Y, JUNE 25, 1940
fm ite to Z ju
A Yacht, Sir
THE University of Michigan, recog-
nized the nation over as one of
sportdom's great powers, does not
sponsor a crew. Periodically certain
critics come forth to ask why an in-
stitution as prominent as this one
of ours does not launch a slim shell
with its crew of eight and a half.
Fielding H. Yost, still the man
in Michigan's athletic driver's seat,
has answered these critics regularly
with the explanation that crew of-
fers beneficial opportunities to too
few persons to make it a sport wor-
thy of support by the Athletic Ad-
ministration. The validity of this
stand may be subject to dispute, but
it is a fact that interest in the
rowing game has not been great
enough to stir any great activit,
on the part of a group seeking to
place it on the athletic program.
This disinterest on the local scene
is not peculiar to the Michigan sec-
tor. Last week the biggest rowing
events on the collegiate calendar
were pulled off. (The oars are pull-
ed.) The attendance at each-the
Poughkeepsie Regatta and the Yale-
Harvard race on the Thames-was
exceedingly small, at least as com-
pared to attendance at these tra-
ditional races of the past.
It seems quite clear to us that
attendance has fallen off because
people are tired of going to the
races and seeing .less than the
guy who didn't. A goodly por-
tion of the spectators are on
hand because it's the thing to
do. The course is four miles
long, and the best view the man
on the shore gets is one peek he
manages as the shells streak by.
Then they are gone, and he has
to listen to his radio to know
what's going on. A seat on the
observation train is a little bet-
ter, but these flat vehicles on
tracks are so laden with observ-
ers, some of whom are so well in-
ebria ted that vision for them is
a thing of yesterday and tomor-
row, that seeing ison the impos-
Bible side.
The people who own yachts enjoy
a much greater advantage. They
can move around and keep pace wits
the race. In fact parties on board
othese boats really see the show. Of
course, those with affected vision
don't, just like those on the observa-
tion train.
But that brings us back to our
original point-the popularity of
rowing. What we want to know
is this-How can a sport enjoy
true popularity when John Q.
Fan needs a yacht as well as a
program in order to be able 73
see what's going on?
Hapac Going Up
It seems that when a University
of Illinois athlete is very good in
basketball, he's also very good in
baseball. Case in point is Lou Bou-
dreaU, the former Illini cage great
who is now short-stopping for Cleve-
land with such skill and brilliance
that he's regarded by many as the
best short-fielder in the American
League. Now we have word that
Bill Hapac, top scorer in the Big Ten
court race 'last season, has been
signed to a contract by the Detroit
Tigers. He was optioned yesterday
to Evansville of the Three-I League
subject to 24-hour recall. An out-
fielder, Hapac hit .347 in the Big
Ten last season, and was considered
as an outstanding prospect.
The Illini great will be remem-
bered by Michigan basketball fans
for the brilliance of his play against
Michigan last winter. In the first
game, played in Yost Field House,
he found the nets for 20 points. In
the second game his tally was 17
counters. Hapac went completely
berserk (in a nice way for Illinois)
against Minnesota in one game last
winter and tallied 34 points in one
evening. That is a Big Ten record.
We don't recall. having watch-
ed the Illini hot-shot with any
particular attention as he made
his catch in the outfield or took
his turn at the plate. But from
what we saw him do on the
hardwood, we'd venture a pre-
diction that he'll do well on the
. Iapac is a big, well-built ath-
lete. He's got power, and sur-
prising speed for a man of his
size. His timing on the court
was keen, and he handled him-
self well. Size, speed, youth, am-
bition-Hapac has 'em all. It
looks as if another Illini alum-
nus is headed for the heights.
Notes to you:
Bob Feller, regarded as the great-
Jack Emery Cards A 73 In Collegiate Links Tourney
Paces Varsity
As He Captures
Tie For Eighth
Minnesota Ace Beats Par
To Lead 170-Man Field
In Qualifying Race
(Continued from Page 1)
back stretch. He wasn't off the
fairway once all day.
Michigan Captain Bob Palmer
stayed in the qualifying race with
a 76. He was tied with a half dozen
others, including Michigan State's
Stan Kowal, for sixteenth place. Pal-
mer started poorly, taking 40 strokes
for the first nine. He rallied to come
home in par figures, however, and
will probably be up among the lead-
ers in Tuesday's half of the qual-
ifying play.
Bill Black was the only other Wol-
verine )o break 80. He had 41-38 for
79, which put him in a tie for the
forty-first place with eight other
competitors. Black is expected to
make the qualifying field.
Further back were Clifford James
and James Barr of Michigan, each
with 82. James had 42-40, while
Barr went out in 39 but floundere.
to a 43 for the back nine. Goodwin
Clark, Michigan's captain-elect, was
well down the list with an 83. David
Osler, Wolverine sophomore, took 46
shots for the first nine, 40 on the
second, for an 86 that all but puts
him out of the running.
Four players were tied for second
place with 71's. They were Johnny
Burke, the 1938 winner from George-
town, Bill Cordingly of Harvard,
Warren Berl, the Stanford sharp-
shooter who was runner-up last year,
and, W. G. Clark, of Dartmouth.
Two Stars On Sidelines
Boston's sensational sophomore,
Ted Williams, injured in a collision
with teammate Roger Cramer, will
be out for a week, and Billy Jurges,
New York Giant shortstop, is recov-
ering from a brain concussion suf-
fered when Buck Walters "beaned"
him Sunday.
McNeill Upsets
Riggs To Gain
National Title
CHICAGO, June 24-(/P)-Young
William Donald McNeill, Oklahoma
City, and the veteran Alice Marble of
Beverly Hills, Calif., swept major
honors today in the National Clay
Courts tennis tournament, winning
the men's and women's singles titles
with decisive victories.
McNeill's victim in the most in-
teresting match of rain-hampered
tourney was Bobby Riggs, Chicago,
top-ranking amateur of the nation
and also Wimbledon singles title-
holder. McNeill employed a forcing
game and sharp net attack to knock
Riggs out of his fourth national clay
courts title. The scores were 6-1,
6-4, 7-9 and 6-3.
Riggs never approached his best
form in the final which was twice in-
terrupted by rain after being post-
poned yesterday.
Miss Marble disposed of Gracyn
Wheeler, Santa Monica, Calif., 7-5,
6-0, in easy fashion, the first, set being
more decisive than the score indi-
The women's double- final, involv-
ing Miss Marble and Mary Arnold
of Los Angeles and Miss Wheeler and
Helen Bernhard of New York, was
postponed until all four arrive at
Cincinnati for the Tri-state tourna-
ment. The match will be played there
probably tomorrow.
Robert Harmon, Berkley, Calif., and
Robert Peacock, Los Angeles, took the
men's doubles title Sunday by de-
Tigers Meet Boston
In Twin Bill Today
DETROIT, June 24-(AP)-The De-
troit Tigers and Boston Red Sax,
spirited rivals because both are press-
ing hotly after American League.
leadership, will try to sink each other
in a double-header here tomorrow.
Wet grounds today caused post-
ponment of the first of their three-
game series and resulted in the twin
Lynwood Rowe, unbeaten this sea-
son, will hurl for the Tigers in the
first game against Dennis Galehouse.
Rowe hopes for his sixth triumph of
the season.
In the second tilt Harold Newhous-
er will get the call for the Tigers.
He beat the Red Sox the last time he
faced them and will be trying tomor-
row for his fifth victory of the sea-
All men students are eligible for competition in the following
sports. Check on the list below ,the sports in which you wish to
How They Stand
No Entry Fee Required
.( ) Handball Doubles
( )
( )
( )
' '
Horseshoe Singles
Horseshoe Doubles
Detroit ..........
New York ........
St. Louis ........
Chicago .........
38 23
34 22
32 23
28 29
29 33
26 31
22 34
24 38
New York .......
St. Louis........
(Average score).
Tennis Singles
Tennis Doubles
( ) Table Tennis
) Badminton
Handball Singles ( ) Codeball (
Please indicate partner's name in space below doubles entries.
Pens - Typewriters - Supplies
"Rent a Typewriter"
302 South State St.
Be Satisfied With A Michigan Daily Classified
Name .................. Address ...................... Phone......
Mail or bring this blank to R. W. Webster, Supervisor of Intramural
Sports, Intramural Sports Bldg., Ferry Field. All entries close at 5 p.m.,
Saturday, June 29.
_ .
. ..but these suits won't! Last Summer we disappointed
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