so they
walked into the nearest building to telephone a
garage. The nearest building was a police station
where the three young gentlemen are now in-
carcerated awaiting trial.
OW maybe that could have happened some-
- where else in the world but we doubt it very
strongly. Only America in the hapless combin-
ation individual enterprise and the machine age
could witness such a feat.
OR take a little item from Seattle where
the county's mail recently contained a check for
$1,110,005.00 from one of the city's leading
banks. It seemed that one of the bank employees
had intended to make a check for five dollars
but that the computating machine had somehow
gotten away from him. The machine is definitely
winning the struggle against the mere mind and
tissue which conceived it.
In Denver, in the meantime, personality is as-
serting itself. Mrs. Flora Miera named her
infa nt sn some yeas an by the rather choice
all night and wouldn't stop. The doctor says they
aren't hurting him so now he smokes and doesn't
cry atall."
lUST what that little story may prove, wherein
Lo search for a moral, we hardly dare state. Per-
haps it is the tolerance of the great west, perhaps
it is the lunacy induced by the mountain moon,
perhaps it is the strong will of the male which
may not be denied with impunity (visiting school
teachers please note). Hitler cannot possibly,
hold a world in subjection which contains char-
acters like Eugene.
IN Savannah on the same day insurance un-
derwriters were congratulating themselves on
the landing of a fat contract. The Georgia In-
surance Agents Assoc. insured not only quail but
also the eggs of the quail from a variety of evils
including such diverse forces as fire, flood, light-
ning, storm, explosion and other unforeseen
calamities. "Surely the spirit of American enter-
prise cannot be dead when in the very heart of
the Bourbon south such individual initiative is
forthcoming. Surely the Georgia agents are com-
ing close to the status of minor deities who not
only mark the fall of the fowl but insure it a-
gainst pecuniary loss.
The middle west comes through with its share
of the comedy. A housewife varnished her
kitchen floor in Lincoln, Nebraska, with lubri-
cating oil and was perplexed and angered when
it failed to dry. What Charlie Chaplin couldn't
do with that little inspiration. Man against the
universe. The state of nature versus civilization.
Farther north in Council Bluffs, Iowa the disap-
pointed heirs of a maiden aunt found in the
proverbial tea kettle just sixty thousand dollars
that nobody even suspected the old lady possess
ed. Fifteen thousand of it was in old 1860 gold
pieces and the rest in garden variety currency.
The heirs announced their plans were uncertain.
So are ours and we don't have sixty cents, not
counting what we owe the assistant night editor
in charge of fountain pen fillings.
During the Republican Nation-
al Convention in Philadelphia,
the Merry-Go-Rounders will di-
vide their forces.
Robert S. Allen of the columnar
team will cover the convention
daily, while Drew Pearson will
remain in Washington to watch
the sizzling international devel-
sevelt doesn't know it yet, but the
new Secretary of War, Henry L.
Stimson, came near issuing a tart
blast against his ex-chief, Herbert
Hoover, just before he entered the
Roosevelt Cabinet.
The incident is important, because
it is the key 'to what is almost sure
to be a big issue in the coming pres-
idential campaign.
Mr. Stimson served for four years
as Hoover's Secretary of State, but
this did not prevent him from be-
coming extremely wrathy when he
heard about the talks Hoover was
having with certain Republican
Hoover had been pointing out that
the Allies were defeated, and that
Roosevelt had been staking every-
thing on an Allied victory. But now
it was no use for the United States
to go down with them.
So whether the American people
liked it or not, Hoover told friends,
Hitler was going to rule Europe, and
the United States would have to be
practical and do business with him.
What the country needed was a
man in the White House who had
not alienated Hitler and who had
contacts in Germany.
Hoover did not state specifically
that he considered himself this man
(he lunched with Goering last year).
But it was obvious he had himself
in mind.
These conversations came to the
attention of Mr. Stimson and also
of Nicholas Murray Butler, president
of Columbia University and a Repub-
lican, but like Stimson a strong be-
liever in Roosevelt's foreign policy.
They talked about making some
statement, but finally decided not
to do so.
However, this same "appeasement"
issue-whether the United States
should or should not make friends
with Hitler-buzzes through GOP
delegations here and is sure to be
important in the coming campaign.
If Roosevelt runs for a third term,
it will be all-important.
Hitler And U.S.
From diplomatic information it is
possible to get a general idea of
what the immediate future will bring
forth in Europe if Hitler takes Eng-
land, as he seems sure to do in the
next month.
First, he will want to buy U.S.
cotton and grain in large quanti'ies
-in fact, he will be willing to take
most of our surplus-but he will
want a huge loan from the United
States Government to do it. This
will be called reconstruction financ-
ing, and it will be tempting bait to
farming and business grops.
Second, it is more than likely that
Hitler will offer to freeze the arma-
ments of Europe and the United
States on the basis of their present
armed strength.
This also will be tempting to a
Latin America would be open to at-,
tack at any time, and the United
States would be powerless to pre-
vent it.
Nevertheless, Hitler's plans would
have strong appeal in the United
States, especially if accompanied by
the usual Nazi propaganda stating
that Hitler had only the kindliest
ideas about the United States and
cherished absoluely no designs for
any part of her soil.
Note-This was the propaganda
Germany dropped from airplanes ona
France before the tanks came. It
told how France and Germany had
no basic quarrel, could live in peace
Tafis Silent Manager
In a convention featured by many
colorful individuals, one of the most
unusual is a tall, handsome Worldj
War ace who is doing his stuff so
effectively behind the scenes that
his candidate is sure to have among
the largest number of delegates on
the first ballots.
He is David Sinton Ingalls, Sen-
ator Taft's cousin and campaign
manager. It is characteristic of him
that although he has a public record
in many respects much more color-
ful than his candidate's, he has as-
siduously kept himself in the back-
ground. Ingalls has two passions:
one, modesty, the other, aviation.
Born to wealth as the son of a
vice president of the New York Cen-
tral Railroad, Ingalls was five years
old when he assayed his first flight-
without benefit of airplane. He un-
dertook this experiment while his
nurse wasn't looking, from the limb
of a tree. "Watch me fly," he yelled,
and leaped. It was a gallant effort,
but disastrous.
Fifteen years later Dave achieved
his ambition. As a Yale student he
enlisted in the Air Corps. In six
weeks of furious warfare in France
he shot down, according to his Army
citation, "at least four enemy air-
planes and one or more enemy bal-
Ingalls returned home with a chest
covered with medals and finished his
schooling, graduating from Harvard
law with honors and in 1925 enter-
ing a law firm in Cleveland. Two
years later he was elected to the
Ohio legislature, later become Assis-
tant Secretary of the Navy for air
under ,Hoover, and in 1932 ran for
Governor of Ohio. But the Rosevelt
landslide snowed him under. Ingalls
returned to private life until his
cousin Bob commandeered him to
run his senatorial campaign in 19.36
and now his presidential campaign.
Forty-one years old, father of four
girls plus a boy, Ingalls, like most
flying men, is superstitious. He won't
enter a room where there are thir-
teen people. Recently he even held
up a dinner conference until he
could get another person to make
Ingalls says he has good reason
to fear the number thirteen. There
had been thirteen flyers in the war
unit to which he was assigned. They
thought it was a joke, used to laugh
about it, but within two days all
thirteen had been shot down and
So now if you see Dave knocking
wood and whistling, you'll under-
stand why.
P1aYLv a a H yl rn n
(Continued from Page 2)
those who have at any time had the
following symptoms: sneezing and
discharging nose, asthma, urticaria
(hives), eczema, gastro-intestinal 4p-
sets, headaches, migraine, frequent
colds, and food poisoning. It is also
recommended for one in whose family
any of the above symptoms have ex-
If you wish the test made, please
call 2-4531 (University Health Ser-
vice) for an appointment in the Al-
lergy Clinic.
Health Service Dental Care: The
Health Service is prepared to render
some dental attention to Summer
School students. For such an ap-
pointment it will be necessary to come
in the forenoon only.
Waterman .(Men's) Gymnasium on
the Campus: The building will be
open during the Summer Session for
exercise and shower baths. Locker
fee-50c; towel fee-50c; towel fee
is refunded on return of last towel.
Secure tickets at cashier's office,
south wing, University Hall, Campus.
Gymnasium closing hours: Main
floor-5:30 p.m.; Building-6:00 p.m.
Faculty, School of Education: A
luncheon meeting of the summer ses-
sion faculty of the School of Edu-
cation will be held at the Michigan
Union Today at twelve o'clock noon.
A full attendance is desired.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold the first
of its weekly Summer Session lunch-
eons today, at 12:10 in the Michigan
Union. Dr. Macomber, Professor of
Education and Director of the Uni-
versity High School at the University
of Oregon,,will speak on the subject,
"Misconceptions About Progressive
Education." Important aspects of
Phi Delta Kappa's plans for its sum-
mer program will be announced at
the luncheon.
Lectures in Education Open to the
Public: Attention is called to a series
of lectures given during the summer
session by members of the staff of
the School of Education. These lec-
tures are to be held in the auditor-
ium of the University High School,
Monday through Thursday, through-
out the eight weeks of the session and
are open to the public without fee.
The first lecture will be given today.
The lecture by Professor Beaumont
originally scheduled for June 26 has
been postponed to Tuesday, July 4.
Fellowship of Reconciliatin will
hold its first regular Tuesday meet-
ing of the Summer Session at 7:00
tonight at Lane Hall. The discussion
will be "Immediate Problems Facing
the Pacifist."
Summer Session Chorus: Open to
all University students. Tuesdays 7
to 8 P.M. School of Music Audi-
School of Music Concert: The con-
cert by the faculty of the School of
Music, scheduled for 8:30 this even-
ing has been cancelled. The first
concert will be given Tuesday even-
ing, July 9.
German House tonight, June 25,
there will be a meeting of the suni-
per German Club at the German
House, 1315 Hill Street. A summer
program of activities will be an-
nounced. All students of German
and all those interested in German
including faculty members are cor-
dially invited to attend this meeting.
English 298 will meet in 3227 Angell
Hall on Monday and Wednesday at
nine o'clock until further notice.
Course, 350. American Culture and
Institutions: The first meeting of the
students electing the course will be
held Wednesday, June 26, at 4 p.m.
in Room C. Haven Hall.
Students in Education: An as-
sembly of all students taking work
in Education during the summer ses-
sion will be held in the auditorium
of the University High School Wed-
nesday, June 26, at four o'clock. Dean
Edmonson will preside and import-
ant announcements will be made.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited to tea
in Harris Hall (corner of State and
Huron) every Wednesday afternoon
from four to six.
Cercie Francais: An organization
meeting will be held Wednesday,
June 26th at 8 o'clock at the Foyer
Francais, 1414 Washtenaw (near the
corner of South University). An ex-
ecutive committee will be selected.
There will be a talk, group singing
of French songs, refreshments. Stu-
dents from all departments who are
interested in French are cordially in-