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June 25, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1940-06-25

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Motor Accident
Death Toll High
In State, County
Three Killed, Five Injured
As Cars Collide Head-On
On Highway._Near Here
18 Killed In State
Automobile accidents in Ann Ar-
bor and Washtenaw County yester-
day claimed three lives and caused
injuries to 16 persons, as the state
slumped to. a new high of 18 in the,
number of week-end highway fatal-
The three fatalities occurred in
a midnighthead-on collision on the
Jackson road, 12 miles west of Ann
Arbor early yesterday morning. The
dead are Norris E. Stineheller, 19,
and Duane Winans, 25, both of
Chelsea, and Albert Doerr, 18, of
10th Car Crashes
Winans and Stineheller, driving
west, apparently swerved off the
pavement, crashed through a road
sign, and swerved across the road
to collide with a car driven by Joseph
Toth of Ferndale, in which Doerr
was a passenger. Toth and Mrs.
George Schlenk of Detroit were cri-
tically injured; the other three pas-
sengers of the Toth car were taken
to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital here
for treatment.
Winans, Stineheller and Doerr
died shortly after admission to St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital without re-
gaining consciousness and sheriff's
officers were unable to determine
who was driving the Winan car.
Four Injured
Four persons were injured in a
three-car accident on US-l, two
miles west of here Sunday night.
Dewey P. Bishop, 40, of Lansing,
driving west, and Joseph Christian-
sen, 50, of Wyandotte, driving east,
collided with a car driven by J. H.
Cronon of Howell' when the latter
attempted to make a left turn off
the highway.
Dorothy Ankeney, 19, was injured
In a two-car collision at the junc-
tion of Dexter Ave. and Huron St.


TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1940


James Forrestal, (above), presi-
dent of Dillon Read and Company,
New York investment firm, has
been named administrative as-
sistant to President Roosevelt.
Four Camps
To Give W ork

Critical Study
Of American
Culture Begun
Graduates Plan Integrated!
Round Tables, Lectures
In Five Week Program
(Continued from Page 1)
by Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde of
the history department.
Professor Whicher will open the
third week Monday, July 15, with
a lecture entitled "Native Impulses
in American Literature." Tuesday
Professor Malone will speak on "Tal-.
ent in Motion" and Prof. Mentor L.
Williams of the English department
will tell of "American Humor and
National Sanity." Wednesday Pro-
fessor Malone will consider "Women
and the American Scene" and Prof.
DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy
department will lecture on "Some
Trends in American Aesthetics."
Rich To Speak
Daniel Catton Rich, director of
fine arts at the Art Institute of Chi-
cago, will talk Thursday of that week
on "The Great American Loneliness:
A Study in the Psychology of Native
Painting." The week's round table
on Thursday, conducted by Profes-
sor Whicher, will deal with "Ameri-
can Spirit in Art and Literature."
The fourth week's program will' be
opened Monday, July 22, by Harlow
S. Person, consultant in business
economics and management, who will
speak on "Technological Progress in
Economic Society." Tuesday, Pro-
fessor Malone will speak on "Titans
of Business" and Gardiner C. Means,
economic adviser to the National Re-
sources Planning Board, will talk on
"Corporate Organization and Concen-

Nelson Urges
T Use Center
International Center, the meeting
place for University students from!
the four corners of the globe, wel-
comes all foreign-born students and
their friends to use the club facil-
ities which it offers.
Famed as the third largest foreign
student club in the United States the
Center will offer no special program
throughout the summer, Dr. J. Ral-
eigh Nelson, director. explained be-
cause of the complete program pro-
vided by the Summer Session.
Ping-pong and bridge are a few
of the games which may be played
at the Center. The library, with its
radio and piano are also available to
foreign students. The recreation
rooms provide further facilities for
these students to meet for informal
social meetings.
The Annual Open House will be
held July 10 to permit the general
public to visit the Center.

French Club
To Organize
All Students Interested
Urged ToParticipate
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
organization meeting tomorrow at!
8 p.m. at the Foyer Francais at 14141
Washtenaw to initiate the summer
program for students of all depart-
ments interested in French.
The meeting will be held to appoint
an executive committee, to conduct
French group singing and to hear
talks by members of the romance
languages Summer Session faculty.
All those interested from any de-
partment of the University are in-
vited to make application for mem-
bership to Prof. Antoine Jobin in
Room 405 of the Romance Languages
Building. Requirements for mem-
bership are a fundamental know-
ledge of French and interest in lead-
ing and participating in the varied
activities to be planned by the group(
for its successive meetings through-
out the Summer Session. The club
will be advised by Professor Jobin.

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
College of Literaur-e, Science, and
The Arts, School of Music, and
School of Education: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by July 24th. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make
up the work should file a petition
addressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 4 U. H.
where it will be transmitted.
Summer Session Orchestra: Open
to all who can qualify. No fee. Re-
hearsals daily except Saturday. 2:30
to 4:00 P.M. Lane Hall.
German House Reservations for

Macomber To Speak
At Fraternity Meeting
Dr. Glenn F. McOmber of the Uni-
versity of Oregon will speak on the.
"Misconceptions About Progressive
Education" at the first weekly lun-
cheon meeting of the Phi Delta Kappa
at 12:10 p.m. today at the Union.
All members of the local and other
national chapters are invited to at-
tend and to participate in the meet-
ings which will be held every Tues-
day. Joe Park, president of the na-
tional honorary education fraternity
urged all faculty and student mem-
bers to hear the various speakers the
organization will present.
meals may still be made at the Ger-
man Language Center for those in-
terested in acquiring facility in the
spoken language. Please communi-
cate with the German office, 204
U.H. or Dr. Otto Graf, 300 S.W.
Students wishing to have complete
sensitization studies made at the Uni-
versity Health Service should make
appointments now.
A sensitization test is advisable for
(Continued on Page 4)


FOR RENT-Very attractive single EVERYONE WANTS a home in th
room. Shower bath. Good board, country. A beautiful 20-acre build
if desired. Southeast section. Ph. ing site within 4 miles of Ann Ar
7796. 5 bor at a cost less than a city lo
Low taxes-gorgeous view--$2,001
LARGE DOUBLE and single rooms. Terms if desired. Call evening
Innerspring mattresses. Two large 6196-days 2-1847, or write owner
porches. 923 Olivia. Mrs. Groom, 4944 Scio Church Road.
2-1465. 9 LAUNDEING-9
RENT A RADIO for the summer. LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned
Very reasonable; fine sets. Also Careful work at a low price.
portables by the day. Stofflets,
331 So. Main, Phone 8116.
GRADUATES: A few rooms and 607 Hoover Phone 5594
board available at the Pi Beta Phi Freet pickups and deliveries
Sorority. 836 Tappan 'Road. Also Price List
board for non-residents. 10 All article swhnas en irneA

GRAND PIANO available for prac-
ticing. Any time up to midnight.
Sundays included. Reasonable
rates. Mrs. Hendrikson. 6118. Near
FOR RENT-Rooms for University
men. Doubles, some singles, block
from campus. Near restaurants.
Innerspring mattresses; 3 showers;
ping-pong table. $2.00, $2.50 and
$3.00. (Singles $3.50) 807 S. State.
Phone 4844. 6
8466-Karpinski-summer rates.
New York Times: 90 Nos. $4.25.
New Republic, 13 wks. $1. Time,
8 mos. $2.67. Newsweek, 8 mos. $2.
LEARN to improve your dancing
quickly. Low summer rates. Pri-
vate instruction. For appointment
call 8578. Ruth Patton.
the Man"

2 - 3:50

7:00 - 9:00


-- GI In._ .


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