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June 25, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-06-25

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Slightly warmaer;


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Fight Fire
With Fire?,


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


'Stop Willkie'
Move Begun
At Convention
Eight Members Of House
Lead Effort To Prevent
Nomination Of Willkie
Governor Stassen
Sounds 'Keynote'
PHILADELPHIA, June 24.-()-
The drive for Wendell Willkie pushed1
on into new ground today, but in op-
position there sprang up a "stop Will-
kie" iovement, led by eight members;
of the National House of Representa-
Meanwhile, the Republican Nation-
al Convention o f1940 met briefly,I
bustled briskly through the band-
playing and cheering fanfare of its
opening ceremonies and recessed to
meet again tonight and hear its "key-
note" sounded by young Gov. Harold
E. Stassen of Minnesota.
In his speech Stassen called on his
fellow Republicans to lead the Na-
tion forward on four broad fronts
to supplant what he termed a seven-
year record of Democratic "failure."
Attacks Third Term
"The saddest chapter of the last
four years," he said in the keynote]
address for the party's Natoinal Con-
vention, "has been that the national
administration instead of keeping its
eyes, statesmanlike, upon the wel-
fare of the people of this nation, has
turned its political gaze upon a third
The youthful official proposed an
"advance with a decisive and de-
termined step" in national prepared-
ness, "Fifth Column" defense, dom-
estic economic welfare, and govern-
mental ,effectiveness and integrity.
On each of these fronts, he asserted,
the Roosevelt administration has
'No Help For Allies'
Touching on foreign policy, Stas-
sen said in his prepared speech that
"future welfare cannot best be served
by simply burying our heads in the
sand," but he added:
"We are too woofully weak to give
the Allies that material assistance
this nation wants to give them.
"Let us determine and define where
our interests lie," he urged. "Clearly
in the first instance they lie in this
Throughout the day, reports of
growing Willkie strength, much of it
not to take the concrete form of
Willkie votes until after the first bal-
lot, were received from delegations
representing many sections of the
TO Art Cinema
Now On Sale
Tickets for the four programs to
be sponsored this summer by the
Art Cinema League will be on sale
this week at the Union, the League
and Wahr's Book Store.
No tickets will be sold for indi-
vidual performances. The member-
ship fee of $1 covers one admission

to each of the programs.
Examples of four types of movie
will be shown, the American docu-
mentary film, the French film, the,
Russian film and the German film.
They will be shown at 8:15 p.m.
Sundays at two-week intervals be-
ginning June 30 in the amphitheatre
of the Rackham School.
The first showing will be of the
American documentary film, of
which four examples will be given.
The League has selected "The Ri-
ver," "The City," "The Plough That
Broke the Plains," and "New Schools
for Old," as outstanding document-
ary films of immediate importance.
"The River" +concerns the prob-
lems presented by the great Missis-
sippi and pictures that river from
its source to its delta, shows the
river at flood and the great levees
that hold it within its banks. "The
Plough That Broke the Plains" deals
with the Western plains and the
problem of soil erosion in the dust

Prof. Jones Will Open
American Culture Study
Literary College Cooperates In Graduate Analysis
Of American Scene By Lectures, Round Tables

Annual Parley
Will Be Begun
HereJuly 19
World Events To Be Aired;
Helen Corman Named
As General Chairman
Four Viewpoints
Will BeExpressed
The Second Annual Summer Par-,

Fighting CeasesInFrance
As Great Britain Prepares
For Hitler's Next Attack

With seven departments of the
literary college participating, the
Graduate Study Program in Ameri-
can Culture and Institutions will un-
dertake a five week series of integrat-
ed lectures and round tables on the
American scene beginning Monday.
Meanwhile, students enrolled in
the program began work yesterday
under the faculty members in charge
of the course in the various depart-
ments. Departments cooperating are
economics, English, geography, his-
tory, philosophy, political science
and sociology.
Five Weekly Lectures
The lectures and round tables are
arranged under five divisions, one to
be held each week during the series.
The topic for the first week is "Re-
gional Varieties of Cultural Develop-
ment." For the next four weeks the
topics are, in order, "Religion and
Education: Freedom of Mind and
Spirit," "Literature and Art: Free-
dom of Expression," "Commerce and
Industry: Freedom of Enterprise"
and "Government and Politics: the
Individual and the State."
At 8:15 p.m. Monday, Prof. Howard
M. Jones of Harvard University's
English department will give the
opening lecture on "American Liter-
ature as an Instrument for Cultural
Analysis." Prof. Dumas Malone, di-
rector of the Harvard University
Press, will speak at 4:15 p.m. the
Figures Show
Total of .4,673, Students
Register; Gain of 38
pOver 1939 Is Revealed
A slight increase in regi :tration
for this year's Summer 'Sesion as
contrasted with the 1939 session was
seen in the tabulation released late
yesterday by Miss Marion Williams,
University statistician.
A total of 4,673 students had regis-
tered by 4:30 p.m. yesterday as con-
trasted with a total of 4,635 at the
same time last year, representing a
gain of 38.
In the undergraduate schools a
total of 1,639 had completed ther
registration. 644 were enrolled in
te College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, 388 in the College of
Engineering, 13 in the College of
Pharmacy, 51 in the College of Ar-
chitecture and Design, 198 in the
School of Education, 62 in the School
of Forestry and Conservation and
283 in the School of Music.
129 students have registered in
the Medical School, 214 in the Law
School and 35 in the School of Busi-
ness Administration, making a total
of 378 in the professional schools.
At closing time yetserday 2,656
students had enrolled in the Grad-
uate School, as contrasted with the
2,589 registering in 1939.

following day on "The Geography
of American Achievement." At 8:15
p.m. that day, Prof. Charles S. Syd-
nor of Duke University's history de-
partment, will talk on "The Old
South as a Laboratory for Cultural
Wednesday of that week Professor
Malone will lecture on "Tides in Sec-
tional Achievement," and a talk on
"The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural
Groups in the Interior Plains" will
be given by Prof. Edward E. Dale of
the history department of the Univer-
sity of Oklahoma. Thursday after-
noon Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the
geography department will speak on
"Cultural Trends in Relation to Re-
gional Differences."
Concluding the week's program will
be a round table discussion on "Re-
gionalism and Nationalism" with
Prof. Verner W. Crane of the history
department as chairman.
Sweet Opens Second Week
The second week's program will
begin Monday, July 8, with a lecture
on "Church and State in the New
World" by William W. Sweet, pro-
fessor of the history of American
Christianity at the University of Chi-
cago. Tuesday Professor Malone will
talk on "Personal Achievements of
the Clergy" and President Dixon Ry-
on Fox of Union College will speak of
"Religion and Humanitarianism."
Wednesday of that week Professor
Malone will lecture on "Evangelists
and Statesmen of Education" and
Prof. Edgar B. Wesley of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota's School of Ed-
ucation will talk on "Education as a
Responsibility of the State." Thurs-
day, President Ernest H. Wilkins of
Oberlin College will speak on "The
Social Responsibility of Education."
That week's round table will con-
cern "Religion and Education in
American Life" and will be conducted
(Continued on Page 2)
Emery Eighth
In Links Battle
Leads Wolverine Golfers;
GopherAce Is First
Michigan's Jack Emery fired a
one over par 73 on Ekwanok's hilly
layout yesterday to gain an eighth
place tie as the field of 170 played
half of the 36-hole qualifying round
in the National Collegiate Golf Tour-
The dynamic Detroiter finished in
a deadlock with Michigan State's
Warren Tansey and Henry Castillo
of Louisiana State. He put together
a neat 36 and 37 to lead all of' his
Wolverine mates in the title play.
Emery was three strokes back of
Minnesota's blond Neil Croonquist,
who shot the first nine in 33, and
then came home in 37 to post a
two under par 70, the best mark of
the first day's firing. Croonquist,
who is also president ofdthe Inter-
collegiate golf body, would have been
under 70 except for some of his
putts, which refused to drop on the
(Continued on Page 3)

End Of Hostilities Means Little
To Most French, Simpson Says

German Command
Orders Hostilities

Stopped At


ley, featuring faculty-student dis-
cussion of world events, will be held
July 19-20, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Helen Cor-
man, '41, general chairman.
The Summer Parley, an institu-
tion inaugurated during the 1939
Summer Session, is an extension of
the parleys held each winter and
spring during the regular school year.
The parleys were designed primarily
to bring together faculty members
and students for an informal con-
sideration of significant current hap-
penings. They are sponsored by the
Student Senate.
In addition to Miss Corman, the
main chairmen for the Summer Par-
ley include Tom Downs, '40L, per-
sonnel; Norman A. Schorr, '40, steer-]
ing committee; Anabel Hill, '41, pos-
ters and programs; Margaret Camp-
bell, '42, secretaries, and Chester1
Bradley, '42, publicity. These per-I
sons will take charge of the general1
arrangements for the Summer Par-
The subject of the war will be the
general topic of the Summer Parley.
At the first open session four view-1
points on the war will be presented1
by faculty members: one on limited'
intervention, another on complete
participation, a third on non-inter-
vention, and the fourth on the paci-
fist attitude toward the present con-
Following this opening session, the
Parley will be divided into four panel
discussions: the national elections,
education, religion and civil liberties.
Each of these topics will be consid-
ered in its relationship to the war.
At the final open session, an attempt
will be made to integrate the vari-
ous subjects discussed at the panel
More than 40 faculty members
have been invited to participate in
the panel discussions. Each panel
section will have a student chairman
and several student advisers. These
persons will be announced later in
The Daily.
Comedy Opens
Of Drama Club
The MichigantRepertory Players
will open their twelfth annual sea-
son tomorrow night wi a produc-
tion of "The Critic," oy Richard
Brinsley Sheridan. The curtain will
rise at eight-thirty. Performances
will also be given Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday nights. A large cast
has been assembled and prepara-
tions, which have been underway for
more than two weeks, will have
been completed by then. The play
is under the direction of Dr. William
P. Halstead of the speech depart-
ment, which sponsors the Players.
Valentine B. Windt, Managing Di-
rector of the Players, has stated
that the revival of "The Critic" is
especially appropriate because of a
nationwide interest in the eighteenth
century just at this time. Theatre
groups all over the country are do-
ing revivals of other Sheridan plays
as well as plays of the period by
Goldsmith and others.
Elaborate sets, costumes and chor-
eography, the latter under the direc-
tion of Ruth Bloomer of the De-
partment of Physical Education, help
to make the production a spectacular
pageant as well as a highly effective
More than fifty actors will take
part, including such familiar favor-.
ites as June Madison, James Moll,
John Schwarzwalder, George Sha-
piro, Roy Rector and Alfred Wilkin-
son, while several actors new to Rep-
ertory audiences as Hugh Norton,
John Weimer, Doris Barr and Wil-
liam Kinzer will be ser.

Daily Tryouts
The Summer Daily will accept
a limitd nimhAr of tTrvoutn in-

(From Associated Press Dispatches)
For millions of French citizens
outside the shriveled territory left
to that vanquished nation by Ger-
man-Italian armistice terms, to-
night's cease-firing order will have
little real meaning.
The continuing war between Bri-
tain and the Nazi-Fascist Allies
makes a potential air battlefield of
all coastal France, both east and
west, and all of her vast industrial
life taken over by the victors in mili-
tary occupation - everything in
France except the meagre area in
which her surrendering government
holds sway.
The rupture of relations between
Britain and the Petain Ministry in
France which accepted German ar-
mistice conditions means just that.
By that act, still to be formally con-
summated by Britain, the grief and
amazement expressed by Prime Min-
ister Churchill at the form of French
capitulation is in process of transla-
tion into grim deeds. It accounts for
British official publication of a sum-

mary of the German armistice terms.
The Petain Ministry appears to
have agreed to turn over its war
plants .in German occupied regions
which include the whole French
coastline facing England, and the
major industrial cities and towns
that produced weapons for the
French armies.
It also has agreed to surrender
its coastal fortifications in working
order; to afford the victors full and
free access to its roads and railroads
in order that German and Italian
forces may be shuttled back and
forth across France as the exigencies
of the war with England require.
With French signature of these
terms, all of those war making fa-
cilities in France became legitimate
targets of British attack as would
the French fleet and merchant ma-
rine if the ships should seek to com-
ply with an order of surrender or in-
ternment by the Petain Government.
The British Government and navy
could not reasonably be expected to
accept the German pledge to refrain
from using the French fleet if sur-

Fuehrer Offers
Thanks To God

Student Co-op
Invites Campus
To Open House
Event To Be Held Tonight
At Wolverine; Dancing,
Refreshments Are Free
Open house will be held at the
Michigan Wolverine, students coop-,
erative restaurant, from 8 to 11 p.m.'
today in its quarters at 209 S State
Refreshments will be served free
of charge to all Who attend, whe-
ther they are members of the Wol-
verine or not, and dancing will take
place on the raised dance floor. All
students are invited.
The organization was formed here
eight years ago in order to provide
students with board at cost and last
year served more than 600 people
daily. This year,. with a recondi-
tioned kitchen and a number of
other improvements, the Wolverine
is equipped to handle a larger num-
Membership for the Summer'Ses-
sion is one dollar which entitles stu-
dents to receive 20 meals for $4.50
and receive a discount on 20 per
cent on all cleaning and laundry
Student heads of the cooperative
are Joseph Gardner, '41BAd, trea-
surer; Donald Counihan, '41, pur-
chasing agent, and John Stevens,
'42BAd, personnel director.

Davis To Give
History Sketch
Of University
Educator's Speech First
In Series Of Lectures
In University High
"Highlights in the History of the
University of Michigan" will be the
topic of Prof. Calvin O. Davis of
the School of Education as he opens
the series of lectures sponsored by
the School for the Summer Session
at 4:15 p.m. today in the University
High School Auditorium..
Professor Davis will trace the de-
velopment, organization and admin-
istration of secondary education in
Michigan and from the founding of
the University in 141. Sketching
the significant trends from colonial
denominational schools to the pres-
ent state institutions, Professor Da-
vis will point out the change is tak-
ing place in the growth of the Uni-
versity since it opened its doors to,
seven students in 1841. Expansion
of the University's services through-
out the state and nation and the
growth of Michigan alumni will also
be cited.
As the senior member of the
School of Education faculty, Frofes-
sor Davis -has served as secretary
of the school and editor for many
years of The North Central Associa-
tion Quarterly.

BERLIN, June 24.-(1)-Germany,
with Fuehrer Hitler offering thanks
to God, announced tonight the end
of the war against France and the
Reich single-mindedly swung its at-
tention toward England for an on-
slaught which one informed source
said "will be like nothing the world
has ever seen."
By pre-arrangement with Italy,
the high command ordered German
arms down six hours after Germany
was notified that France and Italy
had agreed to an armistice. Thus the
cessation of hostilities was ordered
for 1:35 a.m. tomorrow (6:35 p.m.
EST Monday).
Flag Displayed
Hitler, in a formal proclamation
read to the people who had been
called to their radios, declared:
"In humility we thank God for his
The Fuehrer ordered flags dis-
played for 10 days and bells rung
throughout the Reich for seven days.
The "cease fire" order marked the
end of a six-weeks campaign which
brought France, Belgium and The,
Netherlands to their knees. He had
acquired all the coastline facing Bri-
tain from the Arctic in Norway to
the Spanish border,,.
Prepares For England
When Hitler unleashed his power-
ful war machine against the 'Low
Countries and the Allies on May 10,
he proclaimed in an order of the
day that it was the beginning- of a
fight that "decides the fate of the
German nation for the next 1,000
Preliminary preparation for the
great drive against England included
further advances by German forces
in France, extending the Nazi grip
on coast vantage points useful
against British seapower, and a tour
of inspection by Grand Admiral
Erich Raeder to make certain that
Nazi naval units and naval facilities
were ready for the word "Go!"
Polish Support Britain
In Fight Against Nazis
LONDON, June 24. - Supported
by a wandering Polish army and
die-hard French leaders in exile who
claimed to speak for the French
fleet and empire, Britain prepared
grimly tonight for Adblf Hitler's
next onslaught.
Arrival of the Polish forces from
France was disclosed by General
Wladyslaw Sikorski, the Polish
Prime Minister.
In a broadcast he declared "the
great body of our armies, safely back
from France, is landing on the shores
of Great Britain," and will "continue
to fight, shoulder to shoulder, with
the powerful British Empire for a
free and independent Poland."
The size of the surviving Polish
forces, driven across half of the con-
tinent since last Sept. 1, was not
Britain barred the export of all
goods to French territory in Europe,
including the island of Corsica.
With Britain pushing steadily to
strengthen her home defenses, Har-
old Nicolson, Parliamentary Secre-
tary to the Ministry of Information,
asserted in a broadcast that "the day
will come, and not so very far dis-
tant, when the air will be under our
command." British resources, he
said, would permit this.
France Fights Futilely
Awaiting Armistice
BORDEAUX, June 24.-(MP-Van-
quished France, bowing to the de-
mands of both Italy and Germany,
continued her futile defense in the
last official six hours of war tonight

Americans Must Understand
Nazi Methods, McDowell Says

Work Begins At Camp Davis;
Practical Experience Offered

Americans must clearly understand
Germany's methods of non-military
penetration in the Near East, if they
are to cope effectively with the Fas-
cist menace in this hemisphere, Dr.
Robert H. McDowell, research asso-
ciate in archaeology, declared -yester-
This penetration, economic and
ideological in character, has been
almost completely successful in the
Balkans, according to Dr. McDowell,
so that Yugoslavia, Rumania, Greece
and Bulgaria are today dominated by
the Nazi regime.
Dr. McDowell pointed out that the
economic penetration is actually a
policy of "nibbling," and is based
-uT uva auo jvt uorgdumss u 4! uo
flict continuous oppression on others
and can achieve endless gains, pro-
vided one advances slowly and cau-
tiously. Its prime purpose at all
times has been to make the economy
of a foreign country subservient to

man orbit, uually without their prior
Included among the effective in-
struments of ideological penetration
has been 'the propagandizing work
carried on by the Nazis among the
,students throughout the Balkans and
the Near East, Dr. McDowell con-
tinued. The ideological penetration
has often accompanied the economic
penetration, he pointed out, as can
be observed in the operations of the
economic commissiones and the tech-
nical experts which work in foreign
countries out of Germany.
Since Latin America occupies an
economic position in respect to the
European continent analagous to
that of the Balkans in respect to
Germany, the United States must
decide what it can do to fight back
the threat of Fascist penetration in
that sector, Dr. McDowell declared.
Latin America's economic goods
are needed by Europe, and Latin
America "must export or die," Dr.
McDowell stated. Though Washing-

June 25 (Special to The Daily)-
Eight engineers and two botanists
started their summer ' curricula
Monday, June 17, in the 11th season
of the University's Rocky Mountain
Field Station, Camp Davis. Twenty-
two geologists, arriving Sunday,
June 23, completed the camp roster
for the summer.
Camp Davis offers excellent topo-
graphical conditions for all three
fields. The engineer is afforded all
types of terrain on which to prac-
tice, while the geological field of the
region is excellent, although requir-
ing a good deal of climbing at times.
The botanists in the field already
report enough material close-at-
hand to keep them busy for many
The town of Jackson, 20 miles to
the north, is the Mecca for all stu-
dents on week-ends. The local slo-

Four University camps, three in
Michigan and one in Wyoming, of-
fer practical experience during the
Summer Session to students of geol-
ogy, surveying, biology, geography
and forestry.
Jackson Hole, Wyo., is the site of
Camp Davis, oldest of the four. Camp
Davis was established in 1874 under
the supervision of the late Prof. J.
B. Davis and specializes in geology
and surveying.
The surrounding vicinity offers op-
pertunities for study of strata and
structural formations in the nearby
Grand Teton Range and the Gros
Ventre River. Also a study of the
general physiography and structural
geography of the route between Ann
Arbor and Wyoming is made by the
campers, including the Driftless
Area of Wisconsin, the Bad Lands
of North Dakota and the Black Hills.
Largest of the camps is the Bio-
logical Station on the shores of

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