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Washington Merry-Go-Round
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
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University year and Summer ,Session.
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Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen
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The Laguage
Of Goethe .. .
CHAP by the name of Oliver Jensen
tries to prepare us for a diet of
Liberty steaks, with a supposedly trenchant cri-
tique of the German language-and an obvious
bit of interventionist propaganda-in the cur-
rent issue of Life magazine.
Mr. Jensen has a lot of fun with the longer
compounds words to which the Prussians are
addicted, but his triumph is to quote a German
sentence and then translate it into English in
the exact word order. Apparently, it never oc-/
curred to him that such a trick cuts both ways,
or that it can be played by comparing English
with almost any other language, including the
Latin of Caesar and Cicero and the Greek of
Homer. And anyway, Mark Twain beat him to
this hilarious idea by some 50 years.
Dr. Goebbels could laugh just as loud and
just as long at our way of putting words to-
gether. In fact, with all our exceptions to gram-
matical rules, and our "to, too, two," to cite
only one example, it is just possible that we
speakers of English live in glass houses.
And then the erudite Mr. Jensen just slides
oyer the German of Thomas Mann, Reiner
Maria Rilke and Heinrich Heine, not to mention
the majestic verses of Schiller and Goethe.
Let's not be so stupid as to vent our contempt
for Hitler on the language he happens to speak.
-- St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Pan-Am ericanism
In Rubber . .
THE REPORT of Edward R. Stettin-
ius, Jr., of the National Defense
Advisory Commission, regarding strategic ma-
terials in the United States, helps to explain
one minor mystery but deepens another.
Both have to do with the strongly urged de-
vice to foster commercial cooperation with the
Latin-American nations.
One mystery is the case of tin. Tin ores are
produced chiefly in the Netherlands Indies and
in Bolivia. The United States thus far depends
almost wholly on the Dutch Malay sources. But
Mr. Stettinius explains that the problem in the
use of Bolivian tin is the absence of refining
facilities in North America, those ores having
moved to Britain for refining, but that tin
smelters now will be built in the United States
for the possible handling of the Bolivian ores.
The other curious case is that of rubber. Once
the forests of Brazil were North America's chief
dependence for crude latex, from which commer-
cial rubber is made. Then the British and
Netherlands Indies became more efficient pro-
ducers of a better grade of crude rubber, so
that the United States draws much the greater
part of its supply from that quarter.
Certainly every effort should be made to main-
tain normal trading with the settlements across
the Pacific, even to obtain as large a store as
possible of their tin and rubber for strategic
purposes. But if American relations with Japan
should reach a stage where that trade route is
cut or jeopardized, it might well be remembered
that Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia
still are producers of wild rubber and have
jungles or growing plantations which doubtless
could be made to yield more than they do. Why
is not more heard about the possibilities of Pan-
Americanism in rubber production?
- Christian Science Monitor
Senator Wheeler Renominated
The Democratic national convention last week
obscured a political event in Montana impor-
tant to the entire country. This was the renom-
ination of Senator Burton K. Wheeler for a
WASHINGTON-One of the U. S. Army's
official observers just returned from London,
brings optimistic news regarding Britain's ability
to withstand the Nazi blitzkrieg.
He reports that the morale of the Royal Air
Force is excellent, that both British planes
and pilots are better than the German, and
that two or three British fighters sometimes
go up after twenty Nazi bombers and drive
them away. Numerically, of course, Germany
still is far ahead of the British airplane force.
What the Nazis have been doing so far in their
sporadic airplane flights over England is to
look for Britain's new and hidden air fields. In
Poland and Norway, the first thing the Nazis
did was to bomb airports and the adjacent
hangars. Learning from this lesson, the British
have now pushed old trucks and automobiles
onto their airports, making them a burial ground
for jallopies. Meanwhile their real airports are
ThenNazis have been sending scouting planes
to find them. As far as the British can ascer-
tain, they have been unsuccessful.
The Nazis also have been completely unsuc-
cessful in their fifth column activities in Eng-
land. The British cleaned out all suspects long
ago, and the British people are reported to be
standing like a rock against the invasion.
Equally optimistic have been British bombing
flights over Germany. These take place every
night over the Ruhr industrial areas and the
Hamburg warehouses. Intelligence reports in-
dicate that large stores of Nazi gasoline have
been destroyed, and that at Essen workmen have
become so restless over the nightly bombings
that some of them have been arrested for a
"defeatist" attitude. The effect of the British
bombing has been to prevent night-time fac-
tory production, and also to keep workers from
Note-Despite this optimistic report, the con-
sensus of War Department opinion is that Great
Britain faces the toughest battle in history,
which may end in defeat. However, the picture
is brighter than it was.
King Makers
Two unknown new-comers staged the quiet be-
hind-the-scenes drive which put over Henry
One was "Farmer" Eugene Casey, big Mary-
land dairyman; the other was bespectacled Dr.
Luther Haar, business manager of The Philadel-
phia Record and manager of Senator Joe Guf-
fey's recent successful primary campaign.
While other vice-presidential hopefuls had
elaborate headquarters and electioneering para-
phernalia, Casey and Haar avoided these trap-
pings and brought pressure to bear where it
would count at the right moment. Each worked
different spheres.
Haar exerted his persuasive talents on key
leaders and labor chiefs, with whom he is in-
timate. Not revealed were the personal tele-
grams to Roosevelt from CIO's Phil Murray, Tom
Kennedy and John Owen, which helped clinch
the decision on Wallace.
Casey did his stuff among the inner circle and
farm leaders. The pinchers drive worked an f
the nod went to Wallace.
He got the news at breakfast early Thurs-
day morning. Grinning boyishly, he remarked
to friends who came to congratulate him: "I
found I didn't have a soft shirt this morning
so I had to wear this stiff one. And the only
cuff links I had were these the President gave
me. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was a
lucky omen."
Note-Only shadow on Wallace's happiness
was his inability to reach Jim Farley. The two
have been good friends, and as soon as he got
the word from Washington, Wallace telephoned
Farley. But repeated efforts brought no response
and all messages went unanswered.
One incident that nobody knew about at
Chicago concerned the fall of France and the
tragic plight of one of its most brilliant journ-
alists, Pertinax.
Pertinax Plight
Pertinax, or Andre Geraud, which is his real
name, is now a refugee in Halifax, where his
wife is ill and he is almost penniless. He had
come to Canada on a semi-official passport
which had been visaed by no less a person than
Ambassador Bullitt and Ambassador Joe Ken-
nedy, two of the most important mebers of our
diplomatic service.
But when Pertinax got to Canada, the new
and super-meticulous Immigration Bureau un-
der Bob Jackson's Justice Department, ques-
tioned his right to hold this passport. The matter
then went to the State Department.
At this point Pertinax found that at one time
in his life he had made a fatal mistake. During
disarmament conferences several years ago, Per-
tinax frequently had been critical of American
diplomacy and had roused the ire of certain
State Department career boys.
So when his passport plight was called to the
attention of these State Department gentle-
men, they gleefully decided to let Pertinax re-
main in Halifax.
At this point, Mrs. Ogden Reid, dynamic
editress of The New York Herald Tribune, tele-
phoned Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles
at Chicago. Mrs. Reid is one of the staunchest
Republicans in the country. Welles was carrying
a Maryland banner for Roosevelt. However, Re-
publican Mrs. Reid got Democratic Welles off
the floor of the convention to tell him of Per-
tinax's plight. Welles, who bears no grudges, is
now cutting passport red tape.
Note-Pertinax was placed on the black list
by the new French government, perhaps on or-
ders from Berlin. His plight is similar to that
of other distinguished French journalists, in-
cluding brilliant Count Roussy de Sales, Ameri-
can correspondent of Paris ce Soir, who has
been dropped because of his anti-Nazi writings.
Mud Mountain Dam
Army engineers have struck pay dirt in the
State of Washington-but the pay goes out in-
stead of coming in, at an excess cost of about
$2,000,000 to the U. S. government .
A serious error has been made in plans for
construction of the gigantic Mud Mountion
Dam, a $5,000,000 White River flood control
project. The error was in failure to detect pres-
ence of a fine clay in the earth of that area-
about fifty miles from Seattle-which makes
it impossible to carry through the original plans
for an earth fill dam.
There are a lot of technical details, but the
point of special interest to the public is that re-
vision of plans bring an increased cost of $1.50
for every cubic yard of material in the dam.
When engineers discovered that the soil con-
tained "five per cent of grains of colloidal size"
-call it fine clay-they were crossed up in
their plan to make the dam of earth fill, since
this soil, in wet weather, bogged down all me-
chanical equipment working in it.
Then came the dispute over two alternative
courses. A board of consulting engineers out-
side the Army recommended that the earth be
cleansed of the objectionable clay by washing.
This was approved by the district engineer in
Seattle, and was passed on, via the division
engineer, to Washington.
Here it struck the resistance of Brigadier
General Thomas M. Robins, assistant chief of
engineers, who had declared that the other al-
ternative was preferable, namely, the use of a
rock fill. This is far more expensive, costing $1.80
a cubic yard as against 30 cents for the earth
fill or 80 cents for the washed earth.
Robins held out against the advice of the
board, and the entire plan is being revised, with
the expense of an unexpected $2,000,000.
A British
Refugee Flies
From Italy ...
From Manchester (Eng.) Guardian
of the servants are sad, for they
are sorry to see us go, and uneasy
too; bags are carried down the steep
white stair that leads from the little
hotel courtyard, once a cloister, to
the road where a car is waiting.
Flowers smell sweeter at night, and
one of the bags bruises the white
alyssum that droops over the wall
as we pass, giving a pungent, deli-
cious scent. The little town sleeps
beside the tideless sea, breaking in
wavelets on the beach that has seen
so many flight, so much war, in a
thousand years of so-called civiliza-
tion. The car speeds towards Na-
ples, round sharp bends and through
silent villages; sometimes through an
open door are seen, within the lit
interior, happy men and women who
need not fly yet. In one village a
fair is being held which seems to
have reached its height. Every booth
is brightly lit with flaring tapers
and colored lanterns which illumine
the dark faces and shining eyes of
the populace which swarms round
the stalls piled high with gaudy mer-
chandise. Some are dancing in the
roadway or seated about a table en-
joying a "fiasco" of home-grown
wine, while darkness, like an inverted
bowl, isolates the whole scene from
the outside world.
NOW A TURN in the road between
two curving mountains. In the
sky the fire of Vesuvius glows sul-
lenly like a bloodshot eye. Where
are we going tonight, and why? Is
it all a bad dream that we must leave
this lovely friendly land where we
are always so welcome? The whole
picture is unreal, but the faces which
greet us on arrival at the railway
terminus are as usual.
France in flight. Fugitives every-
where. Trains full, cars full and
overflowing with pathetic household
possessions, beds and rugs and
blankets, thehhousehold cat, the
householders themselves heavy-eyed
from want of sleep, weak from lack
of food, old cars, surely rescued from
the scrap-heap, trundling along the
endless roads, traveling almost on
their rims. Perambulators full too;
anything that runs on wheels.
Alas for flight! It is never pic-
turesque. Now it is terrible, ugly.
Where can they go, these tragic fugi-
tives? Behind them are dogs of war
pursuing, attacking; so the fugitives
must go somewhere. Arrived in a
town, they know at once they are
not wanted. As in another flight,
there is no room at the inn. Hostile,
unfriendly faces look from windows.
No room, no room. "Complets" are
the hotels, and restaurant doors are
locked lest a hungry wander should
push in. In the churches tired peo-
ple may sit and rest, and gaze with
weary eyes on the tall crucifix from
whence a compassionate Figure looks
down on a tortured world.
Passers-by have no ideas to offer;
as often as not they are strangers
too, and are hurrying here and there
seeking where to find a lodging, a
bed, a couch, anything better than
a cold stone stair, a doorstep or a
How can a little seaport town ac-
commodate an extra five thousand
people all at once? Some families
sleep in their cars, of which not a
few show marks of bullets. Inside
them intimate baby care is going on,
and overtired children cry and turn
away from the unaccustomed food.
FLIGHT, it is always flight, and
where shall we fly next?
The big shop awaits the tide be-
side the quay, but she is only for
those who' have the right to enter
Britain-British, or those with a
British wife, or those who have any
shred 'of claim to British nationality.
The quay is beset by a surging mob
trying to reach the ship.
It is night. The sea is calm and
the air warm, but terror lurks be-
neath the moonlit water, dogs our
flight in this last stage of a desper-
ate journey. Sleeping figures lie
about the decks, wrapped in rugs or
in what other coverings they have
been able to bring, arranging them-
selves as best they may on chairs
or on the best planks, trying to sleep
and forget for a while the events
of the last few days. At least it is
quiet; only the throb of the pro-
pellers as they drive the ship at the
highest speed the engines are capa-
ble of towards an unknown British
port. A child gives a sudden cry,
but is hushed off again, and a fitful
sleep descends once more on anx-
ious, weary souls. The ship sweeps
on, every now and then showing what
danger has been avoided by the
sharp curve in which she heels over
at an alarming angle.
clear summer sky is lightly
veiled here and there by wisps of
moving cloud. The sun is up. Si-
lent recumbent figures begin to move
and stretch their cramped limbs as
they gaze out to sea. It is easy to
read their thoughts. They are look-
ing at a derelict ship, her back
broken, slowly sinking. None can
tall ha, cf, vhut b PN her own
All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
Visual Education: Today at 11a.m.
in Architecture Auditorium. Miss
Crystal Thompson, curator of the
University Museum, will explain the
function of the museum as an aid to
schools in augmenting visual educa-
tion programs.
Physical Education Luncheon.
There will be a luncheon for all
physical education students (grad-
uates and undergraduates) today,
July 24, at 12:00 at the Union.
Small discussion groups will be held
at each table and a short talk will
be given following the luncheon.
The Michigan Dames will hold a
bridge party at the Michigan League
today at 2 p.m. for the wives of sum-
mer school students.
A preview of school films is being
held in the Ampitheatre of the
Rackham Building from 2 to 4 p.m.
daily, until July 25. The movie to
be shown today, July 24, will have a
general area of interest.
Speech Students: Today July
24, Mrs. L. B. Welch, Assistant
Executive Secretary of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech,
will be in the outer lobby of the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at 4 p.m.
and in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building at 5 p.m. to con-
fer with students relative to mem-
bership and the placement service
of the National Association of Tea-
chers of Speech.
Graduate Speech Students. Today,
July 24, at 4 o'clock in the Men's
Lounge of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies a Sym-
posiium will be held in Interpretation.
Dramatics (practical and history of
the theater), and Radio.
All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited to tea
today from four to six in Harris
Hall. (Corner of State and Huron.)
"Pneumatolytic Pedagogy: Some
Fantastic Foibles and Fatal Fallacies
of the Schools," is the lecture to be
given by Ivan A. Brooker, Research
Division, National Education Associ-
ation, at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium today.
"The Ebb and Flow of Statecraft."
is the lecture to be given by Dumas
Malone, Director of the Harcard Uni-
versity Press, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall at 4:15 p.m. today.
Clinic Ensemble Recital. The High
School Band Chic members will pre-
sent a program of Ensemble music
this afternoon, July 24, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Hill Auditorium, under the direc-
tion of the following instructors: Ar-
thur White, horns; and Donald
Marrs, brass. The general public is
invited to attend without admission
Chemistry Lecture. The fourth in
the series of chemistry lectures will
be given by Professor Kasimir Fajans
today, July 24, at 4:15 o'clock
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Subject: "Type of Bonds in
the Compounds of Heavy Metals."
Men's Education Club: The annual
picnic of the Men's Education Club
will be held this afternoon, July 24
at Portage Lake. Cars will leave from
the main entrance of the University
High School at 4:30 p.m.
Pi Lambda Theta: All members are
requested to come to an important
business meeting this eveing at 7:15
p.m. in the University Elementary'
School Library.
Linguistic Institute Lecture "Varro
and His Linguistic Methods" by Pro-
fessor Roland G. Kent in the Aud-
itorium of the W. K. Kellogg Building
at 7:30 p.m. today.
Internal Combustion Engine In-
stitute lecture, "Fuels,' will be given
by Mr. J. M. Miller, Standard Oil
Company at 7:30 p.m. today.
Cercle Francais. The fifth weekly
meeting will be held today at
8 p.m. at the Foyer Francais, 1414
Washtenaw. Miss Katherine L. Swift
will give a talk entitled "Impressions
de la France et de l'Angleterre en
temps de guerre." Refreshments will
be served.
Voice Recital. Everett Ewing, tenor,
of Ann Arbor will give a recital in
the School of Music Auditorium
this evening, July 24, at 8:15 p.m.
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music de-
gree. Walter Kimble will play the
accompaniments. The public is in-
smith will be given at 8:30 p.m. in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Other performances will be given on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
nights. This is the fifth production
of the Michigan Repertory Players
of the Department of Speech. Tick-
ets are available at the box-office
(phone 6300); prices are 75c, 50c and
Colloquim in Physical Chemistry
will be held on Thursday, July 25
at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheater of
the Rackham Building. Professor F.
W. London of the Duke University
will speak on "Inter-Molekular For-
ces". All interested are invited.
Deutscher Verein. There will be a
picnic Thursday for members, resi-
dents of the Deutsches Haus. stu-
dents of German and all those inter-
ested in folk songs, folk dancing, and
out-of-door games. Meet at Deut-
sches Haus at 5:30 p.m. and drive
out to Saline Valley Farms. The price
of excursion is 45 cents including
supper, refreshments, and transpor-
tation. Please make reservations at
the German Office, 204 University
Voice Recital. James R. Penn,
bass-baritone of Granger, Missouri,
will be heard in recital Thursday
evening, July 25, at 8:15 p.m. in the
School of Music Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree.
Helen Byrn of Ann Arbor will play
the accompaniments.
On Friday, July 26, at
room 231 of Angell Hall,
man "Wilson of Wayne
will demonstrate the use
picturesin the teaching
11 a.m. in'
Mr. Sher-
of motion
of public
Graduate Speech Students: A tea
for all graduate Speech students will
be held Friday, July 26, from 4 to
6 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies.
Graduate Students Working To-
ward the Doctorate in Education: A
special conference of all students
working for the doctorate in the field
of Education, who have completed
at least 20 hours in advance of the
master's degree, will be held on Mon-
day evening, July 29, at 7:30 p.m.,
Assembly Hall, Rackham Building.
Kindly notify my office, either by
telephone, University exchange 676,
or in person, Room 4002 University
High School, by July 25, whether or
not you plan to be present.
Clifford Woody,
Chairman of Committee on Graduate
Study in Education.
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, and School of
Music :
' Tentative lists of seniors for Au-
gust graduation have been posted on
the bulletin board in Room 4, U.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the, following
Civil Service Examination. Exam-
ination date is August 5, 1940 Ap-
plication must be made one week
prior to examination.
City of Detroit Civil Service
Weights and Measures Inspector,
salary $1860 per year.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing application is noted
in each case:
United States Civil Service
Principal Explosives Engineer, sal-
ary $5,600 Aug. 19,1940.
Senior Explosives Engineer, salary
$4,600 Aug. 19, 1940.
Explosives Engineer, salary $300
Aug. 19, 1940.
Associate Explosives Engineer, sal-
ary $3,200 Aug. 19, 1940.
Assistant Explosives Engineer, sal-
ary $2,600 Aug. 19, 1940.
Radio Monitoring Officer, salary
$3,200 June 30, 1941.
Assistant Radio Monitoring Officer,
salary $2,600 June 30, 1941.
Bookbinder (Government Printing
Office), salary $1.20 an hour Aug.
12, 1940.
The Straight Dope
By Himself
American humour. It has been our obser-
vation that those who attack this subject al-
ways are dryer than sin so instead of writing
a dissertation on the causes and effects of
American humour we are going to the source
material as revealed in the news of the day.
The first note comes from Chicago where
a divorce was recently granted to a young
woman who wrote songs. The songs irri-
tated her husband no end but the climax
came when she batted out a little ditty of
tender sentiment entitled "That Gray-
Haired Daddy of Mine." We don't much
blame the husband. Our hair will probably
not stay in long enough to get gray but if
our wife tries to get funny about it we are
sure that the end will be close for us too.
It's a tough life at best and a man certainly
deserves some consideration in his own
In Kansas City musicians are' having still
other troubles. A music store owner was asked
to ship an Iowa farmer records of "God Bless
America" and "Let the Rest of the World Go
By." This is surely the high point of isolationist
sentiment. Messrs. Roosevelt and Willkie are
going to have a lot of trouble interesting this
son of the soil in any adventures on foreign
soil. Can't you just see our Iowa friend reposing
Dillon Lewis was fishing in a lake there. He
hooked a 22-inch trout. The trout worked loose.
and in its struggle flopped into the boat and
bit Mr. Lewis on the hand before flopping out
again. Mr. Lewis had to stop operations to dress
the wound which was of considerably severity.
But the story is not finished yet. By no means.
Having repaired the damaged maniple,
the indomitable Mr. Lewis went back to his
fishing again. To his surprise he saw that
same 22-inch trout placidly feeding under-
neath his boat. His surprise was succeeded
by an equally great anger. With a fine
disregard of caution and propriety Mr.
Lewis, clothed and in his right mind, jumped
into the lake, grabbed that 22-incher and
after a titanic struggle made his way to
shore with it. Now we leave it up to you.
What possible chance has Hitler against V.
people that can produce a man like Dillon
Lewis? Truly friends, America is only be-
ginning. The pioneer is not dead but only
A direct-actionist is now in our midst. From
Williamsport, Pa., comes the news that three
youngsters were quarreling over the possession
of a cat. That is, two of them were. The other
was only listening. Becoming irked at length
this third party picked up the feline in dispute
and carefully placed it inside a mailbox. Thi-,