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July 24, 1940 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-24

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Trojans Whip
Wolves, 11-4
To Keep Lead
Eskimos Bow To Blitzers
As Tiger Squad Defeats
Ten Old Men Team, 16-1
The Trojans retained their su-
premacy in the National League
standings yesterday by trouncing the
Wolverines 11 to 4 to give Farnum,
caught by Stall, his fifth win of the
season. Michaelson and Pettiti
pitched and caught for the restau-
rant team.
In a five-inning game Emmons
limited the Eskimo squad to three
runs while his teammates scored 11
to enable the Blitzers to go into sec-
ond place. Seeley caught for the
Eskimos and Shepard and Lutes
comprised the battery of the losing
The Ten Old Men fell into a three-
way tie with the Tigers when the
latter outscored them 16 to 1 in the
third game of the day. Poppink and
Evans pitched and caught for the
winners while Lobes and Moiez
formed the losing battery.
Losing their fifth game of the sea-
son in as many starts the luckless
Legal Eagles bowed to the Faculty,
17 to 5. Britain, caught by Cox, was
the winning pitcher while McFate
caught by Perry, hurled for the Law
In today's games, all in the Amer-
ican League, the Reds will meet the
Curriculum Workshop, the Terrace
Club will play the League Lugs, the
Physics squad will meet Chemistry
and the Buckeyes will face the Super
Intramural Softball

Roosevelt Gets Report On Downfall Of France From Bullitt

Ann Arbor


Her-e Is



750 KC - CBS

920 KC - NBC


1240 KC- NBC


Wednesday Aftern6on

President Roosevelt, with his secretary, Margueri te Le Hand, and Ambassador William C. Bulilitt, is
shown leaving the train at Hyde Park, N. Y., after his arrival from Washington. The President and Bullitt
traveled together to enable the chief executive to get a leisurely report on what happened in France.

Post-Civil War Era Saw Zenith
Of Big Business, Malone Says

Team W
Blitzers ........... 4
Ten Old Men .......3
Tigers .............3
Wolverines .........2
Faculty ........... 2
Eskimos ...........1
Legal Eagles.......0



Commercial Titans Traced
Through Recent Decades
By'Harvard Press Head
Big business in America reached
the zenith of its power and influence
in the two generations following the
Civil War, Prof. Dumas Malone, di-f
rector of the Harvard University
Press told the Graduate Study Pro-
gram in American Culture and In-
stitutions yesterday.
Dr. Malone placed the end of the
greatest business era at the World
War and named J. P. Morgan as the
last great figure. Henry Ford, he
said, is the leader in the period of
the automobile industry.
Golden Age
The golden age of business can be
divided into several classifications.
They are the pre-corporate time of
business, the merchant prince era,
the railroaders and industrialists,
the greatest group, and the lords of
The pre-corporate type is typified
by John J. Astor, whose fortune was
based on New York real estate, he
said, while Alexander T. Stuart, who
opened his first store in 1823 and
reached his peak in 1862, was an
early New York merchant prince.
Later ones were Marshall Field and
John Wanamaker.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
The first creator of a great rail-
way system was Cornelius Vander-
bilt, but he was topped by the great-
est empire builder of them all, James
J. Hill, Dr. Malone pointed out. The
leading industrialists were Andrew
Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.
In Dr. Malone's opinion Carnegie
rates as the greatest business man of
all time and also one of the greatest
personalities. Carnegie believed in

the trusteeship of wealth and said
that wealth should be acquired and
then distributed. Rockefeller had a
sense of social responsibility and was
the world's greatest philanthropist.
Two tendencies in all these busi-
ness'men, said Malone, are the move-
ments from fortunes in land to for-
tunes in paper and from fortunes
acquired by services to fortunes ac-
quired by financing.
Speaking of the present totalitar-
ian economics, he declared: "It is not
surprising that after the extreme
emphasis on paper the leadership of
the world has passed into the hands
of ruthless advocates of an economy
of things."
3,500 Receive
Extension Lists


Data Is Prepared

By A. P. Blaustein
When one thinks of baseball
slumps this year one seems to think
of the New York Yankees, 3 to 1
favorites to win the pennant back in
April, but the biggest slump has been
that of the St. Louis Cardinals who
were picked by 60 per cent of the
sports writers to win the National
League title three months ago.
The Yankees, of course, have not
run anywhere near top form but
they are still only seven games out
of first place. St. Louis, on the oth-
er hand, is in fifth place, 18 games
behind the Cincinnati Reds.
Big factors in the Cardinals' fail-
ure has been the pitching of Curt
Davis who was sold to the Dodgers
a few weeks ago, and the despondent
hitting of most of their regulars.
Davis, who had won about 10 games
this time last year, had lost four and
had no victories when he was traded.
In the field of batting percentages,
last year's leading Cardinal slugger,
Padgett, dropped from .399 to .235
while Mize, who won the batting
crown last October with a mark of
.349 is now hitting '.282.,
In addition Terry Moore and Enos
(Country) Slaughter, rated as two
of the best outfielders in the League
when they hit .299 and .320 in 1939,
are at present battingdonly .272 and
.282. The only St. Louis player who
has been hitting well is old Pepper
Educators To Hold
Yearly Picnic Today
All men in education are invited
to attend the Annual Picnic of the
Men's Education Club at Portage
Lake at 4;30 p.m. today.
Swimming, softball, horseshoes,
and a chicken and watermelon sup-
per will be the features of the day.
The first annual Bull Slinging Con-
test and Competition will climax the
program. Under the sponsorship of
Dr. George Carrothers and Dr.
Claude Eggertsen of the School of
Education, the picnic of the organ-
ization is a tradition of the Summer
Those who do not have transpor-
tation or can supply it are asked to
be at the main entrance of Univer-
sity High School at 4 p.m.

Washtenaw County Republicans
today filed eight more nominating
petitions for county offices, bringing
the total on the Republican slate to
Democrats, meanwhile, mustered
forces to file petitions for five county
offices. With an eye toward state
elections, country Democrats have
filed a petition for William Man-
chester as state representative, while
Bernard W. Butler of Ann Arbor
placed his name in line for the
Democratic nomination to the State
Sept. 10 is the date selected yes-
terday for the County Republican
fall convention by George Lanford,
vice chairman of the Washtenaw
The convention will select 31 dele-
gates and 31 alternates to the Re-
publican State convention, Sept. 24
in Grand Rapids. Delegates to the
county convention are elected at the
primaries, to be held during the
first week of September. Delegates
to the county convention will total
155, with 60 alloted to Ann Arbor.
* * *
Members of the local police force
will officially open the department's
new outdoor pistol range on the
Huron River Drive with the first out-
door pistol match of the year this
Built chiefly through the combined
efforts of officers on the force-at
a cost of only $602 to the city-the
new range boasts complet ly modern
equipment, including a co trol house
and an office building.
Ewing To Give
Local Tenor Will Fulfill
Degree Requirements
Everett Ewing, tenor, of Ann Ar-
bor, will give a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree at 8:15
p.m. today in the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street.
The program is as follows:
"My Lovely Celia"-Old English;
"At the Mid' Hour of Night"-Old
Irish; "Baci amorosi e cari"-Mo-
zart; "Nebbie"-Rspighi; "Quando ti
r ivedro "-Donau dy.
"Chant Venitian"-Bemberg; "La
Cloche"- Saint -Saens; "Aubade
(from "Le Roi d'Ys")-Lalo; "Bar-
"Waldeinsamkeit"-Reger; "Ade-
laide"-Beethoven; "Hat dich die
Liebe beruhrt"-Marx; "Die Forelle"
"The Mansion of Peace"-Webbe;
"Snowdrops"-Prokofieff; "In the
Silence of Night"-Rachmaninoff;
"Love Went A-Riding"-Bridge.
Mrs. Dickinson Improves
LANSING, July 23-(P)-Improve-
ment in the condition of Mrs. Zora
D. Dickinson, wife of Governor Dic-
kinson, was reported today, but the
Governor still declined to make any
public appearances this week because
of her health.

6:00 News
6:15 Inside of Sports
6:30 Dr. Meek
6:45 r
7:00 Question Bee
7:15 "
7:30 Dr. Christian
8:00 Star Theatre
8:15 I
8:30 Stadium Concert
8:45 "
9:00 Glenn Miller
9:15 Musical
9:30 News of the War
9:45 Melody Marvels
10:00 Amos 'n Andy
10:15 Lanny Ross
10:30 Adv. In Music
10:45 -
11:00 News
11:15 Nelson Orch.
11:30 News & Music
11:45 "t
12:00 Henderson Orch.

12:00 The Goldbergs
12:15 Life Beautiful
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's
12:45 Road Of Life
1:00 Dr. Malone
1:15 Joyce Jordan
1:30 Fletcher Wiley
1:45 My Son And I
2:00 Society Girl
2:15 News
2:30 Linda's Ist Love
2:45 Editor's D'ghter
3:00 Lone Journey
3:15 Mrs. Page
3:30 Woman ' C'rge
3:45 Alice Blair
4:00 Kathleen Norris
4:15 Beyond Valleys
4:30 Meet Miss Julia
4:45 "Scatter" Baines
5:00 News-Musical
5:15 Hollywood
5:30 News-Review
5:45 World Today

The Old Dean
Julia Blake
Man on the Street
Light of the World
Grimm's Daughter
Valiant Lady
Betty Crocker
Mary Marlin
Ma Perkins
Pepper Young
Vic and Sade
Washi'gton at pet.


Dean Edmonson Attends
Conference In Chicago
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education leaves today for
Chicago to attend a conference of
deans of schools of education in the

Wednesday Evening

New Ace
Between Bookenyds
Christian Educ.
Fan On The Street
Indiana Indigo
Echoes of History
Favorite Waltzes
Orphans of Divorce
Honeymoon Hill
John's Other Wife
Just Plain Bill
Backstage Wife
Stella Dallas
Lorenzo Jones
Widder Brown
Girl Alone
Malcolm Claire
Irene Wicker
Tropical Moods
Show World
To Be Announced
Day In Review
Bud Shaver

Dance Music
Lowell Thomas

Sport Review
C. C. Bradner
Bill Elliott
Sports Parade
Hollywood Party
Plantation Party
Abbott & Costello
District Attorney
Kay Kyser College
Sports Exam
Fred Waring
Dance Music
Dance Music
Eastwood Orch.
Westwood Orch,

Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
The Lone Ranger
State Police Story
What To Do?
Green Hornet
The Factfinder
Harry Helmann
Radio Magic
Police Field Day
News Ace
Eddie Young Orch.
Baron Elliott Orch
Music You. Want
Al Donahue Orch.
Dance ., usic


Yesterday's Results:
't tlitzers 11, Eskimos 3
Tigers 16, Ten Old Men 1
Trojans 11, Wolverines 4
Faculty 17, Legal Eagles 5
Games Today:
Terrace Club vs. League Lugs
Curriculum Workshop vs. Reds
Physics vs. Chemistry
Buckeyes vs. Super Dupers
with a "Scalp Treatment" - "Crew
Haircut" or "Personality Hair Style."
Liberty off State
Formerly Esquire Barbers

More than 3,500 alumni of the
University andcitizens of 39 states
and 10 foreign countries received
reading lists prepared by the Library
Extension Service during the past
These lists, which are meant for
persons who wish to do special read-
ing on some subject but do not know
which books will best satisfy their
needs, range from such topics as
the technology of paint and varnish
to more timely ones on national and
international events.
The compilation of these lists was
begun in 1929, and since that time
approximately 60,000 lists have been
sent out. In cooperation with the
Bureau of Alumni Relations of the
University, the Extension Service has
revised and published many of these
lists in paper-bound books under the
titles, "What to Read": and "Alumni
Reading Lists," the third volume of
which appeared last year.
Dorms Exchange Dinners
Graduate and undergraduate resi-
dents of Mosher Hall will hold their
first exchange dinner of the Summer
Session with the West Quadrangle
at 6 p.m. today. Dancing and enter-
tainment will follow dinner at both



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