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June 25, 1940 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1940-06-25

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Y, JUNE 25, 1940



.. of cabbages
and kings ...

Heave -Ho For Barton In Sailor Suit



Weekend Brings Three Weddings
Of Interest In University Circles

So Ann Arbor should just die on its feet when its usual gay, noisy
children have left for sunny climes and vacation spots? Not at all, not
by a long shot.
For instance several lads and lassies-namely Dru Handy with Julian
Kilman and Charles Clarke with Charlotte Noble were having a high old
time at a downtown tavern last weekend,
as Bob Straub dropped by for a minute
of gabbing.
And who were those familiar face,#
we saw at a nearby amusement park?-
oh, yes!-Betsy Gregg with Jim Wood-
ruff, Dave Easlick and Peggy Whitker,
Edith Walph with Jim Norris and last,
but not least,. Connie Lorch and Ted
Treadway. Said chillun were whooping it
up in great style-fast is the roller coaster
fascinated Edith-and she stayed with it
six times straight.
Seen milling around the registrar's
desk with very perplexed expressions were
several Ann Arbor gals who spent their
freshman year at eastern and southerI
junior colleges. Penny Shaw went to
Ward Belmont this year and will return
there in the fall after taking several courses on campus this summer. Ann
Evarts, who spent this year at Sullins College, plans to stay here for the
rest of her college days. Then there is Jean Moehlman, a Stevens gal who
is greatly interested in ceramics-pottery to you. Marge
Killins was at National Park College in Washington, D. C.,
no less, and will be seen batting around our good ole
stamping ground from now on.

Soaking In Culture . . ,

/ i

Mary Jordan and Peggy Weismer were soaking in a
little culture Sunday afternoon listening to symphonic
records in the League, as they rested their little bones
in an easy chair or two.
The summer social season was ushered in with a
whoop and a holler Saturday night at the first League
dance. The congestion was terrific as all the students in
town jammed the ballroom. There were so many stags,
hear tell, that the hostesses couldn't get in more than
a step or two with each partner. Ah for the good old sing
line. Same was composed mostly of engineers and law-
yers, too-so there!
Bustling around with "Official" tags pinned to their chests were a
bevy of energetic little femmes. Marion Conde, who occupies the position
of secretary of the Summer League Council, was there in fine fettle. An-
otherrrepresentative of that august body was
Barbara DeFries, publicity chairman of the same.
DeRhuia Skinner, Ann Vedder, Betty Brackett
and Nancy Warner were flying from one stag
to another.
Introducing The Stags . .
Joan Clement was doing a bit of introducing,
as stags Al Watson, Gil Walker, Roger Pryor
..- and Don Nixon hung on every word. Pat Stearns
was seen dancing with Bob Engels, and Jack
Harwood and Francis Faust did a bit of wan-
dering around. Frances Griffin, Roberta Fer-
guson, Phila Karr and Jane Cary Fristoe assisted in the job of hostessing
like veterans.
What with intermediate dancing classes, beginning dancing classes
and square-dancing classes, the campus ought to be pretty nifty on its
collective feet 'ere August rolls around. Sandwiched in between these terp-
sichorean activities will be a bit of duplicate bridge, Play Production, canoe-
ing, golf, b--ring and general raising Cain to occupy the summer student-
then they'll have to come back in the fall to get through!

Jean E. Bonisteel Marires
WilliaiiiC arl Knecht;
Dorothy Vogel Weds
Ann Arbor was the scene of two
weddings of former students of the
University over the weekend, and a
tbird took place in Birmingham.
Jean Ellen Bonisteel, '38, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe O. Bonisteel
of Fair Oak Parkway, and William
C. Knecht, '38, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto G. Knecht, of Evanston, Ill.,
were married at 8:30 p.m. Saturday
in the First Presbyterian Church.
Attended by her three sisters, who
were dressed in apple green and
white, Miss Bonisteel was married
in a condlelight ceremony. She wore
white Chantilly lace robes over the
traditional satin.
Attended By Sisters
Betty Bonisteel, '39, was the maid
of honor, and two other sisters,
Frances, '40, and Nancy, '43, were
bridesmaids. The University was
represented by five others at the
wedding. Mr. Bonisteel, father of
the bride, is a graduate of the Uni-
versity as are two of the ushers, Dr.
W. Allen Fisher, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
and Charles E. Darling, of Detroit.
John C. Knecht, '40E, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man, and
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Jr., '43, was
an usher. Miss Bonisteel and two
of her sisters, Frances and Betty,
are members of Kappa Alpha Theta,
while Nancy is affiliated with Delta
Gamma. Mr. Knecht, his brother,
Mr. Darling and Dr. Fisher are all
members of Phi Gamma Delta.
Reception At League
After the wedding the principles
and attendants attended the recep-
tion for friends of the bride and
bridegroom in the Ethel Fountain
Hussy lounge at the League.
The University was represented
again at the presiding table with
wives of faculty members and one
recent graduate. They were Mrs.
Charles A. Sink. Mrs. E. Blythe Sta-
son, Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, Mrs. Lewis
M. Gram, Mrs. James B. Edmonson,
Mrs. F. N. Menefee and Mrs. C. H.
McKinley. Marjorie Coe, '38, and
Margaret Reichert, graduated from
Smith this June, had charge of the
guest books.
..The couple will honeymoon at Lake
Miss Vogel Married
Dorothy Jean Vogel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vogel, mar-
ried Dr. Gerald Vincent Barrow, son
of Mrs. Walter Barrow and the late
Mr. Barrow of Machias, Wash., at
7 p.m. Saturday in the parish hall
of Zion Lutheran Church. Rev. Er-
nest C. Stellhorn read the service.
The bride wore a street length pow-
der blue chiffon frock and a large

cocoanut straw hat with white ac-
Dr. Barrow was graduated last
week from the School of Dentistry
and is a member of Xi Psi Phi, den-
tal fraternity, and Phi Kappa Phi,
Pi Tau Iota, Omicron Kappa Upsilon,
honor societies. He will be with the
Alma Children's Foundation of Mich-
igan at Alma for the summer and
will return here in September to
work on a two-year teaching fellow-
ship in the orthodontia department
of the dental school.
The ceremony was followed by a
reception for relatives and close
friends in the Mary B. Henderson
Room at the Michigan League.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fikes Heusner and
Dr. Cecil Ward Lepard, both of De-
troit, were married Saturday in the
First Baptist Church in Birmingham.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Fikes of Birmingham,
and Dr. Lepard is the son of Mrs.
Warren Ward Lepard and the late
Mr. Lepard of Ann Arbor.
The bridesmaids were Mrs. Rich-
ard D. Young and Jeune Stanley
Fikes of Birmingham, sisters of th%
bride. Harold Lepard, of Ann Arbor,
assisted his brother.
Dr. Lepard was graduated fron
the University medical school in 1928

and interned and taught in the oph-
thamology department here. He is
now practicing in Detroit. While
here he was affiliated with Nu Sigma
Nu and Phi Kappa Sigma.
Beginners' Dance Class
Held Today At League
Today will feature the first of the
beginners' dancing classes to be con-
ducted at the League by Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
League, assisted by Elva Pascoe and
Barbara MacIntyre.
The classes, beginning at 7:30 p.m.,
are open to students and faculty of
the University, and are priced at
$1.50 for the group of six lessons.
Instructors teach popular steps, such
as the fox trot, waltz and tango. Pu-
pils can progress as rapidly as pos-
sible, and may stay after the classes
to practice, Miss McCormick said.
Recordings will provide music for the
This will be the first time that
Miss Maclntyre has taught, but Miss
McCormick and Miss Pascoe have
been in charge of the winter danc-
ing classes. These instructors will
also teach the intermediate classes



While Ann Arbor's summer residents are not customarily treated
to such classy visions in the way of sailing clothes as those of Eastern
resort town, shown above is a suit that could be adapted to use here.
It is lightweight and water proof, just the thing for sailing on Baron
Pond or picnicking along the Huron.
Students, Faculty To Be Honored
At Rackharn Reception Friday
Faculty members and students of order to limit the attendance to


the University Summer Session will
be honored at a reception to be held
from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
The receiving line of the annual
affair, which is given for the pur-
pose of acquainting members of the
Summer Session, will be headed by
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of
the Summer Session, and Mrs. Hop-
kins. The deans of the various
schools will receive with Director
Hopkins. Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League, is in
charge of the event, and is being as-
sisted by members of the social com-
mittee of the Summer Undergraduate
Following the reception there will
be dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at
the League and at the Union, both
given free of charge. Admission tick-
ets for the dances will be distributed
at the end of the receiving line, in

those attending the University. The
tickets will be good for one or both
of the dances.
Earl Stevens and his orchestra will
be featured at the League, while Red
Ritz and his musicians will play at
the Union. Refreshments will be
served at the Rackham Building, Miss
McCormick has announced.
Plans for the program have not
been completed, but will be an-
nounced in full later in the week.

~'Thrift Event
f .savingi fOr
.smrn t I lIom en!
former values $7.95 to $16,95
Print and pastel crepes
Sizes 9-17, 12-44
25 dresses at $3.95
formerly $7.95 to $1.2.95
Sizes 9 - 20
'round the corner on State

500 Attracted
To FirstDance
In New Series
Theophil Markiewicz, assistant to
Benjamin Lovett, supervised the first
in a series of six square dances last
night attended by a capacity crowd
of 500 summer school students.
Mr. Markiewicz has been assisting
in this project for three years while
Mr. Lovett, head of the organization,
began teaching for Henry Ford in
These square dances are sponsored
by Mr. Ford who includes this social
project in the curriculum of his in-
dustrial school at Greenfield Village.
Mr. Lovett and a staff of eight assist-
ants have instructed this type of
dancing as a course in 100 schools in
the vicinity of Dearborn, as well as
in many colleges including Wayne
University, Ypsilanti Normal and
Western State Teachers' College. In
Kalamazoo, students receive credit
. for this course as a part of physical
education and training. Mr. Ford
pays the expenses for the entire or-
ganization and all classes are given
free of charge.
"The purpose of the square dance,"
said Mr. Markiewicz, "is to emphasize
social grace. Through dancing, we
can teach social training to the stu-
dents and at the same time break
down a timidity which so often exists
among children of grade school age."
As an annual affair at the end of
the school term, all Dearborn schools
.~are represented at a performance
held at Fordson high school in Dear-
born. The object of this program is
to show the parents and friends of
participants what has been accom-
plished during the year. On various
occasions, students are invited to
Lovett Hall ballroom in Greenfield
Village to dance before Mr. and Mrs.
Ford who take great pleasure in at-
tending such affairs.
Out of an extensive repertoire of
old time square dance steps, Mr.
Markiewicz named the old rye waltz.

Two Queens Will Reign
PORT AUSTIN, Mich., June 24.-
(P)-There'll be two queens named
when this city holds its fourth an-
nual bass festival tomorrow. One-
the dowager-will be selected for her
ability to cook fish; the other-the
minnow queen-is to be picked for
beauty and personality.

"Everything for the Office"
229 South State at Liberty Phone 3955

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